divine talisman

Chapter 1242 Emperor Yu's Nine Cauldron Palace [Part 9]

In the depths of the Bridge of Tongyou, there is a lake.

The lake is vast, with a range of thousands of miles. Looking at it from a distance, it is almost the same as facing a vast ocean.

However, unlike the outside world, the lake here is not carrying water, but the power of time and space!

This kind of power turned into water waves, ripples, and tides in the lake, which was gray and gray. It seemed calm, but it exuded a palpitating and terrifying aura.

The so-called time and space is the general term for the power of time and space. Time is respected, space is king, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and the two can even fit together perfectly.

The cycle of all things in the universe, the change of time, and the place where all creatures live, all contain the supreme meaning of time and space.

If there is no time, there will naturally be no prosperity, birth and old age, and historical changes.

If there is no space, the mountains, rivers, mountains, sun, moon, and stars cannot continue, and the world will naturally cease to exist.

In short, these are the two supreme laws, the supreme order that maintains the operation of the Three Realms by the Dao of Heaven, and the supreme power that only the Immortal King level can comprehend and control.


There was a burst of void fluctuations, and one after another figures teleported to them, all standing in front of the time-space lake.

These figures are naturally the disciples of Daohuang Academy, Kuji Academy, Dahuang Academy, and Daoxuan Academy. They chased Chen Xi from the bridge to the secluded all the way, but in the end they were still a step too late, and watched Chen Xi rush into the time and space. The depths of the lake.

"That guy is desperate, he is crossing the lake of time and space!"

Someone caught a glimpse of Chen Xi's figure disappearing on the lake from a distance, and couldn't help cursing in a deep voice.

Others were also a little surprised.

They have explored this place before, and they know very well that this lake is too terrifying, not to mention crossing over it, even if they get a little closer, they will be attacked by the power of time and space tides.

Those consequences, either the longevity will be lost in an instant, turning into a pile of white-haired bones, or falling into the overlapping space, getting lost in it, and it is difficult to find a way out.

Even if they each hold ancient immortal treasures, they dare not take a step beyond the threshold unless they are forced to.

But now, Chen Xi crossed the lake of space and time without hesitation, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Isn't he... not afraid of death?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, but when they thought of just watching Chen Xi leave, they felt resentment and resentment that they had nowhere to vent.

Ao Zhanbei, Zuoqiu Jun and the others felt sorry for the loss of the school's most important treasure, the Hunyuan Yinyi Map, and they didn't care about Chen Xi's life at all. They were just worried that if Chen Xi died in the lake of time and space, how would they get back the chaos? Yuan Liangyi diagram.

The other college students were all resentful that their companions were killed, and more importantly, they couldn't feel at ease if they didn't see Chen Xi die with their own eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

Suddenly, Zuoqiu Jun frowned and opened his mouth, looking at the other college students. He could clearly feel that there was a hint of murderous intent in the eyes of these guys looking at him and the others.

As soon as this remark came out, it also attracted the attention of Ao Zhanbei and other Daohuang Academy students. Their faces darkened and they glanced over.

"What are you doing? You Daohuang Academy students killed our companions. Naturally, this enmity needs to be resolved!"

Xue Lianqiong from the Blight Academy gritted his teeth and said.

"It's just you?"

Zuoqiu Jun said grimly, his heart was filled with rage, he never thought that someone would dare to draw their attention at this moment.

"If it was just now, we really wouldn't dare to fight you lightly. What a pity, now that you have lost the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram, what are you fighting us for?"

Xue Lianqiong sneered, disapproving.

The disciples of Dahuang Academy and Daoxuan Academy also sneered and remained silent. Obviously, they had already reached an agreement in private to deal with Zuoqiu Jun and others together.

"Have you ever thought about how we fought together with Junior Brother Chen Xi back in the Bridge of Netherness? Can you still survive till now?"

Ao Zhanbei spoke in a deep voice, his expression gloomy and indifferent.

It's good not to mention this matter, but when this matter is mentioned, it immediately caused a burst of ridicule from the other party.

"Haha, it's not shameful to be ashamed. You obviously want to borrow our sword to kill your people, and you still say it so righteously. If this matter is reported to your Daohuang Academy, how can you face others?"

"It's not ashamed to be ashamed, I've lost the reputation of your Daohuang Academy!"

Hearing these comments, the faces of Ao Zhanbei and the others sank again. Many people glanced at Zuoqiu Jun complainingly, as if blaming him for being too ruthless before, but now he left such an excuse to be ridiculed by others.

Zuoqiu Jun was also extremely angry. He never thought that Chen Xi would survive, let alone that the situation would develop to this point.

"Hehe, you really think you can easily eat us?"

Zuoqiu Jun suddenly smiled coldly, and said disdainfully, "Among you, the Kuji Academy was swept and seriously injured by Chen Xi, and only the students from Daoxuan and Dahuang academies are still capable of fighting. Chen Xi can suppress it without the help of the ancient immortal treasure On the other hand, do you think that we can’t do this without the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram?”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the children from the three major colleges all changed slightly, and they were quite dignified.

