divine talisman

Chapter 1232 God's Will Tricks People [Part 9]

Xiao Ding was stunned by Chen Xi's words, and pondered: "As far as I know, that place of chance is hidden in the tide of time and space. If you don't understand its laws, you will die if you go in, but it's hard to say whether they I have mastered the way to get into it."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help asking: "Senior, what exactly is buried in that place of chance?"

Xiao Ding was silent for a long time, and then said: "That is the tomb of an ancient and powerful person."

There was a trace of complexity in the voice.

However, Chen Xi didn't notice that his mind was completely attracted by the content of Xiao Ding's words.

The ancient mighty one?


Chen Xi really couldn't imagine what level of existence it was to be called a powerful person by Xiao Ding, and he was also a person from the ancient times!

"Let's go, you'll understand when you enter it, I just hope...that chance won't be taken by others."

Xiao Ding sighed quietly and fell into silence.

At this time, Chen Xi realized that Xiao Ding's mood was obviously a little depressed, which made him startled, and secretly speculated, could it be that this immemorial powerful person still has some relationship with Xiao Ding?

Shaking his head, Chen Xi stopped thinking too much, and couldn't think of anything.

Next, he didn't stay any longer, cleaned up the belongings of Lan Ting from the extraterritorial world of Fuluo, and flew straight to the Great Desolate Star.


Dahuangxing is different from other planets, its volume is more than ten times larger, comparable to a big world, and it is filled with an indescribable atmosphere of war.

Whether it's mountains, rivers or plains, you can see ruins everywhere, broken rivers, cracked cracks in the ground, collapsed cliffs, raging lava seas...

It seems that in these endless years, this devastated planet has experienced many wars, and even piles of corpses can be seen exposed to the air.

"What a strong killing spirit!"

Chen Xi landed on a bare mountain peak, and in an instant he felt an aura of murder rushing toward his face. It was an aura of war that could not be eroded away even after countless years of erosion. Unable to hold back the deterrence of this aura, he immediately collapsed.

But for the current Chen Xi, this bit of murderous aura doesn't affect him at all.

"Hey, that's..."

Chen Xi glanced casually, and suddenly saw that in that extremely distant place, there was a dreamlike rainbow bridge rushing between the sky and the earth, like the most splendid streamer, illuminating that piece of sky and earth.

"That is the power of the tide of time and space. It is the portal to enter that tomb. Back then, the owner of the tomb used the power of the tide of time and space for his own use. Unfortunately, in the end, he only had time to arrange this portal. To defend his burial-place."

Xiao Ding sighed.

Chen Xi gasped. The tides of time and space are not a joke. They are formed by the confluence of the most chaotic power of time and space. Even the existence of the Immortal King Realm does not dare to say that he dares to collect them easily. As for the power of other levels of power Those who, once involved in the tide of time and space, are absolutely dead and inanimate.

And the owner of the tomb can actually use the power of the tide for his own use, one can imagine how terrifying his strength was back then.

"No, why didn't he run away, but chose this place to bury his bones? Could it be that he knew he was going to die, so he built a grave for himself?"

Immediately Chen Xi realized a problem and made a sound of surprise.

"Yes, he had no time to escape from here."

Xiao Ding said, "Although this Chaos Nightmare Battlefield is only a medium-sized battlefield now, in the ancient times, there were many powerful people who fought fiercely with the outsiders here. Unfortunately, although all the outsiders were killed in the end, the grave The mound master has lost all his original power."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ding's voice was a little low, as if he didn't want to mention this past event again, he changed the subject and pointed out: "In the past countless years, many strong men from the Three Realms have tried to step into that portal, but almost all of them failed. And return, but I'm not sure if anyone has entered it now, after all, I haven't been here for a long time."

Chen Xi immediately realized that Xiao Ding had been here before!

"Let's go, go and have a look." Xiao Ding ordered.

Chen Xi nodded, and as soon as his figure moved, he galloped towards that distance.


While speeding, Chen Xi carefully observed his surroundings. Along the way, he was surprised to find that there are quite a few powerful auras gathered on this big barbaric star.

However, most of these auras were from the Great Luojin Wonderland. This discovery made Chen Xi's heart sink, and he vaguely felt that they all came here for the burial place of the ancient powerful beings within the tide of space and time.

"Unexpectedly, it was originally a simple inner court assessment, but now it has turned into a battle of chance. It seems that the academy has arranged the inner court assessment here, which must have a deep meaning..."

Chen Xi pondered, and suddenly realized that he had underestimated this inner court assessment. If it wasn't for Xiao Ding's guidance, he might even have missed this battle of chance.

He is very clear that all this is because he has too little information, unlike other top powerful children, no matter where they go, they can get advice from the forces behind them.


At this moment, a roaring battle wave suddenly came from a distance, spreading in all directions, and the momentum was quite huge.

