divine talisman

Chapter 1236 Undead Bat [Part 1]

The corridor is deep and deep, filled with invisible pressure that forces people's hearts.

This is the tomb of the Immortal King. It has been left over from the ancient times to the present, and I don’t know how many years have passed through. Standing in it, even with Chen Xi’s cultivation base of the Great Luojin Fairyland, he felt an unspeakable pressure.

He didn't dare to be careless, and cast his eyes of divine truth, mysterious runes emerged from the center of his eyebrows, shining brightly, and looked into the depths of the dark corridor.

Suddenly, Chen Xi let out a muffled snort, his brows and eyes were piercing, they were as red as fire, and his pupils reflected molten blood, which was about to incinerate his eyes of divine truth.

But at this time, in his field of vision, this tunnel has completely changed its appearance, paved with a layer of blood, like a thick lava boiling and roaring, filled with ancient and terrifying killing intent, which stimulated his eyes. The eyes of the divine truth are extremely painful.

Chen Xi felt a chill in his heart, such a terrifying power of blood energy, which has never faded and faded through the ages, and the ancient killing intent contained in it is still so terrifying and frightening.

Even the Eye of Divine Truth was almost broken by this killing intent!

"Sure enough, many people have coveted this place since the endless years, but unfortunately, they didn't have the luck to get out of here, and finally buried their bones here with hatred."

Xiao Ding sighed with emotion, but there was nothing in his voice.

"Senior, is the terrifying blood energy permeating everywhere left behind by the strong man who broke into this place?" Chen Xi was surprised.

"That's right. This tunnel is also known as the Road of Impermanence. It is filled with the supreme power of life and death. It is arranged in the pattern of a narrow escape. If you can't find the only door of life, you will fall into the catastrophe of life and death and perish here."

Xiao Ding explained softly.

The power of life and death is one of the three supreme laws that can be comprehended and controlled at the level of the fairy king!

Hearing this, Chen Xi became more and more sure that the tomb owner that Xiao Ding said was at least at the level of an Immortal King, otherwise he would not be able to control the supreme law of life and death at all.

"Senior, where is the only life gate?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking, the power of blood energy that filled this place was so terrifying that even his eyes of divine truth couldn't see the true face of the tunnel, so he asked this question.

Xiao Ding was silent for a moment, and then said: "Since the boundless years, the pattern of this place has been changing, and it's been too long, so it's hard for me to give an accurate answer."

Chen Xi was taken aback for a moment, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"However, I suggest that you take action immediately, and don't stay in one place for too long." Xiao Ding said, "The meaning of life and death is the most impermanent, and the most stupid way to stop is to stop."

Chen Xi was startled again, and he couldn't stop smiling wryly, but it was precisely because of Xiao Ding's words that he put away his chances and began to treat the situation in front of him with caution.


After a moment of contemplation, Chen Xi drew out the Immortal Star Sword, and walked carefully towards the front of the corridor. This corridor had only two directions, so he would never choose to walk backward.

Soon, he saw a corpse, sitting down on the side of the corridor, covered in ragged clothes, half of the body was as clear as gold and jade, and the other half was as black as charcoal.

Chen Xi's heart trembled inwardly. This corpse had the color of gold and jade, and it was definitely an extremely powerful existence, but in the end it fell down and fell into the tunnel of impermanence.


The next moment, he found a simple palm-sized jade pendant next to the corpse, but just as his fingers touched the jade pendant, there was a rustling sound, and the jade pendant turned into powder and disappeared.

"You don't need to look for it. There is no treasure to be found in this passage of impermanence. The living come out and the dead stay. Under the erosion of the power of life and death, the treasure is naturally impossible to be intact."

Xiao Ding pointed out.

Chen Xi nodded, his expression became more solemn, and he continued to move forward.

Along the way, he encountered many corpses again, and even on the walls of the corridor, there were many potholes, densely covered with traces of swords and swords, and it was obvious that they had suffered terrible blows.

Looking at the traces of battle that seemed to be imprinted from the years, Chen Xi's heart became more and more dignified. He could clearly feel the astonishing murderous aura contained therein, and he even seemed to hear the angry and unwilling roars from countless years ago. .

All these must have been left by the peerless powerhouses. Their battle marks have been honed and indelible over the years. It is hard to imagine how powerful they were back then.

But now, they are all buried in this impermanent tunnel...

"The power of the time-space tidal portal can only be maintained to allow the strong at the Daluo Jinxian level to enter. I don't know what means the owners of these corpses used to force their way into this place. Unfortunately, they were still buried here in the end. If early Knowing this, will they regret coming here?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, got rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, and didn't have the time to feel emotional anymore. All this only made him more cautious, and his nerves tensed up.

But along the way, he did not encounter any danger, everything was so quiet, only the invisible and oppressive aura permeated the air.

After walking like this for about a stick of incense, Chen Xi suddenly heard a rushing sound, and then a roaring wave spread from the corridor in the distance.

