divine talisman

Chapter 1223 When it comes, it is fierce, but when it goes, it is panic [Part 2]

Axiu's demeanor can be described as crisp and neat, without sloppiness, without any offensive words in her words, but in the ears of everyone, she has a murderous aura.

Everyone was convinced that Axiu would definitely do what she said.

Because she is the little princess of the Xuanyuan family, she should be so tyrannical and powerful. In this world where everything depends on strength and background, Axiu's background is so great that she obviously possesses unquestionable power.

In this deadly tense atmosphere, another figure suddenly came from a distance and said something in Zuoqiu Jun's ear, which caused his expression to suddenly sink, and the next moment his eyes fell on Chen There was a trace of surprise and uncertainty on Xi's body.

No one knew what news Zuoqiu Jun had learned, but they could vaguely sense that the change in his expression should be inseparable from Chen Xi.

"Hey, I didn't expect that in less than two years, you have been able to rank fifth on the Da Luo Gold List. No wonder you dare to be so confident today."

Zuoqiu Jun was silent for a long time, then suddenly sneered, his expression was gloomy and his tone was complicated, making it unclear what was going on in his heart at the moment.

But when he said those words, it caused an uproar in the audience, and all eyes fell on Chen Xi, as if they were staring at a monster.

Daluo Gold List No.5?

When did this happen, why didn't they know?

This... If true, it would be too appalling!

At this moment, Liu Zefeng and the others also changed countenance, and finally realized that they were not at a loss when they were defeated by Chen Xi before.

No. 5 on the Daluo Gold List, that is the height they can only look up to!

At this point, Liang Ren, Gu Yueming and other members of the Chen League showed surprises, and they were all very excited. They also did not expect that the helm of their Chen League would be ranked No. 5 on the Da Luo Gold List.

It was at this time that everyone present realized that today, when Chen Xi faced the challenge of Liu Zefeng and others, why he dared to be so strong, it turned out that there was something to rely on.

All of a sudden, the eyes looking at Liu Zefeng and the others couldn't help showing a touch of pity and sympathy. Poor, when they came to kick the restaurant, they didn't ask for good news and came back again. It was obvious that they came to seek abuse by themselves.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi kept silent all the time, because he knew that Zuoqiu Jun would never do anything that would destroy his own prestige and increase the aspirations of others.

Sure enough, the next moment Zuoqiu Jun changed the subject, and said coldly: "If you put it in the past, with your current ability, you do have the qualifications to enter the inner court. Unfortunately, this year's inner court assessment is different from previous ones. Same."

This sentence was inexplicable, and everyone heard it half-understood and confused.

But Zuoqiu Jun didn't mention this matter anymore, he glanced at A Xiu indifferently, then waved and said: "This time the confrontation is over, let's go."

With that said, he turned and left.

Liu Zefeng and the others were stunned, seemed a little bit unwilling, and seemed relieved, and immediately followed Zuoqiu Jun to leave. In fact, they really wanted to leave this place early.

After all, today they suffered consecutive setbacks, lost all face, and suffered a heavy blow to their self-esteem, so how could they have the face to stay any longer.

However, they wanted to leave, but Axiu refused, and said coldly, "You didn't admit defeat and apologize, who told you to leave?"


Before the voice fell, the disciples of the Xuanyuan Society's inner courtyard beside Axiu had already mobilized, and with a single teleportation, everyone including Zuoqiu Jun was blocked.

Seeing this, Zuoqiu Jun and the others all looked down, and their eyes were tearing apart. They obviously didn't want to get entangled in this matter, but the other party kept pressing them, which was too deceptive!

"Forget it, Axiu, let them go."

Seeing this, Chen Xi suddenly opened his mouth and said a sentence that was beyond everyone's expectations.

Those Xuanyuanhui disciples also glanced at Chen Xi in a daze, not knowing what he was going to do.

However, Axiu seemed to have seen through Chen Xi's thoughts. She was moved, and at the same time cast a sideways glance at Chen Xi angrily, and angrily said to those members of the Xuanyuan Society, "Why are you still standing there, let them go away smoothly!"

The members of the Xuanyuan Society looked at each other, smiled wryly and moved away, even if they were reprimanded in public, they would not dare to disobey the wishes of their little princess.

Seeing this, the surrounding spectators clicked their tongues in their hearts again, and rolled smoothly?Only the little princess of the Xuanyuan family dared to say that.


Zuo Qiujun turned his head, gave Chen Xi a cold look, and then with a gloomy face, he led the group of them roaring away. They were all dejected and gloomy, in stark contrast to the menacing appearance before.

In the eyes of everyone, it is undoubtedly a very vivid interpretation of what it means to return home without a feather.


"It seems that I don't need you anymore, it's alright, let's go." In the distance, Zhao Mengli watched Zuo Qiujun and his party leave, then turned her head and said something casually in the distance.

Then, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared out of thin air, Qi Qi cupped his hands at Zhao Mengli, and then dispersed.

If anyone was here, they would definitely be able to recognize that the dozen or so figures were all disciples of the inner courtyard of the Phoenix Alliance!


