divine talisman

Chapter 1240 Fighting the Enemies Alone [Part 1]

Before the loud shouts fell, one after another figure rushed towards Chen Xi.

Those were the disciples of Kuji Academy. Except for one leading disciple who was manipulating Gu Xianbao to deal with the Yin-Yang Fish King, all the other disciples were dispatched.

In an instant, figures pierced through the sky and came from all directions on the bridge of the secluded world, extremely powerful.

Like Changkong Academy, their Kuji Academy was once challenged by Yun Fusheng alone, and the ending was the same. They were defeated by Yun Fusheng alone, and their reputation was ruined.

This also made them have a natural hatred for the students of Daohuang Academy, and just now Chen Xi knocked away one of their companions with a blow, which was like a fuse, completely igniting their anger!


All kinds of terrifying immortal arts pierced through the air, gathered into a torrent, and poured towards Chen Xi from a distance, with an incomparably overwhelming momentum.

"Don't move, that Chen Xi asked for it himself, didn't you hear that he told us to get lost just now?"

Seeing this scene, many old students of Daohuang Academy frowned and wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Zuoqiu Jun's deep voice transmission.

"When he has suffered enough and has to ask us for help, it is not too late to do it. This is also a painful lesson for him, and he will not be so arrogant in the future."

Seeing this, the others immediately fell silent and acquiesced in Zuoqiu Jun's actions. Chen Xi's scolding just now made them feel ashamed as well. Since Zuo Qiujun had said so, they were naturally happy to go along with it.

Seeing this, those students from other colleges who had been on guard all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt a sense of gloating in their hearts. Chen Xi's popularity was really bad, and even his classmates from his own college were unwilling to help him.

Perhaps, this is because he is too arrogant!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that at the moment those disciples of the Blighted Academy made their move, Chen Xi actually took the first step, showing a stronger force than they expected.


Chen Xi had indeed exploded. He had had enough of this group of people long ago. Not only did he ruin Xiao Ding's big event of capturing the Yin-Yang Fish King, but he also acted like he was taking advantage of the fire, which was simply too deceptive.

Most importantly, he wants to help Xiao Ding!

Those few ancient fairy treasures are in the hands of the disciples on the opposite side, as long as they are forced to fight with him, the pressure of those four ancient fairy treasures on Xiao Ding will naturally disintegrate.


The immortal arts of those disciples of the Bitter Silence Academy gathered together into a fiery red fairy mountain to suppress Chen Xi, and streaks of scarlet flames flew out from the fairy mountain, with a terrifying aura, which perfectly merged with the laws of fire in the surrounding world.

It can also be seen from this that the children of these bitter silence colleges are not easy to deal with. In such a hasty duel, they can still make full use of the surrounding environment.

Unfortunately, although they did not overestimate themselves, they underestimated their opponents this time.

Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and his whole body was filled with golden brilliance. He held the Star-Lan Immortal Sword in his slender and fair hand, and with a random flash, thousands of waves of swords were rolled up and roared away!

This is the sword of water - the blue sea and the sky.

The only difference is that this sword intent contains the power of the Five Elements Divine Pattern!

Just hearing a bang, the fiery red fairy mountain was crushed and shattered by the sword, turning into sparks flying all over the sky, making people wonder if the fiery red fairy mountain where all kinds of fairy arts gathered just now was paper, so unbearable hit.


Everyone was shocked.

Then, Chen Xi's sword energy flew freely, and the five elements rotated. That majestic immortal power, which was more than a hundred times that of his peers, erupted, enveloping everyone on the other side in an instant.


The disciples of the Kuji Academy were terrified, resisted desperately, urged their immortal power with all their strength, and cast all kinds of powerful immortal methods, but under Chen Xi's sword energy that contained the five elements of the god pattern, it was completely useless.

bang bang bang...

Almost in an instant, one after another screamed and flew upside down, falling apart, or spitting blood, or having their muscles and bones shattered, or their spirits and souls being severely injured, none of them was intact.

This scene, just like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, was done in one go, the wind swept through the clouds, powerful and domineering, no one can beat its edge!

This scene also horrified the children of other academies. They never expected that Chen Xi would display such perverted fighting power by himself. Standing on this bridge leading to the secluded, there would be a man who could stand on the bridge and look down on everyone. posture.

Even, a thought inadvertently appeared in their minds, when Yun Fusheng, who was only in Daluojin Wonderland, entered the three major colleges alone with a sword, was his combat power so heaven-defying?

"This damn thing, how could it become so much more powerful!" Zuoqiu Jun's heart skipped a beat, his face extremely gloomy.

The expressions of Ao Zhanbei and the others were also a little bit surprised, and the strength of the combat power displayed by Chen Xi also exceeded their expectations.


Seeing the defeat of all the disciples in his academy, the young man who had been manipulating the ancient fairy treasure to compete for the Yin-Yang Fish King changed his face suddenly, his eyes were about to split open, and he let out a loud shout.

The next moment, he abruptly withdrew the ancient fairy treasure, and threw it at Chen Xi with a bang.

That ancient fairy treasure is an ancient big seal, square and upright, the whole body is filled with dark blue divine brilliance, and a layer of obscure and mysterious dao patterns are engraved on the surface. Make a hole!

