divine talisman

Chapter 125

The first!


In Longyuan City, in terms of its huge power and profound background, it undoubtedly belongs to the Eight Great Sects, Three Great Schools and Six Great Families.And among these big forces, if one is talking about the most powerful one, it is none other than Liuyun Sword Sect.

Sword cultivators are already very good at killing and fighting, and in Liuyun Sword Sect, it is said that there are several tyrannical sword immortals at the level of earth immortals sitting in command.They live in seclusion in the Liuyun Sword Sect, and devote themselves to cultivating swordsmanship, in order to overcome the calamity and ascend, and live the same life as the heaven and the earth. They are god-like figures.

However, legends are legends after all. For thousands of years, no one has personally seen the demeanor of these sword celestial beings, but it cannot be denied that this rumor also proves the strength of Liuyun Sword Sect from the side.

"The Liuyun Sword Sect is indeed very powerful. There are 72 peaks, all of which are protected by huge sword formations. They are intertwined and then evolved into a huge group of sword formations. There are tens of thousands of restrictions to protect the mountain gate. , is indeed extremely powerful.”

On the rugged and steep mountain road, Xiao Lingbai stood on Chen Xi's shoulder, whispering softly in his ear.

After learning that Xiao Lingbai had the ability to avoid the Liuyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting sword array, Chen Xi set off from the foot of the mountain without hesitation, flew all the way, and ran towards the top of the mountain.


After burning a stick of incense, Ling Bai suddenly pointed to the steep cliff in front of him in the distance, and said, "It seems that there is no way to go here, but it is actually a deceptive Liangyi lightsaber array, consisting of one hundred and eight flying swords. It is the foundation of the formation, and it is composed of a phantom soul-swallowing bead, in which there are many illusions and a forest of swords, if you are not careful, you will fall into a nightmare, and the Dao heart will be lost, it is very powerful."

Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked, under the moonlight, the cliff in front of him seemed to be connected to the sky, as if it had been flattened by someone's sword, smooth as a mirror, covered with moss and winding vines, there was nothing unusual about it.

However, when he unleashed his mind and soul power to investigate, he only felt a dense sword energy like a vast ocean rushing towards his face, like a fierce beast hiding in the cliff, warning passers-by not to approach, otherwise Will bleed to death.

"Listen to my command, walk step by step, don't fly, it will trigger the forbidden induction, and then the entire Liuyun Sword Sect's mountain guard sword array will be activated, even the gods will not be able to save you."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chen Xi took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and walked towards the cliff.


The seemingly hard and heavy cliff was like a layer of winding air. Chen Xi lifted his foot and stepped into it. Stepping into it with one step was like entering a world where birds were singing and flowers were scenting.

On the clear and curved river, there is also a bluestone arch bridge. On the bridge stands a boy riding a green bull and playing the flute, playing a light and cheerful melody.

Under the arch bridge, an old man was wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, rowing and fishing.

But on the other side of the river, there is a wonderful land of caves and heavens. In the whirling bamboo forest, there is an ancient stone gate hidden on the rock wall, which says "Xiaoyao Xianfu". Flapping its wings and singing, it looks like a fairy family.

"Fellow Daoist, please cross the bridge, the bridge leads to the land of opportunity in the Immortal Mansion." The boy riding a cow called out crisply.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a boat and cross the fairy cave on the other side." The old man in the river laughed boldly and extended an invitation.

Picturesque wonderland.

Bull riding boy.

Old man in cape.

The other shore is a blessed land of immortals that can be seen at a glance.

Hearing the invitation from the two of them at this moment, it seems that a great opportunity and great immortal luck are within reach.If it were an ordinary person, his mind would have already been swayed, his mind would be intoxicated, and Shi Shiran walked towards the land of immortals on the other side.

But Chen Xi had already been reminded by Ling Bai, how could he be confused by everything in front of him?He stopped where he was, with a calm and indifferent expression, indifferent.

"The old man is yin, the boy is yang, the stream in the river is the yin sword array, the bluestone on the bridge is the yang yi sword array, and the fairy mansion on the other side and the picturesque scene around them are mirages swallowing It is transformed by the soul beads."

Xiao Lingbai crossed his arms and said disdainfully: "At first, I thought it was the same as the Liangyi light-splitting sword formation of the Hundred Flowers Sword Sect thousands of years ago. Sun. The old man and the boy are the eyes of the formation. With your strength, it is enough to break the formation with a single sword. Stone Bridge, you will be able to get out of this formation."

Chen Xi didn't hesitate, and immediately walked into the river, walked under the stone bridge step by step, and walked forward.The river seems to be unfathomable, but it is actually a fantasy, like walking on flat ground.

