divine talisman

Chapter 1233 Immortal King Tomb

Zuoqiu Jun's roar was still resounding, but Chen Xi's figure had long since disappeared.

"This damn thing! It won't take long, you will definitely die!"

Zuoqiu Jun was out of breath, and his expression was terribly gloomy. He knew that Chen Xi was taking revenge on himself, but he never thought that being robbed by someone would be so infuriating.

"Brother Jun, what should we do next?"

A young man couldn't help but asked, "It's really hard for me to swallow this tone. Why don't we catch up with that kid and take advantage of the fire while he hunts down his target?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately resonated with the others, and they all nodded their heads.


Zuoqiu Jun was startled, calmed down instantly, his eyes flickered and said, "Let me ask you, did you see how that kid made a move just now?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all lost in thought, and as they thought about the scene just now, they couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on their faces, and their hearts palpited endlessly.

Yes, they didn't even see how Chen Xi made the move!

"You all understand now? That kid is definitely not a soft persimmon. On the contrary, he is extremely dangerous. If he did something to us just now, I'm afraid the consequences will be really unpredictable."

Zuoqiu Jun took a deep breath and said with emotion.

"He...couldn't have mastered the space avenue, right?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Absolutely impossible!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was opposed by other people. It was a joke. The space avenue is one of the three supreme laws.

"It's also possible. Don't forget, Yun Fusheng obtained the divine pattern 'Shadow of Time' back then, which is a branch of the Dao of Time."

Zuo Qiujun frowned and muttered, "Perhaps, Chen Xi has also mastered a certain branch of the Dao of Space, but the strange thing is, I clearly remember that when he was promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian, what he obtained was the Five Elements Divine Rune."

Everyone else was also puzzled.

"Forget it, let's bear with this matter for the time being. It won't be long before someone will deal with that kid. It is imperative that we rush to the Immortal King's tomb as soon as possible."

Zuoqiu Jun waved his hand and ordered directly.

Immortal King Tomb!

Mentioning this name, other eyes looked at the distance at the same time. There, there was a dreamlike arch bridge running through the sky and the earth, shining brightly and exuding an incomparably attractive luster.



Above a meandering broken river, the void shook for a while, and then a tall figure stepped out.

"It's a pity, although I robbed the other party's fourteen hunting targets, I couldn't find the wealth of those targets..."

Chen Xi smacked his mouth, thinking with some regret.

Previously, he hid in a very far away place, and used the "Floating Light" in the inheritance of the "Sword of Space", and snatched fourteen hunting targets from Zuoqiu Jun and the others in one fell swoop, and he had a bad breath in his heart.

"Hurry up, before it gets dark, you must rush to the tide of time and space, otherwise, once it enters the night, the time and space of the entire Great Barbarian Star will fall into a state of rage, and you will not be able to get closer there."

Xiao Ding suddenly opened his mouth and reminded him.

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he looked up at the sky. It was already dusk, and there was less than one stick of incense left before entering the night.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately set off and rushed towards the distance at full speed.

There were no accidents along the way, and with Chen Xi’s teleportation method, it was almost a cup of tea, and he was already close to the past.

As he got closer to the space-time tide that pierced the sky and the earth, Chen Xi became more and more surprised. He saw that the space-time tide was like an arched bridge, stretching between the sky and the earth, filled with radiant brilliance.

It can be clearly seen that in the vicinity of the tide of time and space, all the scenery is changing rapidly. Winter goes to spring, the four seasons overlap, the vegetation flourishes and withers, and the tide ebbs and flows.

That kind of feeling is like observing a rapid change of the years. In an instant, the vicissitudes of life have changed, which makes people feel unspeakably shocked.

That is the power of time and space, which is formed by the convergence of the two supreme laws of time and space. The only difference is that the power in this space-time tide is extremely chaotic and violent. fly ash!

"I don't know how many people in these three realms can grasp the power of time and the essence of time and space..."

After arriving here, Chen Xi slowed down his pace. While looking at the surrounding environment, he secretly sighed in his heart. The more power he had, the more he realized that he still had a long way to go.

But very soon, Chen Xi couldn't care less about emotion, because he suddenly saw that in front of the portal formed by the tide of space and time, many figures had already stopped at this time, not less than a hundred people!

Even Chen Xi saw that Zhao Mengli, Ji Xuanbing, and Buddha's true law were all standing in it.

"Many of the disciples from the seven academies have come..."

With a glance of his gaze, Chen Xi could tell the identities of those people. They were all the students of the Seven Great Academies who participated in this assessment, but not all of them came.

After all, each of the seven colleges dispatched 350 students this time, adding up to a total of [-] students. At this time, there were only more than a hundred students present.

