divine talisman

Chapter 1241 Subduing the Fish King, Seizing Heavy Treasure [Part 2]

The war is about to start.

Chen Xi soared into the air, his whole body burst into immeasurable golden brilliance, and a star-grabbing fairy sword was opened by it, evolving all kinds of supreme swordsmanship, all of which contained the terrifying power of the Five Elements Divine Pattern.

That kind of kendo has already tended to the realm of "Sword God"!

At this moment, he was indeed using all his strength. It was the first time since he was promoted to Da Luo Jinxian that he was forced to be unreserved. From a distance, he was pointing at the sky, like a dragon coming out of a deep abyss, with an imposing manner. .


Various immortal treasures collided in mid-air, releasing billions of divine lights, covering the entire bridge to the secluded. If such a terrifying battle happened outside, it would be enough to burn mountains and boil seas, and bleed the oars!

It has to be said that almost none of the students from other colleges who entered the battlefield of chaos this time are weak. On the contrary, they are all top figures of the younger generation selected layer by layer, and they are talents of pillars.

At this time, in conjunction with the three ancient immortal treasures, Chen Xi was unable to take advantage of them by dispatching them together.

But obviously, the current stalemate situation is something they absolutely don't want to see.

In other words, they never expected that even with so many people on their side dispatched, they would still be unable to suppress Chen Xi. All this shocked them, and their murderous intent grew stronger in their hearts.

This son has just entered Daohuang Academy for two years, and his cultivation base has broken through Da Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop, and the combat power he has shown is so abnormal. If he is given more time to grow, will it be okay?

There was a Yun Fusheng back then, but now, they don't want to see a second Yun Fusheng appear!

and so--

At this moment, they have all used their best skills, without reservation, and have made a decision, no matter what, they will keep each other this time!

This is the tomb of the Immortal King, even if the talisman is crushed, those half-step Immortal Kings leading the team would not be able to reach it, and naturally it would be impossible to rescue Chen Xi.

As for the other students of the Dao Emperor Academy... Hehe, let alone, just looking at their attitude of sitting on the sidelines, one knows that even if Chen Xi dies, they will definitely not be angry and take action because of it.

It was precisely because of this consideration that the children of the three major colleges acted so unscrupulously, showing their murderous intentions, as if they wanted to drive Chen Xi to death.


The battle was fierce, the killing was inseparable, the sun and the moon were dark, and the terrifying aftermath shook the entire bridge to the secluded, causing a humming sound.

Fortunately, there was an invisible force field pervading the Bridge of Netherness, which dispelled most of the aftermath of the battle, otherwise they would have fallen into the river of fire and refining by now.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi also felt extremely strenuous, and the pressure increased sharply. He knew very well that if it weren't for the three ancient immortal treasures, he would be able to crush everyone on the other side, but it is a pity that he is powerless to change this situation for the time being. .

Because he didn't have such an ancient immortal treasure in his hand to fight against, he could only confront the opponent with his superior combat power.

It's also because Xiao Ding is trying his best to capture the Yin-Yang Fish King, otherwise, with Xiao Ding's help, everyone here would have no chance of escaping today.


The rusty and mottled Sword of Imperial Blood pierced through the air and stabbed from behind Chen Xi. The shadow of the sword was like blood, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour, and it was filled with the terrifying aura belonging to the ancient immortal treasure.

Chen Xi backhanded his sword and knocked him back, but his whole body also shook slightly, and was rubbed against his neck by a wisp of red flame released by the palace lantern, leaving a terrifying scorched black scar.

If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been pierced and his throat almost incinerated!

"These bastards are really planning to kill people to silence them!"

Chen Xi gritted his teeth, and murderous intent surged in his black eyes. He still had some scruples before, worrying that killing the other party would cause some unnecessary troubles to the Dao Emperor Academy, but now, these scruples have been forgotten.


He didn't hesitate any longer, and unleashed a "sword of space" unexpectedly. The next moment, a young man in the crowd was split in half from behind, and blood burst out, killing him on the spot.

"Brother Zhu!"

Someone was horrified and cried out in grief.

The others were also horrified, they never expected that under such circumstances, Chen Xi would be able to kill one of their companions, and that kind of attack...they didn't realize how it was performed!

"Be careful! This kid seems to have mastered the meaning of space. Quickly use the secret method to imprison the void in all directions. Don't give him another chance!"

Someone sternly reminded him that his expression was already serious.

The meaning of space! ?

There was a thump in everyone's heart, they realized everything, and their expressions were also fluctuating, the law of space!This is one of the three supreme laws recognized by the fairy world, and it is the supreme way that only the fairy king can comprehend and control.

This made them couldn't help but talk about Yun Fusheng again. The reason why Yun Fusheng was able to sweep away the powerhouses of the same generation in the three major academies was because of the "Shadow of Time" in the branch of the Avenue of Time!

And now, although Chen Xi didn't control the "Flowing Shadow of Time", he had grasped the magic of space that was comparable to the Flowing Shadow of Time. How could they not be shocked by this discovery?


This kid must be killed, the hatred has been forged, if it cannot be eradicated, they will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating in the future!


