divine talisman

Chapter 1226 The Phantom of the Immortal King [Part 3]

Thank you brothers for "being idle and taking the water" for giving a reward~


Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield.

A vast galaxy is like a moat across the sky, completely separating the fairy world from the foreign world. The camp of the three realms is at one end, while the camp of foreign races is at the other end.

This galaxy is also regarded as the boundary river between the Three Realms and the extraterritorial. It is deep and boundless, stretching seemingly endlessly.

When Chen Xi and the others arrived under the leadership of Zhou Zhili, they had already arrived above the starry sky and saw the boundary river meandering in the universe.

It is said to be a boundary river, but it is actually formed by the convergence of countless stars. What flows in it is not water, but huge planets. It is more appropriate to call it a "star river".

"This is the dividing line between the Three Realms and the outside world. Since ancient times, there have been countless earth-shattering battles inside and outside the boundary river. Similarly, it is also unknown how many people who reached the sky were buried here."

Zhou Zhili pointed at the boundary river in the distance, and there was a touch of emotion in his serious expression, "It can be said that the current stable and prosperous situation in the Three Realms is due to the blood and lives of many ancestors. They... ...is the greatest hero in the Three Realms!"

Everyone was in awe, and there was an uncontrollable surge of blood in their hearts, which was the admiration and admiration for many ancestors.

Alien races from outside the territory are at odds with all beings in the Three Realms, and there is a blood feud that cannot be resolved. No one of them will have a good impression of such an enemy.

As the saying goes, people who are not of our race must have a different heart!


At this moment, in the depths of the boundary river in the distance, there was a shocking roar, the sound was so loud that it reverberated throughout the entire starry sky.

At the same time, everyone could see that a slender, slender, and white finger pierced through the boundless galaxy, crushing stars one by one, and pointed fiercely at the depths of the boundary river.


With a roar of a beast, a gigantic black giant stepped on the starry sky, swung its nose, like a long whip tearing apart the starry sky, and collided with that terrifying finger that reached the sky.

At that moment, the entire galaxy experienced a series of violent shocks, and the aftermath spread across the entire starry sky. The terrifying aura of destruction made everyone present pale and gasped.

This scene is too terrifying, crushing the stars, disturbing the starry sky, obviously separated by an extremely long distance, but they can see it clearly, from this we can see how terrifying that kind of attack is!

"Not good! It's the powerhouses at the Immortal King level who are fighting, let's go!"

Zhou Zhili's expression suddenly became dignified, and with a wave of his sleeves, he wrapped everyone around and left in a flash.


When Chen Xi and the others came back to their senses again, they had already come to an extremely desolate planet, and there was actually a city in it.

"In that scene just now, was the fairy king fighting?"

At this time, some people still felt palpitations, how huge a star was, but it was crushed and exploded between those fingers like paper paste, that kind of power was indeed too shocking.

"It's the deepest part of the Boundary River, a place that only the Immortal King level can enter. The party that fought just now should be one of the Four Immortal Kings. As for who it is, it is impossible to judge."

Zhou Zhili's expression had returned to normal, and he ordered with a relaxed expression, "Okay, that's the area where the immortal kings confront each other. This assessment is not for you to go there to die."

Seeing that Zhou Zhili, who is always serious and unsmiling, actually made a joke, everyone smiled and felt a lot relieved.

"This city is called Yunmeng City, and it is a stronghold from the Three Realms to the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield. You will start from here tomorrow morning to start the assessment."

Zhou Zhili pointed to the country-like area below, and after explaining something, he flew down with a group of disciples and entered the Yunmeng City.

"Huh? The team from Daohuang Academy is here!"

"It really is them. The assessment team of the Seven Great Academies is only one short of Daohuang Academy."

"Tsk tsk, I think those fifty young men and women are the children who will take part in the assessment this time. This time, the children of the seven colleges are going to practice together, and maybe they can be distinguished."

In Yunmeng City, quite a few figures had already gathered at this time. When they saw Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu, Tuoba Tianxi, Zuoqiu Taiwu and the others arrived in Yunmeng City with Chen Xi and his party, it immediately caused quite a commotion. .

There is more or less a tinge of fear, a tinge of awe, and a hint of hostility in many of their gazes.

Regarding this, Zhou Zhili and the other four half-step immortal kings didn't care at all, and led Chen Xi and the others straight to the depths of the city.

"Yunmeng City has always been controlled by the forces of Xianting, but this time, not only the children of our Daohuang Academy, but also students from the other six major academies came to Yunmeng City."

This time it was Tuoba Tianxi who spoke, his voice was warm and refreshing, "But you don't have to care about this, the other six colleges have regarded our Daohuang Academy as competitors for countless years, unfortunately, countless years have passed, Daohuang The academy is still number one in the fairy world, and this status cannot be shaken by anyone who wants to shake it."

The voice is calm, but there is a sense of arrogance. It is a gesture of overlooking, which comes from the sense of belonging and honor to Daohuang Academy!

Yes, their Daohuang Academy was originally number one in the fairy world, and they have been No.1 for countless years, so they naturally have the confidence to be proud and confident.

