divine talisman

Chapter 1209 Breakthrough Begins [Part 2]

Magic Luo Wonderland.

This is a vast and mysterious space opened by the Dao Emperor himself, specially prepared for sharpening disciples.


A tall figure pierced the sky and arrived at the entrance of the Imaginary Wonderland in an instant.

There is an ancient and vast Taoist altar floating there, on the altar, many figures have already stopped at this time, and many figures continue to fly in all directions.

In front of the altar, there is a dark vortex-like space, twisted and tumbling, this is the entrance to the Imaginary Wonderland.

"Is this the entrance to the Imaginary Wonderland?"

Chen Xi looked at the space distorted into a vortex in the distance, felt the terrifying fluctuations emanating from it, and secretly clicked his tongue in his heart. This is the fairy world, the laws of heaven are extremely strong, and the Dao Emperor unexpectedly opened up a vast space here. , It is specially used to sharpen the disciples in the courtyard. Such a powerful method is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Cousin, this is the first time you have come to the Immortal Realm, there are some things you must be clear about. There are a total of 36 floors in this Immortal Realm. Prepared by Luo Jinxian, the last 36 floors are prepared for the powerful Saint Immortal."

"A strong Xuanxian needs to pay 80 star points to enter it, and a Daluo Jinxian needs to pay 180 million star points. As for the holy immortals, they need to pay 500 million star points every time they enter."

"For you today, 80 star points are not a small amount, so when you enter, you must go all out. I don't ask you to break the record, as long as you can hit The No.18 floor is enough."

Next to Chen Xi, there was a young man who was telling his cousin the things that must be paid attention to when entering the Imaginary Wonderland.

Chen Xi has already learned from many classics that honing in the Imaginary Wonderland is a way of self-breakthrough.For example, on the first floor, there will be one enemy with similar strength as yourself, on the second floor there will be two, on the third floor there will be three...

Until passing the No.30 sixth floor, one's own strength has been able to transform into a perfect and extreme state, which has an incredible role in resolving problems such as bottlenecks in cultivation.

For so many years, many disciples in the outer courtyard have challenged themselves in this way, and after going through all kinds of honing, they finally stepped into the realm of Da Luo.

And Chen Xi also knew that what was tested in the Illusionary Wonderland included combat skills, martial arts will, and the most important thing was to tap out the potential of a child who was pushed to the limit.Personal cultivation and strength have little effect on the contrary. After all, the strength of the opponents in the Imaginary Wonderland is roughly equal to his own. If his own strength is high, the opponent's strength also maintains the same level.

"It turns out that the No.1 freshman of our class has also come. No wonder I feel familiar from a long distance. Could it be that he intends to challenge the Imaginary Wonderland, so as to hit the Great Luo Realm?"

At this time, a strange voice sounded, with a hint of banter and sarcasm.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi immediately felt that many eyes were cast on him. He frowned slightly, and when he looked up, he saw the majestic Ao Wuming looking at him from a distance, with a look of surprise on his face. color.

"It must be so, but I heard that during this period of time, our freshman No.1 has been receiving talisman missions, obviously to prepare for entering the Imaginary Wonderland. After all, it costs 80 star points to enter once."

Beside Ao Wuming, Jiang Canghai, who was dressed in a blue silk robe, also chuckled and said, "This star value is naturally nothing to you and me, but to Chen Xi, it is a bit too much. He is now The Lord of the Chen Alliance, there are more than a dozen subordinates under him who need his care, so it is understandable that financial resources are a little tight."

What he said was reasonable, but intentionally or unintentionally, he showed a hint of ridicule and pride, which fell into the ears of the others present, obviously no different from ridiculing Chen Xi in person.

Many people feel that what Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai have done is a little too much, but no one dares to criticize it. There is no way, one of them is a descendant of the Canglong from the dragon world, and the other is a descendant of the Jiang family, one of the seven great families in ancient times. It's monstrous, no one will go against them.

Regarding this, Chen Xi just silently glanced at Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai, and said, "I hope both of you will be there during the inner court assessment, otherwise it would be too boring."

This sentence was said by Zhao Mengli to him, and now that he said it to Ao Wuming and the other two, his intention couldn't be more obvious.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and flew towards the whirlpool space in front of the altar.

Around that distorted vortex space, there seemed to be a faint layer of invisible restriction. When Chen Xi's figure entered, he only heard a hum, and 80 star points had already been deducted from his Purple Ribbon Star. The whole person also disappeared in the depths of the vortex in an instant.

"Hmph! You're not ashamed, and you still want to compete with us during the inner court assessment. I want to see if you can advance to the Great Luo Realm with less than five months left!"

Hearing Chen Xi's words before leaving, Ao Wuming couldn't help but sneer.

"Hehe, don't forget, even if he enters the Great Luo Realm, if he cannot rank among the top [-] on the Great Luo Gold List, he will not be able to participate in the inner court assessment."