Even if Zuoqiu Jun was alarmist, they had to treat it with caution. There was no other reason. The Daohuang Academy can stand up to now and has always occupied the title of the first academy in the fairy world. It is definitely not for nothing.

What's more, they couldn't guarantee whether Zuoqiu Jun and the others were more perverted than Chen Xi.

For a moment, the atmosphere became silent.

They both wished to kill each other, so as not to leave any clues, but they had a lot of fears about each other, which made them hesitate to do it lightly.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of ancient and grand bells and cauldrons, spreading across the world, and there was an indescribable desolation in that voice, which made people feel dazed, as if they had returned to the prehistoric and ancient times. middle.

At this moment, the minds of everyone present trembled slightly. Affected by the loud voice, a small feeling of awe could not be suppressed in their hearts.

hum!hum!hum! ...

That voice continued to resound nine times, and every time it seemed to hit the depths of the soul, it made people feel desolate and lost their minds.

I don't know how long it took, when Zuoqiu Jun and the others woke up from their trance, they were shocked to find that in the distant space-time lake, there were nine grand and ancient halls standing at an unknown time!

The main hall is ancient, and the whole body is built of mottled boulders, as if it has gone through endless years of scouring, solemn, solemn, solemn!

Everyone gasped, all their minds were absorbed by the changes in front of them, and they didn't know what happened just now. As for the confrontation and hostility just now, they had already forgotten about it.

This is the tomb of the fairy king, and now there are nine ancient palaces appearing in the sky, maybe there are many great opportunities hidden in them, and they will not be so stupid to fight each other again.

"Do you still remember that rumor that has been circulating for countless years in the battlefield of chaos?"

Someone spoke in a trembling voice, as if thinking of something, and his expression was full of excitement.

After being reminded by this, the others were slightly taken aback, and then their expressions were also shaken, with a fiery look uncontrollably showing in their eyes.

The Nine Palaces are out, and the inheritance is now!

These few six words, like a bolt of lightning, stirred in everyone's mind. Originally, they thought it was just an ancient rumor that could not be studied, but they never thought that this scene would actually appear before their eyes.

"God! It really is Emperor Yu's Nine Cauldrons Palace!"

"It turns out that the real inheritance has been hidden under this lake of time and space. No wonder no one has been able to discover it after countless years..."

"But, how could they appear at this moment?"

"It's already this time, and you still care about so much? Go, go in quickly!"

In the distance, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air and exclamations, and then, figures rushed from all directions from the lake of time and space, among which there were figures of Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, Fozi Zhenlu and others.

Of course, there are also other students from Yunlan Academy and Changkong Academy.

If you add Zuo Qiujun and others who were present, it can be said that all the disciples who entered the Immortal King's tomb this time are there, of course, those who died are not counted.

"Let's go too!"

"Quick! Let's go! Late makes a difference!"

Seeing people coming from far away, whether it was Zuoqiu Jun and the others, or the disciples of Kuji, Dahuang, and Taoxuan Academy, all of them looked down, and they moved out one after another without any thought, towards the center of the lake. The nine palaces in the palace were looted.

At this time, the terrifying aura in the lake of time and space had already disappeared with the appearance of the nine palaces, and naturally they would no longer be afraid of them.

All of a sudden, in the sky above the lake at that time, figures rushed towards different palaces. This is also normal, there are nine palaces in total, who would not act with others.

However, it can be roughly seen that the children of the seven colleges were also divided into seven camps and entered seven different palaces.

Of course, there were two other palaces that were not uninhabited. Some disciples with strong combat capabilities also took independent actions and entered them.

It's a pity that they don't know that, in fact, they entered it one step too late.


This is a large hall, very quiet, only the footsteps of Chen Xi alone, and no one has entered here for an unknown number of years. Standing in it, it was like standing alone in a barren world.

After Xiao Ding brought Chen Xi into this place, it disappeared, making Chen Xi unable to find it, so he could only grope here alone.

He walked forward and inspected carefully, and what he saw along the way, whether it was walls, beams, or the ground, was full of the mottled atmosphere of the years, which made people feel lonely.

Not long after, a bean green lamp appeared in front of him, flickering a dim light.

"This is?"

Chen Xi was surprised. Countless years had passed, and this blue lantern was still burning, which was extraordinary.

He stepped forward and found that it was an ancient round altar. There was only a futon and a green lamp on the altar. The rest of the altar was full of dust, and it was obvious that no one had visited it for a long time.

"Could it be that this place is the place where the ancient and powerful man retreated?"

Surprised, Chen Xi opened his eyes of divine truth and stared at that blue lamp.


ps: I wish a certain Hong children's shoes a happy birthday today~ eat well, drink well and sleep well, every year~

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