divine talisman

Chapter 124

The third one!


Yan Qingni is undoubtedly an extremely beautiful woman, with long black hair like ink, willow brows and cherry lips, skin as white and tender as fat, and her beauty is delicious.

However, Chen Xi didn't have a good impression of her. When Mu Yao and brother were pressed by Xie Zhan every step of the way, this woman's evasive attitude was completely caught in his eyes, and he knew in his heart that this woman was extremely Being good at weighing the pros and cons and being scheming is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Sister Qingni." Mu Yao shouted from the side, but her younger brother Mu Wenfei curled his lips. Obviously, the little guy also felt Yan Qingni's change of attitude before.

"Come with me, isn't Wen Fei going to join the Liuyun Sword Sect?" Yan Qingni would not care about a brat, and with a slight smile, she sent out her own invitation.

As for the Mu Yao siblings, Chen Xi really didn't know how to deal with them. Now that he was alone, and he had completely offended the Su family, if he brought along the siblings, it would obviously implicate the two of them.

"I don't, I want to worship big brother Chen Xi as my teacher." Mu Wenfei raised his face and said loudly.

Worship me as a teacher?

Chen Xi was stunned, amused and touched by being trusted, but he absolutely couldn't agree to it. He knew very well that accepting Mu Wenfei as his disciple was a mistake.

However, looking at the firmness and hope in the little guy's eyes, Chen Xi didn't know what excuse to use to answer, especially beside the little guy, there was an older sister whose eyes were as intoxicating as the stars in the dark night, and she also looked hopeful. When staring at himself, Chen Xi felt even more pressured.

"Since you don't want to go to Liuyun Sword Sect, then come to my house."

Du Qingxi glanced at Mu Yao, then pretended to glance at Chen Xi inadvertently, and immediately sent out the invitation, and said proudly in her heart: "This little girl obviously likes Chen Xi too, so she can bring her sister and brother into my house. To prevent her from further contact with Chen Xi..."

Thinking of this, Du Qingxi's heart skipped a beat, and her pretty face became hot. What's wrong with him? Why is he always trying to guard against all women who approach Chen Xi?

Chen Xi didn't know that Du Qingxi had already had countless small thoughts in his mind. He smiled and nodded at Mu Wenfei, "This suggestion is good. The Du family is one of the six major families in Longyuan City. As long as you practice hard, you will definitely be able to become great."

"But..." Mu Wenfei didn't want to be reconciled, but his sister Mu Yao slapped him on the head, and said, "Listen to Brother Chen, you must be right."

"Oh, okay then." Mu Wenfei said sullenly.

Chen Xi smiled, and casually took out a armor-like magic weapon that was flowing with spiritual light. It was only the size of a palm, with rune patterns looming on the surface, and the treasure aura diffused. Looking at it from a distance, he could tell that it was of an extraordinary rank, and handed it to Mu Wenfei: " This ink cloud armor is for your self-defense."

The defensive magic weapon of the middle grade of Huang rank?

Being rejected by Mu Wenfei, Yan Qingni was a little depressed at first, but when she saw Chen Xi and then took out a defensive magic weapon as a gift, the depression in her heart disappeared.

Although she can get the magic weapon of the Huang rank, she is reluctant to give it away so easily. What's more, she has already seen that the siblings will receive great care after they enter the Du family. It is much better for Jianzong to be an outer disciple.

At this moment, even she herself was a little envious of the good luck of the siblings.

"Huh? By the way, this storage belt is exquisite in style, simple and elegant in shape, very suitable for Mu Yao, so I will give it to you." Chen Xi took out another storage belt and handed it to Mu Yao.

For storage magic weapons, storage bags are the last one, and storage magic weapons that can be refined into rings, jade bracelets, belts, and wristbands are not inferior to a low-grade yellow-rank magic weapon.

Seeing that Chen Xi was giving away another storage belt casually, Yan Qingni recalled that when she first saw Chen Xi, she threw out a bottle of one hundred catties of spiritual liquid like a beggar, feeling regretful and embarrassing in her heart. The feeling of playing tricks.

Immediately, Yan Qingni bid farewell and left, she didn't dare to stay any longer, afraid of being further stimulated.

"Brother Chen, are my younger brother and I a bit snobbish?" Mu Yao anxiously held the storage belt. Seeing Yan Qingni turned and left again, she was a little uneasy for a while. She looked at Chen Xi with her pretty face, as if she wanted to Chen Xi got some comfort there.

"This is a responsibility to myself and my younger brother. I believe that as long as you two get better and become stronger, your sister Qing Ni will definitely look up to you and stop worrying about these trivial things. .”

Chen Xi said with a smile, if Yan Qingni heard Chen Xi's evaluation of her, she might have a feeling of being seen through her heart, and she would hide her face and walk away.Because she is indeed a person who is very good at distinguishing pros and cons.

"Oh, I listen to Big Brother Chen." Mu Yao clenched her small fists and smiled happily, her eyes as bright as stars formed a beautiful crescent shape when she smiled, looking very pure and pure.

Seeing this scene, Du Qingxi became more and more determined to bring the pair of siblings into the family. This little girl is simply a disaster, she knows how to confuse men at such a young age, how many years will she be able to pay back?

"Let's go, go to my house." Sitting on the six-lin treasure chariot, Duan Muze shouted.

