divine talisman

Chapter 1228 The Enemy Is Looming [Part 5]

Thousands of Void Spirit Ominous Birds are equivalent to thousands of Profound Immortals!

For Chen Xi who had not advanced to the Great Luo Jin Wonderland, this number was enough to make him daunting, but the current Chen Xi is naturally different from the past.

As a Great Principle Golden Immortal, the absolute supremacy in the realm is not something that Profound Immortals can compete with by virtue of numbers, let alone Chen Xi is not an ordinary Great Principle Golden Immortal.

His foundation is extremely solid, more than a hundred times that of his peers, and he has mastered the five elements of the gods, as well as various supreme inheritances from the Wuji divine script. When it comes to combat power, he can be called a pervert that cannot be speculated by common sense.


The next moment, Chen Xi had already unleashed the Star-Raying Immortal Sword, and slashed out with a move of the "Water Sword". The sky-reaching sword energy instantly turned into a boundless blue sea, covering that piece of heaven and earth, as if to drown it all!

"Jie Jie!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

An incomparably shrill scream resounded in the boundless blue sea one after another. No matter how hard the thousands of ethereal ominous birds hidden in the wind struggled, they couldn't break free from the shackles of the vast blue sea-like sword energy. The more you struggle, the faster you die.

In just a few breaths, the large group of ethereal ominous birds were all killed, and none of them could escape!

Seeing this, Xiaoxing roared excitedly, rushed forward in a hurry, and the power of devouring law roared all over his body, sweeping away like a storm.

Puff puff……

The corpses of the vicious birds were devoured and turned into powder. Fortunately, Xiao Xing still knew how to measure, and left all the sharp beaks in the corpses.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi nodded in satisfaction, secretly praised Xiao Xing for being well-behaved and sensible, and then with a wave of his sleeve robe, he began to clean up the spoils.

Now that he has established the Chen League, once the members of the Chen League expand in the future, it will be inseparable from the support of strong financial resources. Chen Xi doesn't want to rely on Axiu to maintain the development of the Chen League. It will only make him feel more ashamed. So taking advantage of this opportunity, it is natural to earn as much wealth as possible.

Soon, one man and one beast cleared the battlefield.

But Xiaoxing, still looking hungry, immediately set his eyes on the low mountain peak, and then ran over with his feet free.

"Another foodie."

Chen Xi laughed and cursed, and also followed.


An invisible sound wave came out from Xiaoxing's mouth, shaking the void, like a tornado, instantly pulverized that low mountain peak, turning it into flying ash all over the sky.

Then, with a whoosh, a spar the size of a fist and filled with silvery starlight flew up, turned around, and was bitten by Xiaoxing in his mouth.

It can be clearly seen that Xiao Xing is very excited at the moment, as if he has got a big meal, but instead of rushing to swallow it, he licks it with his tongue over and over again.

Chen Xi stepped forward, and Xiao Xing immediately protected the crystal stone vigilantly, with a pitiful appearance that you still want to snatch this thing from me.

"Let me take a look first, it's never too late for you to eat."

Chen Xi patted its big head angrily, and forcibly pulled that piece of spar out of his mouth.

At this moment, it seemed as if a star had risen in his palm, filled with silver starlight, dazzling and dazzling, overflowing with a rush of exuberant vitality.

This is the star core, where the most essence of the original power of a planet lies, and it has only been able to condense and form after countless years of growth.

Whether it is refining equipment or alchemy, it can play an incredible role, and it also belongs to the kind of treasure that can't be grabbed by the fairy world.

After thinking about it, Chen Xi finally returned the star core to Xiao Xing. He had no choice but to leave the little guy in the Buddha Pagoda for too long, which made him feel a little indebted to the little guy.

Kacha Kacha~

Xiao Xing didn't hesitate any more this time, he opened his mouth and began to chew, his mouth was full of starlight, and the aura around him suddenly improved a lot in this short period of time, and the snow-white fluff all over his body wafted wisps of crispness. The starlight, faintly carried a holy and mysterious atmosphere.

"The little guy is about to enter the advanced stage. If there is no accident, if he collects more than ten star cores, his strength can almost be raised to about the Xuanxian Perfection Realm."

Xiao Ding suddenly spoke, pointing Chen Xi about Xiao Xing's cultivation.

Chen Xi nodded, and said: "Anyway, in this chaotic nightmare battlefield, we still have to hunt and kill alien races from outside the region, so it would be good to take the opportunity to search for some star cores."

Speaking of this, Chen Xi suddenly turned his eyes to the northwest direction, and said, "When I was hunting those nihilistic ferocious birds just now, I sensed a rather powerful aura, which should undoubtedly be equivalent to a foreign race of the Da Luo rank. Opportunity, but we can't let him go."

At that moment, Chen Xi rushed towards the northwest direction at full speed with the figure of Xiao Xing who was full of food and drink.


Swish!brush!Swish! ...

Not long after Chen Xi left, five or six figures burst through the sky and landed on the Void Spirit Star, and the leader of them was Zuoqiu Jun, No. 2 on the Great Luo Gold List.

"Brother Jun, I detected the breath left by that kid, he should have left not long ago."

