divine talisman

Chapter 1217 Strong Chapter Strike [Part 2]


The void surged like a stream of water, and Chen Xi's figure shuttled through it frequently. This was the method of teleportation, which came from the power of the Da Luo Jin Wonderland.

However, to Chen Xi who has mastered the divine pattern of space, that layer of space is like a substance, he can clearly perceive it, and he can move through it as freely as a fish swimming in water.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the outer courtyard of Daohuang Academy.

At this time, Chen Xi was in no mood to look at the fairyland-like scene around him. His eyes were as cold as knives as he swept across the outer courtyard, and then his figure flashed, and he swept away.

Liu Zefeng!

If you think I made you lose face last time in the dojo, then this time, I will make you lose face so much!


In front of an ancient building complex in the outer courtyard.

In that spacious square, there are already many figures gathered here, pointing and whispering to one of the ancient buildings.

"Senior brother Liu Zefeng came here aggressively this time, obviously intending to avenge his shame."

"It's a good show now. Chen Xi is too aggressive and doesn't know how to restrain himself. Naturally, he has already made many old students extremely unhappy."

"That's right, since Chen Xi entered our academy for more than a year, there have been many commotions. The tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. In addition, he is a freshman, and there is no big force behind him, so he actually established something. Chenmeng, this arrogance is too arrogant, maybe it is a good thing to suppress him and wake up."

"Hmph, you can't build influence without background? Freshmen have to endure suppression? What kind of reason is this? I think you are just jealous of Chen Xi!"

Discussions continued one after another. Although there were disputes, their eyes were fixed on the ancient building in the distance from the beginning to the end, as if they were afraid of missing any details.

At this time, in that magnificent palace, there was also a burst of conversation, but there was an uncontrollable anger in that voice.

They were all members of Chenmeng, about a dozen of them, and they all looked angrily at the front of the hall, where there were several figures standing proudly, looking at them with smiles.

These people's expressions were loose, with their arms crossed, as if they were supercilious, but there was an astonishing aura surging around them, and they were all the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian.

The leader was Liu Zefeng, who ranked No.8 on the Daluo Gold List.

This kind of lineup is obviously difficult for the freshmen in Chenmeng to compete.

At the front of the members of Chenmeng, Liang Ren and Gu Yueming stood side by side, their eyes were full of anger. These guys blocked the door early in the morning and have blocked them until now.

Although one can still cultivate in this hall, the feeling of being provoked by others and showing off on one's own territory made Liang Ren and the others extremely angry, feeling like a prisoner in a prison.

"These bastards are going too far! If Miss Axiu hadn't gone out to practice with her master these days, they wouldn't dare to find fault with them even if they had a hundred guts!"

Liang Ren gritted his teeth and cursed.

This is the place where Chenmeng is stationed, and it was rented by Axiu at the price of 30 star points per year, and it is specially used for gatherings of Chenmeng members, but now, someone has come to kick them out of the hall, how can they not be sullen .

Not only Liang Ren and Gu Yueming, but other Chenmeng members also looked gloomy. They are all outstanding and outstanding children among the freshmen. Although they are not as perverted as Chen Xi, Fozi Zhenlu and others, they are also outstanding among the freshmen. How could children like them have been bullied like this?

However, even though Liu Zefeng and others brought them great pressure, no one left until now, because if this is the case, isn't it just telling others that Chenmeng is afraid of these bastards?

This situation is unbearable for any of them who are proud.

It was precisely because of this kind of pressure that they hugged each other tightly, which invisibly strengthened their cohesion. They wanted to see how far these bastards could push them.

"It's almost [-]:[-] p.m. If you haven't sent representatives to accept our challenge, it's better to blame us for beating you down one by one!"

At this time, a fat young man next to Liu Zefeng suddenly smiled and spoke with a playful look on his face.

"You dare!"

All the members of Chenmeng were sullen.

"Well, there is still half a quarter of an hour, and then you will know whether I, Huang Tianhu, will do what I say." The fat young man didn't care about the threats from everyone, and said slowly, still smiling.

"Brother Liang Ren, it's all my fault this time. I'm sorry for everyone. If I hadn't been unable to bear the anger and agreed to their challenge before, it would have been impossible to implicate us all."

A young man with a rough face and a thick and majestic figure looked ashamed. Immediately, he calmed down, stepped forward, and said, "All the consequences will be borne by me alone!"

"Xue Hun! Stop! Who do you think we are?"

Liang Ren yelled sharply and grabbed the opponent, "Since you know you have made a mistake, are you still planning to make the same mistake again and again? If you lose, no one can afford the consequences!"

"Xue Hun, listen to Liang Ren, step back for the time being, the matter is like this, we should advance and retreat together, isn't it just a challenge? Since our Chen Alliance has been established, we will inevitably be tempered sooner or later. At this time, but Don't be too impulsive anymore."

