divine talisman

Chapter 1238 The River of Fire, the Bridge to Serenity [Part 1]

An ancient fairy character was actually written with the original blood of the owner of the tomb, and every stroke is full of the power of the law of life and death!

Hearing Xiao Ding's pointing, Chen Xi was horrified, but also quickly withdrew his gaze, not daring to glance at it again.

Immediately, the sleepy feeling of irritability and vomiting in his heart was relieved a lot, and his expression returned to normal.

"Senior, how do we pass through this portal?"

Chen Xi frowned, realizing that the situation was a bit serious. The invisible oppressive aura in the tunnel of impermanence was getting stronger and stronger. Even he could feel it at this moment. It seemed that a force more terrifying than undead bats was about to appear.

Obviously, it must be the undead blood corpse.

Xiao Ding didn't say a word, and started to move directly. The shiny tripod rose into the air, emitting a divine radiance, which suddenly enveloped the bronze door, covering the bloody fairy character.


Under Chen Xi's shocked gaze, the ancient bright red "Xian" character actually flew out of the bronze portal, and was absorbed into Xiao Ding's body!


Chen Xi gasped, he didn't expect Xiao Ding to take the word "immortal" away so easily.

"This fairy character is the core strength that maintains this place. Now that I have taken it away, this impermanent corridor will be swept away by the storm of time and space from the outside world and completely destroyed. What are you still doing, go!"

Xiao Ding's hasty voice sounded in Chen Xi's ears.


Hearing this, how could Chen Xi dare to hesitate, and suddenly pushed open the bronze door, and his figure disappeared within it in a flash.


Behind the bronze portal, a river of boiling lava surged.

The river was hundreds of feet wide, and the red hot lava was winding like a roaring fire dragon. The scorching high temperature burned the void red and distorted, and white thick fog evaporated.

Above the river, there is a bridge, the whole body is snow white, it is actually made of a huge pair of animal bones, it straddles the river of lava, after countless years of smelting, it is still intact.

As soon as Chen Xi entered the bronze portal, he appeared beside the river of lava. Staring at the billowing lava, he could clearly feel a pure law of fire enveloping the world.

"The river of fire, the bridge to the secluded... I never thought that I would see them again in my lifetime..."

Xiao Ding sighed quietly.

Hearing this, Chen Xi was stunned, but he immediately relaxed a lot. Xiao Ding knew this place, which meant that even if he encountered any danger, he would at least have a chance to resolve it.

What surprised him slightly was that, hearing Xiao Ding's tone, he was not only quite familiar with this place, but had even been here before.

This also made Chen Xi more certain that Xiao Ding must have some unusual relationship with the owner of the tomb.


In the bronze portal behind, there was a violent vibration, as if something was collapsing and destroying, there were faint screams of undead bats, and screams of panic...


With a loud bang, the bronze portal collapsed completely, covered by an invisible force, and turned into nothingness. All sounds disappeared completely and could never be heard again.

Even if Chen Xi used the Eye of Divine Truth to investigate, he couldn't find any trace of the existence of the bronze portal.

"Is the Impermanence Tunnel destroyed like this..."

Chen Xi was stunned. A tunnel that had been preserved to this day after countless years of changes, was annihilated today because of the small tripod taking away a word for "immortal". It was indeed emotional.

"Destruction and creation are the laws of the way of heaven." Xiao Ding said.

Chen Xi smiled: "I'm just a little regretful, those guys from the Sky Academy may have disappeared along with it."

But Xiao Ding shook his head and said: "That's not certain. The impermanent tunnel is the most impermanent, and it is the path leading to the most variable in this tomb. They have black and yellow gourds, and they may be able to escape this catastrophe."

Chen Xi was startled, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's good to be alive, but I'm still worrying about how to repay some price."

wow~ wow~

In the river of fire on that side, a wave of fire slurry was suddenly raised, and fishes were flying in the waves, and disappeared into the river in the blink of an eye.

However, Chen Xi could still clearly see that those fish were bright red in color, their crowns were golden, and their tails were covered with gorgeous and illusory scales.

"This is a yin-yang fish, a kind of ancient alien species. The yin is extremely yin, born in the darkness, and the yang is extremely yang, born in the light. It is rumored that the rare way of Tai Chi came from the body of this yin-yang fish." A trace of Dao pattern evolved."

Xiao Ding opened his mouth, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in his voice, "This is a rare treasure in the Three Realms. It is difficult for the outside world to find it. The key is that it was born in the ancient Hongmeng Avenue. Every time one dies, there will be one less. Can't reproduce at all."

Yin Yang fish!

Immemorial heterogeneous!

Contains a trace of Dao pattern of Tai Chi Dao!

These incomparably alluring words fell into Chen Xi's ears, causing his eyes to brighten up instantly, and he couldn't restrain a surge of excitement in his heart. He quickly said, "Senior, what is the magical effect of this yin-yang fish?"

