divine talisman

Chapter 1210 Overwhelming Momentum [Part 1]

With one sword strike, the winner is already divided.

If this scene is seen by the outside world, their jaws will drop in shock.

The reason is very simple. Although the man in black is formed by a mysterious force in the Imaginary Wonderland, his cultivation and strength are comparable to those of the passers-by himself.

Even the aura, aura, and will are a kind of projection of the passer-by himself, and Chen Xi actually beheaded the opponent with a single sword so simply, it can only prove that his fighting methods have reached an unbelievable level among his peers.

The fact is indeed true, the man in black is not a living thing after all, and it is impossible for him to have such rich combat experience and killing methods as Chen Xi.

"This first level is not difficult. The man in black is as strong as me, and his swordsmanship is beyond the scope of a great master of swordsmanship. Unfortunately, his fighting skills are quite satisfactory, without any special features."

Chen Xi silently thought about the combat power of the man in black.

"The result of the first level, one breath time."

An indifferent and emotionless voice sounded.


Before the voice fell, a cyan radiance suddenly rolled up from the soles of the feet, rolled up, and disappeared in place the next moment.

When Chen Xi opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on the second floor of Illusionary Wonderland. This place was roughly similar to the first floor, but when Chen Xi appeared, there were already two men in black waiting here.


Two sky-shattering sword qi came to kill.

"Kill!" Chen Xi rushed forward to meet the two without retreating or avoiding.



The three passed by.

The next moment, the bodies of the two black-clothed men were cut in half from the waist by Qiqi, and the death was crisp and neat. If it was someone else who came, they might not have time to react, let alone crush them so easily like Chen Xi. Overwhelm the opponent.

"The result of the second level, one breath time!"

The indifferent voice sounded again.

With Chen Xi's current combat strength, he can naturally travel unimpeded all the way in this Illusory Wonderland, and every time he passes through a level, he will be directly sent to the next level. At the same time, his achievements in breaking through the level will be recorded one by one. .

On the third floor, there are three men in black whose cultivation level is comparable to that of Chen Xi.

The fourth floor is four.

Fifth floor, five.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Chen Xi had reached the No.18 floor in one go, and his opponents had turned into eighteen black-clothed men whose strength was comparable to his!

It was also at this time that Chen Xi felt a little bit of pressure and slowed down a lot.

According to Chen Xi's knowledge, among the first 36 floors of this Illusionary Wonderland, with the No. 18 floor as the watershed, the opponent's strength and cultivation base have not changed, but the suppression force in terms of numbers has begun to play a pivotal role. .

For example, on the No.18 floor, Chen Xi's opponents are eighteen black-clothed men whose strength is comparable to his own. When they are deployed together, they have even begun to cooperate with each other and fight with the formation method. The deterrent force produced is natural. raised dramatically.


Beyond the Immortal Immortal.

On the side of the customs clearance stone tablet, there is another light wall, on which 36 light blue runes are listed in sequence, representing the 36 levels of the magic Luo Wonderland level.

And when Chen Xi entered the Illusionary Wonderland to break through, his name quickly condensed into a golden symbol, and began to climb up again and again, until now he had reached the No.18 floor.

"Half a quarter of an hour, the eighteenth floor?"

A disciple who had been following Chen Xi's breakthrough saw this scene, and couldn't help but exclaimed in disbelief.

Everyone nearby was also attracted, and immediately looked a little dull.

"I remember that some old antiques from the academy once said that when Yun Fusheng broke through to the No. Yun Fusheng?"

"The speed of breaking through the level is too fast! I was fortunate enough to witness Fozi Zhenlu and Ji Xuanbing breaking through the level a few days ago. I clearly remember that it took half an hour and 18 breaths for Fozi Zhenlu to break through to the No. 37 floor, while Ji Xuanbing It took half a quarter of an hour and 93 breaths, compared to it, this Chen Xi's current performance is actually a bit more powerful than these two."

"That's not necessarily true. It took Zhao Mengli of the Phoenix Clan half an hour to break through to the No. 18 floor, but she was not as good as the Buddha's true law in the next pass. Passed through the 36th-floor checkpoint smoothly and broke a record, but in the end it only ranked ninth on the customs clearance stone tablet, far inferior to the fifth-ranked Buddha's True Law."

"That's right. The most important thing is to see how far you have passed the level above the No. 18th floor. It's still hard to see how far Chen Xi can go."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they all became curious about Chen Xi's final result, and silently recorded the time in their hearts, wanting to see if he could break a new record.

Regarding this, Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai looked gloomy and did not say a word.

"Hmph, no matter how fast you break through the level, it's useless if you can't advance to the Great Luo Realm." In the end, Ao Wuming snorted coldly, using this reason to comfort himself.

"It's only the eighteenth floor, so be patient." Jiang Canghai smiled, but the smile was a bit forced.

Ao Wuming nodded and said no more.