Chen Xi stopped abruptly, his eyebrows opened and closed, and he glanced away. A moment later, when he saw the battle situation in the distance, a strange smile appeared on his lips, and he murmured: "It really is God's will! ..."


The next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.


This is a continuous canyon densely covered with gullies, bare and barren, with no grass growing.

But at this time, there were five or six figures fighting fiercely with about a dozen foreign powerhouses from outside the region. The battle was extremely fierce, and all the mountains were destroyed into devastated places.

The leader of those five or six figures was Zuoqiu Jun, commanding the crowd at this moment, he said sharply: "These idiots are trying to ambush us, kill them! Kill me all these bastards!"

The sound shook the sky, and the momentum was the same for a while.


Zuoqiu Jun's companions were also full of energy, and they displayed all their cultivation bases, but they were able to suppress the more than ten strong foreign races with the strength of the Daluo rank so that they could not lift their heads.

It can be seen from this that Zuoqiu Jun and his group were able to rank in the top fifty of the Daluo Gold List, and it was not for nothing.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be able to kill a few hunting targets this time, which is considered a windfall, dog, die for grandpa!"

A disciple of the Zuoqiu clan laughed, and the saber in his hand shook, turning into a black blade that filled the sky, and viciously smashed a strong foreign race outside the territory.

This attack was ruthless and domineering, directly blocking the escape route of the foreign strongman from outside the territory. It can be predicted that if this knife goes down, the opponent will definitely end up being hacked to death.

However, at this moment-


An invisible sword energy spread out from the void, invisible and traceless, ahead of the black sword glow, easily obliterating that Da Luo rank and the foreign race outside the territory.


Blood spattered and sprinkled the Zuoqiu disciple's whole body, but like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, he jumped into a rage and shouted: "Who, what bastard is robbing the prey of the uncle!"

This loud shout immediately caught the attention of Zuoqiu Jun and the others, who turned their heads and glanced around.

"what happened?"

"Someone is robbing our prey!"

"Damn it! Who is it? Get out!"

The faces of Zuoqiu Jun and the others all turned gloomy. They never expected that at this critical moment, someone would dare to snatch their prey.

It's a pity that before they could find the trace of the enemy, because of this short gap, they were once again entangled by the more than ten alien races from outside the Da Luo class, and they couldn't escape.

"Let's deal with these miscellaneous things first!"

Seeing this, Zuo Qiujun made a decisive decision, gritted his teeth and shouted violently.

The others could only agree, venting all the anger in their hearts on these foreign races.


Just when a disciple of the Zuoqiu clan was about to kill a foreign race that was in a desperate situation, another invisible sword energy flashed and killed the foreign race first.

This kind of attack waiting for an opportunity, the grasp of timing has reached the peak of ingenuity, it is just right, if it is seen by others, it must be clapped and admired.

But all of this made the Zuoqiu disciple almost vomit blood in anger. He had worked so hard to get the prey, and it was about to be executed, but he was snatched away by others. Don't mention how aggrieved he felt .

"Damn it! Who is it?"

"Which bastard who deserves a thousand dollars is making trouble?"

"Damn it, my prey!"

At this moment, more than one voice sounded at the same time, shaking the whole field.

Immediately, they all looked at each other in dismay, and found that at the same time, the alien strongmen they each dealt with were all killed first!

All of a sudden, their faces were extremely ugly, and when they looked at their opponents again, they found that there was only one foreign race of the Da Luo class left in the field...


Zuoqiu Jun's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and there was a bone-chilling chill. Under the rage in his heart, he slammed his palm fiercely at the last alien from outside the Da Luo class.

However, at this moment, that nihility-like sword energy emerged again, and with a slight flash, it obliterated the head of the foreign race before it.


Blood is splashed, and the picture is poignant and bloody.

But Zuoqiu Jun's cheeks were flushed from suffocation, his veins were bursting, and he was trembling with anger. A total of fourteen foreign races of the Daluo class were snatched away by others...

The faces of the others were also extremely gloomy, their teeth were clenched and their lungs were about to explode.

"I'm sorry, I thought those strong people from other races were unowned things. Goodbye, I hope to see you again next time." At this moment, a soft voice sounded.

Then Zuoqiu Jun and the others saw, in that extremely far away place, a tall figure waving towards him, with a warm smile on his face.

But the voice fell into their ears, but it was so piercing, and the smile fell into their eyes, it was more like the biggest ridicule in the world, which made their eyes red.

"Chen Xi—you damn bastard, I can't spare you! Just wait for me!"

Zuo Qiujun roared violently, his expression extremely ferocious.


ps: The monthly ticket competition is over. Although the ranking has been overtaken by one place, it doesn't matter. The important thing is the enthusiasm of the brothers and sisters, which makes Jinyu really moved. This feeling is really cool. I will continue to do the second 10 more, brothers who can’t wait, watch it tomorrow, in addition, today is October 10st, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~

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