divine talisman

Chapter 1235 Whirling Heavenly Spirit [Part 2]

Hunyuan Liangyi Diagram!

Hearing this name, Chen Xi was slightly taken aback, and keenly noticed that Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu were also taken aback, and immediately their expressions turned gloomy.

Could it be that they didn't know the existence of the Hunyuan Liangyi Diagram before?

Chen Xi glanced at the other old students, but found that most of them remained calm and did not act strangely, as if they already knew that Ao Zhanbei had this thing.


Ao Zhanbei opened his mouth, his figure was majestic, his muscles were poured like gold, he was a direct descendant of the golden real dragon in the dragon world, he had been silent before, but now he became the focus of attention of the audience.

"Wait a minute!"

Ji Xuanbing said in a deep voice, "This Hunyuan Liangyi map is one of the few treasures in the academy. How can you have it?"

"It was handed over to me by Tuoba Tianxi instructor before entering the battlefield of chaos and nightmares." Ao Zhanbei seemed to have expected Ji Xuanbing to ask such a question, and replied casually.

This answer made Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu's expressions darken again, and even Chen Xi frowned.

"Why didn't I know the news?"

Ji Xuanbing asked, his voice already tinged with sullenness.

"This kind of treasure can only be kept by the person who ranks first in the Daluo Gold List, not to mention, don't you already know it now?" Ao Zhanbei replied lightly.

"Then let me ask you, since Professor Tuoba handed over this treasure to you, he must have asked me to use this treasure to come to the Immortal King's Tomb to find opportunities, why didn't you inform us?"

Zhao Mengli spoke suddenly, her eyes were icy cold.

"This is also to worry about the leak of news. After all, this Hunyuan Liangyi map is an ancient treasure. The less people know about it, the less it will cause other people to covet it."

Zuoqiu Jun interjected, "Okay, now you all understand, it's not too late."

"It's not too late for a good one!"

Ji Xuanbing was furious, feeling that he had been greatly deceived, "You dare to disobey the college's will, don't you worry about being punished?"

"Tuoba Tuoxi didn't tell me, I have to tell you this news." Ao Zhanbei replied calmly with no expression on his face.

"Xuan Bing, don't get angry. I am also aware of this matter. It's not that Brother Ao deliberately concealed it. In fact, this chaotic nightmare battlefield is full of dangers. With such a treasure, the less people know about it, the better."

Ji Wenlei, who was ranked fourth on the Daluo Gold List, said that he is an old student, but he is also a member of the Ji family, but he is only a collateral child, and he is still inferior to Ji Xuanbing in terms of background.

Ji Xuanbing snorted coldly, glanced at Ji Wenlei, and finally said nothing.

While Chen Xi watched coldly from the sidelines, he also vaguely guessed the general situation in his heart.

Tuoba Tianxi must have already known the existence of this fairy king's tomb, so he handed over the Chaos Liangyi map to Ao Zhanbei for safekeeping. The prohibition of time and space tides, thus smoothly entering the tomb of the fairy king.

However, it seems that Ao Zhanbei didn't tell many people about this news before, at least Chen Xi, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu didn't know about it.

Perhaps Ao Zhanbei felt that the fewer people who knew the news, the safer the preservation of the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram, but obviously, no one would believe this statement.

Then Ao Zhanbei's motivation for doing this is a bit intriguing. Did he deliberately target them freshmen?Or is there another purpose?

Chen Xi couldn't guess it, but at least he could tell that Ao Zhanbei, Zuo Qiujun and the others were obviously in the same group.

"Now that you all understand, then I won't explain any more. Let's go now. If there is a delay and the opportunity is taken away by other colleges, none of us will benefit."

Ao Zhanbei glanced at the crowd, then raised his hand, and there was an uproar, an ancient scroll spread out in the air, inside it was chaos, and a grand vision of yin and yang blended and emerged.

Looking at it from a distance, Chen Xi felt a terrifying aura flooding his whole body, as if if he looked at it one more time, his soul would be drawn into that picture scroll!

"The breath is so terrifying, how powerful should it be?"

Chen Xi hastily withdrew his gaze, secretly feeling palpitations, feeling more and more that this trip to the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield was obviously for the inner court assessment, but secretly it was probably also for the fairy king's tomb, otherwise, how could the academy come up with such a thing? The treasure is handed over to the disciple?

"Chen Xi, you really don't plan to be with us?" Ji Xuanbing turned her head, and once again asked Chen Xi's opinion.

Chen Xi shook his head.

Seeing this, Ji Xuanbing stopped talking and cupped his hands.


Seeing this, Zuoqiu Jun sneered, and glanced at Chen Xi, as if to say, I would like to see how you got into the tomb of the Immortal King without the help of the Hunyuan Yinyang Chart!


Ao Zhanbei pointed at the Hunyuan Yin-Yang Diagram in mid-air, and a strange fluctuation spread out with a buzzing sound, and then Chen Xi's eyes blurred, and he was the only one left in the field.


