divine talisman

Chapter 1239 Strong Competition [Part 2]

The fire wave was broken and rushed to both sides, revealing a bright red and translucent back of the big fish. Although the real face was not revealed, there was an incomparably terrifying aura spreading out.

This breath is round and vast, like the fusion of two instruments, capable of suppressing the universe!

Undoubtedly, it must be the Yin-Yang Fish King, and only it can have such a monstrous aura, which is not comparable to the existence of the Da Luo Jinxian level.


A strange whistling sound came out, setting off heavy waves of molten lava, as if a rain of fire was rushing towards the sky, but a large fish with a length of two feet, densely covered with bright red scales, a golden crown, and a tail covered with bright scales The fish dashed out of the river, leaping and teleporting under the bridge!

At that moment, Chen Xi's heart twitched fiercely, and he was so startled that he almost backed up and dodged. The momentum was too terrifying, crushing him like an unshakable mountain, which made him feel a sense of suffocation.


At this moment, the small cauldron roared up, dragging thousands of divine lights from the cauldron body, and suddenly appeared above the molten river, suppressing and killing it.


The Yin-Yang Fish King was startled, and let out a roar that shook the sky. The tail of the fish pierced through the air, setting off thousands of huge waves of molten lava to fight against it.

With a bang, like two volcanoes colliding, thousands of waves splashed out of the fiery river, and terrifying waves raged in all directions, covering the world.

This kind of attack has gone beyond Chen Xi's cognition, and when he raises his hand, the world is turned upside down, and the sun and the moon are darkened!It makes people suspect that even the strongest of the saints can't have such combat power.


Chen Xi didn't dare to think too much, almost at the same time as Xiao Ding made his move, he also raised his hand and made a handprint, and went to salvage the river of fire under the bridge.

This handprint has a range of thousands of feet, and is filled with the power of the five elements of the divine pattern. It seems to be an understatement, but in fact, Chen Xi has used all of Chen Xi's power. With a single grasp, the void is like paper, and it is extremely powerful.


Unlike Xiao Ding's battle against the Yin-Yang Fish King, Chen Xi's attack this time was extremely smooth, to the extent that he was a bit overkill, and almost without any hindrance, he took all of the group of Yin-Yang fish that he had already locked down, and wiped them all out.

This is also very normal, the reason is that the yin and yang fish school was attacked by the whirling breath of the heavenly spirit, and their minds were taken away, like frozen puppets, it is impossible to produce much resistance.


Chen Xi was overjoyed, and quickly sealed these Yin-Yang fish with the Great Imprisonment Technique, then wiped out their sanity, and put them in the Pagoda of the Buddha. This way, even if they wake up, it will be very difficult for them to kill themselves.

After finishing all this, Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked towards the battlefield on the river.

This bridge leading to the secluded is indeed incomparably miraculous, the battle between Xiao Ding and the Yin-Yang Fish King was so fierce, but it couldn't hurt the bridge at all.

Standing on it, Chen Xi also avoided the terrifying aftermath of the battle. Otherwise, with his current strength alone, he would have been able to avoid it early and would not have dared to approach this place.


At this time, the small tripod has turned into a simple jade tripod nine feet high, filled with chaotic primordial energy, and every time it attacks, there is an aura of ordering the tripod and suppressing the world, smashing the void to pieces, exposing a piece of it. A scarred scar, shocking.

Compared with this, the strength of the Yin-Yang Fish King did not give way too much. The tail of the fish was in the air, like a sharp blade piercing the sky, disturbing the heaven and the earth, interpreting the supreme beauty of Tai Chi!

Yes, that is indeed the breath of the way of Tai Chi!

Chen Xi could see clearly that every attack of the Yin-Yang Fish King was impeccable, perfectly round and flawless, and how powerful Xiaoding's attack was, it was unexpectedly impossible to suppress it for a while.

As early as in the ancient battlefield, Chen Xi had seen the power of Tai Chi Dao from the joint hands of Qing Xiuyi and Zhen Liuqing, but it was Dao Intent, and what the Yin-Yang Fish King used was Tai Chi Law!

What is Tai Chi?

The blending of yin and yang, the combination of darkness and light, interprets the consummation and roundness of the way of heaven, and Tai Chi is born with two ceremonies, which are endlessly sequenced and infinitely wonderful.

This is a rare Dao Law, and strictly speaking, it is the Da Luo Law that is compatible with the four Dao Laws of Yin-Yang, Darkness, and Light!

Because only the Da Luo Law can accommodate and condense various Dao Laws into one.

"An ancient strange beast actually controls the power of Tai Chi. If it is left outside, I'm afraid it will already be the overlord of a fairy continent..."

While Chen Xi was amazed in his heart, he couldn't help feeling nervous for Xiao Ding.

This is the territory of the Yin-Yang Fish King. If it escapes, it will be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket. Unfortunately, with Chen Xi's current ability, he can only watch from the sidelines, and can't get involved in a duel of this level. In the confrontation.

"Hey! What the ancestor said is indeed true, there really is a Yin-Yang fish king in this river of refining fire!"

"Hurry up, we must catch this evil animal. This is a rare treasure that cannot be found, and it is hard to find in the Three Realms!"

"Quick, sacrifice the ancient fairy treasure!"

At this moment, a burst of uproar came from the depths of the Bridge of Netherness, causing Chen Xi's expression to sink. He never expected that someone would disturb Xiao Ding at this very moment.