This is the Seal of Hate!

The inheritance treasure in Kuji Academy is named after Xuanhuang Gourd. It is rumored that in the ancient times, there were four immortal seals of Hentian, Fantian, Burntian, and Potian, all of which were powerful immortal treasures that shook the three worlds.

However, with the changes of the boundless years, in today's fairy world, only the Kuji Academy still keeps the seal of hate, and the other three ancient seals have long been lost, and have never appeared in this world.

At this time, as soon as the Hate Sky Seal came out, a violent force pierced through the air, the whistling sound was like thunder and thunder, and the dark blue divine light shone on the sky and the earth, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"The Great Seal of Hating the Sky, the hatred is endless, the sky cannot be stopped, the earth cannot be defended, and the violence is unparalleled. Such power is really amazing!"

Everyone was amazed.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, but his expression remained as calm as ever, except that the Immortal Sword of Grasping Stars in his hand exploded with billions of stars, and when he swung the sword, it seemed to be dragging countless stars to gallop.


The collision between the Seal of Hentian and the Immortal Sword of Lan Xing collided, the sound was like thunder falling from the sky, it was deafening, and the breaths in the bodies of many disciples present were tumbling endlessly.

And the aftermath of that kind of collision is even more terrifying, sweeping in all directions, covering the entire bridge to the secluded, if not for the bridge itself being protected by an invisible force field, just this blow alone is enough to completely smash it to pieces destroy.

But the most shocking thing is not these, but in this blow, the Heavenly Hate Seal was slashed back several feet by Chen Xi's sword, trembling wildly, and almost escaped from the young man's control!

On the other hand, Chen Xi only took three steps back, other than that, he was unscathed, not even his breath changed.

"This guy is too strong!"

"Even Gu Xianbao can't suppress him, obviously because he is too powerful."

"It's a pity that Xue Lianqiong can't exert the full power of the Hateful Seal, otherwise, just this blow could smash that kid into meatloaf."

Everyone frowned, feeling more and more that Chen Xi's fighting power was too strong.

And that young man from the Kujiu Academy named Xue Lianqiong, with a suspicious face, calmed down a lot from the rage, but he is very clear about how powerful his blow is, even if he is the best among his peers, it is extremely difficult to defeat him. It was enough to resist, but now, that Chen Xi not only blocked the blow, but also knocked back the Heavenly Hate Seal a lot!

What does this prove?

It proves that if he hadn't borrowed the power of the Heavenly Hate Seal, he would have been directly defeated by Chen Xi with just this blow!


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't care about it at all. After repelling the Hate Sky Seal, he charged away again almost without any delay.

"This kid's combat power is too terrifying, everyone should fight together, otherwise, if he grows up, he is destined to be the second Yun Fusheng!"

Seeing Chen Xi rushing towards this direction so forcefully, not only Xue Lianqiong's expression darkened, but the expressions of the other college students also changed slightly, and some people even made a sound, suggesting that everyone should do it together.

Almost without any thought, the other college students agreed.

The reason is very simple. Looking at Chen Xi's forceful posture, it is obviously impossible to stop here. In other words, if they continue to watch, they will only be killed by Chen Xi.

call out!

A sparkling glass palace lantern flew up.


A rusty and mottled bronze sword jumped into the air, and the sword exhaled a murderous aura, smashing the void.

These are two ancient fairy treasures, named Qingdou Palace Lantern and Yuxue Sword, which come from Dahuang Academy and Daoxuan Academy respectively. They are ancient fairy treasures of the same level as the Xuanhuang Gourd and Hentian Seal, each with its own mystery and strength .

That is to say, at this moment, the disciples of the Great Wilderness Academy and the Daoxuan Academy also took back the ancient fairy treasure, no longer competing for the Yin-Yang Fish King, but locked their eyes on dealing with Chen Xi!

From this, it can also be seen how much pressure Chen Xi's terrifying combat power has brought to them.

"Hey, it's over for this kid."

Zuoqiu Jun sneered, still standing on the sidelines, and told the other old students of Daohuang Academy, "Everyone, don't try to stop it. Junior brother Chen Xi has created a huge opportunity for us. At this time, we must fully cooperate with Senior Brother Ao Zhanbei, Let's capture that Yin-Yang Fish King together, otherwise we will let down the passion of Junior Brother Chen Xi, hahaha..."

When it came to the end, he couldn't help laughing out loud anymore, and he didn't expect that Chen Xi would actually indirectly do himself and others a big favor.

Although the others felt a little sorry, they accepted Zuoqiu Jun's suggestion when they thought that no one would compete with them except for the mysterious Jade Cauldron.

In fact, no matter who saw this scene at this time, they would definitely think that Chen Xi's situation had become precarious.

But for Chen Xi himself, he breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, his pressure has indeed increased a lot, but it has reduced Xiao Ding's pressure a lot, and this is enough.

"Hmph! It's fine to stand by and watch, but I don't expect you to help me sincerely!"

With a glance out of the corner of Chen Xi's eyes, he saw the expressions of Zuoqiu Jun and the others clearly. While he sneered in his heart, his movements were not slow.

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