divine talisman

Chapter 1206 The Book Demon Benji [Part 1]

Buddhist scriptures.

This was the first time Chen Xi stepped into this place, and as far as he looked, there were ancient and magnificent buildings everywhere.

Some of these buildings stand on the fairy mountains, some stand on the fairy lakes, and some even float on the white clouds, which are magnificent.

And as soon as he entered this place, he could clearly feel the layers of restrictions between the heaven and the earth. Even with Chen Xi's knowledge of talismans, he could smell an extremely dangerous aura from the restrictions.

He had no doubt that if he dared to rush here, he would be killed in a flash.

"Well, that young man, that's right, I'm talking about you. Do you need Mr. Book Demon to guide you? It's not expensive. You only need to pay [-] star points, and I can help you find the classics you need most. "

Suddenly, the void trembled, and a dwarf who was only three feet tall emerged. He had snow-white beard and hair, bright and deep eyes, a smile on his lips, and a rather elegant demeanor.

Book Demon!

Chen Xi was quite clear that in the Sutra Library, some books contained the supreme truth and were baptized by the power of the gods day and night. After a long time, some spiritual creatures would be born, which were called book demons.

These book demons are not very powerful in combat, but they are knowledgeable. Most of the classics collected in the Buddhist scriptures are organized and preserved by the book demons.


Chen Xi cupped his hands.

He is well aware that book monsters have existed for quite a long time, and some book monsters born in ancient times, even the teachers in the academy have to respectfully call them seniors, and dare not neglect them.

"Well, it seems that you have come to the Sutra Library for the first time, and you don't know me, the book monster. My name is Ben Ji, and I have been alive for 36 years and one month. You call me senior, but I don't know you. There's nothing wrong with that either."

The three-foot dwarf talked eloquently, obviously very satisfied with Chen Xi's humble attitude.

"Let me guess, little guy, you are in the late stage of Xuanxian, you must be a child of the outer court, and one year later is the day of the inner court assessment, so you must be looking for a way to break into the realm of Da Luo when you come to the Sutra Library. "

"Although the Buddhist scriptures of our Daohuang Academy claim to cover the Taoism of the Three Realms, there is naturally no shortage of classics related to the impact on the realm of Da Luo, but if you search for it yourself, you may not find it in a year or so."

Speaking of this, the book demon Benji pointed to the row upon row of ancient buildings in the distance, and said, "Look, those buildings are all Taoist buildings, and each Taoist building can store tens of thousands of classics, and at most millions of books." , can be said to be as vast as the sea of ​​stars, and if no one guides you, it will take a lot of time just to browse through the catalog."

The book demon babbled a lot, but Chen Xi's answer was much simpler and more direct. He took out the Purple Ribbon Star and handed it to the other party: "I also ask senior to give me some pointers."

Sure enough, the book demon Benji showed a teachable expression. With a flick of his finger, there was a buzzing sound, and one thousand star points had been deducted from Chen Xi's Purple Ribbon Star.

"Go, little guy, No. 30 seven daozang buildings, on the third floor are the classics about the realm of Daluo, but I can remind you that the classics are the experience summed up by countless predecessors, the real method, You still need to understand it yourself.”

The book demon Benji smiled and explained.

"Thank you senior."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, then turned around and galloped away.

"This little guy is not bad, no wonder that kid Hua Jiankong taught him the Sword of Lanxing as well..."

Staring at the direction in which Chen Xi left, the book demon Benji murmured to himself before disappearing into place in an instant.


The Sutra Library, in a dark and ancient palace.


The book demon Ben Ji emerged, his three-foot-high body seemed extremely small in this vast and magnificent hall, but he obviously didn't care about it.

It's just that at this moment, his expression has a hint of awe.

"How about it?"

Suddenly, an old, indifferent voice full of supreme majesty resounded in the empty hall.

"His fate is covered by the secret of heaven, so he can't see clearly."

The book demon Benji frowned, and said in a deep voice, "You should know that I am the spiritual body transformed from the 'Daoyuan Benjijing' written by the Emperor Dao himself. A situation like this little guy's is extremely rare."

"Can you deduce the reason?" The old and majestic voice was silent for a long time, and then sounded again.

"There are many reasons, but I feel that the biggest possibility is that some great person who reaches the sky made a move and used the power of the heavenly secret to cover up his fate."

The book demon Benji frowned more and more, and said, "Of course, it is also possible that he possesses some kind of unknowable mysterious treasure that conceals his fate, but this kind of situation is very small, at least since ancient times, it is only Very few people can possess such a treasure."

"The principle of fate comes from the fate of heaven, and there are not many people who can use the power of heaven, and there are not many in the whole Three Realms. If you say that, isn't there a certain person standing behind the young man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the dean?" exist?"

That old and majestic voice was a little low, and seemed to be caught in an unfathomable emotion.