Seeing that Yin-Yang fish could still be found in this fiery river, Xiao Ding seemed to be in a very good mood, and said, "There are so many wonderful uses, such as refining alchemy, refining weapons, comprehending the Dao, tempering the body of a fairy, strengthening the soul... Well, in short, you just need to understand that it is full of treasures."

It was said that Chen Xi's eyes were much brighter. He had just experienced the perils of the Tunnel of Impermanence, and he was able to meet such a great opportunity in front of him.

"Senior, if that's the case, then it should be difficult to catch this yin-yang fish, right?" Chen Xi looked at the boiling fiery river, but he was much calmer.

"For other people, it is as difficult as going to the blue sky, because this fish is extremely intelligent. Once it senses danger, the vitality in its body will turn from life to death. It would rather commit suicide than be touched by others. No matter how powerful it is, it can't stop it. It happens."

Xiao Ding quickly said: "But for us, it is a piece of cake. Do you still remember the celestial spirit whirling I asked you to pick? This flower can quietly make the yin and yang fish lose their minds and minds for a cup of tea. A period of time is enough to capture it."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ding seemed to be a little impatient.

Heaven and spirits whirling!

Chen Xi's heart was shaken, but he didn't expect that when Xiao Ding asked him to pick this thing when he entered the tomb, it turned out that it was to deal with the Yin-Yang fish.

Thinking that among the people who entered the Immortal King's Tomb this time, he was the only one who picked up the Heavenly Spirit, Chen Xi felt more and more that agreeing to bring Xiaoding along this time was absolutely the right thing to do.

If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, it will be like this.


Chen Xi didn't hesitate any longer, and with a flash of his figure, he had already arrived at the bridge leading to seclusion.

Standing here, he could clearly feel how terrifying the temperature of the river of fire was, forcing him to use all his cultivation to avoid the danger of being burned.

Moreover, this river of fiery refinement was not calm, and occasionally a thousand-foot fire wave would be set off, easily incinerating the void and shattering it into pieces, making Chen Xi's heart skip a beat when he saw it.

Fortunately, this bridge to the secluded is not known to be polished by the bones of some strange beast, and it is born with an invisible force field, which can completely isolate the fire waves.

"Later, you only need to throw Tianlingpo into the sea of ​​fire, and you are ready to catch the Yin-Yang fish. Remember, even if you can't catch the Yin-Yang fish, don't rush into the river of fire, otherwise even I can't save you." .”

Xiao Ding reminded Chen Xi that there was another mystery inside the River of Fire Refining, once touched, unless a strong person at the level of Immortal King rescued them, they would all be instantly refined and disappear.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and after trying to calm himself down completely, he took out the dozen or so indigo blue Celestial Spirit Whirling plants, and threw them all into the river of fire under the bridge.

These heavenly spirits are only the size of a thumb, and are extremely soft. After falling into the river of fire, it is like sand falling into the sea, inconspicuous.

But very soon, Chen Xi noticed that an unconcealable aura spread out in the river surface, as if it could penetrate into the depths of the soul, evoking the deepest memories and secrets in people's hearts, making people dazed, lost, and indulging Among them, it is impossible to extricate themselves...


Chen Xi had already known how powerful the Heavenly Spirit Whirling was, so when he first noticed this aura spreading, he immediately sealed off his six senses, and entrusted his soul to the fragments of the river map.

Sure enough, in this way, it was not affected in any way.

wow~ wow~

Just a moment later, a series of waves rose in the lava river under the bridge. Under the gaze of the Eye of Divine Truth, one could clearly see bright red, delicate and beautiful fish coming from all directions.

That feeling, as if they seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, more than a dozen of them quickly gathered.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi's eyes became brighter and brighter, but he didn't dare to have any carelessness in his heart, his whole body was filled with vitality, and he was ready to go.

Gradually, a group of yin and yang fish gathered under the bridge, and their tails covered with fantastic and gorgeous scales swayed in the waves of fire, exuding a blurred and attractive luster.

"hold on!"

Just when Chen Xi was about to catch them all in one go, Xiao Ding suddenly stopped him through sound transmission: "When the number of Yin-Yang fish reaches more than nine, there must be a King Yin-Yang fish, and it won't be too late to lure it over. I'll deal with the Yin-Yang Fish King sometime, you only need to catch those Yin-Yang Fish."

Yin Yang Fish King!

Chen Xi's heart trembled violently, and he took a deep breath. Only then did he finally understand that Xiao Ding's target was never these yin-yang fish, but the king of these guys!


Not long after, a fish tail suddenly protruded from the surface of the lava river in the distance. It was a foot high and covered with extremely beautiful and gorgeous scales. Empty, the momentum is huge.

It could be vaguely seen that a figure with a golden fish crown was galloping from under the surface of the lava river at an astonishing speed, crushing thousands of waves of fire.

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