divine talisman

Chapter 1229 Invincible [Part 6]

Thank you brother "Dancing" for another 10000 reward, thank you~



In the boundless starry sky, Chen Xi's figure disappeared in a flash. At this moment, while he was using teleportation, he also used the wings of the stars.

This is an inheritance of supernatural powers from the owner of the cave. With one flap of wings, it can communicate with the power of billions of stars.

Looking from afar, it looks like a stream of stars flickering frequently in the void, each flicker can span more than ten planets, the speed is incredible.

And because this is in the starry sky, using the Wings of the Stars is like a natural cover, which is extremely difficult to detect.

"I didn't expect that the wings of the stars have such a magical effect, that they can absorb the power of the stars and use them for themselves..."

During the flight, Chen Xi was surprised to realize that every acupuncture point in his body was actually absorbing the power of the stars from the boundless starry sky through the wings of stars, and then transforming it into pure and majestic fairy power, flowing in your inner world.

It is with the supplement of this kind of star power that not only allows him to quickly recover the consumed immortal power, but also allows him to accumulate more and more immortal power, which indirectly has a slight effect on improving his cultivation!

"Zhou Tianxing's technique of exercising the body is to use Zhou Tianwanxing to temper the whole body, and this magical star wing also complements this exercise. It may be normal to have such a magical effect now, but it is just Because I have never discovered this before..."

Chen Xi thought about it for a while, and he figured out the reason. Immediately, his heart was shaken. This inner court assessment lasted for three months. If he could absorb the power of stars like this every day, he might be able to hit Mi Luotian when he returned to the academy. Realm, one of the mid-term cultivation bases of Daluo...


Just as Chen Xi was speeding forward, a violent fluctuation suddenly appeared in the starry sky in the distance, spreading like thunder, disturbing the void to the point of ripples.

Chen Xi stopped abruptly, not daring to think any more, and glanced at the past with raised eyebrows, and saw five or six figures galloping towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

And behind those five or six figures, there was an overwhelming army of foreign races chasing after them, and their momentum was extremely huge.

"Hurry up! It's actually a 3000-strong foreign race. We're obviously ambushed!"

"Damn it, it's still led by eight Daluo-level foreign races. This is definitely a trap that has been planned for a long time..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Run away!"

Almost instantly, those five or six figures were about to arrive in front of Chen Xi.

At this time, Chen Xi finally saw clearly that these people were actually students from Yunlan Academy, three men and two women, and a steaming cloud pattern was embroidered on the left shoulder of their clothes.

"Huh? A colleague from Daohuang Academy?"

At this time, the three men and two women also saw Chen Xi, one of them was surprised, and from the Purple Ribbon Star badge floating on Chen Xi's left shoulder, he could tell that it was from the Dao Emperor Academy.

In an instant, the expressions of these two goddesses all changed slightly, revealing a hint of fear.

"Fellow Daoist, I would venture to persuade you, it's better to avoid it for now." A Cui Qun couldn't help but said something in a low voice.

"Thank you fellow daoists for your pointers, I have already seen the situation behind."

Chen Xi smiled and cupped his hands. The students of Yunlan Academy are pretty good, at least they know how to remind him.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you intend to leave? Although you are from the Dao Emperor Academy, you are alone. If you are surrounded by a group of three thousand foreign races, you will be in a bad situation."

A tall young man in black frowned.

"Forget it, Senior Brother Chu, don't try to persuade him any more. He is a student of Daohuang Academy, so there is no need for us to persuade him. If you want to be brave, let him go. Let's leave quickly."

On the side, another plump and graceful woman frowned displeasedly, as if complaining that her companion was nosy.

Chen Xi was startled, glanced at the woman, then looked away, and looked into the distance. At this time, the mighty alien army could clearly see it, and it would be able to catch up to here in a short while. .

That kind of momentum is indeed quite huge, especially in the rear of the army, there are eight terrifying auras rising into the sky, presumably they are the eight powerful alien races of the Daluo rank that the students of Yunlan Academy said.

"After searching for so long, I finally came across a target that can be hunted... Well, if you kill them, you can find a lot of wealth again."

Chen Xi muttered to himself inwardly, his deep-like black eyes suddenly brightened.

"Fellow Daoist, take care, let's go!"

Seeing Chen Xi's indifference, the tall young man in black called Senior Brother Chu frowned, and finally waved his hand, leading the group of them to leave quickly.

For them, facing the [-] foreign army and the eight powerful aliens of the Da Luo rank was no different from sending them to death, so they had no choice but to flee.

As for Chen Xi, they had already reminded him that since the other party didn't appreciate it, they wouldn't try to persuade him anymore, but they all felt more or less emotional in their hearts, the disciples of the Dao Emperor Academy are really crazier than the other...


