divine talisman

Chapter 1205 Establishing the Chen Alliance [Part 2]

There are naturally many acquaintances who can make Chen Xi unable to get angry, and Axiu is naturally one of them.

Looking at Axiu who was wearing a green dress and came with her arms behind her back, Chen Xi was quite surprised and asked, "Why did you come to me at this time?"

Axiu took it for granted: "When I went to find you before, everyone was cheering for you, which didn't reflect my goodness."

Chen Xi touched his nose and was speechless.

"Well, don't mind if I delay some of your practice time." Axiu blinked.

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders: "I'm so familiar, how can I still be so polite?"

Axiu smiled brightly.


"You did a great job this time, and you have gained fame and prestige. I came to see you, firstly to congratulate you, but more importantly, to discuss matters."

After chatting for a while, Axiu directly explained her reason for coming, "I have heard a lot of rumors that many student forces are trying their best to win over the outstanding freshmen. I feel that you can't be negligent. You must establish your own force now." , strike while the iron is hot, and you will definitely receive unexpected miraculous effects."

After a pause, Axiu said: "If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait until you enter the inner court, but by then, the freshman resources may have already been divided up, and it will be more difficult to attract some elite talents." .”

Chen Xi was stunned, frowned and pondered for a long time, and said, "I still don't have a clue about this matter now, and I'm afraid..."

Before finishing speaking, Axiu interrupted with a smile: "Don't worry, there is still me, I don't need to participate in the inner court assessment, I have nothing to do, so I can help you smooth this matter out."

Chen Xi stared blankly at A'Xiu, but didn't know what to say.

Ever since he knew Axiu, he found that he was always passively accepting Axiu's help, but when he wanted to repay, he found that any words, gifts, or actions could not repay one or two of them.

So at this moment, his emotions became extremely complicated.

"Well, tell me, what name do you plan to give your force, and when you finalize it, you don't have to worry about it."

Axiu turned her head, avoiding Chen Xi's gaze, and said with a smile.


Chen Xi's attention was immediately diverted. He frowned for a long time and thought for a long time. Finally, he smiled wryly and spread his hands, "I still don't want it. Even now, Bai Kui still dislikes the name I gave it is too ugly..."

Axiu burst out laughing, her dimple was bright and eye-catching, "It's really ugly, I'm not fair for Bai Kui."

Chen Xi blushed, and thought to himself: "It's just a name, the more unpleasant it sounds, the longer you will live..."

"Why don't we just call it 'Chen Meng'?" Axiu looked at Chen Xi expectantly.

"Chen League?" Chen Xi shook his head, and said, "I'm not the only one with the surname of Chen in the academy. If I do this, I'm afraid it will cause many people surnamed Chen to be unconvinced..."

Speaking of this, Axiu next to her suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up, and she said, "Then it's called Chenmeng! Star of the Stars, a homonym for your surname, means Wanchen gathers and shines brightly."


Chen Xi was also taken aback, and with a movement in his heart, he recalled in a daze that what he had obtained was the Star Cave Mansion, what he had cultivated was the Zhou Tian Xing Slaughter Body Forging Technique, and he had even inherited the master's supernatural powers such as the Star Majestic Handprint and Star Wings...

It seems that she is indeed destined to be with the stars.

"Then it's decided."

Seeing that Chen Xi was moved, Axiu unceremoniously agreed on his behalf, and then left lightly, with a look of urgency, obviously planning to seize the time to gain momentum for Chen Xi to recruit him.

"This girl is more sad than her own affairs..."

Chen Xi looked at the direction in which Axiu left, but an unspeakable warmth welled up in his heart.

Chen Xi had no idea how far-reaching a decision he and Axiu had made in a few words this time would have a profound impact on the future structure of the Three Realms.

At this moment, he is still just a student in the outer courtyard of Daohuang Academy, and he still has to work hard for his own future.

It was also after Axiu left that day that Chen Xi completely entered closed-door training.


In the cave mansion, the small cauldron was breathing out the primordial energy of chaos, silently.

The second avatar was constantly receiving talisman missions and earning star points day and night. Because of this, many people from the outside world misunderstood that Chen Xi had no intention of participating in the inner court assessment two years later, but put all his thoughts into it. Put it on earning stars.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief at this, thinking that there would be one less powerful opponent during the inner court assessment.

Some people were disappointed by this, thinking that Chen Xi was not doing his job properly and delaying his own path.

There were also people who were curious and didn't understand why Chen Xi was earning star points so crazily. Is it for exchanging for a certain treasure or cultivation technique?

In short, many people in the outside world know that Chen Xi has been earning star points, but almost no one knows that Chen Xi's main body has been retreating all the time, and all of this is just done by the second clone.

Flowers bloom and fall, spring goes and autumn comes, from the moment Chen Xi entered the academy, a year has passed before he knew it, and in Star World, five years have passed.

Call ~

On this day, in the world of stars, Chen Xi, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath of stale air, and his whole body became more and more restrained, calm as an abyss.

"Xuanxian has reached the realm of consummation in the late stage. Unfortunately, there is still an opportunity missing. I didn't expect that the realm of Daluo is so difficult to cross..."

