divine talisman

Chapter 1227 Void Spirit Fierce Bird [Part 4]

The conversation in the hall ended after a Taiwu rank immortal treasure and two Zhouguang rank immortal treasures were brought out.

Early the next morning.

As soon as it was dawn, Zhou Zhili brought Chen Xi and his party to the central square of Yunmeng City.

At this time, many people had gathered in the square. Apart from the children of the six major colleges, there were actually quite a few strong men from other forces, all of whom were at the level of the Da Luo Jinxian.

This is also very normal. Although the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield is a medium-sized battlefield outside the territory, it is filled with an unknown number of alien races from outside the territory. It is impossible to wipe out all of them with the children of the seven colleges alone.

What's more, the disciples of these seven great academies are all here for the assessment, while the other powerhouses are here purely to kill the enemy. Treasures.

"Remember, safety comes first. If there is a fatal accident, use the letter, and we will go to the rescue."

Zhou Zhili gave instructions to the group of children, then waved his hand, "Let's go."

At that moment, Chen Xi and his group of disciples entered a large teleportation array on the central square together.


With a roar, Chen Xi and the other fifty disciples of Daohuang Academy disappeared.

"We also need to be prepared to go out at will. There are many dangers in the chaos battlefield, and accidents happen frequently. If anything happens, we need to rescue it."

Zhou Zhili said to Wang Daolu, Tuoba Tianxi and Zuoqiu Taiwu.

The other three all nodded.



When Chen Xi opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on an extremely desolate planet.

"This teleportation formation actually separates me from everyone else."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, scanned his surroundings, and found that there was no danger, so he took out a jade slip map, on which were drawn some layouts about the Chaos Nightmare battlefield.

Chaos Nightmare Battlefield, located on the edge of the Boundary River, is an area composed of tens of thousands of planets. The terrain is complex, and among the many planets, there are terrible cosmic disasters such as space-time tides, space faults, and black hole storms. The environment can Said it was extremely bad.

"My current location should be on the edge of the Nightmare Battlefield, on a planet named Void Spirit Star. According to the jade slip, this planet is full of dangers..."

After a while, Chen Xi frowned, put away the jade slip, his eyes instantly turned chilly, his whole body was boiling, and he entered a fighting state.


In the next instant, Chen Xi's entire body had turned into a shadow of nothingness, and he was flying towards the distance. He didn't use teleportation, and was worried that something might happen.

Because this ethereal star is full of many ethereal ominous birds, often hiding in the wind of nothingness to hunt opponents, like an invisible assassin, it is hard to guard against.

After a while, Chen Xi suddenly stopped and was stunned. Immediately, a look of shame appeared on his face. The next moment he waved his sleeves, there was an extra snow-white fairy beast as big as a liger beside him, exuding A domineering aura rushing towards his face was none other than Star Soul Beast Little Star.

Speaking of which, since Xiaoxing followed Chen Xi into Daohuang Academy, he has been staying in the pagoda of the Buddha. If it hadn't produced a thought at this moment, which alarmed Chen Xi, Chen Xi would have almost forgotten the existence of the other party, so in his heart Naturally a little ashamed.


While roaring, Xiao Xing jumped up and down excitedly all around, apparently exhausted, and returned to Chen Xi's side after a long while, glaring at him resentfully.

Chen Xi was ashamed again, and quickly took out some celestial juice for Xiaoxing to swallow. Xiaoxing stepped forward to sniff it, but he showed disgust and shook his head frequently.

Chen Xi's expression froze: "..."

"The star beast only likes to devour the star core. If you do this, you will never be able to make it grow."

At this time, Xiao Ding spoke leisurely, coming to this extraterritorial battlefield, which seemed to make it very satisfied, and his tone of voice became much gentler, "In my opinion, this little guy is born with the four kinds of wind, fire, stars, and devouring. The law of the great way, especially the law of devouring, is extremely rare, so its aptitude is enough to be compared with the ancient beast."

Hearing this, Xiao Xing raised his chest proudly, and shook his head triumphantly, as if he also knew that Xiao Ding was praising it.

But when his eyes shifted to Chen Xi, it immediately felt discouraged again, and became resentful, as if blaming Chen Xi for not only ignoring it, but also refusing to give it food, it was simply too heartless.

"Senior, what is a star core? Where should I find it?" Chen Xi hastily raised his hand and rubbed Xiao Xing's hairy head, then asked Xiao Ding how to solve Xiao Ding's cultivation problem.

It was the first time he had heard of the star core.

After all, in the fairy world, the sky is infinitely deep, and it is impossible for ordinary immortals to fly to the sky, let alone pick the stars.

"From birth to formation of a planet, after countless years of growth, it will form its own star core, which is the essence of a planet's essence. Without it, the entire planet will turn into wasteland and its vitality will be exhausted."

Xiao Ding said casually, "In the fairy world, it may be difficult to obtain the star core, but on the battlefield between the fairy world and the outside world, it is not too difficult to find the star core. On the planet, you only need to find out where the star core is buried to find it."

