divine talisman

Chapter 1225 Dao Emperor Ancient Land [Part 2]



When the assessment date of the inner court came, the entire outer court of Daohuang Academy was completely boiling.

Even the younger ones who were not qualified to participate in the assessment all rushed out to pay their respects to the demeanor of the top [-] powerhouses on the Daluo Jinbang.

For all the disciples of the outer court, entering the inner court is also an aspirational goal. Only when they stand out in the inner court assessment can they enter the true inheritance place of Daohuang Academy - the inner court!

And obviously, this kind of assessment, competition has never been easy. It can be said that this is the first real competition for those students after entering Daohuang Academy!

The sky was blue and cloudless.

In the central square in front of the lecture hall in the outer courtyard, the atmosphere was already boiling at this time, many old students and new students gathered here, and it was so dark that some disciples who could not normally retreat also appeared at this moment, so it was extremely lively.

Standing on the side of the square, Chen Xi felt the boiling atmosphere permeating the field, and a blazing color was inadvertently revealed in his black eyes.

"Chen Xi, I have been waiting for today for a long time, this time, you must be careful!"

At this time, Ji Xuanbing's figure passed by here, and when he saw Chen Xi, he said with a smile, there was a faint sense of war surging between his brows.

Chen Xi smiled, and said, "It's also Chen Xi's luck to be regarded as an opponent by Brother Ji."

"You guys are really hypocritical. You should say that you have the guts to let the horse go."

Ji Xuanbing laughed loudly, and with a few teasing words, there was a sense of affinity, which invisibly shortened the distance between him and Chen Xi.

Chen Xi also laughed dumbfounded.

"Chen Xi."

A voice as clear as ice resounded from the side, and then Zhao Mengli, who was dressed like a fire in red, walked forward lightly. She glanced at Chen Xi, and said in a clear voice, "Do you still remember the agreement between you and me?"

Seeing Zhao Mengli appear, Ji Xuanbing gave Chen Xi a thoughtful look, then smiled, said goodbye and turned to leave.

Chen Xi was startled, and then remembered that when they first went to the mission fairy mountain, Liang Ren and Gu Yueming had joked about themselves, saying that only they could catch up with Zhao Mengli, and then Zhao Mengli noticed, and immediately said a harsh word in embarrassment , said that if he could surpass her in the inner court assessment, he would give himself a chance to pursue her...

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, and said, "Miss Zhao, the last time was just a joke among my friends, don't take it to heart."

Zhao Mengli squinted at him, lifted her snow-white chin, and said proudly: "I never joked about what I said. If you are afraid, you can admit defeat now."

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, and sighed, "This assessment is on an out-of-region battlefield, fighting against those alien races, I think it would be difficult to destroy flowers with a ruthless hand."

Destroying flowers with hot hands...

Hearing this, Zhao Mengli's beautiful and noble face showed a hint of embarrassment, she gave Chen Xi a hard look, and said, "Hmph, there is always a ranking in the assessment, you better not be overwhelmed by me!"

After that, she turned and drifted away.

"Is ranking important?"

Chen Xi couldn't help sighing, and immediately a sense of pride welled up in his heart, he said to himself, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you guys catch up with me, of course, I didn't do this for the sake of pursuing you..."

As time passed, more and more figures gathered in the square, Axiu, Liang Ren, Gu Yueming and other members of the Chen League also came to see Chen Xi off and cheer, and the scene was extremely lively.

"Brother Chen Xi, you must win No.1 this time, and show off the power of the Chen Alliance!"

A Chenmeng member said excitedly.

"Yes, show off the power of my Chenmeng!" Others followed suit.

Chen Xi smiled, knowing that they were cheering him up.

"Hmph, No.1? Let's talk about it if we come back from the foreign battlefield alive!" Suddenly, a blunt and cold voice came in.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Zuo Qiujun sneering in this direction, and then his figure disappeared into the crowd not far away.

"Chen Xi, you must be wary of some Zuoqiu Jun. Among the [-] disciples participating in the inner court assessment this time, many of them have a close relationship with Zuoqiu Jun, although they will definitely not be allowed to appear on the battlefield outside the territory In the case of cannibalism, it is necessary to prevent them from using some despicable tricks in private."

Seeing this, Axiu immediately frowned and reminded Chen Xi.

"I have my own measure." Chen Xi nodded.

"Well, you have to be careful, if anything happens to you, I will kill all those bastards!" Axiu shook her fist fiercely.

The members of the Chenmeng League have long been familiar with the strangeness, but Axiu's domineering never needs to be explained.


At this time, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, seemingly slowly, but after a moment, it appeared in front of the square as if teleported.

The light dissipated, revealing four stalwart figures, including Zhou Zhili, the dean of the outer courtyard, and Wang Daolu, the chief instructor of the inner courtyard.

Of the other two, one was a skinny old man in a gray robe, with dimpled cheeks. His eyes were always squinted, as if he was half asleep.