The night is like ink, and the time-space tide portal is filled with blazing light.

Chen Xi stood alone in front of that portal, quietly contemplating for a long time, and finally couldn't help but sigh, feeling that the current situation is really a bit complicated.

But if you think about it carefully, the forces entering the Immortal King's Tomb this time are actually not complicated. They are roughly divided into two camps, the Dao Emperor Academy is in one group, and the other six colleges are in one group.

The reason why Chen Xi felt complicated was because there were gaps and frictions among the students of Daohuang Academy, and they had their own thoughts. Even if they really found a chance, they might not be able to cooperate honestly.

Coupled with the fact that the other six academies were staring at them, and the unknown dangers that existed in the fairy king's tomb, Chen Xi was really worried for Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli.

"However, the six colleges seem to be united. If there is a big opportunity, I'm afraid they will have friction with each other. It's no different from Ji Xuanbing's situation."

"It's also fortunate that I didn't get involved. It seems weak, but with the help of Xiao Ding, at least I can avoid many dangers..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, let go of the distracting thoughts in his mind, and stopped thinking about it.

"Senior, should we also set off?" Chen Xi asked.

"Wait a minute."

Xiao Ding seemed to think of something, and suddenly pointed out: "Look carefully, there is a kind of flower with nine leaves, indigo color, and wishful shape growing around the portal of time and space tide?"

Chen Xi was stunned. Although he didn't know what Xiao Ding was going to do, he followed his instructions, released his sense of immortality and began to search.

With his current spirit power, he searched the entire area almost instantly, but he didn't find the kind of flower that Xiao Ding mentioned.

"Don't use immortal consciousness. This flower is called 'Tian Ling Po Whirling'. It is an ancient treasure that only blooms near the tide of time and space. It is the most psychic, so that it can avoid any detection of the will of the immortal consciousness. Even the Immortal King's will is unaware of its existence."

Xiao Ding quickly explained.

Heavenly spirit whirling...

Chen Xi did not expect that there were such rare flowers in this world, so he immediately put away his immortal consciousness, and the eyes of divine truth quietly appeared between his brows, and he glanced away.

Sure enough, after a while, he found a celestial spirit whirling plant, which grew near the portal of time and space tides. It was only the size of a thumb, and its whole body was transparent with an indigo-blue luster.

Because the light of the space tide at that time was too bright and blazing, it was completely covered, and it was really difficult to find its existence if it was not investigated with the eyes of the divine truth.

"Senior, does this flower have any magical effect?" Chen Xi's heart was lifted.

"You will know when you enter the tomb."

Xiao Ding replied, "Remember, when picking, use the method of 'painting the ground as a prison' that I taught you, so that you can imprison it. If you use other methods, it will only make it die instantly, which is useless at all." gone."

Chen Xi nodded, and immediately stepped forward, with a swipe of his hand, he played out a mysterious and unfathomable fairy formula, directly enveloping the whirling celestial spirit plant, and flew into the palm of his hand.

In almost an instant, a misty scent that invigorated the soul diffused out, pierced into Chen Xi's nostrils, and with his Dao Xin cultivation, he couldn't help his heart swaying, as if floating in the clouds, and he wished he could fall asleep right away. In the past, no longer wake up.

Immediately, Chen Xi woke up abruptly, and let out a loud cry. Although he didn't know the specific magical effect of this strange flower, just this hypnotic fragrance alone was enough to make people intimidated.

"Unfortunately, this flower has to be imprisoned with the method of painting the ground as a prison. If not, it can be used to secretly attack opponents..." Chen Xi looked at it for a moment, then put away the Heavenly Spirit Possession.

In the following time, he collected more than ten celestial spirit whirling plants one after another near the time-space tidal portal, and then gave up because he could not find them anymore.

"More than ten plants... It's almost there, you are ready, I will take you in now."

Xiao Ding pondered for a while, and then suddenly leaped into the air, the round and clear body of the tripod released a cloud of gray primordial aura, which directly enveloped Chen Xi's entire body.


The next moment, Xiao Ding turned into a flash of lightning, and suddenly got into the portal of the tide of time and space.

To Chen Xi's surprise, from the beginning to the end, not only was the restraining force in the space-time tide not touched, but instead, like a tide, it avoided two directions and gave way!


Chen Xi hadn't figured out exactly how Xiao Ding did it, but felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the sky and the earth went dark for a while, and he could no longer see everything clearly.

After an unknown amount of time, when Chen Xi's vision became clear again, he saw himself appearing in a deep and dark corridor.

The place is silent and lifeless, the walls are mottled, and there is an ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes.

Standing here, Chen Xi could clearly feel an invisible force that suppressed his heart, but he didn't know where it came from, so it seemed mysterious and terrifying.

"Could it be that this is the fairy king's tomb where the legendary opportunity is buried?"

Chen Xi looked around, and couldn't help feeling a look of anticipation in his heart.


ps: It’s gone tonight, good night everyone~

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