divine talisman

Chapter 1211 Unique in ancient and modern [Part 2]


A cyan glow flashed, and Chen Xi's figure had already appeared on the sixth floor of Illusionary Wonderland No.30.

Almost at the same time, a tsunami-like sound of sword energy piercing the air resounded from all directions, and the screaming sound seemed to tear people's eardrums.

It was like a rainstorm of sword energy, overwhelming, coming from the hands of 36 men in black.

These black-clothed men are different from other levels. They are in groups of six to form a small Liuhe fairy formation, and then the six groups of black-clothed men are regrouped to form a big Liuhe fairy formation.

Formation within the formation makes its offensive tight, chilling, perfect and neat, as if it were performed by one person!

An indescribable pressure crushed Chen Xi like a hundred thousand mountains, stimulating his whole body to seep like it was on fire.

As early as the fifth floor of No.30, the pressure had forced him to exert most of his potential, and his whole body and mind had entered a deep fighting state.

So at this moment, when he felt that ubiquitous pressure, he didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, his brows were stern, his expression was indifferent and calm, and his whole body was like a peerless sword hidden in the abyss. Get out of the sheath and show your sharpness at this moment!


Inside the body, like a furnace in troubled times, began to boil and burn.

The many realizations gained from studying in Daozanglou these days flooded into his heart like a tide, stimulating his soul to tremble and creating an irresistible impulse.

This is an opportunity to break through!

Such a strong desire, such a desire, is like a raging fire that wants to ignite Chen Xi's whole body, to burn his whole body's energy, spirit, and even the source of life.

Looking from a distance, his whole body exudes a terrifying aura, every inch of his pores emits divine brilliance, bursting out wisps of golden glow, which makes people dare not look at him closely.

"Unexpectedly, I can no longer suppress this opportunity for advancement."

"Forget it, I have walked all the way, experienced countless battles, endured countless times of blood and fire, walked a bloody road made of bones, and walked all over mountains with corpses... Many of my achievements today are all due to fighting , Today, we should also break through in battle and step into the ranks of Daluo!"

In his heart, there seemed to be a sound of thunder shouting, like a fuse, completely igniting Chen Xi.


His entire aura suddenly changed, and his whole body was filled with an indescribable golden radiance, holy, pure, thick, and with an aura as clear and pure as glass.

And in his body, the three wonders of Hundong World, Sea of ​​Four Elephants, Niwan Palace, Tanzhong Point, and Baihui Point boiled at the same time at this moment, as if they were about to break through the barriers between each other and come together.

The world of chaos is the place where the dantian originates and where the Daoji is.

The Sea of ​​Four Elephants is the gateway to the Celestial Immortal Base, the area where the Four Great Immortals are stored.

The Three Mysterious Passes, the third stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the Realm of the Three Souls, where the three souls are connected and the mystery arises.

At this moment, these three different areas are roaring and revolving in unison, like boiling lava roaring in the limbs and bones. If the terrifying power erupts in full, it may destroy a vast fairy city in an instant!


Immortal power boiled, Qi machine burned, and Chen Xi's whole body began an astonishing transformation at this moment.

All of this sounds slow, but in fact it only happened in an instant. When Chen Xi entered the sixth floor of Illusionary Wonderland No. 30, it had already started to happen.


At this time, the rainstorm of sword energy also came through the sky.


With the Immortal Lantern Sword in his hand, Chen Xi stepped forward abruptly, like a golden arrow, leaving a dazzling afterimage in the void, flashing past in the overwhelming sword rain.

Puff puff……

In just a split second, wherever Chen Xi passed, more than a dozen men in black were easily crushed by the Celestial Lantern Sword, and disappeared like paper paste, turning into light and rain that filled the sky.


Chen Xi's fighting spirit was on fire, and his fighting spirit was like smoke soaring into the sky. He stepped on the void and pointed at the sky and the earth. Wherever the sword pointed, there would definitely be men in black who would kill them one by one!

At this moment, Chen Xi was in a strange state, he seemed to be fighting, but also seemed to be breaking through. Between the movement and the stillness, there was a kind of rhythm of heaven.

If this scene is seen by the outside world, no one will believe that there are actually people in this world who can break through the realm of killing and attack the realm of Daluo!

After all, for the countless profound immortals in the fairy world, the realm of Daluo is so dangerous and so insurmountable that if they succeed, the golden body will never be destroyed, and if they fail, they will be ashes and become immortals.

Under such circumstances, even the top figure at that time did not dare to be careless about it, and even prepared enough means to invite many elders from the sect to protect the law before he dared to choose to break through.

But Chen Xi was lucky, he actually chose to break through Da Luo in the killing battle!

It was also fortunate that this scene took place in the Illusionary Wonderland, otherwise, if someone saw it, it wouldn't take long for the entire academy to cause a sensation, and it would be impossible to treat Chen Xi as a freak.

Of course, the premise is that Chen Xi can break through the realm successfully, otherwise, in the eyes of outsiders, his behavior at the moment is no different from a lunatic.


