divine talisman

Chapter 1230 The Land of Chance [Part 7]

Thanks to the brothers "Jian Wushuang", "Happy Doudian" and "Benji Taoist" for their support~


As early as five months ago, when Chen Xi had just been promoted to Da Luo Jinxian for a month, he was able to forcibly overwhelm Liu Zefeng and more than a dozen other senior students from the outer court with his own strength.

Those are all existences at the level of the Great Luo Jinxian, and they are elite figures among the old students. Now that five months have passed, Chen Xi has retreated in the world of stars, and his strength has been further improved.

Under such circumstances, it would be no problem for Chen Xi to exterminate the eight Da Luo-level alien powerhouses. If he hadn't worried at the beginning that his strength would be exposed too much, that he would frighten the other party and be escaped by them, he would have even been able to do better. End this battle early.

Of course, this is not to say that those foreign powerhouses from outside the region are too incompetent, they can survive in the battlefield of chaos and nightmare, and their own combat power is by no means comparable. It can only be said that they deserve to be unlucky when they meet such freaks as Chen Xi.

At this time, among the starry sky, there were broken corpses floating one after another, and the dark red blood water turned into red clouds, floating in the void, and there was a tragic smell of blood.

This extraterritorial alien army came from the extraterritorial Guangtu Realm, with a human face and a beast body, with four arms and a height of nine feet, with an extremely strange appearance.

According to Xiao Ding's instructions, Chen Xi took out pieces of rice grain-like things from the left ears of these Guangtu people. They were the natural organs of the Guangtu people. They were called ear pouches. They were extremely miraculous and could be used as storage treasures. use.

If you are not familiar with the characteristics of the Guangtu people, I am afraid that no one would have thought that this ear sac organ has such a wonderful function.

Chen Xi tried to open one of the ear sacs, and found that the space inside was extremely large, and it was no different from storing fairy treasures. It stored a lot of materials that could only be found outside the domain, but the value could not be estimated.

After all, it is a special product only owned by outsiders, and its value needs to be evaluated one by one.

In the end, Chen Xi received [-] ear sacs, eight of which were from the powerhouses of the Guangtu clan of the Da Luo class. Unlike other ear sacs, these eight ear sacs were all golden, like golden raindrops. The five items stored are also extremely rich.

"When I return to the academy, I may have to find some great appraisers to evaluate the value of these treasures. I will keep the ones that are useful to me, and dispose of all the useless ones. It should be able to exchange for a lot of wealth."

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Chen Xi's lips.

At this time, Xiaoxing also launched an action, turning into a devouring hurricane, sweeping away the power of law from the dead bodies of the Guangtu tribe.

"This guy, if he swallows it like this, I'm afraid it won't take long before the four laws of the Dao that it masters will reach perfection..."

Seeing Xiaoxing's cheerful appearance, and feeling its increasingly powerful aura of laws, Chen Xi was also a little envious. He didn't need to temper or comprehend, and he just devoured other people's laws for his own use. How could this not make people Envious?


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Chen Xi turned his head to look, but he saw the five disciples of Yunlan Academy galloping towards him.

Especially when he saw that graceful Senior Sister Liu, Chen Xi couldn't help showing a smile that was not a smile. Although he was fighting just now, he heard the conversation between them clearly, so he naturally knew that This senior sister Liu planned to "send charcoal in the snow" to herself.

"It turns out fellow daoists are so powerful in combat, but I was blinded just now."

Senior brother Chu stepped forward with a smile, cupped his hands and apologized. At this time, his attitude had changed a lot, and there was a hint of respect in his words.

"Thank you." Chen Xi smiled.

"Brother Dao, could it be that you are Ao Zhanbei, the dragon world powerhouse who ranks first in the Daohuang Academy's Daluo Gold List?" A young man couldn't help but said.

"Certainly not."

Before Chen Xi could open his mouth, someone retorted, "I've seen this Daoist brother's fighting methods, and he's obviously not a member of the Dragon Realm. What's more, Ao Zhanbei probably doesn't have such fighting power."

"Then could it be Zuoqiu Jun? I heard that he is ranked No. 2 on the Daluo Gold List?" The graceful Senior Sister Liu suddenly spoke, her eyes looking at Chen Xi were filled with a tinge of blaze.

Zuoqiu Jun, that is a young talent from the Zuoqiu family, one of the seven great families in ancient times. There are many rumors about Zuoqiu Jun.

Unfortunately, as soon as she said this, Chen Xi immediately frowned, and said with a calm expression, "You don't need to guess too much, my name is Chen Xi, and I am not from the Zuoqiu family."

Senior Sister Liu's expression froze, and she vaguely felt that what she said just now seemed to have offended the other party unintentionally, and she couldn't help feeling annoyed.

She didn't know that she had already offended Chen Xi long before, but Chen Xi was too lazy to care about it.

"Chen Xi!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, "I know you, you are No. 1 in the freshman assessment of Daohuang Academy, and you have won the praise of the gods beyond the resonance level of heaven and earth."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, "But I remember that you have just entered Daohuang Academy for two years, could it be said that it only took two years for you to advance to the Da Luo Jin Fairyland and rank among the top fifty on the Da Luo Jin List? ?”