A young man in black took a deep breath, as if he had performed some kind of secret technique, and looked around carefully for a long time, then his eyes lit up, and he said quickly.

The others immediately cheered up, and looked at Zuoqiu Jun: "Do you want to chase?"

Zuoqiu Jun pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Don't chase after him, that kid is extremely treacherous. As early as when he entered the second round of the academy's assessment, A Yin suffered a lot from him. According to the regulations, we can't do anything to him, otherwise, once the incident happens, we will be expelled from the academy, which is not worth the candle."

"So what do we do next?" someone asked.

Zuoqiu Jun smiled grimly, touched his chin, and said leisurely: "I will inform the people who should know the news, and we don't have to worry about other things. This time, I want to see what this bastard will do What a miserable death!"

"Let's go, let's hunt and kill alien races outside the territory, and strive to meet the assessment standards of the inner court as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Zuoqiu Jun left suddenly with a group of people.



A sky-reaching sword energy soared into the sky, rolling up endless brilliance, illuminating the world.

A gigantic Void Spirit Bird with its wings spread thousands of feet suddenly let out a terrified scream, and was about to flap its wings and escape.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, and its head was cut off mercilessly by that sword energy, and the blood flew and drenched the ground.

Little Xing quickly rushed forward and began to devour the power of law in the opponent's corpse, while Chen Xi skillfully began to clean up the loot, and they cooperated quite tacitly.

At the same time, Chen Xi also clearly sensed that in the Purple Ribbon Star in his body, there was another piece of information, called the record sheet, and the word "one" suddenly appeared behind it, which represented his success in the inner court assessment. , hunted and killed a foreign race equivalent to the Daluo stage.

"Weird, is this ethereal ominous bird also considered a foreign race?"

Chen Xi had seen many strange-looking alien races before, but this was the first time he learned that the alien races outside the territory also had birds.

"You've always seen Qingluan and Zhenhuang, right? It's not unusual for this vicious bird to become a member of a foreign race."

Xiao Ding replied indifferently, "A long time ago, the ancestor of the Void Spirit Bird was a wind god who was born in chaos. Unfortunately, he finally betrayed the Three Realms."

Chen Xi is also clear that those foreign races outside the region are said to be foreign races, but they are actually all kinds of creatures that were expelled from the Three Realms in the ancient times because of the dispute over the orthodoxy.

Obviously, Xiao Ding is also aware of these ancient allusions.

In the following time, Chen Xi took Xiao Xing and continued to search for opponents on the Void Spirit Planet, but unfortunately, he couldn't find any alien beasts comparable to the Great Luo Stage.

On the contrary, they encountered many vicious birds of the virtual spirit, all of which were hunted down by Chen Xi, and turned into Xiao Xing's dinner.

Three hours later.

"After all, this imaginary star is the edge of the battlefield. If you want to hunt more targets, it seems that you can only go to the depths of the battlefield."

Chen Xi stopped and glanced around with frowned eyebrows. He had searched the entire planet and found nothing, so Dang even decided to leave immediately.


He opened the jade slip map and examined it carefully. Although the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield is only a medium-sized battlefield between the Three Realms and the Outer Territory, it contains tens of thousands of planets. It is extremely vast, and the deeper it goes, the more dangerous it becomes.

Chen Xi followed the direction of the imaginary star on the map, and began to look at other nearby planets, but found that there were many planets for him to choose from, and he didn't know which one to choose.

"Go to Big Man Star."

At this time, Xiao Ding opened his mouth and said a name.

Chen Xi was stunned, his eyes searched the map for a while, and he found a planet named Daman, but that planet was extremely far away from the Void Spirit Star, separated by almost a thousand planets, and it was almost in the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield of the central area.

"Senior, do you know the situation of some great barbarian stars?"

After a while, Chen Xi put away the map and couldn't help asking. He felt a little strange when Xiao Ding asked to come to the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield together.

Now seeing Xiao Ding say the name of a planet in one word, Chen Xi also secretly speculated in his heart, could it be that Xiao Ding came here for some purpose?

"You will know when you go, and your benefits are indispensable."

Xiao Ding's answer was ambiguous, but extremely alluring, because Chen Xi knew very well that the "benefit" Xiao Ding was talking about must be a great benefit of extraordinary value.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi no longer hesitated, and jumped up with Xiaoxing. In just a short moment, he left Void Spirit Star and reached the depths of the starry sky.

"Big Barbarian...Anyway, this time I'm going to hunt and kill alien races outside the territory, so I can take the opportunity to reap some benefits, which is naturally the best..."

Stepping into the void, looking at the sky full of stars, Chen Xi couldn't help but take a deep breath. He suddenly discovered that this trip to the inner court assessment actually made him look forward to it even more.

The purpose of the star core, the big barbarian star, and the small cauldron... If there is a possible threat from the Zuoqiu family, it will be like an exciting adventure and treasure hunt.


ps: The 6th update is around 7:[-]. Also, don’t think I’m too wordy. Today is the last day of the end of the month. The monthly ticket battle at night is destined to be fierce. I’m also very anxious...

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