divine talisman

Chapter 1207 Congratulations on winning Daozang [Part 2]

Regarding Zuo Qiuyin's provocation, some frowned, while others gloated.

But Chen Xi's answer was very simple, he asked Xuanyuan Yun directly: "Does Daozanglou allow people to join?"

As soon as these words came out, Zuo Qiuyin's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Chen Xi with some vigilance. He was really worried that Chen Xi would beat him up recklessly.

"No, once there is a fluctuation of Xianyuan, the restriction will be triggered. In that case, even if you beat your opponent, you will be expelled from Daozang Tower, and you will not be allowed to take another step within three years."

Xuanyuan Yun shook his head.

Chen Xi sighed with some disappointment, looked at Zuo Qiuyin, and said, "Whether Chenmeng is weak or not, it doesn't matter what you say. If you don't accept it, you can go to the performance hall to challenge me. I can refuse other people's challenges, but for You, I will open it up."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards a row of bookshelves on one side, not bothering to pay the other party a glance.

Regarding this, everyone looked at Zuo Qiu Yin with a smile.

"Brother, if I were you, I would definitely not be able to swallow this breath."

"Yes, if you're a man, challenge yourself!"

"Well, forget it, I don't think he has the guts to challenge Chen Xi, at best he will only use his lips."

A disciple of a top powerful force like Xuanyuan Yun was not afraid of Zuoqiu Yin, so seeing this opportunity, he immediately provoked him with a playful tone.

Zuoqiu Yin's complexion sank again, and he felt a great humiliation in his heart, but he never dared to challenge Chen Xi. In the end, he let out a cold snort and hurriedly left Daozang Tower.

"Damn bastard! You'd better not participate in the inner court assessment after the first year, otherwise I will definitely make you look good! What, you really think you're a good person? You're so tired of living!"

Zuo Qiuyin roared angrily in his heart.


"Chen Xi, your Chen alliance is not as unbearable as Zuo Qiuyin said."

After Zuoqiu Yin left, Xuanyuan Yun approached directly, and whispered to Chen Xi, "Right now, no one in the entire outer courtyard knows the existence of the Chen League, and I don't know how many freshmen want to go in with their heads cut off."

Chen Xi was stunned, and said slightly teasingly, "Then why are there only a dozen or so members?"

"This is the threshold."

Xuanyuan Yun also laughed, "For the establishment of the Chen League, my little princess has a very high threshold, not everyone can get in, they have to go through many tests and get the little princess' approval."

"Assessment?" Chen Xi was a little surprised.

"Yes, those who sign up for Chenmeng must first have a clean background and not be spies sent by some forces, secondly test their character, and finally measure their qualifications and strength."

Xuanyuan Yun talked eloquently: "Only in this way can the foundation of Chenmeng be guaranteed. This is also for the long-term development in the future... Like today, Chenmeng has been rated as one of the most potential student forces, not only in the outer court , also has quite a reputation in the inner court."

"The most important thing is that many freshmen now aim to enter the Chenmeng Alliance, and a trend has formed. I believe that after you enter the inner court, the Chenmengmeng will grow rapidly and become one of the top [-] forces in the academy. .”

Chen Xi did not expect that in just one year, Axiu had already developed Chenmeng to such an extent. Apart from being surprised, he was also quite moved.

"This is really thanks to Axiu."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and said, he knew very well that even if he operated it himself, he might not be as good as Axiu.

"By the way, what is that top [-] force?" Chen Xi asked.

"Oh, that's one hundred student forces in the college. When you enter the inner courtyard, you will see a stone tablet called 'Jinbai Jinbang', which lists the rankings of the hundred student forces."

Xuanyuan Yun explained, "This is also a kind of encouragement from the college to the students. After all, the children who can walk out of the college will almost all transform into the overlords of the fairy world in the future, and the control and control of power is also an encouragement to students. A kind of grinding and nurturing."

Suddenly, Chen Xi realized once again how extraordinary the existence of the Dao Emperor Academy is to the fairy world, and it is simply the cradle of top talents in the fairy world.


Xuanyuan Yun chatted for a while, then turned and left.

Chen Xi also put his mind on these three bookshelves, and began to browse carefully.

"Secrets of Baozhen, written by Xiao Yu, the chief teacher of the college in the ancient times, which explains the magic of Daluo in detail, is a rare and unique copy."

"On the 36 explanations of the true meaning of Da Luo, written by Zhou Zhili, the head of the Outer Academy, which describes 36 tricks to advance to Da Luo."

"The Supreme Question..."

"Seven Lessons of True Martial Arts..."

"Shenluo Atlas..."

The classics on the third floor are not exercises, they are all Taoist scriptures about the realm of Daluo, with explanations, debates, and the cognition and comments of countless sages and ancients on this realm.

Chen Xi still remembered the reminder from the old man in black, so he didn't look through the classics, but only looked at the names and introductions of the Daozang, which made him feel that he had no choice.

There is no way, there are too many classics about the impact on Da Luo's realm, and they are too comprehensive.