Hearing Tuoba Tianxi's words, all the children felt a sense of pride in their hearts, and their originally straight posture became more and more upright. Yes, they are from the No. [-] Academy in the Immortal World Students should be proud and must be proud!

Regarding this, Chen Xi was filled with emotion. This is the unique heritage of Daohuang Academy in the fairy world. You may not be able to feel it in the academy, but when you come to the outside world, you can see the fear and awe in the eyes of the people you saw along the way. In other words, you can deeply understand how amazing it is to get such a deep inside story.

He also knew that the other six colleges were Yunlan College, Fengchuan College, Kuji College, Dahuang College, Daoxuan College, and Changkong College.

These six colleges are all distributed in the other three major fairy continents, such as Yunlan College and Fengchuan College are located in Bingqiong Xianzhou, Kuji and Dahuang College are located in Weiyang Xianzhou, Daoxuan and Changkong College are located in Daoxuan Xianzhou.

Only Daohuang Academy occupies Xingwu Immortal Continent, one of the Four Great Immortal Continents.

On the next journey, Chen Xi also learned from Tuoba Tianxi that the students from the other six academies also joined in the assessment on the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield this time.

Each college dispatched fifty disciples of the Da Luo Jin Fairy, the size of which is comparable to that of Daohuang College. It is said that this is the meaning of the Central Immortal Court, in order to better sharpen the strength of the younger generation. exert greater power.


Not long after, everyone came to an ancient and magnificent building in the center of Yunmeng City.

It is said to be magnificent, but it is actually relatively complete compared to other damaged buildings nearby.

After all, this Yunmeng City is located on the edge of the Three Realms and the Territory Outer River. Wars have been happening all year round, and it is not easy for the buildings to be preserved.

"Hahaha, brother Zhou, you are finally here."

In front of the main hall, a bald middle-aged man with a burly figure and blade-black eyebrows saw Zhou Zhili and the others from a distance, immediately let out a loud laugh, and walked towards them quickly.

"You bastard, you still look the same after all these years." Zhou Zhili also laughed heartily.

"This is the person in charge of the Central Immortal Court in Yunmeng City, Dong Junhou, a half-step immortal king with outstanding military exploits. He has been stationed here for tens of thousands of years. He has been fighting with foreign races for many years, and his strength is extremely fierce. "

On the side, Tuoba Tianxi explained warmly, "He and Brother Zhou entered Daohuang Academy in the same year, and they have a good relationship, but Dong Junhou has been working in the Central Immortal Court since he left Daohuang Academy. Haven't seen each other for thousands of years."

Only then did Chen Xi and the others suddenly understand, and they all secretly sighed in their hearts that a prominent figure in the Central Immortal Court who was stationed in Yunmeng City was also from the Dao Emperor Academy.

After a short greeting, Dong Junhou welcomed the group into the ancient building.

There are already many figures sitting in the hall, men and women, old and young, all of them are imposing and extraordinary, all of them are teachers and children from the other six colleges.

At this time, seeing a group of people from Daohuang Academy arrive, the original conversation in the hall disappeared instantly, and they all looked over.

"Brother Zhou."

"Haha, Wang Daolu, you are here too."

"Hey, Tuoba old man, you are getting younger and younger."

Many instructors got up and greeted Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu and the others one after another, obviously they were old acquaintances.Many other people did not get up, and there was a hint of hostility and vigilance in their eyes.

Chen Xi took in all of this, and couldn't help laughing in his heart. Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and when there are people who show kindness, there are also people who are hostile. Most things in this world are like this.

In the end, Zhou Zhili and the others sat down on one side of the hall.

Seeing this, Dong Junhou smiled heartily, and immediately said: "Okay, all the people from the seven colleges are here this time, let's talk about the business first."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Recently, foreign races from outside the territory have frequently changed, and many troops have been sent into the boundary river to seize the stronghold on the side of the boundary river in my fairy world. Although the situation is not too serious, this bad sign must be killed. !"

When Dong Junhou talked about the war, his expression instantly became stern and ruthless, and then he laughed again, "Of course, these have nothing to do with you guys here. Your task is very simple. Tomorrow enter the battlefield of chaos and nightmares." , Try to kill as many enemies of the Great Luo Stage alien race, that’s enough.”

Speaking of this, he waved his sleeve robe, and there were already several radiant fairy treasures on the desk in front of him.

"This is a Taiwu-rank fairy treasure and two Zhouguang-rank fairy treasures, which are rewards given by my central fairy court. In this assessment, the top three who killed the most Daluo-rank aliens can get them respectively! "

The sound was like a torrent of bells, shaking the entire hall, causing many people present to be attracted by the fairy treasure on the copybook, and their expressions were indirectly blazing.

Xianting actually took out a Taiwu Rank Immortal Treasure as a reward, it really is a big deal!


ps: Keep clamoring for a monthly pass. On the last day of the month, Goldfish is the same as last time. They have prepared coffee and strong tea, and stay at home behind closed doors, planning to fight until the early hours of the morning!

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