divine talisman

Chapter 1222 Ghosts and gods are hard to get over, the holy stop [Part 1]

I made a mistake in the chapter name yesterday, it has been revised~


Misty Cloud Fairy Mountain.

When Chen Xi returned to his cave, he was still thinking about the news he got from Axiu.

Extraterritorial battlefield?

Thinking that coming to the inner court for assessment is not a competition between disciples, but a battle with foreign races outside the territory. If this is the case, the danger will undoubtedly increase a lot. No wonder the academy will send four half-step Immortal King-level instructors to lead the team.

Chen Xi is no stranger to alien races outside the territory. As early as in the Xuanhuan domain, he fought with alien races from outside the territory more than once. He is very clear that there are extremely terrifying existences among alien races outside the territory.

For example, the white-haired snow-like Holy Emperor from outside the Territory that I saw in the Gate of All Wonders in Cangwu Zhiyuan, even Xiao Ding and Ant Supreme could not keep the other party together.

It was only later that Chen Xi found out that the other party's name was Xuanchen Shenghuang, and he had been suppressed by the Cangwu Divine Tree in the Gate of Wonders as early as in the ancient times.

Just like when he was in the Nine Nethers, Chen Xi had also heard about the existence of a statue named Blazing Holy Emperor. Like the Xuanchen Holy Emperor, he was suppressed in the Nine Nethers in the ancient times.

And on the way to the Bauhinia Bai family that time, because of the "Imperial Object All Saints Code" from the ghost Fang Yanshi clan, Chen Xi and his group were hunted down by a ghost named Su Shenghuang.

At that time, if Bai Jingchen, the head of the Bai family, hadn't taken action, the group of them would have been almost wiped out. At that time, the ghost Su Shenghuang only sent out a projection, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

Whether it was the Holy Emperor Xuanchen, the Holy Emperor Chiyan, or that ghost Su Holy Emperor, Chen Xi had an extremely deep understanding of the combat power of foreign races outside the region.

He knew very well that if the foreign races outside the territory were able to confront the Three Realms without being wiped out, they must have extremely terrifying power sitting in their command.


"The inner court assessment was actually chosen on the battlefield outside the territory. It seems that when the chaos in the three realms is approaching, not only the human realm, but even the immortal realm is threatened by alien races from outside the realm."

Chen Xi pondered silently for a long time, and came to a conclusion that even the Daohuang Academy changed its previous rules and put the inner court assessment on the battlefield outside the territory. Obviously, through this kind of tempering, the students of the academy realized the warfare of alien races outside the territory. to prepare for a major conflict that may break out in the future.

However, Chen Xi wasn't worried about anything. Compared to being in the human world before, he was now a Da Luo Jinxian. Apart from some extremely terrifying existences, he wasn't afraid of anything.

What's more, according to Axiu, there are four half-step fairy king-level instructors leading the team for this inner court assessment, and it is impossible to take these students to the most dangerous place in the outer battlefield.

"The top priority is to improve your strength. There is less than half a year left before the inner court's assessment. Take advantage of this opportunity to focus on refining the Da Luo law."

Da Luo Jinxian and Xuan Xian are two completely different realms. After reaching this level, you must start to condense the Da Luo Law, which is the Da Luo Shenwen.

As we all know, the Da Luo Shenwen is condensed from more than two Dao laws, and it is not that simple to condense it.

First of all, one must perfect both of the two principles of the Great Dao, this is the most basic, and only then can one begin to condense these two principles of the Great Law into the Da Luo Shenwen.

This is different from the superposition of laws. The Da Luo divine pattern is a real fusion of two or more Da Luo laws, regardless of each other.

This undoubtedly made it more difficult to condense the Great Luo Divine Pattern. The two Dao laws like water and fire are incompatible. It is conceivable how difficult it is to completely condense them into a Great Luo Divine Pattern.

And this is just condensing two kinds of Dao laws. If you condense three or more than four kinds of Dao laws, the difficulty will only double.

This is also why when Chen Xi survived the five-element divine pattern, it caused such a huge commotion in the academy, and even attracted the attention of many old antiques.

The reason is that this god-given five-element divine pattern is a Daluo divine pattern that completely integrates the five great laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. There is no need for Chen Xi to work hard to refine it. It is like a pie falling from the sky. Naturally, Enviable.

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, the acquisition of the Five Elements Divine Pattern was only to save him some time. After all, he had already perfected all the principles of the Five Elements Dao, and what he lacked was condensedness.

"In a short period of time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to integrate the wind, thunder, yin, yang and other attainment laws into the five elements of the divine pattern. In this case, it is better to first integrate the wind and thunder, then the yin and yang, and then integrate them one by one. For one thing, it can also provide myself with a lot of fighting methods..."

Chen Xi knew very well that although the Five Elements Divine Rune was very powerful, other laws of the great way also had their own magical effects, especially when dealing with some special enemies, some kind of law of the great way was needed to restrain them.

Like dealing with those ghosts and ghosts, using the two Dao laws of thunder and yang is undoubtedly the most powerful.

