divine talisman

Chapter 1212 The only way to break the border is to fight [Part 1]

On the Taoist altar, it is impossible to see the scene above the sixth floor of No. 30 in the Imaginary Wonderland.

It was also because of this that when everyone saw that Chen Xi hadn't shown up for a long time, they would suspect that he had advanced to the Great Luo Realm and went to a higher level.

In the midst of this uncertainty, a teacher from the dojo suddenly said, "Looking at the situation, Chen Xi must have entered the entrance leading to the seventh floor of No. 30 of Illusionary Wonderland."

The audience was shocked and fell silent.

It's true!

This was beyond everyone's expectations. No one could have imagined that someone would be able to advance to the Great Luo Realm in the process of breaking through the level. All of this was like listening to a fairy tale, so unreal.

After all, that is the realm of Daluo!

And you must know that Da Luo has always been regarded as the first real high threshold in the long road of cultivating immortality. Throughout the ages, many amazing and peerless geniuses have fallen in front of this threshold, so that now in the fairy world Most Xuanxian powerhouses dare not try to attack Da Luo at all.

Even those who have successfully advanced to the Daluo Realm, such as Fozi Zhenlu and Zhao Mengli, they have gone through countless hours of preparation when they advanced, and they have obtained the guidance and experience of many elders. The elders are guarding the law on one side, and they will rescue them if they are a little careless.

But Chen Xi...he actually broke through in the Illusionary Wonderland!

In comparison, nature is more shocking.

Many people clicked their tongues, feeling that for this new freshman No.1, advancing to the Daluo realm is as simple as eating and drinking, which makes people speechless and unavoidable.

How could there be such a person in the world?

No one present could understand.

"Whether Chen Xi is capable or not, at least he has advanced to the Great Luo Realm. Do you two have anything else to say now?"

In this silence, Xuanyuan Yunlang smiled and looked at Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai with a smile. Following his voice, everyone also looked over.

All of a sudden, the expressions of Ao Wuming and Jiang Canghai changed again.

Before, they didn't believe that Chen Xi could set a new record for breaking through the barrier, but in the end, Chen Xi did it, and it was an unprecedented new record that was unique in the past and present!

Then, they comforted themselves with the fact that Chen Xi was unable to advance to the Great Luo Realm before the Inner Court assessment. As a result, Chen Xi directly advanced to the Great Luo Realm during the checkpoint, which was equally unimaginable and shocked the audience.

All this was like an invisible slap on the faces of the two of them, causing a burning pain.

Even, facing Xuanyuan Yun's questioning, the two were unable to refute it for a while.

"Hmph, let's be proud when he can participate in the inner court assessment!" In the end, Ao Wuming said angrily, and turned to leave with Jiang Canghai.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Yun snorted coldly, it's not good to get mixed up with anyone, but Zuoqiu's, it really is like attracting birds of a feather and dividing people into groups.


Between the sixth floor of No.30 and the seventh floor of No.30 in the Imaginary Wonderland, there is also a vast altar. Correspondingly, there is a stone tablet for customs clearance, and a piece that can be reflected on the seventh floor of No.30 at all times. The light wall of the battle situation under the 72nd floor.

At this time, there were many figures standing on it, each of them had a magnificent aura, majestic and amazing, and all of them had the cultivation level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Obviously, this is an area that can only be reached by the existence of the Da Luo Jinxian level.


A blue ray of light swept across, reflecting a majestic figure, his whole body was bathed in brilliant golden radiance, his aura was as violent and violent as the ocean, as soon as he appeared, that aura immediately caused an uproar.

However, before everyone could see the appearance of that figure clearly, a golden light flashed in front of their eyes, and that figure rushed into the entrance leading to the seventh floor of No.30, and disappeared in an instant.

"Who is that guy?"

"It seems to be...Chen Xi?"

"Chen Xi? How is this possible? Could it be that he has advanced to the Great Luo Realm?"

After everyone was stunned, there was an uproar.

Almost all of them were the disciples of the Great Luo Jinxian in the outer courtyard. They had also met Chen Xi when they were performing in the dojo before, heard about some of his deeds, and knew that Chen Xi had only just advanced to the late stage of the Profound Immortal for less than two years.

So when they saw the golden figure that suddenly appeared just now, although they vaguely recognized Chen Xi, they couldn't believe it was really him.

After all, this is a place that only the Great Luo Golden Immortal can reach. They couldn't believe it even if they broke their heads. It's only been less than two years, and Chen Xi has advanced to the Great Luo Realm again...


At this moment, another figure appeared on the Taoist altar, this is a young man in black clothes.

As soon as he appeared, he yelled quickly, "Everyone, just now, the record of the first 36 floors was broken, and even the record created by Yun Fusheng back then was also squeezed down!"