However, not long after "Senior Brother Chu" and the others had left, a shocking and terrifying wave suddenly appeared behind them, and then, a scream of fighting sounded into the sky.

"Really fighting?"

The group of them suddenly turned their heads, but saw a scene that left them speechless.

I saw a majestic figure standing in the sky in the boundless starry sky, and with a light wave of the fairy sword in his hand, a thick and thick sword energy poured out, and the alien army headed by it was crushed hard to open a path of blood , at least hundreds of foreign races died in an instant.

And this is just the power of one blow!

Swish!Swish!Swish! ...

Before "Senior Brother Chu" and the others came back to their senses, there were streaks of brilliant sword energy shooting out again, criss-crossing and slashing all over the sky, immediately cutting the complete alien army to pieces, and blood was flying in the starry sky like a torrential rain.

All of a sudden, the sounds of killing, crying, and angry roars were intertwined, shaking all directions, and could be heard endlessly. This was the most common scene on the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield. In a place where battlefields are contested, it is not normal to have no fighting.

However, the current situation is quite rare, because this is a competition and battle between one person and a mighty army, and looking at the situation, it is actually that one person who has completely gained the upper hand!





Blood splattered.

The corpse fell.

At this moment, Chen Xi was like a peerless sharp blade that was invincible, forcibly cutting into the alien army from outside the territory, and every life was mercilessly harvested wherever it passed.

The [-] alien army from outside the region seems to be a small number, but when you actually see it, you will realize how vast its formation is, it is simply overwhelming.

But at this time, this large army was completely defeated by Chen Xi alone, and the blood flowed like a river, as if it was going to dye the entire starry sky red!

"This guy... is too perverted."

Someone gasped, because he could clearly see that the eight strong alien races of the Da Luo rank had dispatched to surround the handsome young man, but they were unable to suppress him.

Not only him, but other children also changed color, strong!too strong!It's just a pervert!

"Shall we... want to help him?"

The plump and graceful woman hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "These are the eight aliens from outside the Daluo class. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to bear. If we take action, we will not only help him collapse the crisis, but also help him to survive." Hunting and killing some assessment targets can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone."

Hearing this, the others guessed her thoughts in an instant. It was obvious that the foreign race outside the territory was defeated, and the eight powerful alien races of the Da Luo rank could not suppress Chen Xi for a while, so they planned to "send charcoal in the snow".

Of course, sending charcoal in a timely manner here can also be interpreted as taking advantage of the fire, but no one has pointed out the meaning of this layer, after all, they are quite excited at this moment.

"Senior Sister Liu, it seems a little inappropriate to do this..." Someone licked his mouth and hesitated.

"If there's anything wrong, we're helping each other. Not only won't the young man mind it, but he might even be grateful to us."

That plump Senior Sister Liu spoke quickly, the more she talked, the more excited she became, she never thought about it, just before she had looked at Chen Xi coldly, mocking Chen Xi for being too brave.


At this moment, Senior Brother Chu who was the leader suddenly spoke, causing the others to be taken aback for a moment. Immediately after they saw the battlefield in the distance, their expressions changed again.

At this moment, in that battle situation, Chen Xi, who was originally deeply surrounded by eight Da Luo rank alien powerhouses, suddenly flashed his figure, and suddenly burst out an incomparably terrifying aura, which was completely stronger than before. More than double!

Then, he slashed out a sword aura full of divine brilliance, sweeping across all directions.

Puff puff……

A series of scarlet hot blood spattered, and eight good heads flew up, with ferocious, cruel, surly, and bloodthirsty expressions on their faces, maybe until they died, nothing happened to them in time.

With just one strike, all eight Da Luo rank alien powerhouses were all beheaded!

Seeing such a horrifying scene, the mouths of the five students of Yunlan College opened uncontrollably, their eyes shrank sharply, and a bone-chilling chill appeared all over their bodies, as if falling into an ice cave.

No one expected that such a powerful team of alien races from outside the region would be wiped out by that handsome young man by himself in less than a cup of tea!

How strong is this guy?

He... Which peerless child in Daohuang Academy?

At this moment, Senior Brother Chu and the others felt their heads were buzzing, and thoughts abounded.

Especially Senior Sister Liu with a graceful figure, her face turned blue and white. She planned to "help others for fun", but she never thought that people didn't need her to help at all. It was like a silent slap in the face, which made her I feel uncomfortable all over.


The celestial sword was put into its sheath, and it let out a clear moan, awakening Brother Chu and others who were in a stupor.

The next moment they saw Chen Xi's solitary figure, cleaning up the tragic battlefield paved with blood and bones, with the boundless starry sky behind him, this picture was bloody and vast, shocking.


ps: Before 9:[-] in the seventh update, I have to have a meal first, and then continue to fight!Let's take a look at the account. At the end of the month, the monthly pass should be consumed. Please give it to me who is full of fighting spirit!

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