"Well, I suggest that you first read "The Origin of Da Luo" that was annotated by Emperor Dao himself, and "The Wonderful View of Breaking the World" written by that kid Yun Fusheng at that time."

Suddenly, that three-foot-tall dwarf book demon Benji appeared out of thin air, stood in front of Chen Xi, smiled and pointed, with an appearance that he had long expected that you kid would not know how to choose.

"Of course, don't forget to check out the manuscript of "Dao Su Da Luo" left by the dean. I remember that Xingwu Immortal King realized this manuscript and broke Da Luo in one fell swoop."

Chen Xi turned his head and looked around, and found that no one had noticed the appearance of the book demon Benji. He was secretly startled again, and finally understood that the cultivation level of this book demon Benji must be unfathomable. An old antique in the school.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"I didn't point it out for nothing." The book demon Benji said with a smile.

Chen Xi understood, and casually handed over the Purple Ribbon Star to the other party.

However, when Chen Xi got back the Purple Ribbon Star again, he discovered that it suddenly lost [-] star points!The corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably, a little unexpectedly, but also a little painful.

Seeing Chen Xi's appearance like this, the book demon couldn't help saying angrily, "Boy, you've taken advantage of it. Others want to spend star points to ask me for advice, but I still don't agree."

Chen Xi murmured to himself, "Who knows if you've been fooled..."

Chen Xi even wondered if the other party had deceived many students in the academy with the same rhetoric. After all, this guy seemed to be too enthusiastic about him, and he was so active. The pie happened to hit him on the head again.

"Hey, it looks like I've been busy for nothing again. Back then, Yun Fusheng scolded me for cheating on his star value. I didn't expect you to do the same thing now. Why is it so difficult to do something good..."

The book demon Ben Ji shook his head and sighed, with a sad and disappointed look on his face. Even so, his disappearance speed was not slow, almost before Chen Xi could speak again, he disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

"This guy must have deceived many people over the years..."

However, Chen Xi felt more and more that the book demon Benji was unreliable, but he quickly abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to search for the titles mentioned by the book demon Benji along the rows of bookshelves.

He wanted to confirm whether the three Dao Cangs of "The Origin of Da Luo", "Breaking the World", and "Tao Su Da Luo" were really worth [-] stars.

Soon, Chen Xi found one of them, which was "The Origin of the Great Luo" that was annotated by the Dao Emperor himself. This Taoist collection was not written by the Dao Emperor, but was only annotated and explained by the Dao Emperor.

In other words, the time when this "Da Luo Yuan Yuan Kao" appeared should be before the Taikoo Daohuang's enlightenment!

The reason is very simple. Annotations and elaborations are a kind of cognition and interpretation of the ancient books by later generations.

And when he saw the real author's name, Chen Xi couldn't help shrinking his eyes slightly, and his heart shook, Fuxi!

It turned out to be Fuxi!

Chen Xi felt as if a stone was thrown into his heart, causing thousands of waves to splash up.

"How could there be a book written by Senior Fuxi in the academy? Could it be that the Primordial Taoist Emperor also had some connection with Senior Fuxi?"

Chen Xi took a few deep breaths, and finally felt that even if he was deprived of [-] star points by that book monster, it would still be worth it when he could see a book left by Senior Fuxi.

After all, almost all the inheritances he has practiced since he started to practice came from the Xingchen Cave Mansion, and the Xingchen Cave Mansion belonged to Fuxi. Strictly speaking, he, Chen Xi, is now one of the direct disciples of Shenyan Mountain!

At this time, he could see a Taoist Canon written by Fuxi, and he naturally felt a sense of surprise in his heart.

Turn to the first page——


Another [-] star points were deducted!

This time, Chen Xi's mind was cleared up quite a bit, and he secretly smiled wryly. Sure enough, if he wanted to get something from the academy, he would have to pay a price.

But after that, Chen Xi didn't care about thinking about these things, his mind was completely attracted by the contents of the classics.

"Big Luo, the subtlety of the Tao is manifested, it evolves the divine patterns, and expounds the principles of the traces of the sky."

"In this state, the heart and the Tao are in harmony, the Dharma and the body are accompanied by each other, and if you understand the Tao, you will see the subtle knowledge..."

Like Fuxi, who exists all over the sky, every word, even every stroke contains the supreme essence. If you study it carefully, you can even comprehend thousands of Taoist rhymes from a single word.

Even with Chen Xi's super comprehension, every time he reads a paragraph, he has to digest and chew for a long time before he can read it again, otherwise it will be difficult to continue observing.

That's right, Chen Xi didn't observe the Dao Emperor's annotations and explanations, but directly observed the original text of "The Origin of the Great Luo", and what he comprehended naturally came from his own understanding of the Dao.

Doing this is also to wait for a thorough understanding of this classic, and then confirm the wonderful truths that I have comprehended and the wonderful truths annotated by the Dao Emperor one by one.

In this way, you can gain more understanding.

The so-called quotes from many sources, comprehend by analogy, that is the truth.

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