divine talisman

Chapter 1213 Breath of Heaven [Part 2]


A sword soared into the sky, laws flowed, and the superimposed five-element sword inheritance was being used in Chen Xi's hands at this moment, as if it could be easily done without any effort.

And it is different from the past, so at this moment, Chen Xi's whole body energy is undergoing an astonishing transformation, and in this sword, the power is also showing a trend of skyrocketing.


However, the man in black on the seventh floor of No. 30 easily disintegrated Chen Xi's blow with just one strike, and still had enough strength to knock the latter flying backwards.

In an instant, Chen Xi's mind cleared up quite a bit, and he clearly realized that the opponent's strength should undoubtedly be at the level of a real Da Luo Jinxian. Although he was slightly inferior to himself in terms of fighting skills, he could drop ten times with one strength. It is also difficult to display his fighting skills.

Swish swish!

Before Chen Xi could attack again, the man in black held the immortal sword and teleported in front of Chen Xi in a blink of an eye. The sword qi staggered and cut out thousands of sword shadows in an instant, as dense as a torrential wind.

Every sword energy contains a Da Luo Law, which is condensed, chilling, and powerful, far exceeding the Dao Law!

clang clang...

Because the opponent had mastered the teleportation method, Chen Xi fell into a passive state at this moment, and he could only resist repeatedly, but it was difficult to counterattack.

When the two confronted each other, the immortal swords clashed, bursting out billions of divine brilliance, which spread in all directions. Fortunately, this was in the Imaginary Wonderland, otherwise the aftermath of the battle would have caused unimaginable disasters.

The attack of the man in black is getting stronger and stronger, his figure is moving frequently in the void, like a ghost traveling between nothingness, and the fairy sword in his hand is becoming more and more powerful. Terrible.

A sense of crisis suddenly surged into Chen Xi's heart.

The opponent's strength was far beyond his expectations, not only made him feel an unspeakable pressure, but most importantly, he clearly realized that if he continued like this, he would be completely suppressed!

And the most terrible thing is that he is in a state of breaking the realm at the moment, and he is only one step away from being able to completely advance to the Daluo realm. If he is completely suppressed at this time, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.


Chen Xi gritted his teeth, let out a sharp roar, and channeled all the power in his body to superimpose all the Five Elements Sword inheritances into one sword, abruptly breaking through the opponent's attack, showing a trace of stagnation.

But in just a split second, this trace of stagnation disappeared, and the man in black rushed to attack again, with the stance of completely suppressing Chen Xi with all his might.

However, even though the other party's sluggishness quickly disappeared, Chen Xi still took advantage of this opportunity to sacrifice a jade bottle, opened his mouth and swallowed each one, each one was crystal clear, had nine orifices, and was filled with vast brilliance. The medicine gushed out like a tide, and got into his body in one go.

The Nine Apertures Divine Pill of the Supreme Purity!

It is the supreme elixir that is personally refined by the Nine Miao Treasure Cauldron, with the peerless elixir Taiyi Qinglian as the main ingredient, and the assistance of hundreds of other rare celestial materials.

This kind of elixir, when attacking the realm of Da Luo, only needs to take one, and its medicinal power is enough to increase the success rate of breaking the realm by nearly half. It is enough to make any Xuanxian strongman in the world want to fight for his head.

But at this time, in order to break through the realm and advance to the next level, Chen Xi swallowed all the eighteen supernatural nine-aperture pills in one gulp!


In an instant, the majestic medicinal power of the Shangqing Nine-Apertures Divine Pill completely melted, like a flood bursting a dam, making a loud roaring sound, impacting every inch of Chen Xi's body.

At the same time, Chen Xi's whole body burned completely, golden light flowed from his body, like a god who had just stepped out of the golden sea of ​​flames, his aura rose steadily, becoming more and more terrifying, more and more frightening...


At this moment, the man in black had already slashed at him with his sword, but he was severely knocked back by Chen Xi's "Water Sword".

Obviously, with the help of the Nine-Apertures Divine Pill, Chen Xi's power also skyrocketed, and it also helped him resist a lot of pressure virtually.

But the pressure is still there!

Strictly speaking, this black-clothed man is a projection of Chen Xi himself, but the weirdness lies in the fact that the current Chen Xi is only in the process of transforming into an advanced Great Principle Golden Immortal, and is not yet a real Great Principle Golden Immortal.

But his opponent was the real Da Luo Jinxian, which made the man in black's strength invisible and firmly suppress Chen Xi.

He even took a step back and said that at this moment, Chen Xi was between Xuanxian and Daluo Jinxian, yet he was recognized by the Illusory Luo Wonderland and entered a level that only Daluo Jinxian could enter. This is an abnormal situation in itself.

And this kind of abnormality has almost never occurred in the past history of Daohuang Academy, so it is impossible for Chen Xi to know that he was actually in an unfair situation when he broke through the seventh floor of No. 30.