As soon as these words came out, Senior Brother Chu and other people also reacted, and remembered a lot of rumors about Chen Xi, and my sister was a little surprised for a moment.

As disciples of Yunlan Academy, they naturally regard the students in Daohuang Academy as competitors at all times, how could they not know what kind of person Chen Xi is?

Even, looking at the entire Four Great Immortal Continents, no one would not know about Chen Xi's name!

After all, this is the first freshman No.1 in the history of Daohuang Academy to enter Daohuang Academy as the first stage of Xuanxian.

But they still didn't expect that in just two years, the No.1 freshman of Daohuang Academy had advanced to the Great Luo Realm, and even came to participate in the assessment of the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield.

This is what shocked them the most.

For a while, the atmosphere was quite dull, but Chen Xi felt a little bored, and said bluntly, "Fellow daoists, if you have nothing else to do, I will take my leave first."

With that said, he was about to leave with Xiaoxing.

"Brother Chen Xi, wait!"

Senior Brother Chu hurried forward and said frankly, "To be honest, I came here because I wanted to cooperate with Daoist Brother Chen Xi."

Chen Xi frowned: "Oh?"

Seeing this, Senior Brother Chu quickly told the whole story. It turned out that the group of them had practiced on a planet named Xuemo before, and they accidentally noticed that there were more than [-] Daluo-level aliens on that planet. The strong aliens were entrenched in it, but with their abilities, after realizing this, they didn't dare to challenge them head-on, and dodged and left early.

It can be seen that after seeing Chen Xi's fierce and heaven-defying fighting power, they wanted to cooperate with Chen Xi and go to Blood Ink Star to deal with the more than thirty Da Luo-level alien beasts. The goal required for the assessment is also a win-win thing.

After saying all of this, Senior Brother Chu and the others looked at Chen Xi expectantly.

However, Chen Xi groaned for a moment, then directly shook his head and said, "Everyone, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I have other important matters, and I can't delay any longer."

Hearing this, Senior Brother Chu and the others couldn't help being disappointed for a while, forced a smile and said, "If that's the case, then don't bother Daoist Brother Chen Xi."

Chen Xi cupped his hands: "I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

After all, his figure flashed, and he was already galloping towards the depths of the distant starry sky with Xiaoxing.

"Hmph! What's the big deal, the eyes are higher than the top, and it will be bad luck sooner or later."

Seeing Chen Xi leave, Senior Sister Liu's dissatisfaction completely erupted, and she snorted coldly.

"How can we force this kind of thing? We can only blame our lack of strength, but we can't blame others." Senior Brother Chu frowned and glanced at Senior Sister Liu, feeling that her attitude was a bit too much.

Senior Sister Liu curled her lips, and was about to say something, when she saw that other people were also indifferent to her, she immediately closed her mouth again, but her heart became more and more annoyed, what did she do wrong?

"Let's go, there has just been a big battle here, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of many foreigners from outside the region, it's better to leave early, let's find other comrades, and go to the blood ink star to experience together."

Senior Brother Chu waved his hand and quickly left with a group of people.


"Why didn't you agree to them?" Xiao Ding asked on the way.

"There are more than 30 strong aliens of the Daluo rank. I don't have the confidence to win them, let alone cooperate with them. I am also worried that there will be disputes in the final division of the spoils. Instead of this, it is better not to go into this muddy water."

Chen Xi answered casually, and while speeding, he asked, "Senior, what kind of treasures exist on that Great Barbarian Planet?"

"You should be clear that this is the battlefield between the Three Realms and the Outer Territory. It has existed since the ancient times and has buried countless great figures. Before they die, many ancient treasures will inevitably fall, and they may even bury themselves. Here it is."

"Just imagine, how many powerful people have fallen in this vast battlefield since the endless years? There are simply too many to count. What does this mean? Opportunity!"

Xiao Ding didn't answer Chen Xi's question directly, but talked about the possible opportunities on this battlefield.

"Of course, this point has been thought of a long time ago, and even many opportunities have been found by others, but this does not mean that there are no good things to be found here."

"Could it be that there is such a chance on the Great Barbarian Planet?" Chen Xi suddenly understood.

"I can't be sure whether it has been acquired, so it's better to go and confirm for myself." Xiao Ding said frankly without hiding it.

Chen Xi thought for a while and asked, "Is it dangerous?"

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger. The greater the opportunity, the greater the risk. Back then, some half-step Immortal King-level powerhouses were looking for opportunities to advance to the Immortal King Realm in this vast battlefield, just like today's ice kings. The Immortal King Qiong obtained a Saint Yuan Nirvana Heart and broke through the realm of the Immortal King in one fell swoop."

Xiao Ding inadvertently revealed a secret, which made Chen Xi's heart tremble violently, and he clicked his tongue secretly. He never thought that there would be such a heaven-defying opportunity in this vast battlefield.


ps: Issued before 8 o'clock in the 11th update, brothers and sisters, it is less than 3 hours away from the early morning, I am a weak person who is crazy about codewords, ask, do you still have a monthly pass?

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