divine talisman

Chapter 1231 Taking advantage of the fire to rob [Part 8]

Thanks to brothers "Tiger 012456" and "thb222" for their support~



A day later, Chen Xi stopped suddenly, and a huge blue planet came into his vision.

This is the Great Man Star. According to the markings on the map, the Great Man Star is already located in the hinterland of the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield, and further down, it is the core area of ​​the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield.

"Finally here..."

Chen Xi felt relaxed all over. In this short day, he had been flying in the star space, spanning nearly a thousand planets, and encountered countless dangers along the way.

There are star fields that break suddenly.

There is a storm of time and space sweeping over.

There were all kinds of strange sneak attacks, either from alien races outside the territory, or from some alien monsters inhabiting the starry sky, most of them were unknown to Chen Xi.

Even once, he almost fell into a black hole in the starry sky with a teleportation, and he was so shocked that he broke out in cold sweat. The black hole in the starry sky is no joke. Once he falls into it, even the saint level will be unable to struggle. Instantly devoured and powdered, even the spirit couldn't escape.

"It's a pity, but along the way, I failed to meet a strong foreign race of the Da Luo rank..."

Chen Xi checked the Purple Ribbon Star, and found that the score sheet was still marked with "Nine". That is to say, if he wanted to meet the assessment standard of the inner court within three months, he would have to kill at least 91 more Da Luo ranks. Alien strong.

"I just hope that we can meet many targets on this barbarian star."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and without further hesitation, he leapt forward and sprinted towards the distant Great Man Star.


However, before Chen Xi could get close to the Great Man Star, a sky-shattering roar suddenly came from the Great Man Star, and then an incomparably huge strange beast with a body of a thousand acres of space soared into the sky.

Its limbs are like huge pillars, and its back is covered with a layer of dark green carapace like a mountain rock. On the head like a hill, there is a slender figure standing proudly at this moment.

"This is the black armored turtle with infinite power. It is a foreign species from the floating world. The figure standing on the black armored turtle should be a member of the Fuluo tribe in the floating world."

Xiao Ding casually pointed out, "Be careful of that Fuluo tribe, who is good at the sound wave avenue, and kills people invisible, so we have to guard against it."

Chen Xi nodded secretly. He had already discovered that he had been locked by the other party's thoughts. Obviously, the other party was coming after him. However, he was worried that he had no target to kill. Now that a target came to his door, he naturally wouldn't let it go. pass.

This Fuluo tribe has a handsome face and a slender figure. He is dressed in light golden clothes, and his face is no different from ordinary people, except for a faint silver halo on his skin, which makes his temperament look quite feminine and holy.

"It turned out to be a fellow Taoist from the Three Realms, in the Lanting of the lower floating Luo Realm, would you be interested in hearing me play a song?"

That Fuluo clansman stepped on the black-armored divine turtle, roared towards him, and stopped a thousand feet away from Chen Xi. Then, he turned his slender, white palm, and there was an extra two feet long in his palm. bamboo flute.

This bamboo flute has nine holes in total, and the place where the hole is blown is a little bright red, as delicate as blood, filled with an astonishing wave of power.

"Not interested in."

Chen Xi refused without any hesitation, and when he spoke, he even pulled out the Celestial Sword with a clang.


Seeing this, a fierce light flashed in that black-armored divine turtle lantern-like eyes, and let out a muffled roar like thunder.

"Fellow Daoist, why fight and kill as soon as we meet? Listen to the next song, and immediately make way for Fellow Daoist, okay?"

The young man in golden clothes who called himself Lanting smiled gently, and put the bamboo flute to his lips. The next moment, a wisp of clear and clear flute sound like the sound of heaven floated and spread.

In the void, patches of misty light and rain floated out, flowers fell randomly, and there emerged one after another misty and colorful girls, some playing the piano, some playing the flute, and some chanting loudly, completely blending with the sound of the flute , exuding a peaceful, peaceful, and soul-like atmosphere.

If it weren't for this chaotic nightmare battlefield, anyone who saw this scene would clap their hands in admiration and admire it endlessly. Such a fairy-like melody is indeed rare in the world.

However, Chen Xi keenly noticed that with the sound of the flute, the gray haze, meteorites, and sister clouds floating in the nearby void were silently annihilated and wiped out. Even the void seemed to be eroded by invisible forces. , exposing one piece after another of fragmented cracks and cracks.

The rhythm is silent, but the power is amazing!

Almost at the same time, the melody entered his ears, and there was a buzzing sound in Chen Xi's mind, creating a terrifying scene of demons dancing wildly, ghosts howling, bones like mountains, and blood drifting thousands of miles away. That kind of power, gloomy, cold, and domineering, constantly impacted and corroded him. His soul and Dao heart, if it were someone else, facing such changes, it would be unstoppable and unavoidable.

However, in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness, the statue of Fuxi sits in the city, protected by fragments of the river map, and his cultivation of Dao Xin has reached the level of "heart and soul". Although this kind of rhythm is terrifying, to Chen Xi, it is no different from scratching an itch. .

He just looked at the other party quietly, listening to the sound of the flute, as if nothing happened.