Chen Xi frowned and murmured.

For the past five years, he has been in seclusion, most of the time has been tempered, and only a small part of the time was spent on the condensing of the law and understanding the inheritance of the infinite gods.

But until now, he still failed to grasp the opportunity to advance to the realm of Da Luo.

On the contrary, all the mysteries of the Great Dao under his own control have now been condensed into his own laws, and he has not only been able to superimpose and display the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword, but also comprehended the wind, thunder, Yin and Yang are the four supreme powers of inheritance.

Based on his current combat strength alone, if he confronted Liu Zefeng who was in the suppressed state, he would definitely be able to easily defeat him.

It's a pity...even after five years of meditation in the world of stars, he still failed to advance to the realm of Daluo.

The Realm of Daluo is a watershed in the immortal world, just like the realm of Nirvana for monks, it is extremely difficult to cross, but once you advance to it, you already have the strength to dominate one side, and you can be called the mainstay in the immortal world.

The realm of Daluo is divided into three levels, Daluotian, Miluotian, and Brahmatian.

The reason why "heaven" is used to divide the meaning is also very obvious, that is, every time you advance to a level, it seems to have crossed a new world.

These three levels are also simply referred to as the initial state, the middle state and the latter state.

"Big Luo, big Luo, vast and indistinct, boundless and eternal, I don't know where to start, where to find the way? If you succeed, the golden body will never be broken, if you fail, you will fly to ashes and it will be difficult to become a fairy..."

This is an explanation of the realm of Daluo in the ancient Taoist scriptures, saying that the realm of Daluo is immeasurable and unfathomable, and there is no way to enter it smoothly. If you want to enter, you can only rely on your own comprehension.

And as long as you successfully advance to the realm of Da Luo, you will have a golden body, live the same life as the sky, travel through the void at will, travel in the universe of the three realms, and ignore all kinds of law barriers.

If the promotion fails, it will be turned into calamity, destroying the foundation of the immortal way, even if it can save life, it is not enough to prove the way and seek immortality.

From this, it can be seen how insurmountable the realm of Daluo is. In Daohuang Academy, you may see Daluo Jinxian everywhere, but in an area like Dongdan Xianzhou, Daluo Jinxian can become the overlord of one party. Take control of many fairy cities.

The simplest difference is that the Da Luo Jinxian masters the "Da Luo Law" and condenses the Da Luo Shenwen, while under the Da Luo Jin Xian, the martial arts practice is the Dao Law.

From the control of the power of the heavenly way, Da Luo Jinxian has been distinguished from Xuanxian and Tianxian.

Chen Xi's current situation is that in the Profound Immortal Realm, he is already at the perfect state, no matter how difficult it is to advance, if he wants to advance, he must find an ordinary path leading to the Great Luo Realm, and this path is the most common path in any Dao scriptures. will not be described.

It's not because it's an untold secret, but because this path needs to be comprehended by the immortals themselves, and the path that each person comprehends is also different.

"Successful examples are hard to find, but there are always examples of failure that we can learn from, so we can avoid any mistakes, right?"

Chen Xi knew very well that he didn't lack any exercises, no pills, no comprehension and aptitude in his cultivation all the way, the only thing he lacked was the guidance from the elders of his master.

That kind of guidance is often reflected in the practice experience, just like when he hit the Da Luo realm, Chen Xi could only explore and comprehend it by himself, but if he had a famous teacher to give him advice, he could tell him some practice experience for reference. , at least you can avoid some detours and save a lot of time.

This is the meaning of "couple" in "Fairy Land of Fortune".

"Perhaps, it's time to go to the Sutra Library to read the classics in the Daozang Building. There should be books in this area for you to read... If it really doesn't work, just spend some star points and ask some teachers in the college to give some advice. Well, well, at least those old antiques in Danzangyuan and Xuanyuan's will definitely not reject me..."

Chen Xi pondered for a while, and then stood up. There was only one year left before the inner court assessment. Even if he could practice for five years in the star world, if he couldn't find the path to advance to the Great Luo Realm No matter how much time you have, it is in vain.

So the most urgent thing is to find this path to Daluo first!


Chen Xi left the cave mansion, and with a flash of his figure, he flew directly towards the Sutra Library.

The Sutra Library is one of the five main courtyards of the Daohuang Academy. It houses all kinds of books collected by the Daohuang Academy over the endless years, not only about spiritual practice, but also books on medicine, divination, astrology, piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Rare solitary copies and unique ancient books are of immeasurable value.

Of course, you also need to pay star points to read classics in the Dao Zang Building of the Buddhist scriptures, and depending on the classics, the number of star points you need to pay is different.

Fortunately, Chen Xi's net worth is not bad now, so he doesn't worry about being thrown out when he enters the Daozang Tower...


ps: Chenmeng, that is, Chenmeng, the turning point of Chen Xi's first practice is the Xingchen Cave Mansion, and his subordinates will also be like stars, illuminating the three realms~ So, it is called Chenmeng, uh, did you guess in advance? out of the buddy?

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