Just because he didn't know, Chen Xi didn't care. In other words, he didn't have the heart to think about the reason at all. He only had one thought, and that was to fight!Then break through!



The clash of swords resounded through the heavens and the earth. Chen Xi and the man in black fought fiercely together. The sword energy pierced through the void, turning this huge area into a chaotic battleground.

The fighting was fierce.

"No, the pressure is enough, but my own potential has not been fully tapped..."

While fighting, Chen Xi checked his own changes. He knew very well that because his foundation was more than a hundred times stronger than that of his peers, it was especially difficult for him to advance to the next level.

In addition, I didn't break through in meditation like other people, but broke through in battle, which made my situation even more dangerous.

If this kind of situation is placed on ordinary people, I am afraid that they will not be able to resist and fail to break through.

Even for Chen Xi, such a situation was extremely difficult and extremely dangerous, but he was already on the verge of death and had no way out, so he could only fight bravely and diligently to the end.




After figuring this out, Chen Xi didn't hold anything back and didn't think about anything. He was like a madman, releasing his whole body and mind, like a demon god born without a battle, rampaging all the way.


A bloody hole was pierced through his left shoulder, but Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it, and continued to charge.


The chest cavity was shattered by a heavy sword energy from the side, and there was a clear sound of bone breaking, which made his mouth spit blood and his body tremble, but he just gritted his teeth and struck out again with the sword.

In the eyes, the fighting spirit was like fire, as if it was going to burn the sky!


A terrifying scar snaked from his left shoulder to his abdomen, almost ripping open his heart, but Chen Xi still didn't stop, and even his offensive became more and more fierce.


In just a cup of tea, Chen Xi was covered in blood, and he couldn't find an inch of intact skin. His appearance was extremely miserable, but his pair of eyes were burning like a vast starry sky, trying to melt the universe!

That's fighting intent!

It is also a kind of perseverance and unyielding to the self-avenue!

"Big Luo, big Luo, vast and indistinct, boundless and endless, I don't know where it started, and where to find it..."

In this fierce and even tragic battle, a voice resounded inexplicably in Chen Xi's heart. It was the description of the Great Luo Realm in the ancient Taoist scriptures, and there was no mystery or difficulty in explaining it.

But at this moment, Chen Xi seemed to be enlightened, and his entire soul, energy, and even his body and Dao Heart suddenly felt an unspeakable tremor.

at the same time--

With a loud bang, something seemed to be broken in his body, and then, his chaotic world, Four Elephant Immortal Sea, Three Mysterious Passes... were all penetrated and merged into one!

The celestial power that boiled like lava and the powerful medicinal power from the eighteen supernatant nine-orifice elixirs were all perfectly fused at this moment, turning into a golden sea of ​​celestial power!

It is a kind of pure gold without any impurities, exuding a sacred and vast aura, and it is the power of Da Luo Xian that can only be mastered by Da Luo Jinxian!

If you succeed, the golden body will never die!

When advancing to the realm of Da Luo, all the points and points in the body are connected and integrated into one, and it is a vast world in itself, and this world is called "Da Luo Tian".

And all of these are the signs of being promoted to Da Luo Jinxian!



At this moment, Chen Xi's whole body was open-minded, and his soul was transparent. Every inch of his damaged skin and injuries were healed in an instant, and he became clean, fair, and as clear as glass, yet exuding a warm and jade-like quality.

Even, the texture of his skin was full of lustrous energy, releasing a natural Dao charm.

His eyes became as deep as an abyss and as vast as a starry sky, seeming to be able to reflect the entire universe, interpreting indescribable mysteries.

And the energy around him suddenly exploded. In an instant, it was more than ten times stronger than before, and it was still rising!

At this time, Chen Xi, although his clothes were torn and stained with blood, his whole body was like the purest beautiful jade in the world. Every movement of his hands and feet exuded a terrifying aura that belonged to the Da Luo Jinxian, who seemed to be able to control the world, and his heart Travel through the ages!


Chen Xi murmured, his expression neither sad nor happy, neither disturbed nor disturbed.


The man in black slashed from behind with a sword, and the sword's edge was immeasurable, splashing the power of thousands of Da Luo's laws.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't turn his head back, and with a wave of his hand, there was a bang, and a wave of sword crushed the void, like a tide, easily drowning the man in black and his sword energy.

In an instant, it turned into light rain and dispersed!

The difference between a simple blow and the fierce confrontation before is like a world, it cannot be said at the same time!

"No.30 seven levels, 37 breaths in a quarter of an hour!"

That indifferent and emotionless voice sounded, announcing the result of Chen Xi's breakthrough this time. However, as the voice fell, Chen Xi was not moved to a higher level.

He raised his head, and then felt an indescribable aura that suddenly permeated the entire 36th floor, causing the order of the entire Illusory Secret Realm to be in a state of stagnation.

That is... the breath of heaven!

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