Gu Yueming also advised from the side.

Xue Hun froze for a moment, his expression becoming more and more ashamed, but in the end he listened to Liang Ren and Gu Yueming's words, and stood back silently, but his pair of fists were quietly clenched, and his heart was secretly ruthless. If he really fought today, Even if you try your best, you can't let Chenmeng's reputation be humiliated!

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be very loyal. Unfortunately, since you have agreed to the challenge, if you can't take it, your Chenmeng will have to disband, and each of you will obediently join our Zuoqiu Society. Haha...Of course, don’t worry, I appreciate your loyalty, and we won’t treat you badly when you enter Zuoqiu.”

Huang Tianhu laughed out loud, his chubby face was full of complacency.

"Too deceiving!"

"Brother Liang Ren, why don't we fight them!"

"The bullshit Zuoqiu Society will only bully the weak. When I enter the inner court, I will challenge every member of your Zuoqiu Society one by one, and I will pay back ten times the shame of today!"

All the members of Chenmeng were furious, their eyes were tearing apart, and the situation showed signs of being uncontrollable.

Seeing this, Liu Zefeng and the others all sneered secretly, with a look of anticipation in their eyes, as if wishing that the other party could not hold back and rushed forward to fight.


Liang Ren thumped in his heart, just as he was about to stop the crowd, his expression changed suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, and looked outside the hall, where a familiar figure flashed in the void, and then quickly rushed towards the hall .

"It's Chen Xi! Chen Xi is here!"

Liang Ren blurted out with surprise on his face.

"Chen Xi is here?"

At this moment, no matter whether it was the people watching the excitement outside the hall or everyone in the hall, they all turned their eyes to the figure that appeared out of thin air.

"Chen Xi!"

Liu Zefeng and the others turned their heads and saw that figure as well. Immediately, Huang Tianhu sneered, "This kid is finally willing to show himself."

And Liu Zefeng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head at this moment, a cold and stern look flashed in his eyes.

"These bastards are really stuck here!"

With a swish, Chen Xi's figure flashed into the main hall, and he saw Liang Ren and Gu Yueming, especially when he saw Liu Zefeng and others blocking the main hall, a icy chill suddenly appeared in his deep eyes.

"Chen Xi..." Liang Ren hastily walked up to him, waiting to explain.

Chen Xi interrupted with a wave of his hand: "I already know the matter. Speaking of which, this is the first time I have come to our Chenmeng's territory, but what I am curious about is, who are these people? Why did they come to our territory?"

As he said that, Chen Xi's gaze fell on Liu Zefeng and the others icily.

"Hmph, who are we? We are members of the Zuoqiu Society, and this time we are here to challenge you, Chenmeng!"

Seeing that Chen Xi spoke so bluntly, Huang Tianhu immediately snorted coldly.

"So, you are not members of my Chen League?"

Chen Xi said expressionlessly.

"Hey, what Chenmeng, after today, it will disappear!"

Huang Tianhu laughed out loud.

"Now, I'll give you a chance to get out of here immediately, otherwise, it won't be as simple as getting out."

Chen Xi said word by word, his voice was calm, but there was an undeniable taste.

Hearing this, the members of Chenmeng were all refreshed and ready to fight.

As for Liu Zefeng and the others, their complexions darkened, and they glanced at Chen Xi unkindly.

"Let us go? Haha, you are too arrogant. Do you think that after being promoted to Daluo Jinxian, you can ignore us seniors..."


Before he could finish speaking, a wild palm wind rang out, tearing through the void like a hurricane, rushing towards Huang Tianhu.

This palm contains the surging law of Daluo, which seems to be able to cover the four fields and lock the eight poles, making people feel powerless and inescapable, and the speed is also unbelievably fast.

The next moment, Huang Tianhu's grinning grin on his fat cheeks was frozen, the cheekbone on his right cheek and the bridge of his nose suddenly collapsed, his lips were cracked, and a row of teeth on the upper jaw flew out.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body could not bear the force of the palm, and his chubby body rolled out of the hall like a big meat ball sticking to the ground.

Then, he uttered a shrill scream like a slaughtered pig, which shocked everyone outside the hall to dodge one after another, jumping like chickens and dogs.

Chen Xi clapped his hands, and then said expressionlessly, "You're still whining about telling you to get out, I can only send you out in advance."

As he said that, his eyes fell on Liu Zefeng and the others again, "Now, do you want to get out by yourself, or let me send you out?"


ps: I planned to save the manuscript for many days, but I still can’t do it, I’m crying~ But it will definitely explode at the end of the month, everyone must keep the monthly pass, don’t vote for other friends~! ~

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