And the other is a teacher who can't tell the age. He is dressed in white, with gray hair, but his face is as handsome as a boy. Feel.

As soon as the four of them appeared, the hustle and bustle of the audience stopped abruptly, and everyone could clearly feel that when they appeared, the whole world seemed to be surrendering to them, possessing a supreme aura, It seems that with just a flip of your hand, you can move the universe and turn the sea into a mulberry field.

"The old man in gray is Zuoqiu Taiwu. He is the most unfathomable of the four. Even my uncle Zuoqiu Pojun thinks he is no match for him."

Axiu stared at the gray-clothed old man in the distance, her expression also became serious.

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he squinted his eyes and looked at Zuoqiu Taiwu who was dressed in gray, but he saw that the latter was thin and sleepy. If he hadn't stood with Zhou Zhili and the others, it would have been unbelievable. He is an old antique who is of the same generation as the current dean.

"Who is that person?" In the next moment, Chen Xi's eyes shifted to the grey-haired teacher with a youthful face with a smile on his lips.

"The chief teacher of the inner courtyard is Tuoba Tianxi. The Tuoba clan can be regarded as a newcomer among the top powers in the four great immortal continents. Although their background is not as good as the seven ancient families, their power is booming today."

Axiu talked eloquently.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart, the fairyland is indeed too vast, there are powerful people emerging in an endless stream, and there are also powers scattered all over the world, like the top powerful Tuoba clan, Chen Xi has never heard of it before.

"You guys."

In the sky, Zhou Zhili, the dean of the outer courtyard, spoke in a deep voice, his voice was like a bell, stirring the world and attracting the attention of all the students present.

"This inner court assessment will be presided over by me, Wang Daolu, Tuoba Tianxi, and Zuoqiu Taiwu, the three chief instructors of the inner court. The location is the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield outside the Territory."

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhili's expression became more serious, "I think you all know that this time the inner court assessment is different from the previous ones, it is not a duel in the arena, but a fight with a strong foreign race, so this assessment is destined to be extremely dangerous! Next, I will announce some rewards and rules."

Hearing this, the hearts of all the disciples were immediately lifted, and even those who could not participate in the assessment all pricked up their ears and listened.

"The rules are very simple. One, do not kill each other, and two, do not run away! Anyone who violates any of these rules will not only be disqualified from the examination, but will also be deprived of the Purple Ribbon Star and expelled from the academy!"

Accompanied by Zhou Zhili's voice, the expressions of everyone around him also became serious.

"In terms of rewards, those who won No.1 in this assessment can get 800 million star rewards, No.2 will get 700 million, and so on until No.10."

"The most important thing is that the top five winners can make an exception and enter the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land. There, if they are lucky enough, they may be able to obtain some supreme inheritance."

Dao Emperor Ancient Land!

Supreme inheritance?

In the square, many students took a breath, and in the next moment, their eyes showed fiery anticipation. The ancient land of the Taoist Emperor is a forbidden area in the academy, and there are more than a few supreme treasures that have survived from the ancient times to the present. Inheritance, according to rumors, even the inheritance of Emperor Dao himself is hidden in it!

All of these are fatally attractive to students like them.

"The Ancient Land of the Dao Emperor!"

Chen Xi was also shocked in his heart, but he clearly remembered that there was an additional condition to exchange for the fragments of the River Map, and that was to be able to obtain the Dao Emperor's inheritance!

At this moment, even his heart beats a little faster. This is definitely a rare opportunity. Star points can be earned at any time, but the ancient land of the Dao Emperor cannot be entered at any time.

"This time, no matter what, I will win one of the top five places!" Chen Xi secretly decided in his heart.

"Of course, even if you don't get the top ten rankings, other disciples can also enter the inner court to practice if they can reach the standard of hunting a hundred Da Luo-level alien powerhouses."

Zhou Zhili's voice sounded again, and with a wave of his sleeve, streams of light pierced through the air, falling into the hands of the top [-] disciples on the Da Luo Jinbang.

"This is the letter. Once you encounter danger on the battlefield, you can crush it. The other three teachers and I will rescue you immediately. Remember, if you don't kill a hundred big soldiers before using the letter, A Luo-level alien powerhouse means failing the assessment."

When Zhou Zhili said this, he exchanged a look with the other three instructors, and they all started.


In the void, a deep passage leading to nowhere was forcibly opened by four people waving their hands!

Seeing this scene, many of the disciples present were shocked. When will he be able to possess such extraordinary means?

"The top [-] disciples of the Daluo Jinbang, now, come with me!"

With a wave of Zhou Zhili's big sleeve, he covered fifty disciples including Chen Xi in one sleeve, and then stepped out with one step, entering that passageway.

Wang Daolu, Tuoba Tianxi, and Zuoqiu Taiwu, the three chief instructors of the inner courtyard, also followed behind.


The next moment, the passage disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"Chen Xi, you must come back alive!"

Axiu was stunned, muttering in her heart.


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