"No, Chen Xi has to go to my house!" Du Qingxi retorted as soon as she opened her mouth. As soon as she said the words, she sensed that something was wrong, and her usual cold and beautiful face like a snow lotus was suddenly stained with a blush. In an instant, the world seemed to be overshadowed by this alluring face.

Chen Xi was stunned.

Song Lin was stunned.

Duan Muze's complexion turned dark, and he wanted to drink more and more.

"I didn't mean that, I..." The more Du Qingxi wanted to explain, the more flustered he felt, and he simply closed his mouth, but he didn't dare to look at Chen Xi again, for fear of being ridiculed by this guy.

"I won't go to any of your houses, just find a free place and let's have a drink together." Chen Xi laughed.

In this way, he also has considerations. After all, the three of them each have a huge family behind them. Now that he has completely turned against the Su family, if he goes to any one of the three, although the three of them will not feel anything, it will attract people. The rejection of their clansmen, in turn, affected the impression of the three of them in the hearts of their respective clansmen.Moreover, if he did so, it would seem that he, Chen Xi, was afraid of being hunted down by the Su family and went to seek shelter.

Therefore, it is most appropriate not to go to the three houses, and to go is to solve the scourge of the Su family before going.

Du Qingxi and the three were children of powerful forces, and they had been fascinated by the art of scheming since childhood. Their thoughts were exquisite and clear, and they had already guessed Chen Xi's scruples in an instant, so it was hard to say anything else.

Because besides...it seems too fake and too raw.



The western suburbs of Longyuan City are densely covered with various courtyards for nearly a hundred miles. It is far away from the busy city and has a quiet and elegant environment. Many wealthy businessmen and family children in Longyuan City will set up a mansion courtyard here as a place for leisure and entertainment.

At this moment, in one of the hidden courtyards covered by trees.

After drinking and chatting for a long time, Du Qingxi and the others had already left, leaving only Chen Xi, Xiao Lingbai and Bai Kui in the huge courtyard.

When saving the Mu Yao sister and brother, Chen Xi threw the two little guys into the storage ring. Although the space inside is not big, it contains many magical treasures and spiritual materials, which are enough for these two snacks to eat happily. It's been a while.

But after all, it was too boring inside, so after Chen Xi released the two little ones, they were extremely lively, jumping up and down in the courtyard, picking fruits from the trees, digging up bugs in the soil, and digging out the eggs from the nests under the eaves. ... Anyway, there is no peace for a moment.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't interfere with them, but just asked Xiao Lingbai to help him watch the door, and then walked into the house.


Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Chen Xi didn't waste any more time, and started to exercise and practice.

Before leaving Juxian Tower today, what Xie Meng said made him start to worry about his brother's safety.The younger brother is young, with a strong and stubborn temperament, he only focuses on his own way of swordsmanship, and knows nothing about human relationships and sophistication. Such a temperament may not be very popular in Liuyun Sword Sect.

This is nothing, what Chen Xi is most worried about is the revenge of the Su family.

Su Jiao's elder brother, Su Chan, is now the closed disciple of a great Nirvana cultivator of Liuyun Sword Sect, and his status in Liuyun Sword Sect must be extremely lofty. Such a person does not need to do it himself at all, as long as he shows a little dissatisfaction with his younger brother, he will be fine. There are countless people who are good at observing words and demeanor and flattering people, looking for trouble for the younger brother.

If such troubles happen one after another, it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of the younger brother will not be harmed.

This is something Chen Xi absolutely does not want to see.

Because in this world, he only had his younger brother as a relative. Earlier, he lost his right hand because of the Li family's ambush. If there was another accident, he would never be able to forgive himself in his whole life.

Therefore, Chen Xi planned to go see his younger brother tonight.

Many things should be done sooner rather than later. Instead of believing that nothing will happen, it is better to act in advance and kill all troubles in the cradle.


In the early morning and late at night, under the cover of the night, a figure disappeared into the vast night like a wisp of misty and light wind.

"Liuyun Sword Sect is located in the southeast of Longyuan City, on top of Liuyun Mountain. Liuyun Mountain covers an area of ​​[-] mu, with towering peaks and hundreds of thousands of disciples. If you want to find someone, it will be impossible without an acquaintance to lead the way. .”

"Also, around the mountain gate, there are many large formations covering the mountain. Once outsiders are found sneaking in, not to mention the monks of the Zifu, even the monks of the Liangyi Golden Core will die without a place to die."

After a stick of incense, Chen Xi stood in front of a majestic and majestic huge mountain range, and in his mind, Duan Muze's introduction to Liuyun Sword Sect while drinking again sounded.

"This Liuyun Sword Sect is really powerful. It has deployed thousands of heavy sword arrays. The power of each sword array is enough to strangle a Liangyi Golden Core cultivator. If all of them are activated, the Nirvana Great Cultivator will not dare to step over the thunder pool. "Little Lingbai stood on Chen Xi's shoulder, looking around the majestic majestic mountain with his eyes, admiring repeatedly.

"Is there a way to crack it?" Chen Xi suddenly remembered that this little guy is a sword soul who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the master who followed him is also a powerful person who has realized the supreme Nirvana sword way. Since he can recognize the Liuyun sword Zong's sword array naturally has a way to break it.

"I can't crack it with my current strength, but it's extremely easy for me to avoid these large formations." Xiao Lingbai folded his arms across his chest and said proudly, with fluttering white clothes and a The appearance of the king's land.


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