divine talisman

Chapter 1218 1 Knockback [Part 1]

After Chen Xi finished speaking, the expressions of Liu Zefeng and the others changed slightly.

No one expected that Chen Xi would do it as soon as he said he would do it, and Huang Tianhu was knocked back by the blow, coughing up blood and howling miserably when he was caught off guard.

And from beginning to end, they didn't even have time to stop and save it.

"Winning with a sneak attack, what's there to show off? Your despicable behavior is a bit too much!" An old man was furious, shouting sharply, the immortal power in his body roared, and he also punched out.


This punch actually contained the power of the Huo Lei Shen Wen, raging like fire, galloping like thunder, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

"Despicable? You are also qualified to talk about despicableness with me? Get lost!"

Chen Xi's black eyes were ice-cold, and with a violent wave of his sleeves, the astonishing Da Luo Xianli surged out, like waves sweeping, wrapped in boundless power, and ruthlessly shook it.


A terrifying collision of immortal power swept along with the sound of a huge earthquake, and immediately the face of the old man who shot was pale and frightened. He only felt a huge force coming, like a giant hammer hitting the ground hard. on the palm.

In an instant, the five fingers of that palm twisted backwards, twisting and deforming one by one, followed by the tiger's mouth bursting open, and blood splashed out.

And his whole body was also thrown out by the force, and with a plop, he fell outside the main hall, and rolled into a ball with Huang Tianhu who fell out before.

In the head-on forceful blow, he went away with the same fate as that Huang Tianhu!

"how is this possible!?"

The rest of the old students present were shocked, and in the blink of an eye, they defeated the two big Luo Jinxians. With such strength, even some top-notch old students in the outer court, not many people can do it, let alone a freshman who has just advanced. The new life of Luo Zhijing?

How did he do that?

At this moment, all the people who watched the excitement outside the hall were also dumbfounded and in an uproar. They had no idea how Chen Xi, who had just been promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian, could burst out with such astonishing fighting power.

"We are here for a challenge. If you are so rude again, don't blame me for taking action together."

Amidst all the uproar, Liu Zefeng's eyes were like lightning, and he coldly glanced at Chen Xi.

"Is it rude? Come to the door and block my Chenmeng territory, is it considered rude?"

Chen Xi spoke expressionlessly.

Liu Zefeng took a deep breath, waved his hand, and said, "Okay! We are waiting outside the hall!"

Saying that, he turned to leave.

Seeing this, his companions couldn't help but look at each other, and finally followed and left the hall.


"Chen Xi!"

Seeing this, Liang Ren and the others hurriedly surrounded him.

"Everyone, are you all right?"

Chen Xi looked at the people around him, their expressions were full of surprise, and they didn't have the slightest bit of resentment towards him.

This moved Chen Xi's heart, and he couldn't help feeling ashamed. After all, as the leader of the Chen Alliance, this was the first time he had come to the main hall of the Chen Alliance, and wanted to see members like himself.

But what happened today, it can be said that they were also implicated by themselves.

"It's nothing. Although those bastards are arrogant, they don't dare to target us unscrupulously."

Liang Ren smiled, and there was still a trace of shock in his eyes. Earlier, Chen Xi lightly hit two blows and injured two Da Luo Jinxian powerhouses. Compared with a year ago, the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is not the same day. And language.

"I'm sorry, but as a member of Chenmeng, I have never contributed to Chenmeng. It's because I didn't think carefully about causing everyone to suffer such humiliation."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and with a solemn expression, he cupped his fists and apologized to the members of the Chen Alliance in front of him.

"Hehe, what did Big Brother Chen Xi say? Miss Axiu has already said that you are the backbone of our Chen Alliance and the one at the helm. Only with your strength can we lead our Chen Alliance to grow stronger and stronger."

"Yes, brother Xi, I have seen your situation one by one, and we joined the Chenmeng after careful consideration. You must never see each other again."

"Speaking of which, our skills are still too weak, so you have to do it yourself, Brother Chen Xi, but don't worry, Brother Chen Xi, we have just entered the academy, as long as we are given time, we will definitely become stronger, those old students can only It’s just that he was admitted to the hospital a little longer than us, it’s nothing special!”

Many Chenmeng members spoke one after another. They were able to enter the Daohuang Academy through layers of screening. They were first-class amazing people in the world. They looked at Chen Xi with a touch of fanaticism and admiration.

Yes, only Chen Xi could deserve them to treat them like this, and the reason why they joined the Chen Alliance was also because of Chen Xi.

Seeing this scene, Liang Ren also smiled, and immediately frowned, and said to Chen Xi, "Chen Xi, the challenge outside..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xi interrupted. He abruptly raised his head, looked at the crowd, and said word by word, "Don't worry, everyone, I won't be offended if people don't offend me. Since someone stepped on our Chenmeng's head, you can swallow your anger again. But it was underestimated."

Liang Ren said anxiously, "That's not what I'm talking about."

Chen Xi smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards the main hall: "Don't you just want to disintegrate the Chen Union? I will let them know that there are certain things that must not be said carelessly."

The lines between the words seem plain, but in fact there is a touch of cold determination.