"Master, it seems that we don't need to show up." From the other direction, a heroic young man strode up to Ji Xuanbing and said.

Ji Xuanbing nodded and said, "I'm going to trouble everyone this time."

"Should be."

The heroic young man looked respectful, "If there is no other order, I will leave later."

"Well, go ahead and bring me a gift for the members of our Ji Family Society."

Ji Xuanbing waved his hand.

"Thank you sir."

The heroic young man took the order and left.


"Sister Linglong is now retreating with her master, but we will not just ignore her orders. It's a pity that Xuanyuan will intervene this time, but it prevents our Muziying from having a chance to be dispatched."

At the same time, Mu Yuchong also led a group of people to stop in the distance. Seeing the end of the matter, he couldn't help smiling, and waved, "Let's go, this time Zuoqiu's family has lost a lot of face."


If Zuoqiu Jun was able to let others know that even if Axiu didn't show up, other forces would intervene in this matter, so I don't know how he would feel.

But it can also be seen from this that in this Imperial Academy, some people wish Chen Xi would die, and there are also people who secretly pay close attention to Chen Xi, and all of these are naturally inseparable from Chen Xi's performance in the academy.

After all, since entering the Dao Emperor Academy, Chen Xi has been like a man of the hour, bringing some unexpected surprises to the academy from time to time, and the speed at which his strength improves is obvious to all.

For this amazing and peerless genius, some like it and some hate it. It is impossible for all to be hostile to him, and it is impossible for all to defend him. This is also a normal thing.


After Zuoqiu Jun and others left, the people watching the battle near the Chenmeng Hall also left one after another.

It’s just that when they left this time, their emotions couldn’t be calmed down for a long time. Some people were excited, and hurried to Wendaoxian Mountain, wanting to admire Chen Xi’s ranking on the Great Luo Gold List.

There were also people who were shocked by Chen Xi's astonishing performance, and quickly spread everything that happened today in the form of a summons.

Because they are very clear that what happened today is destined to cause another uproar in the academy.

Zuoqiu Jun and others came to challenge Chenmeng, but they were beaten up, lost face, and returned home in defeat!

Xuanyuanxiu, the little princess of the Xuanyuan clan, admitted frankly that she joined the Chen League and became a member of it!

The Lord of the Chen League showed up one month after being promoted to the Realm of Da Luo, and ranked fifth on the Da Luo Gold List in one fell swoop!

Every piece of news spread out is enough to cause a huge commotion, but now, it happened on the same day. Under such circumstances, who can remain calm?


In the main hall of Chenmeng.

All the members of Chenmeng looked excited and whispered to each other, discussing a series of things that just happened. At this moment, they all had a sense of honor, and their sense of belonging to Chenmeng reached an unprecedented height.

On the other side of the main hall, Axiu was introducing the structure of the Chen League to Chen Xi, "There are currently 16 members in the Chen League, and Liang Ren and Gu Yueming are usually in charge of daily chores, and I will take care of some of the layout of the Chen League As for the matter of growth, when the number of members of the Star Alliance increases in the future, some specific positions will be set up, such as guardians, rudder masters and the like..."

Axiu chattered a lot, all about the future development of the Chen League, which showed how much she cared about the affairs of the Chen League. Chen Xi felt ashamed when he heard it, and felt like a shopkeeper who threw away his hands.

"By the way, what Zuoqiu Jun said is right. This time the inner court assessment is indeed different from the previous ones."

Suddenly, Axiu seemed to think of something, looked at Chen Xi and said, "A few days ago, I traveled with Master to travel together, in fact, it was to prepare for this inner court assessment."

When this topic was mentioned, Chen Xi's expression suddenly became serious. He remembered that just before Zuoqiu Jun left, he said a seemingly nonsensical remark, which was related to the inner court assessment.

"This inner court assessment is not in the academy, but on the battlefield outside the territory. The specific location will be announced at that time, but as far as I know, at that time, the top [-] students on the Daluo Gold List will be composed of four and a half The team is led by instructors at the level of the Immortal King, and one of them is an instructor from the Zuoqiu clan."

When Axiu said this, she seemed to be a little hesitant. After thinking for a long time, she finally said, "The instructor of the Zuoqiu family is named Zuoqiu Taiwu. His qualifications are extremely old, and he is of the same generation as the headmaster..."

According to Axiu, this Zuoqiu Taiwu had been cultivating in the academy tens of thousands of years ago, and he had been living in seclusion, ignoring common affairs. If not, his seniority would be enough to influence the Zuoqiu clan In most matters, monstrous power is at your fingertips.

"If such a figure has bad thoughts towards you during the assessment, I'm afraid it will be extremely disadvantageous."

Axiu frowned and said, "I think what Zuoqiu Jun said before he left was the threat that this great man might bring to you."

Zuoqiu Taiwu?

Chen Xi was speechless for a while, and finally understood why people always said that among the seven great families in ancient times, the one with the strongest power in the Dao Emperor Academy was without a doubt the Zuoqiu family.


ps: It’s gone tonight, good night everyone~

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