A series of terrifying sword qi criss-crossed on the No. 18 floor of the Imaginary Wonderland, covering the sky and the earth, like a world full of sword qi.


Chen Xi shuttled his whole body in the dense sword energy, bringing his fighting skills to a new level. The Five Elements Sword inheritance, the Wind Thunder Sword inheritance, and the Yin Yang Sword inheritance were easily grasped by him and poured out like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, no one knew how many swords he had unleashed, but every time his figure flickered, a man in black would fall down.

After a while.

"No. 18 grades, 37 points."

An indifferent and emotionless voice sounded, and Chen Xi's figure had already disappeared.

In this way, Chen Xi rushed forward with his sword, and made great strides. Although the pressure on the levels above the No. 18 floor was increasing, Chen Xi could not be injured, and naturally it was impossible to stop his pace.

Chi Chi Chi!

On the fifth floor of Fantasyland No.30, balls of light and rain exploded, representing the slaughter of men in black one after another.

At the same time, Chen Xi dodged in a bit of embarrassment, his expression was serious, and he really felt a great pressure, like a tide, coming from all directions.

In these 35 floors, there are 35 black-clothed men, each of whom is equal in strength, united together, if such a force is left outside, it is enough to sweep away all the Xuanxian disciples in the outer courtyard.

But at this time, Chen Xi could only face it alone.

This is a test.

It is a challenge to the limit of oneself!

"Yes, this kind of pressure is needed, so that I can unearth more potential. When I break through the No.30 six-level checkpoint, I will definitely be able to hit the Daluo Realm!"

At this moment, Chen Xi had clearly grasped an opportunity to advance to the next level. It was so clear, as if it was right in front of him, and within reach, but he still held back in the end.

It's enough if you don't break the boundary, as long as you break the boundary, you will naturally reach perfection!




At this moment, Chen Xi was full of fighting spirit, his whole body was blooming with immeasurable divine brilliance, and in his hands, the Immortal Sword of Grasping Stars seemed to turn into a boundless starry sky. He had already exerted most of his potential and was about to reach its peak.


A wave of wind and thunder, the superimposed sword energy of the two sword inheritances, swept out like thunder or a hurricane, and directly tore the three men in black in front of him.

At the same time, Chen Xi's body turned in mid-air to avoid a burst of sword energy, and then retreated suddenly, avoiding another attack of sword energy. While dodging, the immortal sword in Chen Xi's hand did not stop, and frequently slashed out.

That ghostly figure and his extremely fierce attack made it hard to tell whether he was dodging or attacking, or in other words, that kind of fighting method was both dodging and attacking, making it impossible for the opponent to lock on.

Puff puff……

Several more heads flew into the air, Chen Xi stopped abruptly, put away the immortal sword with a clang, and when he turned his head again, there was only one man in black left alone in the field.


With the corners of Chen Xi's lips slightly raised, he casually stuck out his index finger, tapped lightly, and the sword qi shot away...

At this time, outside the magic Luo fairyland.

"Two quarters of an hour and 35 breaths. It seems that Chen Xi is also trapped on the fifth floor of No.30. It seems that Yun Fusheng broke through at this time."

Seeing the golden symbol representing Chen Xi lingering on the fifth floor of No.30 on the light wall, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if they felt that this was normal.

"The man in black on the 35th floor has mastered a powerful combined attack formation, and the cooperation is very tacit. Over the years, many strong people have spent a lot of time on this floor, and have no chance to break the record."

"Above the 35th floor, there is the sixth floor of No. 30, which is the most difficult hurdle to cross. If Chen Xi delays any longer, even if he successfully enters the sixth floor of No. 30, he will not be able to leave his name on the customs clearance stone tablet .”

When the others heard the words, they also had a burst of discussion, obviously thinking that Chen Xi's chances of breaking the checkpoint record were not very high.


At this moment, the light cyan runes on the light wall representing the fifth floor of No. 30 suddenly dimmed, while at the same time, the runes of the sixth floor of No. 30 suddenly brightened.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, with expressions of shock on their faces.

Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai's expressions darkened, and they couldn't help clenching their hands tightly in their sleeves.

How could they fail to see that at this moment, even though the time it took for Chen Xi to break through the fifth floor of No.30 was a little later than that of Yun Fusheng back then, it took longer than the time spent by Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli and others A little ahead!

In other words, as long as Chen Xi still maintains this fighting strength on the sixth floor of No.30, it is very possible to create a new record!

"I knew it, I knew it would be like this! Chen Xi, you have to hold on, as long as you can leave your name on the customs clearance stone tablet, the reputation of your Chen Alliance will be even louder!"

On one side, Xuanyuan Yun stared at the changes on the light wall without blinking his eyes, but there was a touch of excitement in his heart, and he muttered to himself.

At this moment, the audience was silent, while silently calculating the time in their hearts, while waiting for Chen Xi to set a new record.


ps: The second is later.

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