divine talisman

Chapter 1214 God-given Divine Pattern [Part 1]

At this moment, it wasn't just Chen Xi who felt the aura of heaven, all the disciples in the entire Huanluo Immortal Territory suddenly raised their heads at the same time, with expressions of shock on their faces.

"Heavenly breath!"

"This... Could it be that there is a calamity coming?"

"No, this is a sign of auspiciousness. If I guess correctly, this is a child who has gained the power of praise from the gods. He has advanced to the realm of Da Luo, thereby arousing the luck of the heavens, and is about to descend on the god-sent divine pattern!"

"What? The god-given pattern?"

"Chen Xi, it must be this guy. When he entered the academy's assessment, the praise he received from the gods was beyond the scope of the resonance of heaven and earth!"

"Chen Xi? So it was him..."

At this moment, in front of the entrances of the first floor, No.30, and No.70 second floors of the Illusionary Wonderland, no matter if they were the disciples of Xuanxian, the disciples of Daluojinxian, or the strong saints, they all guessed the answer. They were amazed, more or less uncontrollably showing a touch of envy.

God-given divine pattern!

That is a blessing from the heavens. You don't need Daluo Jinxian to work hard to refine and comprehend, and you can directly obtain a kind of Daluo divine pattern for your own use!

For any Da Luo Jinxian, this is an irresistible temptation.

After all, it is well known that it is not that simple to condense the Da Luo divine pattern, and it is even difficult. The average Da Luo Jinxian can only condense and master one kind of Da Luo divine pattern in his life.

"Excellent, it really took less than two years to advance to the Great Luo Realm, what an incomprehensible freak. You said, the God-given Divine Rune that Chen Xi obtained this time can contain several kinds of laws of the Great Dao ?”

Someone was amazed and asked out of curiosity.

The so-called Great Luo Divine Pattern is the condensation of more than two Dao Laws. Generally speaking, the general Great Luo Divine Pattern only contains two kinds of Dao Laws, and there are some powerful Great Luo Divine Patterns that can contain more than three kinds of laws. The law of the road.

The difference in number makes the power contained in the Daluo divine pattern completely different.

However, if you want to judge the quality of a kind of Da Luo Shenwen, there are roughly two criteria. One is the number of Dao Laws contained in it, which is the most obvious basis for judgment.The other one depends on what kind of Dao law it contains.

After all, the laws of the great way can be divided into ordinary and rare ones. Those like the five elements, yin and yang, and wind and thunder belong to the ordinary laws of the great way, while those like stars, light, and darkness belong to the rare laws of the great way.

It's hard to tell which one is better than a Da Luo God pattern that contains five common Dao laws, and a Da Luo god pattern that contains a rare Dao law.

At that time, perhaps it depends on each person's control over the Da Luo Shenwen to distinguish the strength from the weak.

When it came to the god-given divine pattern that Chen Xi was about to obtain, the others also became interested and speculated one after another.

"Last year, the true law of Buddha advanced to the Realm of the Great Luo and obtained the 'Four Elephants Divine Pattern', which contains the four principles of the Dao of wood, fire, earth, and gold; then, Ji Xuanbing advanced to the Realm of the Great Luo and obtained the 'Emperor Dao Shenwen', although it only contains one kind of Dao law, but it is a rare Dao law, and the true law of the Buddha is good at each field."

"As for Zhao Mengli, he also obtained the God-given God Rune, but no one knows exactly what it is called the Da Luo God Rune, but it should not be inferior to the Buddha's son Zhenlu and Ji Xuanbing."

"As we all know, Chen Xi's praise from the gods far exceeds these three people. According to my calculations, the Da Luo Divine Mark he has obtained must surpass these three."

"In this way, Chen Xi will either be able to obtain a Great Luo Divine Rune that contains more than four Dao Laws, or will he obtain a Great Luo Divine Rune that contains rare Dao Laws?"

"It must be so!"

"Don't forget, the power of praise from the gods that Chen Xi obtained is roughly similar to that of Senior Yun Fusheng back then, and as we all know, the divine rune that Senior Yun Fusheng obtained back then was the 'Shadow of Time'! It belongs to the supreme law of the Great Way of Time A branch, the might of which will shake through the ages!"

"Time is respect, and space is king. This is the supreme mystery of heaven that can only be comprehended at the level of an immortal king, and this 'Shadow of Time' actually belongs to a branch of the law of time. No wonder Senior Yun Fusheng's combat power was so tyrannical back then."

"You tell me, can Chen Xi also obtain a divine pattern that contains the supreme law like Senior Yun Fusheng?"

"It's possible, but the hope is not great. What is the supreme law? Currently, there are only three known in the three realms, namely time, space, and life and death! This is the supreme mystery that can only be comprehended at the level of an immortal king."

"And like the law of time, it is divided into many branches, such as the delay of time, the shadow of time, the prohibition of time, the retrospect of time... etc. Even so, not everyone is lucky enough to comprehend it. , and only at the half-step Immortal King level can one come into contact with this branch of the supreme truth."