Faintly, there was even a heavy aura of magic weapon permeating the air.

"It's the breath of undead bats. These strange beasts were born in the power of death. Unless this impermanent path is destroyed, they can't be killed at all. And once they are contaminated with the power of death, they will have a huge impact on life, law, cultivation, and even the soul." It will cause great harm.”

Xiao Ding spoke quickly, without much emotional fluctuation in his voice, as if he had expected this scene to happen.

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xi saw a group of bats that were only the size of a palm suddenly appeared in the corridor very far away, filled with the black air of death, and were as fast as lightning.

They swarmed in groups, whistling and criss-crossing, like a cloud of black death force smog, their mouths full of sharp fangs let out a shrill cry like a crying baby, which was breathtaking.

"Senior, is there a way to deal with this beast?"

Chen Xi frowned, his expression extremely solemn. He could clearly feel that the aura of each undead bat was not weaker than the Da Luo Jinxian level. This is not the point. The point is that they are all formed by the power of death. This is the trickiest thing.

"Break through."

Xiao Ding's answer was very simple, "Didn't you see that in the depths of the undead bat group, someone was already fighting and charging? I suspected before that I had already covered your breath, so how could it cause a riot of undead bats? Now It seems that it must be because of those little guys."

Chen Xi was startled, he didn't expect Xiao Ding to help him once invisibly.

Immediately he couldn't care less about these things, because he had already seen at this moment that, among the crowd of undead bats, there was a huge and simple pale yellow gourd that was filled with divine light, pouring out streaks of mysterious yellow aura, fighting fiercely with the undead bats In one place.

Xuanhuang gourd!

Seeing this treasure, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes immediately, and he really found that on the black and yellow gourd, there were the figures of the students of Changkong Academy standing impressively.

The leader is Le Qianchuan, the number one expert in the outer courtyard of Changkong Academy.

What a coincidence!

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart. Before entering the tomb of the Immortal King, Ji Xuanbing had said that the Changkong Academy, like the two great academies Dahuang and Kuji, had always hated the Daohuang Academy. At that time, he had personally asked Ji Xuanbing about Le Qianchuan's I didn't expect to meet the other party as soon as I entered the tomb of the fairy king.

"It's just hateful. If they hadn't attracted the undead bats, I'm afraid I would have passed through this place without any risk..."

Chen Xi sighed inwardly.

"These undead bats can't be killed at all, don't get entangled with them, and charge forward together!" Le Qianchuan shouted in a deep voice from afar.


The next moment, there was a loud shout, and the thick and roaring black and yellow air spewed out, like a majestic mountain rolling forward, and Huanhuan pushed forward into the depths of the tunnel.

"You also set off quickly. After the undead bat appears, it won't be long before there will be even more terrifying undead blood corpses. They are all the corpses of masters who fell here. Once they appear, it will be difficult to leave this impermanent tunnel. .”

Xiao Ding quickly said: "My current power needs to be used when entering the core of the tomb, so you need to resist the danger you encounter at this time."

"But don't worry, I have covered your whole body with a secret method, and those undead monsters can't find you at all. You only need to be careful of the attack of the power of death in the air."

Undead Blood Corpse!

Chen Xi's heart trembled again, especially when he thought of the meaning of Xiao Ding's words, he didn't dare to be negligent, his figure flashed, and he unleashed his mysterious wings, and quietly swept towards the depths of the tunnel.


At this time, the Xuanci Wings were filled with a trace of the power of the law of space, and when they started to operate, they became more and more nimble and ethereal, silently, and did not even cause a trace of void fluctuations.

The scene that happened the next moment was exactly as Xiao Ding had said, Chen Xi's figure had broken into the group of undead bats, but he did not attract the attention of the bats at all, so naturally he did not suffer from the overwhelming and fearless attack of the bats.

It feels like these undead bats have become blind.

However, Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless. The corridor seemed to be wide, but it was already filled with dense crowds of undead bats, and the space for him to move forward was extremely limited.

In addition, those undead bats were continuing to attack Le Qianchuan and the others, and the aftermath would inevitably spread to Chen Xi's side, making him have to dodge and resist again and again, lest he be tainted with the power of death.

Swish swish!

Looking from a distance, Chen Xi at this moment is like a flickering phantom, moving and shifting frequently in the virtual space, making a series of astonishingly difficult movements, dodging the aftermath of various battles without any danger .

It is also because he has to dodge all the time, and sometimes even has to retreat to avoid the spread of some death power, which actually slows down his forward speed a lot.

However, the small cauldron covered Chen Xi's aura, and although it could hide it from the undead bats, it had no effect on Le Qianchuan and the others.

So when Chen Xi's figure was about to get close to the Xuanhuang Gourd, he was spotted immediately, "Eh! Someone is actually following us, it's him! That kid from the Dao Emperor Academy!"

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