divine talisman

Chapter 1215 Space Divine Pattern [Part 2]

That's right!

It must be the fragments of the river map!

The more Chen Xi thought about it, the more he was sure that the second type of divine pattern he had obtained was bound to be related to the fragments of the river map in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Have you advanced to Da Luo Jinxian?" At this time, Xiao Ding suddenly said.

Chen Xi nodded, realized something, and asked, "Senior, have you ever heard that in the realm of Da Luo, who has comprehended the law of space?"

Xiao Ding was obviously taken aback, and said after a while: "It's about the ancient things, such things happen from time to time." Speaking of this, he couldn't help saying: "Could it be that you have mastered the law of space?"

Chen Xi nodded: "I obtained two kinds of god-given divine patterns before, one is the five-element divine pattern, and the other is this space divine pattern, but I am a bit afraid to confirm it."

He really didn't dare to confirm it, and even because he couldn't confirm it, he returned from the seventh floor of No. 30 in the Imaginary Wonderland ahead of time, in order to study the "Space Divine Pattern" that he had obtained by accident.

After all, time is respected and space is king. This is the common cognition of the three realms. Both time and space are the supreme law, surpassing many avenues.

The most important thing is that only the Immortal King level can comprehend and master this supreme law!

Although one can get rid of the space constraints of the laws of the fairy world and teleport freely by advancing to the Da Luo Jinxian, but that is only a kind of power of the Da Luo Jinxian, not the real mystery of controlling the space.

Xiao Ding was obviously taken aback by Chen Xi's words, and it took a long time before he said in a strange tone: "You really are a freak."

"..." Chen Xi wiped his nose, a little speechless.

"You should also be aware that time, space, life and death, these three supreme avenues are the supreme laws that can only be comprehended at the level of an immortal king. Each of these three supreme laws is divided into several different branches."

"Like going back in time, like space delay, like reshaping life... and so on."

Xiao Ding opened his mouth slowly. Speaking of this, he couldn't help asking again, "Are you sure what you got is the divine pattern of space, not one of the laws of space?"

Chen Xi could hear Xiao Ding's serious tone, so he felt it carefully again, and then said: "The space divine pattern I obtained seems to be able to advance. The first level is space vibration, the second level is space ripples, and the third level is space ripples. Space tides... As for the higher level, I can't perceive it at the moment."

After listening to this time, Xiao Ding said without any hesitation: "According to what you said, it must be the real law of space, or the law of space condensed into divine patterns..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ding didn't know what to say.

Within two years, Xiao Ding could completely accept Chen Xi's advancement to the Great Luo Realm, because it also knew that Chen Xi possessed a rare treasure such as the Star World, and his aptitude was the best choice, so it would be difficult for him not to advance.

But Xiao Ding couldn't imagine that when Chen Xi advanced to the Great Luo Realm, he could actually obtain two kinds of god-given divine patterns, and one of them was the complete and supreme law of space!

With such unfathomable luck, Xiao Ding couldn't help being a little envious of Chen Xi.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi was not very excited, because he knew very well that this was not luck, but a gift from the fragments of the river map.

In fact, from the moment he obtained the first piece of the river map until today, Chen Xi has benefited countless times from the fragments of the river map. There were times when they helped him resolve dangers, and there were times when they indirectly helped him tide over difficulties. Even the supernatural powers such as the Eye of Divine Truth come from the fragments of the river map.

"Since the divine pattern of space has descended on my head, it proves that I can comprehend and use it in my current state..."

Chen Xi thought for a while, then took a deep breath, and pointed out lightly.


Accompanied by this pointing out, with Chen Xi as the center, the space within a radius of ten feet violently vibrated, producing a sound similar to screaming.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi did not use any trace of immortal power.

In other words, this is the power of the space divine pattern that he has mastered, and the power generated by him has aroused the vibration of the surrounding space.

"Try the sword energy again!"


Chen Xi's parallel finger was used as a sword, and he used the power of the space divine pattern to slash out.

There was only a burst of sharp space cracking sounds, obviously just a sword finger, but it vibrated the space within the ten-foot range, producing a series of emptiness sword qi, which burst out.

Looking from a distance, it seems that in the ten-foot space, there is a sword energy shooting out from every inch, covering all directions, invisible and substanceless, making it impossible to catch its trace, it is extremely mysterious.

"Your current grasp of the laws of space is too superficial. A real fairy king exists. With a wave of his hand, countless spaces are superimposed. No matter how powerful you are, if you can't break through the constraints of space, you won't be able to hurt the opponent at all. .”

Xiao Ding couldn't help reminding, "Now that you are clear that the first layer of the law of space is the vibration of space, you must first master it thoroughly, and perhaps you will be able to exert its greatest power."

Chen Xi nodded. He did find that although he had acquired the divine pattern of space, his grasp of it was only superficial, not even superficial.