Chen Xi was startled, glanced around, frowned and said, "Based on my current immortal knowledge alone, it may take several days to search the entire planet. If you're lucky, it's fine. If you're not lucky, it's just a waste of time. It's time."

The Inner Court assessment takes three months as a deadline, and those who fail to pass the time limit will be eliminated directly, and the most basic requirement to be able to meet the standard is to kill one hundred foreign races equivalent to the Da Luo rank. Time is also quite tight.

"Stupidity, don't you still have it?" Xiao Ding said with a tone of hatred for iron.

"Aww~" Xiao Xing also glanced at Chen Xi with extreme contempt, feeling that this guy never seemed to know how powerful he was, so he looked very idiotic.

Being despised by a tripod and a fairy beast together, Chen Xi's old face couldn't help but blush.

Call ~

At this time, a gentle wind blows, as affectionate as a lover's hand.


However, Chen Xi felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, his pupils froze for a moment, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, and pulled out an ugly strange bird from the gust of wind. Its eyes were scarlet and bloodthirsty, its beak was as sharp as a knife, and it was glowing with metal. Like an icy luster.

"Jie Jie~" The strange bird was caught off guard, and let out a panic scream, the voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

"Void spirit ominous bird?"

Chen Xi felt the aura of the strange bird in his hand, and found that the other party actually possessed a power comparable to that of the Profound Wonderland. It was extremely astonishing. If he had been negligent and poked by its sharp beak just now, he would definitely have suffered considerable damage.

With a click, Chen Xi directly twisted the opponent's neck, and then took out the Celestial Sword, and cut off the sharp beak of the opponent with a single sword. This is a middle-level fairy material, and it is extremely rare. It is not found in the fairy world. No, when it comes to value, it's not bad with high-level fairy materials.

"This thing is hidden in the wind, and it has clearly mastered the law of the wind. If it is such a sneak attack, it is really hard to guard against."

Chen Xi casually threw away the corpse of the ethereal ominous bird, but he never thought that Xiao Xing opened his mouth wide, bit it in one bite, and began to chew it.

It can be clearly seen that Xiaoxing's body is filled with an obscure devouring aura, which actually absorbed the law of wind from the corpse of the ethereal ominous bird!

"This..." Chen Xi was also a little dazed, but he didn't expect that Xiao Xing could actually devour the opponent's law power and use it for his own use. This kind of method is enough to be called a pervert.

Imagine that every time he kills an opponent, Xiaoxing can absorb some power of the Dao Law. If this continues, there is no need to practice and comprehend, and the Dao Law he masters will skyrocket, which is extremely terrifying.

"It's a pity that this little guy is still in his infancy, and he can only absorb less than [-]% of the opponent's Dao Law. If he is an adult, he can even forcibly deprive the opponent's power of the law and use it for his own use."

Xiao Ding sighed softly, and seemed to feel that Chen Xi was a bit reckless, why didn't he cultivate Xiao Xing early.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help touching his nose, thinking to himself, I also grasp the law of devouring now, if I absorb the power of the opponent's law, can I use it for myself?

"You'd better not do this, unless you refine the Law of Devouring to the level of the Da Luo God Mark, otherwise the power of the Dao Law you absorb will only be mixed and impure, and it will affect your practice instead."

Xiao Ding seemed to have seen through Chen Xi's thoughts, and immediately reminded him, "As for this little guy, he won't be affected by this kind of influence, because his bloodline and background are not comparable to yours."

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he immediately dismissed this thought. He would never do any factor that affects his cultivation, no matter how tempting it is.

Babababa~ Xiaoxing licked his tongue eagerly, looked at Chen Xi with bright eyes, and seemed to be saying that he still wanted to eat some...

"Let's go, let's look for the star core and kill the enemy at the same time!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately gave a hearty smile, and without thinking about it, turned around and flew away into the distance.

This time, he used the Eye of Divine Truth, and quietly opened a vertical eye between his brows. In this way, he could clearly see through any disguise, so that even if the vicious bird was hiding in the wind, it would be clear of whereabouts.

And Xiaoxing ran ahead, sniffing his nose from time to time, capturing the breath of the star core along the way.

Chen Xi was amused to see it, and felt that Xiao Xing at this moment was like a big snow-white dog with fluffy hair, with an adorable naive expression.

After a stick of incense.

In front of a low, jagged mountain peak, Little Xing suddenly stopped, wailing excitedly, and with a stride of four hooves, he was about to rush towards that mountain peak.

"and many more!"

Chen Xi stopped Xiao Xing immediately, and then he glanced towards the low mountain with raised eyebrows.

In his field of vision, strong winds were blowing and whistling in the void around the mountain peak, flying among them were densely packed, covering the sky and covering the entire low mountain peak, at least no less than a thousand !


ps: At the end of the month, the monthly ticket list rankings are fiercely competitive, brothers and sisters, please use all your firepower~~

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