Everyone was shocked again, breaking Yun Fusheng's record?

"More than that, that guy is still advancing to the Great Luo Realm in one fell swoop...By the way, what about others, why didn't they see him?"

While talking, the young man in Xuanyi quickly scanned his surroundings, but he couldn't help being startled when he didn't find that figure.

"Who exactly are you talking about?"

Everyone asked questions.

The young man in Xuanyi casually said, "Who? Naturally it's the freshman No.1 Chen Xi."

Chen Xi?

When they heard this extremely familiar name, everyone's expressions were a little dull. It turned out... that figure just now was indeed him!

"Break Yun Fusheng's record, and advance to the Great Luo Realm in the pass, is this... is this guy still human?" Some people were shocked and couldn't believe it.

The others also looked at each other in blank dismay, with an incomprehensible shock lingering in their hearts.

Only the young man in black asked in a hurry: "Everyone, have you seen Chen Xi? I have something to ask him, and I plan to enroll my cousin in his Chen League."

"He went to the 37th floor." Someone replied absent-mindedly.

"Go...to the 37th floor?"

This time, it was the turn of the young man in Xuanyi to be shocked, Qi Qi Ai Ai said, "Shouldn't he break the record of the first 72 floors in one fell swoop?"

This speculation was absurd and outrageous. Even though everyone was surprised by Chen Xi's previous performance, they still couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard this speculation.

"If the record is so easy to break, is it still called a record? This is not the first 36 floors!"

"On the customs clearance stone tablet below the 72nd floor, there is not a single name of our outer court disciples, and among the ten names, there are only two inner court disciples. The other eight names have already become big figures in the party. Already!"

"That's right. Look at the names of the two inner court disciples. One is Yan Yu? Chen Xi, who is in the middle of nowhere, can set a new record in one fell swoop, I wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!"

People discussed, but the shock in their hearts dispelled a lot.

"No matter what, we have to seize the time to improve our strength. Among the freshmen in the outer courtyard, Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, Zhonglixun... seven people have advanced to the Daluo realm, and the first three have even passed the stage. Becoming among the top [-] on the Daluo Gold List has cost us old students three places."

Someone frowned and said worriedly, "Now, there is another Chen Xi. Although there is less than half a year left before the inner court's assessment, who can guarantee that this guy will not be able to rank among the big Luo before the assessment? Among the top fifty on the gold list?"

As soon as these words came out, all the old students from the outer courtyard were silent, with serious expressions on their faces.

There are only fifty people who can participate in the assessment of the inner court, but in their outer court, there are nearly 3000 old students who have advanced to the Da Luo realm!

3000 people competed for [-] spots, the competition was already extremely cruel, and now some freshmen have joined in, which undoubtedly made this competition even more intense.

Although it is just a quota, it is just a qualification to participate in the inner court assessment, but if it is taken away by others, it will definitely be more uncomfortable than killing them.

At this moment, all the old students also deeply felt a sense of crisis.



On the seventh floor of Illusionary Wonderland No.30, a figure overflowing with golden light suddenly appeared, it was Chen Xi.

"Fight! I can't stop, otherwise the promotion will inevitably fail. Only by fighting can I get the most perfect transformation in this promotion..."

In his heart, there seemed to be a voice hissing and shouting, driving Chen Xi from the sixth floor of No. 30, without thinking about other things, directly rushing into the seventh floor of No. 30.

He could feel that his limbs, bones, and meridians and acupoints were filled with streams of molten golden fairy power, and they whizzed, galloped, and wandered in his body like boiling...

And his essence, qi, spirit, and the whole body's qi mechanism are all in this metamorphosis, and it seems to be burning. If he doesn't find a vent, he will burn himself to death from the inside out in the next moment.

This is the danger of hitting the realm of Da Luo. While gaining transformation, the whole process is full of endless dangers and crises!


Within Chen Xi's body, it was as if countless mountains were colliding with each other, making a dull, thunderous sound, while on the surface of his body, there was a violent, blazing, and incomparably bright golden light steaming.

Looking from a distance, at this moment, his whole body is like a round of dazzling scorching sun, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

"No.30 Seventh-floor assessment begins!"

That familiar indifferent voice sounded without any emotion.

Chen Xi's spirits lifted, as if he was listening to a sound from the sky. The next moment, his gaze suddenly turned to the distance, where there was a figure gathering.

"Come on! I want to see if the opponent in the Da Luo Realm can help me break through the last step!"

Chen Xi was shouting in his heart, his fighting spirit was surging, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.


The next moment, he took the initiative to attack, stepped on the ground with the sole of his foot, and slashed fiercely at the distant figure with the Star Lantern Sword.

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