"It's really troublesome now."

Chen Xi frowned. The more people there were, the greater the competition would be. And these places of opportunity seemed to be based on chance, but in fact, when it came time to snatch treasures, no one would be polite.

He was not afraid that the students of Daohuang Academy would do something to themselves, but the students from the other six colleges were the ones who worried the most.

After all, according to the rules read by Zhou Zhili, they only ordered them, the children of Daohuang Academy, not to kill each other, but there was no rule that they were not allowed to fight with students from other academies.

"Hey, Chen Xi, you're actually here too, come here quickly!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from a distance. Chen Xi raised his eyes and saw Ji Xuanbing waving towards him. This made him shiver inwardly. He didn't expect that Ji Xuanbing's perception was so keen that he had already hidden his whereabouts. , was still discovered by the other party.

Ji Xuanbing's voice also attracted the attention of many people, and they all looked over.

"It really is Chen Xi."

"I didn't expect that he could touch here too."

"Well, that's not bad either. With Chen Xi joining us, we will have a better chance of going to the Immortal King's tomb together."

In the midst of this discussion, Chen Xi walked towards this side, and nodded to the brothers of the Dao Emperor Academy one by one.

At this time, Chen Xi had already seen that there were a total of 16 students from Daohuang Academy this time, except for Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu who were freshmen, the others were all old students.

Among those old students, there are Ao Zhanbei who ranks first in the Da Luo Gold List, Ji Wenlei who ranks third, and Buddha Xiu Duxun who ranks fifth... Almost all of them are extremely high-ranking existences in the top fifty of the Da Luo Gold List.

It can be said that among these people, Chen Xi was barely familiar with Zhao Mengli and Ji Xuanbing, and the others hadn't said a word at all, so naturally they couldn't talk about friendship.

However, Chen Xi didn't care about these things either. He didn't come here to rely on the strength of these people.

On the contrary, when the old students saw Chen Xi coming, their expressions were different, some were surprised, some were vigilant, some were thoughtful, or some showed a sense of amiability.

As the disciples of the Dao Emperor Academy, they knew everything about Chen Xi very well, but most of them did not expect that Chen Xi could even arrive here.

After all, they also learned that there is such a place of opportunity in this chaotic nightmare battlefield just now by relying on the forces behind them. They were naturally a little surprised that Chen Xi was able to find this place due to his ordinary background.

"Chen Xi, I have practiced a secret method, and I can perceive some hidden things, but I didn't expect to discover you by accident. You won't blame me for breaking your whereabouts, right?"

At this time, Ji Xuanbing had already moved over, and smiled at Chen Xi with a little apology.

On the contrary, his candid attitude won Chen Xi a lot of goodwill, and dispelled the slightest trace of resentment in his heart, and he immediately smiled and said, "I planned to come here, how could I blame Brother Ji. "

"That's good. With your participation, we might be able to get some opportunities from this fairy king's tomb." Ji Xuanbing said with a smile.

Chen Xi shook his head: "Brother Ji thinks too highly of me. I'm not afraid of jokes. Until now, I don't know anything about this fairy king's tomb. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you, but it will hurt everyone."

He was telling the truth, and Xiao Ding only told him some vague information, saying that this was the tomb of a certain powerful person in ancient times, but he didn't tell him the name of the fairy king's tomb.

"What kind of mother-in-law are you? If you want to reap the benefits, we have to work together, otherwise this opportunity will be snatched away by other people."

Zhao Mengli walked over, cast a sidelong glance at Chen Xi, and spoke directly without any cover, causing the disciples of the other six colleges to stare sideways.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood that at this time, Ji Xuanbing and the others were also worried that the other six colleges would join forces to fight against them, so they, the disciples of Daohuang College, put aside all kinds of thoughts and united together.

"Hmph, this guy is an unscrupulous master. Just now he robbed me and other prey. If you cooperate with him, you are not afraid of being bitten by him?"

At this moment, a cold snort came from a distance. Accompanied by the sound, Zuoqiu Jun and a group of people galloped over. They all had sullen faces and stared at Chen Xi unkindly. They looked like they wanted to pounce on Chen Xi It was like dropping two pieces of meat from Chen Xi.

Originally seeing Zuoqiu Jun and others appear, many of the students from the six colleges frowned, with a hint of worry in their expressions, but when they heard Zuoqiu Jun's words, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, showing It looks like watching the excitement.

The reason is also very simple. There is obviously internal strife between the children of this imperial academy, and they are eager for such a situation to happen.


ps: I finally finished the task, and my muscles are sore and unbearable, but I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I will post a single chapter later and put it in the author's related section. Please check it out.

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