"As for other rare Dao laws such as stars, immortality, good fortune, the other shore, and sinking, it is not too late to condense them in the future. After all, they are all unique existences in the world. It is too difficult to condense, and it is impossible to improve yourself in a short time. How much combat power."

Especially the laws of the other side and the Great Way of Sinking, Chen Xi still remembered that there was also a taboo law in the three realms, and that was the law of reincarnation!But the law of reincarnation is condensed from the three avenues of the other side, sinking, and ending.

So at this time, he will not rashly condense these laws.

Without any further delay, Chen Xi immediately walked into the world of stars, and began to retreat and condense the Law of Great Luo.


"Old Ancestor, please be more considerate of this inner court assessment." In a simple and simple palace in the inner court, Zuo Qiujun bowed respectfully.

On the first seat opposite him, sat a thin old man in gray clothes.

The old man had gray beard and hair, and the wrinkles on his face criss-crossed like ravines. A pair of cloudy eyes were squinted, and he looked sleepy.

His appearance is indeed too old, like an old man who is about to die in the dusk, his thin body is bent in the seat, looking extremely thin.

But Zuoqiu Jun was respectful to the extreme in front of him, he kept bowing his body to salute, not even daring to show his air, the reason was very simple, because this old man was Zuoqiu Taiwu.

The most senior person in the Zuoqiu family lived in seclusion in the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy all year round, ignoring world affairs, so that many students have never heard of his name.

But this does not mean that Zuoqiu Taiwu has no power, on the contrary, anyone who knows him well knows that if Zuoqiu Taiwu is willing, he can now affect most of the Zuoqiu family's affairs!

The hall was silent, the old and skinny Zuoqiu Taiwu seemed to be asleep, and ignored Zuoqiu Jun's words.

Seeing this, Zuoqiu Jun couldn't help but glance sideways at Zuoqiu Hong who was beside him.

Zuoqiu Hong comprehended, took a deep breath, also bowed, and said respectfully: "Old Ancestor, Jun'er is about to take part in the inner court assessment, and with his strength, he will not be able to enter the inner court. It's just about that scoundrel... "

However, before he finished speaking, Zuoqiu Taiwu, who had been sleepy all the time, didn't lift his head, but another hoarse voice came from his lips: "I see, you all step back."

Zuo Qiujun was slightly startled, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zuo Qiuhong, who was startled again, and finally said nothing.

"Old Ancestor, then we will take our leave."

Zuoqiu Hong bowed to Zuoqiu Taiwu again and left with Zuoqiu Jun.

"Uncle Hong, what does the ancestor mean?"

It wasn't until he left the main hall and walked out of the inner courtyard that Zuoqiu Jun couldn't help asking.

"Some things cannot be said too clearly."

Zuoqiu Hong pondered for a while, then smiled and patted Zuoqiu Jun on the shoulder, and said, "I also heard about the dispute between Zuoqiuhui and that kid Chen Xi, it's just a momentary shame, don't take it to heart superior."

Mentioning Chen Xi, Zuoqiu Jun's face became clouded, and he immediately nodded and said, "Thank you, Uncle Hong, for your comfort."

Zuo Qiuhong glanced at him, and said: "During the assessment in the inner court, the location was chosen as the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield, which is a medium-sized battlefield opened up in the Immortal Realm and the Outer Territory. It is enough for you to go all out to participate in the assessment, and other things , someone else will do it."

other things?

Hearing such a cryptic sentence, the corners of Zuoqiu Jun's lips turned cold, and he couldn't help asking, "Uncle Hong, how did you arrange it?"

Zuo Qiuhong shook his head: "I don't know either, this was personally arranged by Young Master Kong, you have to work harder, don't let Young Master Kong down again, after all, Young Master Kong will be in charge of the entire Zuoqiu family in the future. He is disappointed in you, and you must be aware of the consequences."

Young Master Kong is naturally Zuo Qiukong, one of the six scorching suns in the fairy world.

Hearing this, Zuoqiu Jun's heart trembled, and a haze appeared between his brows again, hatred surged in his heart, and he clenched his hands in his sleeves irresistibly, "Chen Xi, you scoundrel who shouldn't have been born into this world, this Everything is thanks to you!"

at the same time.

Iris Immortal Continent, in a vast desert.

With a chirping sound, the void was torn apart, revealing a tall and handsome figure, with his hands behind his back, his delicate cheeks, and his eyes were as bright as jewels. He was the heir of the Zuoqiu family——Zuoqiukong.

The sun is scorching, the yellow sand is exposed for thousands of miles, the hurricane is whistling, and thousands of turbid waves are rolled up. The climate here is extremely harsh, flickering with fire and gold, and most importantly, the desert is completely dead, and there is not even a trace of fairy power in the air.

This is where the Iris Immortal Prison is located. The entire desert is an ancient immortal array, which has been preserved since the ancient times. I don’t know how many traitors and sinners of the Zuoqiu Clan have been imprisoned. None of them can escape from the prison.

Here, it even has the title of "ghosts and gods are hard to get over, and the holy stop"!

Clothed, Zuo Qiukong with his hands behind his back, quietly staring at the wind and sand in the sky for a long time, he didn't know what he thought of, finally sighed, and murmured: "It's time to meet you after so many years, little girl ..."

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