Seeing this, everyone in the Chen League couldn't help being aroused with passion in their hearts, and followed Chen Xi in big strides. At this moment, they seemed to have found the backbone, as if as long as Chen Xi was around, everything was no longer worthy of their fear and fear. worry.


There was a lot of movement here, so it also attracted a lot of attention. There were figures from other directions in the outer courtyard rushing towards this side after hearing the news.

In the early morning, the news that Liu Zefeng and others blocked the main hall of Chenmeng had already spread. Most of the freshmen were angry, but they didn't dare to say anything, so as not to get angry.As for those old students, most of them are watching the fun with some gloat.

At this time, knowing that Chen Xi, the lord of the Chen Alliance, had finally appeared, naturally attracted the attention of many people.

At the same time, in that extremely distant direction, Zhao Mengli's fiery figure also stood alone, with a pair of clear eyes looking over from a distance.

It's not just her, if you look carefully, the figures of Buddha's son Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhonglixun and others are also looming in the distance.

Obviously, they all wanted to see how Chen Xi would deal with Liu Zefeng, who was ranked No. 8 on the Great Luo Gold List.

Facing all these staring gazes, Chen Xi remained indifferent, as if he hadn't noticed, as soon as he walked out of the main hall, his gaze swept towards Liu Zefeng and the others who had already been waiting there.

"Unexpectedly, your narrow-mindedness is beyond my expectation. No wonder you have practiced in the outer courtyard for nearly a thousand years, but you have been unable to enter the inner courtyard."

In the end, Chen Xi's eyes fell on Liu Zefeng, and the corners of his lips curled up in a cold sarcasm.

Hearing Chen Xi's words, Liu Zefeng's expression sank immediately, and he said indifferently, "Smart teeth can't change your Chenmeng's fate, so you should not try to provoke me with words."

"Don't worry, even if you want to calm things down today, I won't agree."

Chen Xi shook his head, and said slowly, "In other words, if anyone dares to provoke my Chenmeng like this in the future, I will never let it go."

Liu Zefeng was taken aback, then couldn't help laughing out loud as if hearing a joke, and said, "You are really arrogant, do you think you are still performing in the dojo at this time like last year?"

His companions also laughed out loud. Although Chen Xi's two blows just now injured two of their companions, but with Liu Zefeng and other top experts from the outer courtyard sitting in command, they would not take Chen Xi seriously at all.

After all, in their cognition, Chen Xi had only entered the Great Luo Realm for a month after all, so how could he possibly be the opponent of Liu Zefeng who had practiced for nearly a thousand years?

"Everything is different, you will know it when you fight."

Chen Xi had no expression on his face, "Last time I was able to defeat you with my cultivation in the Profound Immortal Realm, which made you feel ashamed. This time, I won't be able to take advantage of you so cheaply, so it's best for you to go together, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

As soon as these words came out, even the people watching the battle nearby secretly clicked their tongues, feeling that Chen Xi was acting too crazy.

Liu Zefeng's face darkened again, and his eyes swept across Chen Xi like a knife. Chen Xi's attitude had already angered him. He originally thought that under such circumstances, Chen Xi would at least restrain himself and show some regret for provoking him. Who knows what he looked like, but after not seeing him for more than a year, this kid actually became more and more rampant.

"Boy, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

Liu Zefeng clenched his fists violently, and a terrifying aura surged out of his body. The coercion that belonged to Da Luo Jinxian permeated the air, causing many freshmen present to change their expressions slightly.

This level of momentum is indeed shocking, and it is worthy of being ranked No.8 on the Daluo Gold List.

Some eyes couldn't help looking at Chen Xi, but they saw that the latter's face was still as still as still water, and there was no slight fluctuation in Ru Yuan's black eyes, nor did they show the slightest movement due to Liu Zefeng's terrifying oppression.


The next moment, Liu Zefeng moved, and his figure flashed, tearing apart the void. The next moment, a person appeared in front of Chen Xi, and a punch exploded out. Suddenly, the berserk power of Da Luo's law swept out like a horse, fiercely attacking Chen Xi. Chen Xi smashed his head off.

This blow was unbelievable, and it happened in an instant, and the punch was extremely terrifying, fully interpreting the power of Da Luo Jinxian.

But he was fast, Chen Xi was faster than him, and at the moment Liu Zefeng made a move, Chen Xi stabbed out violently with his fingers parallel to each other, a sword energy that was sharp and condensed to the extreme, pierced through like a divine spear of judgment. The void reveals a force that reaches people's hearts.


The sword energy and the fist light collided fiercely, the immortal power exploded, and the terrifying breath swept away.

Ding Ding Deng

In the midst of the smoke and dust, the figure of Liu Zefeng took several steps back, and with each step, a hole was created in the void, obviously withstanding the irresistible force of the shock.

Seeing such a scene, everyone watching the battle jumped in their hearts, their pupils dilated, and Liu Zefeng was actually forced to retreat after the fight?

how can that be?


ps: If you don’t make a promise, many people complain, goldfish, when will you explode, can you give me an answer, and when I make a promise, some people will say, goldfish, don’t promise to explode, it gives people hope and makes people cry People are disappointed, I just want to say that the only purpose of my promise to break out is to those book friends who are going to vote monthly. Others can completely ignore my promise, so they won't be disappointed.

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