The battle became more and more intense, even tragic.

The children from other colleges not only tried their best, but also worked hard!

However, they underestimated the power of the "Space Divine Rune" that Chen Xi possessed. Now that this hole card had been exposed, Chen Xi was naturally not polite.

Every time he stabs with a sword, it is elusive, pointing to the east and hitting the west, and the guide to hit the north, the space sword energy emerges from different places out of thin air, and the sniper kills, just like a peerless assassin. The end is unpredictable, the mystery has no trace, and it is hard to guard against.


Not long after, a young man was pierced through the head again, and blood and brain matter flew out from the skull, screaming and dying on the spot.

The situation seemed to have faintly tilted towards Chen Xi.

"Thousands of decisive kills-soul seal!"

Suddenly, Xue Lianqiong from the Kuji Academy suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood at the hate sky seal, and then his face quickly became pale and transparent, and his vitality plummeted, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

Obviously, this blow was so terrifying that he could only use it by damaging his own origin.


The Great Seal of Hate bloomed a black, dark red evil light, and smashed on Chen Xi's body with a bang out of thin air, causing the latter to fly upside down more than ten feet violently.


Chen Xi's figure trembled, his lips coughed up blood again and again, and he suffered a lot of injuries, so strong!Sure enough, there is no easy-going person who entered the fairy king's tomb this time.

Fortunately, although this blow was terrifying, it didn't cause him a fatal injury.

"Are you going to do your best? If that's the case, let's see if you guys die first or I die first!" Chen Xi's eyes were full of madness, like a wounded beast being enraged, planning to fight to the death.

He really hated it to the bottom of his bones, and he wanted to kill him if the catastrophe came to him. If it were someone else, he would probably leave in a fit of rage.

"He didn't die..."

Xue Lianqiong was stunned. This was the strongest blow he could unleash, and it was his trump card. He originally thought that even if he couldn't kill Chen Xi, he could at least seriously injure him. He never thought that the other party was just injured and coughing up blood.

"Taking this opportunity, kill him quickly, quickly!"

Almost at the same time that Chen Xi was injured, the others drank violently, taking the opportunity to swarm over.


But at this moment, an incomparable terrifying wave suddenly appeared in the sky above the Lianhe River, and then, the roars of Ao Zhanbei and the others rang out in shock and anger.

"Damn it! Give me back the fairy treasure!"

"How is it possible! How is this possible? What is this Jade Cauldron? How can it be so powerful?"

It turned out that at this time, Xiao Ding showed his power and completely captured the Yin-Yang Fish King, and even the Hunyuan Liangyi Picture was taken away by it! '

This change caused other people to look sideways, and the battle situation also became a bit stagnant.


At this moment, Chen Xi's figure flickered, and he was already engulfed by an invisible force, uncontrollably rushing towards the other side of the bridge to the secluded.

At the same time, Xiao Ding's anxious voice sounded in his ears, "This is not the time for desperate efforts, my strength is trying to suppress the Yin-Yang Fish King with all my strength, after I refine this beast, it will not be too late to seek revenge from them !"

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, but he completely woke up from the furious fighting intent. When he looked up again, Xiao Ding had already led him out of the battle and roared away into the distance.

"Actually... escaped?"

The students from the other colleges were stunned. They never expected that Chen Xi’s figure would disappear into the distance if they didn’t pay attention. It was three points faster than teleportation!

"Chasing! We must catch up with him and take back the Hunyuan Liangyi Tu!"

Ao Zhanbei was furious, almost going mad, this Hunyuan Liangyi Diagram is still very useful, if they lose it, even if they enter the core of the Immortal King's Tomb, they will miss the chance!

"This damned thing, snatching away the Yin-Yang Fish King, and also got the idea of ​​Hunyuan Liangyi Tu, I want to kill him, I must kill him!"

Zuoqiu Jun was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart. They had been standing by and watched, originally thinking that this was an excellent opportunity to capture the Yin-Yang Fish King, but who would have thought that they would lose money by stealing chickens, losing their wives and losing their soldiers!


Almost without any hesitation, all the old students of Dao Emperor Academy were dispatched, full of murderous intent, and chased Chen Xi with all their strength.

It has to be said that this is a great irony.

Before, he stood by and didn't help his companion, but now he lost his treasure, and instead blamed and chased his companion. If Zhou Zhili's half-step fairy king level old antiques knew about this, he didn't know how to feel.

The disciples from the other colleges didn't care to laugh at the disciples from the Daohuang Academy. Seeing Chen Xi fleeing, their expressions were so gloomy that they almost dripped water.

Almost at the moment when the disciples of the Dao Emperor Academy launched their pursuit, they also rushed out one after another. It was the same sentence, if they didn't kill Chen Xi in the Immortal King's Tomb this time, they would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

After all, Chen Xi's combat power and talent were too heaven-defying, even worse than that of Yun Fusheng back then. Once such a young man grows up, he will definitely have endless troubles!


ps: From this month to now, there have been 4 rewards of 10000. Goldfish here sincerely thanks everyone for your support. Thank you, and we will start adding more one by one tomorrow~

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