The blue pavilion also noticed something was wrong, and frowned, the bamboo flute in his hand filled the sky with green clouds, and the melody became more cheerful and lively, resounding like a gurgling mountain spring, resounding through the world.

At this moment, the void exploded inch by inch, and the meteorite turned into fly ash. The land with a radius of ten thousand miles was like being torn and pulled by an invisible giant hand, producing violent and terrifying destructive power.

And Chen Xi stood alone in this chaos, his clothes flickered, and nothing could hurt him.


Seeing this, Lanting's handsome face flushed, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, pouring it on the bamboo flute in his hand, and then the sound of the flute suddenly changed, becoming majestic and powerful Wan Jun, Yun gave birth to one after another majestic phantoms of giant spirits, roaring, rushing towards Chen Xi.

"That's enough patience?"

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but a cold look appeared on the corners of his lips. The next moment, his whole body moved, his footsteps stepped into the void, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.


The next moment, a flash of sword energy swept out, cut through the void, and swept away. Wherever it passed, the phantoms of giant spirits were slashed and wiped out, and it was almost impossible to stop the sword energy at all.

"How... how could this be?"

Lan Ting was startled, and couldn't figure out how Chen Xi would not be affected by his own rhythm.


The black-armored divine turtle abruptly raised its giant palm that held up to the sky, and slapped the sword energy that Chen Xi slashed out. Unfortunately, it underestimated the horror of this sword energy, and a giant palm was directly cut off, spewing out It was covered with dark green blood, and it screamed in pain all day long, shaking violently all over its body.

This scene immediately awakened Lan Ting, who was in shock, and his handsome cheeks were twisted into one piece, looking extremely ferocious. He finally realized that the native of the Three Realms in front of him was not ordinary tyrannical, which made it difficult for him to display the law of rhythm at all. strength.


Almost without any hesitation, Lan Ting patted the Mojia Shenyuan's head, turned around and was about to teleport away.


At this moment, around Lan Ting's body, the void suddenly buzzed and vibrated, as if at that moment, the void between the heaven and the earth was controlled by people, so that Lan Ting could no longer use the teleportation technique!

"This... the law of space?"

Lan Ting was horrified, extremely terrified.

Before he came back to his senses, a wisp of sword energy swept out from the void at the back of his neck without a sound, slashed down, and cut off his head with a puff!

Blood shot out from the headless corpse, and sprinkled the entire body of the black-armored divine turtle, causing the strange beast to let out an incomparably angry roar, and its eyes suddenly became extremely blood-red, staring at Chen Xi.


When it stepped on the soles of its feet, its whole body seemed to be on fire, and fierce blue flames rose up, and its aura suddenly became extremely violent, and it charged towards Chen Xi suddenly.

"I didn't expect you to be a kind and righteous person, so let's just let you die quickly."

Seeing this, Chen Xi was about to slay the black-armored turtle with a single strike, but at this moment, there was only a piercing chirping sound, and a stream of light shot out from the big barbarian star behind him.

Then, with a loud bang, the black-armored divine turtle with a body of a thousand acres was actually exploded by most of its body, and before it had time to howl, it died completely violently!

Seeing this, Chen Xi's face immediately darkened, and his gaze swept to the Great Man Star in the distance.

I saw a thin and tall figure standing very far away, with a gloomy face and a gloomy temperament. It was Zuoqiu Jun, No. 2 on the Daluo Jinbang.

At this moment, he was holding a simple and simple bow in his hand, and it was obvious that the blow just now was sent by him.

And beside Zuoqiu Jun, there were four or five figures standing, all of them were Zuoqiu's children who were ranked in the top [-] of the Daluo Jinbang.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I thought that evil obstacle was something without an owner. Goodbye, Chen Xi, I hope to have a chance to see you next time."

Zuo Qiujun also saw Chen Xi at this moment, he laughed out loud in astonishment, waved his hand, and led the group of them to turn around, disappearing in an instant.

Chen Xi didn't chase, and it was useless to catch up.

Because according to the rules of the inner court assessment, it is absolutely not allowed to kill each other. Although it is possible to kill each other secretly, if a little bit of news is leaked, the consequences are absolutely unacceptable to Chen Xi.

It was precisely because he knew this that Chen Xi's expression was a little gloomy. After all, this black-armored divine turtle was a large Luo-level existence. After killing it, it was equivalent to hunting and killing one more target. Who would have thought that it would be Being robbed by other people made Chen Xi quite annoyed.

"Looting prey? This method is also good..."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi's expression returned to normal, and he secretly decided in his heart that if he had an opportunity, he must also follow Zuoqiu Jun and the others around. As long as the other party hunted down the target, he would also take the opportunity to rob it!

Immediately, Chen Xi suddenly realized something, raised his sword eyebrows, and said, "Senior, these guys actually appeared on Daman Star, so they probably came here for the opportunity you mentioned, right?"


ps: In another hour, it will be October. Brothers, if you haven’t voted for the monthly ticket, hurry up and vote, or it will be cleared. In the last hour, I hope everyone will hold on. The monthly ticket list is too miserable. It’s easy for us to get the ranking It will be overtaken at once~ Well, I will continue to work on Chapter 10, and it will be released before 9:12!

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