"The reason why it is possible for Chen Xi to obtain it is because it is a gift from the heavens. No one can say for sure what it is, but if he wants to obtain a branch of any of these three supreme laws, the chances are very slim, unless he also To be as lucky as Senior Yun Fusheng."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were all very curious about the god-given divine pattern that was about to descend on Chen Xi's head.


At this moment, the sky above the Illusory Luo Wonderland was filled with a strong aura of the Dao of Heaven, and the heavenly secrets surged, and billions of meters of auspicious light descended, and the divine light overflowed.

Because the movement was so loud, it even caught the attention of many old antiques in the academy. Almost instantly, there were waves of tyrannical wills sweeping over.

"God-given divine pattern?"

"Interesting, the old man remembers that many freshmen in this class have been praised by the gods. Which little doll has advanced to the realm of Daluo this time?"

"Damn it, it was actually promoted in the Imaginary Wonderland, which makes it difficult for us to see what happened."

"Haha, Daoist Jiang, haven't you listened to those little fellows talking about it? It's Chen Xi!"

"I know it's him, but what I want to know now is, which kind of Daluo divine pattern he has obtained, after all, his talent is even more than that of Yun Fusheng back then."

"Oh, I want to know too, but it's a pity that the Illusory Luo Wonderland was created by the Dao Emperor himself, and I can't see everything in it, but now I can only wait for the 'Tianyin Shenjing' to announce it."


The breath of heaven and heaven is getting stronger and stronger, attracting more and more eyes.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly an invisible wave appeared, causing all the aura of the day to turn into a breeze and dissipate.

at the same time--

On a fairy mountain in the inner courtyard of the Daohuang Academy, there stood an ancient mottled stone mirror. When the aura of Taoism disappeared that day, a clear light appeared on the surface of the stone mirror, which condensed into a five-colored divine pattern. fleeting.

But this scene was still noticed by many eyes.

"Five Elements Divine Pattern? Five Dao Laws?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, why isn't it some kind of divine pattern that contains the supreme law?"

"Tianyin Shenjing can capture a trace of the secret, and it stands in the endless years of the academy. Have you ever seen him make a mistake? This must be true."

"Unfortunately, although the Five Elements Divine Pattern is strong and far beyond imagination, it is slightly inferior to the Flowing Shadow of Time obtained by Yun Fusheng back then."

Soon, all the disciples inside and outside Huanluo Immortal also learned that what Chen Xi had obtained was the Five Elements Divine Rune, some were amazed, some were sorry, and so on.

The reason for being amazed is that the god-bestowed divine runes obtained by Chen Xi are indeed slightly better than the god-bestowed divine runes obtained by Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli and others.

It's a pity because, after all, these Five Elements Divine Patterns are not as rare and unique as the Flowing Shadow of Time obtained by Yun Fusheng back then.


In the midst of this discussion, at the entrance to the sixth floor of Illusionary Wonderland No. 30, a light flashed, and Chen Xi's tall and straight figure appeared on the altar.

At this moment, his clothes were torn and stained with blood, but his aura was as deep as hell, and his whole body was filled with a pure, holy, and powerful aura that controlled the world.

Seeing Chen Xi appear, the discussion in the audience stopped abruptly, and all eyes fell on him, with complex expressions hard to hide.

It was this freshman who had just broken the first 36-story record and was unrivaled in the past and present. Now he has advanced to the Da Luo Realm and obtained the God-given Divine Rune. If all this hadn't happened before their eyes, they would have thought they were dreaming.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't seem to be aware of it. Although his expression was calm, there was a hint of weirdness on the corners of his lips, and he hurriedly left the altar without looking at everything around him.

"Huh? Doesn't he continue to break through?"

"Idiot, Chen Xi has successfully advanced to the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and has just obtained the god-bestowed divine pattern, how can he still have the intention to break through at this time?"

Watching Chen Xi leave, the discussion sounded again.

"Sigh, let's not talk about Chen Xi, everyone, we have to work hard. There are a lot of perverts in this year's freshmen. If we don't hurry up and practice, let alone this year's inner court assessment, I'm afraid the next year's inner court will We are not qualified to participate in the academy assessment..."

An old student sighed with complex tone.

The others were also silent, thinking about what they had witnessed today and the upcoming assessment in the inner court, their hearts felt a little heavy, and they clenched their fists unconsciously.


"It's weird, it's really weird, how can I get two kinds of god-given marks at the same time?"

Yunmiao Fairy Mountain, in the imperial-level cave, after Chen Xi returned, he sat cross-legged on the ground, frowning and thinking about everything that just happened on the seventh floor of Illusionary Wonderland No. 30.

At that time, the aura of heaven descended, and in an instant, he obtained an invisible power of the great way, all of which were condensed into the five elements of the gods, under his control.

Originally, he thought that all this would end, but before he could react, the aura of heaven descended again, which made him obtain another divine pattern!

"At that time, the breath of heaven entered my body, covering my whole body. It seemed that nothing special happened... No, I remembered, it turned out to be it!"

Chen Xi, who was frowning and thinking, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and finally remembered that the fragments of the river map in his sea of ​​consciousness at that time seemed to be touched by the breath of heaven, and trembled slightly...

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