Before Chen Xi could stop it, a wave of terrifying celestial treasure waves swarmed out, pierced through the void, bursting out with all kinds of terrifying divine splendor, and rushed towards the Yin-Yang Fish King town in the distance.

That momentum was so terrifying that it made Chen Xi's scalp tingle.

Because it was several ancient fairy treasures dispatched together, each one was not weaker than the black and yellow gourd, combined together, it was extremely terrifying.

"These bastards!"

Chen Xi's face was extremely gloomy, and murderous intent appeared in his black eyes. The moment he saw this ancient fairy treasure, Chen Xi finally recognized who it was.

Daman College, Kuji College, Daoxuan College... and Daohuang College!

Because the four ancient immortal treasures came from their hands respectively, especially the diagram of Yin and Yang, which was a treasure that Tuoba Tianxi handed over to Ao Zhanbei, how could Chen Xi not recognize it?

"Very good, except for the students from Yunlan Academy, Fengchuan Academy, and Changkong Academy, they are all here now! Ao Zhanbei and the others are really good at it. They don't even pay attention to their own people, and take advantage of me!"

Chen Xi hated it so much that his teeth were about to gnaw into pieces. The Yin-Yang Fish King was an ancient alien species that was even rarer than the Yin-Yang Fish. It was born in the Yin-Yang Dao, and the Three Realms had long been extinct.


In the sky above the Lianzhi River, a great battle broke out, and several ancient fairy treasures flew around, besieging the Yin-Yang Fish King, causing Xiao Ding's previous advantage to collapse in an instant.

But Xiao Ding was very calm and never backed down.

"Huh? Whose treasure is the Jade Cauldron? It doesn't even give in to our Ancient Immortal Treasure."

"I don't know, it shouldn't belong to the Seven Great Academies."

"Is there anyone else around here?"

"Over there! In the middle of the bridge... so it's him, that Chen Xi from Dao Emperor Academy!"

"Chen Xi?"

"He actually came in alone?"

A wave of noise came from the depths of the bridge to the secluded, and then, figures came from there, all of them were students from other colleges, among them were the figures of Ao Zhanbei and Zuoqiu Jun.

However, they did not see Fozi Zhenlu, Zhao Mengli, and Ji Xuanbing.

When they saw Chen Xi, the other academy students were all startled, their faces showing vigilance and alertness, while Zuoqiu Jun and the others' expressions darkened, with a hint of hatred welling up between their brows.

"Everyone, you have also seen this, but our Daohuang Academy disciples discovered this Yin-Yang Fish King first, please retreat quickly!" Ao Zhanbei yelled suddenly, shaking like thunder.

Hearing this, Chen Xi laughed angrily. This Ao Zhanbei seemed to be defending himself, but he used the name of Daohuang Academy to speak out. In fact, he was simply trying to snatch away the Yin-Yang Fish King!

"Hmph! Those who are destined by the heaven and earth will get it. This Yin-Yang Fish King is not from your Daohuang Academy!"

"That's right, everyone wins the treasure based on their strength, why did your Daohuang Academy let us withdraw?"

"It just doesn't make sense!"

Seeing this, the students from other colleges hugged into a group and fought against Ao Zhanbei and others together.

At this moment, both of them ignored Chen Xi's existence!

The scene also suddenly became tense and chaotic.But even at this moment, they did not relax their attack and fight against the Yin-Yang Fish King.


Suddenly, a loud shout came out of Chen Xi's mouth, and it shook for nine days like a thunderbolt, which made the two forces that were on the verge of swords startled.

"Boy, what did you say?"

The expressions of the other college disciples all sank, and they looked at Chen Xi unkindly.

"Chen Xi, come quickly and deal with these bastards together!"

Ao Zhanbei and the others hadn't recovered their senses yet, and recruited Chen Xi to join them.

"I say get all of you to go now, now! Immediately!"

The cold and indifferent voice spit out word by word from Chen Xi's lips, revealing a trace of chilling intent, and instantly resounded through the audience, making the expressions of the other academy disciples and Ao Zhanbei all sink.

No one expected that Chen Xi, who was alone at this time, would dare to speak like this. This was beyond their expectations, and it also made them feel that their self-esteem had been challenged.

Especially Ao Zhanbei and the others felt that Chen Xi was too ignorant and messed around to the extreme!

"How dare you utter wild words, you are looking for death! Let me teach you a lesson!"

A young man from the Kuji Academy couldn't hold back, rushed out suddenly, teleported to Chen Xi's body out of thin air, and slapped his Tianling Gai fiercely with his palm.

The power of the palm is majestic, like the sun falling down.

"What are you, dare to speak out and teach me?"

Seeing this, the corners of Chen Xi's lips curled into an icy arc, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. He suddenly lifted his foot, and kicked the opponent fiercely before he could do so.


The young man came and went quickly, his chest was shattered inch by inch by a kick, blood spewed from his mouth, his figure drew a long afterimage in the void, and fell to the place where he was standing.

Everyone was shocked, some couldn't believe it, all this happened so fast that some of them couldn't react, and saw the young man from the Blight Academy fell back with serious injuries.

"Let's do it together, kill this kid!"

The faces of all the children of Kuji Academy became gloomy, and they shouted violently.


ps: This chapter is a bit difficult to write, it is a bit late, sorry, everyone~

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