A sky-high sword qi slashed out, taking away the lives of more than a dozen men in black again. That kind of destructive method was easier than killing chickens and monkeys.

Even, compared to the battle situation on the fifth floor of No.30, Chen Xi at this moment is completely in a crushing state, sweeping the Liuhe, no one can beat him!

Even at such a critical moment, Chen Xi did not lose his mind, but at this moment, all his mind was focused on the changes in his own aura, and he had no time to pay attention to the changes around him.

For the attacks from all directions, it was like an insignificant flea scratching an itch, posing no threat to him at all.

"No. 30 six levels, 27 breaths!"

Just when Chen Xi had almost forgotten everything around him, that indifferent and emotionless voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

He suddenly looked up, and saw that there was no other opponent in the field.

"Is that how it passed..."

When this thought flashed through Chen Xi's mind, his whole body was swept away by a cloud of green haze, and disappeared in the sixth floor of No.30...

In a mysterious space in the depths of Daohuang Academy, a stalwart figure sat cross-legged on a rock, and in the distance in front of him was a boundless and vast galaxy.

Suddenly, the stalwart figure suddenly raised his head, and his eyes seemed to be able to detect the mysteries of the universe, shining on the galaxy, which made the countless stars tremble in unison.

"Break the realm in battle? Heh, amazing!"


At the same time that Chen Xi was swept away by that piece of blue glow, the cyan rune pattern representing the sixth floor of No.30 on the light wall outside the Immortal Luo Immortal became dimmed.

"Chen Xi, set a new record on the 36th floor, and achieved a breakthrough score of [-] quarters of an hour and [-] breaths, ranking first!"

At the same time, at the entrance of the Illusory Wonderland, the space vortex suddenly rolled violently, and a sound like the morning bell and evening drum spread out, slowly echoing between the heaven and the earth.

The audience banged!

All the disciples on the Taoist altar, old and new, were all stunned at this moment.

They had just seen Chen Xi enter the sixth floor of No.30, and they thought it would last for a while, but before they could react, the battle had already ended!

And Chen Xi's breakthrough results made them even more unbelievable. Not only did he create a new record, but he also squeezed out Yun Fusheng, who had occupied No.1 for an unknown number of years, and climbed to the top!


It's a full [-] breaths less time than Yun Fusheng's breakthrough result in the past!

Who could have imagined this before?

"Sure enough, his name has appeared on the customs clearance stone tablet..."

Some people didn't believe in evil, and looked at the stone wall of the pass, and when they saw that the number one position had been replaced by Chen Xi, they immediately froze there.

Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai's expressions were incomparably gloomy, and they still didn't expect that Chen Xi would actually be able to create a record, and it was a new height that even Yun Fusheng could not match back then, which was enough to be called It is unprecedented, unique in ancient and modern times!

"Beautiful! It's so beautiful! I'm afraid that very few people will be able to break this achievement in the future!"

Xuanyuan Yun cheered up. Even with his Dao Heart cultivation, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart at this moment. It is conceivable how much Chen Xi's creation brought him such a great shock and surprise.

When the other disciples came over in shock, they immediately began talking excitedly. Some of them immediately took out the communication jade slips on their bodies, and passed on the news about Chen Xi's record-breaking to their acquaintances and friends.

"Hmph! So what if you break the record? In the end, it's not like you can't advance to the Great Luo Realm?"

At this moment, Ao Wuming could only use such reasons to comfort himself. There was no other way. Chen Xi's grades also brought him great pressure, which made him feel depressed. Naturally, he needed a reason to relieve himself.

Although Jiang Canghai didn't open his mouth, when he heard Ao Wuming's words, his expression softened slightly. Obviously, his mood at the moment was exactly the same as Ao Wuming's.

"Two, can you be a little more graceful?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Yun frowned and spoke in displeasure.

"What I'm talking about is the truth. Is it wrong? If he has the ability, he can advance to the Daluo Realm and let everyone see it?"

Ao Wuming sneered again and again.

At this time, someone suddenly raised a voice in surprise: "What's going on, why wasn't Chen Xi sent out? Could it be that he has already advanced to the Great Luo Jinxian and entered the entrance to the seventh floor of No. 30 of the Illusory Luo Wonderland?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present realized that, that's right, Chen Xi hadn't been teleported at this moment!

When everyone looked at the wall of light, they saw that the golden light representing Chen Xi's name had long since disappeared, but Chen Xi hadn't shown up yet.

Then there is only one explanation. After clearing the sixth floor of No. 30, he has entered a higher level. As we all know, the area above the 36th floor and below the 72nd floor is an area that only Da Luo Jinxian can set foot in!

"He, he...couldn't be promoted to Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop in the pass, right?" Someone tremblingly said, with a touch of shock that couldn't be concealed, and even he himself couldn't keep calm when he said the words.

Everyone looked at each other.

But Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai's expressions were already extremely gloomy, extremely difficult to see.

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