"Perhaps, the anomaly on that young man may have been done by the dean. You should also know that the star-lanning sword is now in the hands of that young man."

The book demon Ben Ji said suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent.

Until a long time, seeing that old and majestic voice remained silent for a long time, the book demon couldn't help but said: "In my opinion, it's really unwise for the descendants of the clan to make enemies with that young man, even if you want to use that young man as an enemy." Daoshi, come to sharpen the descendants of the clan, but doing so may not be worth the loss."


Sure enough, upon hearing the words of the book demon Ben Ji, the old and majestic voice sounded again, with a touch of unspeakable complex emotions, and sighed, "How can that young man be a sword sharpener if his fate is concealed and he can obtain the Star Lantern Sword?" stone?"

Speaking of this, he changed the subject, "Dragon Realm has existed to this day, and the biggest enemy is always ourselves. If we can't break through by ourselves, it will be difficult to become a master after all. After one year, if that young man can successfully enter the inner court ..."

The book demon Benji suddenly raised his head, waiting for the next text.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

In the end, the old and majestic voice did not give any clear answer, which made the book demon Benji feel a little disappointed, cupped his hands, turned and left.


There are a lot of Taoist buildings in the Sutra Library, densely packed and standing everywhere. Even with the guidance of the book demon Benji, Chen Xi still spent a lot of time before he found the location of the No. 30 seven Taoist buildings.

An old man in black was guarding the Daozang Building. When he saw Chen Xi, he said bluntly, "For the first-level books, you need to pay [-] star points to read one book. For the second-story books, you need to pay [-] star points. For the third-story books, you need to pay Eight thousand stars, which floor are you going to go to?"

The corners of Chen Xi's lips twitched imperceptibly. He really didn't expect that it would cost [-] star points to read one of the classics on the third floor.

Fortunately, his second avatar has been receiving talisman tasks day and night this year, and he has completed more and less tasks every day. After accumulating for a year, he has also earned a lot of star points, plus the last time he earned in the dojo His star value now has more than seven million stars, which is considered a considerable fortune.

"Thank you senior for your guidance, this disciple is going to the third floor."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Go ahead, every time you read the classics, the academy will automatically deduct your star points, so don't flip through them indiscriminately at the end, lest you don't know that your star points have been deducted."

The old man in black waved his hand, and let Chen Xi enter the Daozang Building.


This Daozang building has its own universe, and each floor is comparable to a small city. There are many bookshelves in it, filled with a variety of jade slips, animal skins, jade silk, and book slips...

As soon as you enter, you feel as if you have entered a sea of ​​books, which is shocking.

"If I've been reading Daozang here since I was born, I'm afraid it won't take so many years to advance to today's realm, right?"

"This is the difference in the background. I have been practicing all the way, and I have to work hard to get everything myself. However, those children of famous and powerful families came to the fairy world as soon as they were born. , and there are countless Daoist collections to read, it is difficult to practice slowly..."

"However, everyone has their own way to go. Cultivation is never a paper effort. Although I lack a lot of resources, the honing and tempering I have experienced on the road are incomparable to those younger generations."

Scanning the densely packed collection of various Daoist classics, Chen Xi also felt a lot of emotion in his heart, but soon he restrained his thoughts and went straight to the third floor.

Within the third floor, there are also a variety of classics stored.

When Chen Xi arrived, he was surprised to find that there were already many disciples from the outer courtyard among them, most of them were old students, and there were some new students.

Chen Xi even saw Zhonglixun, Wan Qiyan, Xuanyuan Yun, and others all standing in front of the bookshelves, quietly flipping through the classics on them.

"It seems that these people, like myself, are also stranded in front of the threshold of the Great Luo Realm, and like Zhong Lixun, they may also have an impact on the inner court assessment in a year's time..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful.

"Chen Xi?"

"Why are you here too?"

"Huh, he is Chen Xi, the Lord of the Chen Alliance?"

The arrival of Chen Xi also attracted the attention of many people, causing some uproar. Soon, those students who were studying the classics also raised their heads and looked at Chen Xi, with different expressions.

Chen Xi was startled, the Lord of the Chen Alliance?

He didn't expect that in just one year, he would have another title - Lord of the Chen League.

"Huh! What Chen League, until now it only has a dozen members, it's okay to play around, but compared with other student forces, it's simply not on the stage."

Someone snorted coldly, which seemed extremely abrupt.

Chen Xi frowned and looked over, and sure enough, he saw an acquaintance, Zuo Qiu Yin, who was standing in front of a bookshelf, sneering at himself with disdain.


ps: Tomorrow, the level of 2-3 updates will probably be restored. Some people say that for the 10th update at the end of the month, I will only update once a day for a while... Then, let’s see if it is updated every day. Tonight, the plot needs to be sorted out~Finally, ask for a monthly ticket according to the usual practice~

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