Jiang Canghai laughed disapprovingly.


At this moment, on the other side of the altar, on a floating stone tablet, a divine light suddenly flashed.

"What? Zhong Lixun actually broke the customs clearance record, ranking No. 10!"

The crowd was restless for a while, and exclamations sounded one after another.

It was a customs clearance stone tablet, and only those who had sprinted to the sixth floor of No. 30 of Magic Luo Wonderland in the shortest time were eligible to be listed on it, and only the top ten names were listed on the stone tablet.

Like that No.1, it is Yun Fusheng. It took three quarters of an hour and 32 breaths to occupy the first position for an unknown number of years, and no one has broken its record so far.

This is a supreme honor, but the most important thing is that the children who can pass the customs smoothly and whose names appear on the stone tablet of customs clearance can get star rewards ranging from 100 to [-] million every month.

Of course, this stone tablet for clearing the level is aimed at the Xuanxian level, like the No. 1 position, which represents Yun Fu's achievement in passing the 36th floor of the Immortal Realm when he was born in the Immortal Realm.

As for such steles, there are one on the sixth floor of No. 30 and one on the 72nd floor, representing a higher level of customs clearance ranking.

There is only one way to put their names on the customs clearance stone tablet, and that is to break the records they created, and they will naturally be listed on it.

"No. 8 is Ji Xuanbing, No. 9 is Zhao Mengli, and No. 5 is the true law of the Buddha. Unexpectedly, this year's freshmen are stronger than each other, forcibly occupying the four seats on the customs clearance stele. Unprecedented, amazing!"

People were amazed and talked endlessly.


Ao Wuming's face was a bit gloomy, and Jiang Canghai's face was not much better. The two had just come out of the Magic Luo Wonderland and successfully passed the first 36 levels. Unfortunately, it took too long, and instead their names did not appear on the customs clearance stone tablet. superior.

"You said, can Chen Xi be on the stone tablet for customs clearance?"

"Well, it's hard to say. After all, in the Magic Luo Wonderland, the stronger the strength, the stronger the opponent. If you want to pass the level, the test is the fighting method, martial arts will, and the size of your own potential."

"I actually feel that Chen Xi can be ranked among them. Don't forget, the series of battles he performed in the dojo last year have already proved how powerful his fighting power is."

"I think so."

Hearing everyone's discussions, Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai sneered again. They didn't leave, but they folded their arms, looking like they wanted to see what level Chen Xi could reach.

"Damn it, it's actually a step late..."

At this time, a ray of light came from the sky, it was Xuanyuan Yun, he glanced around, and found that Chen Xi was gone, he beat his chest and feet, and sighed endlessly.



When Chen Xi entered the Illusory Luo Wonderland, he felt his eyes go dark, and then, rumbling thunder rumbled overwhelmingly.

"It turned out to be the sound of the law roaring."

When Chen Xi raised his head, he saw that this was a vast space without any breath of life, barren and dead, and on the sky, there was a huge power of Dao law rolling, the momentum was frightening, roaring like a thunderstorm, it looked very frightening people.

"According to Yun Fusheng's "Breaking the Realm", everything in this fantasy realm is a manifestation of self-power, and the opponent who will appear later is actually self-will, cultivation, A projection of strength, defeating an opponent is actually no different from defeating oneself..."

Chen Xi thought to himself.

"After ten breaths, the breakthrough will begin." An indifferent and emotionless voice sounded from the sky and the earth.

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he took a deep breath, his eyes immediately became cold and terrifying.

He sat in Daozanglou for five months, read no less than a hundred classics, and had many obvious ideas and understandings about Breaking the Realm.

And he came to Huanluo Wonderland to continue this kind of tempering, to break through himself, and to completely grasp everything he had comprehended in Daozang Tower as his own power.

This kind of power is the key to breaking the boundary!


Ten breaths were fleeting, and accompanied by a buzzing sound, a figure was condensed thousands of meters in front of Chen Xi. It was a man in black. His cultivation, will, aura, and even his aura were all on par with Chen Xi's. Quite, but the appearance is blurred.


In the palm of the man in black, a fairy sword suddenly appeared, and then the figure flashed, holding the sword to kill, and the first move was a killer move, the sword light was as fierce as thunder, sweeping across the sky.

This is an extremely unfamiliar swordsmanship move for Chen Xi, but it is undeniably powerful and fierce. Even like Chen Xi, it has the strength beyond that of a great master of the swordsmanship.


At the same time, Chen Xi also moved out, and the Immortal Sword of Grasping Stars flew across the sky, turning into a streak of rainbow, brushing against the opponent's sword energy and suddenly flashed, and the other person had already crossed the opponent.


The head of the man in black flew away, and his whole figure turned into a piece of light, disappearing into nothingness.

With one sword strike, the head flies away!

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