"Perhaps, after I have fully grasped the vibration of the first layer of space, I can use the Promise to deduce it. If I can obtain a kind of inheritance related to the space, can I fully exert its power?"

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you, how many star points have you earned?" At this time, Xiao Ding coughed dryly, and his voice seemed a little coy.

Chen Xi was stunned, and said with a smile, "It's almost earned..." Before he finished speaking, his expression froze, because he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have squandered too many star points this day...

"32..." He quickly took out the Star with Purple Ribbon and looked at it. When he saw the number on it, the corners of his lips couldn't help twitching.

Immediately, he understood everything, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Originally, he had more than [-] million star points, but after entering Daozang Tower, he read hundreds of classics in succession, each of which was worth [-] star points, and then gave the book demon Benji a fortune A guidance fee of [-] stars.

In addition, he entered the Imaginary Wonderland to clear the level. The first 36 floors paid 80 star points, and when he entered the No.30 seventh floor, he paid another 500 million star points!

And then... finally there are 32 stars left.

"No wonder Axiu said that in the academy, star points are more important than anything else. Sure enough, it is difficult to move forward without star points, but... this academy's deduction of star points is a bit too ruthless, right?"

When Chen Xi thought that he had only entered the seventh floor of Illusionary Wonderland No. 30 and wasted 500 million star points, he couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his heart, and his heart was about to bleed.

This amount of star value was finally obtained by his second avatar who worked hard every day and night for a year, but now he is about to squander it in one day, which makes him feel so helpless. depressed.

Seeing that Chen Xi's expression was a little uncertain, Xiao Ding wisely didn't ask any more questions, but only sighed faintly.

"Senior, don't be impatient. The fragments of the origin of chaos are still in the star value hall, and no one is going to exchange them. We still have opportunities."

Chen Xi hurriedly said, "What's more, I'm now ranked No.36 on the clearance stone tablet on the 1th floor of Illusionary Wonderland, and I can get a reward of 100 million stars every month. Luo Jinbang tests strength, as long as you can rank among it, you can also get a lot of star points every month..."

Xiao Ding interrupted angrily: "Explain to me so much what to do, I just asked casually just now, and I didn't get angry, why are you so nervous?"

Having said that, his tone has obviously improved a lot.

Seeing this, Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at Xiao Ding, who was round and as white as jade, a ridiculous thought flashed in his mind for no reason—why does Xiao Ding's tone and tone look more and more like a woman now?

He was taken aback by his own thought, quickly shook his head, and dismissed this thought from his mind. If this is the case, it would be too terrifying. How old should a woman who has survived since ancient times be?

Next, without further delay, Chen Xi entered the world of stars and began to consolidate his realm.

It can be said that advancing to the Da Luo realm this time was extremely difficult and dangerous, but the rewards were also great, making Chen Xi perfectly reach the Da Luo state. Not only did his body form a world of its own, but even his immortal foundation was more than a hundred times stronger than that of his peers. .

It is conceivable that when Chen Xi's realm is completely consolidated, how much his combat power will skyrocket.

"Now there is less than half a year left before the Inner Court's assessment. After I have stabilized my realm, I will go to Wendaoxian Mountain and test my ranking on the Daluo Gold List. Only in this way can I determine whether I can rank among the top fifty and get the The qualifications to participate in the inner court assessment..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, sat cross-legged in the star world, and fell into a deep meditation.


A month later.


The tightly closed cave was opened, and Chen Xi's figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air. He directly used the teleportation method, and flew towards the Wendao Xianshan.

Wendao Xianshan is located in the outer courtyard of Daohuang Academy. Xianshan is transformed from the remains of an ancient dragon, tortoise and fairy beast. On it stands a stone tablet that reaches the sky. The record on it is the ranking of the Daluo Jinbang.

Now, as the time for the inner court assessment is getting closer, the popularity of Wendao Xianshan is also getting more and more prosperous. When Chen Xi arrived, many disciples had already stopped there, some were watching, and some were testing themselves. In the rankings, the figures are flocking, and it seems that it is very lively.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi!"

"Senior brother Chen Xi is also here."

"Look, that's Chen Xi. Ten days ago, he set a new record on the 36th floor of the Illusory Luo Wonderland, ranking No.1. He even advanced to the Great Luo Realm during the pass and obtained the five-element divine pattern bestowed by God!"

"It turns out that he is Chen Xi. It's amazing. Could it be that he came here today because of the test ranking?"

"Go, let's go and see together."

Seeing Chen Xi arrive, it immediately attracted the attention of many disciples. Some freshmen looked at Chen Xi with more or less admiration.

And the eyes of those old students looking at Chen Xi were full of complex expressions, and there was even a faint trace of solemn vigilance, as if they had regarded him as a strong opponent.

Chen Xi was also slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that his fame was so great that it was almost known to everyone...


ps: It’s the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass~ The monthly pass is so miserable these two days~~~·~~~~ There will be bread, and it will explode at the end of the month~

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