"Fellow Daoist, the Paradise Cave Mansion possesses a supreme magic technique, which is treasured by the Immortal Family. Wouldn't it be a pity to miss this opportunity?"

"Fellow Daoist, the unique knowledge of heaven and earth is stored in that cave, full of immortal energy, if you live in it, you can become immortal in a hundred years!"

Seeing Chen Xi wading across the river and crossing the stone bridge, the boy and the old man looked sorry, but there was endless bewitchment in their voices, and if they had less perseverance, they might be fooled.

However, Chen Xi turned a deaf ear and walked forward step by step. The moment he crossed the stone bridge, all the scenes disappeared like shattered bubbles.

Before Chen Xi could react, an empty wilderness like a tomb was reflected in his eyelids.

This place is like an ancient battlefield, the sky is heavy and hazy, the wind is howling, the ground is full of blood stains, and there are countless densely packed swords. At a glance, the dense weed-like swords are actually looking at it. Not to the end.


Between the heaven and the earth, there came waves of ghosts crying and howling wolves, resentment, unwillingness, misery, mourning... It seemed that countless ghosts were weeping, which was heart-wrenching.

"Don't move, this formation is the Blood Prison Devil Devouring Sword Formation. It is an extremely powerful killing formation. If you make a wrong step, the countless swords on the ground will turn into bloody demons and devour you."

Ling Bai frowned, and his voice became icy cold: "This is the sword formation created by the Demon Sect. It is based on the [-] swords of blood demon sacrificed by evil spirits and ghosts. Ji, with all his strength, it is enough to strangle monks at the level of earth immortals. However, judging from its appearance, the large formation in front of him is not a complete blood prison devil-devouring sword formation, it seems to be transformed by a sword formation diagram magic weapon, and its power is much weaker. But even so, it is enough to strangle the Liangyi Jindan cultivator."

"So powerful?"

Chen Xi's expression became much more dignified in an instant. The phantom formation was not scary. As long as he was sane, he would at most be trapped and unable to get out, but the killing formation was different. If he killed every step of the way, if he made a wrong step, blood might splatter on the spot.

"I want to get out of this formation without triggering the restriction, but it's very troublesome. Come with me." At this moment, Ling Bai soared into the air, flying in front of Chen Xi, and then with a wave, a sword qi pierced out. .

Chen Xi could clearly see that among the densely packed sword weapons on the ground, there was one that wanted to show its head, but was pressed down firmly by Ling Bai's sword energy.

"Quick, you have to get out of the formation within one breath, otherwise I can't do anything about it." Ling Bai flicked his fingers while talking, and sword qi shot out one after another, seemingly messy, but like a prophet, Jing Quasi pressed down a sword on the ground that was about to protrude.


The sword energy pierced the air like a tide, like thousands of bees flapping their wings, making a buzzing sound.Chen Xi followed closely behind Ling Bai, flying forward faster than lightning.

Morro Sword Formation!

Mochen Lihuo Sword Formation!

Four Elephant Ice Chi Sword Formation!

Lost Light Invisible Sword Formation!


Under Ling Bai's guidance and leadership, Chen Xi avoided the murderous sword formations without any risk. During this process, his understanding of the formations became more and more profound.

Although Xiao Lingbai has never practiced Talisman-related knowledge, but because he has survived for ten thousand years, his experience can be described as extremely rich. Almost all the mountain-protecting sword formations arranged by Liuyun Sword Sect have been detected by him at a glance. A single sentence expresses the true meaning of it, pointing directly to the key points, and a few words make Chen Xi comprehend the essence of each sword formation.

Originally, Chen Xi had an astonishing talent in the way of talismans. After a little guidance from Ling Bai, combined with his own understanding of the way of talismans, he walked in completely different sword formations, observed, comprehended, pondered, and deduced... Although It's only a quick glance, but there is often a sense of sudden enlightenment and a sense of enlightenment.Talisman Dao cultivation base also rises accordingly.

In this way, the two of them talked eloquently, while the other devoted themselves to comprehension. They walked along the way, like a pair of masters and apprentices teaching and resolving doubts. pole.If people from Liuyun Sword Sect see this scene, they don't know how to feel.



Lingxiao Peak is one of the 72 peaks in the Liuyun Mountains. It is steep and steep, straight as a sword. Even in the night, the peaks are as bright as the sky, shining brightly.

Surrounding the mountain, there are long Jianguang Waterfalls hanging one after another. The whole body is filled with purple light, like long purple dragons guarding the surroundings. The momentum is monstrous and eye-catching.

This is the place where Ling Du, the great monk of the Liuyun Sword Sect in the Nirvana Realm, practiced. The thousands of sword qi waterfalls around the mountain are the peak protection formations arranged by him himself——36 Tiangang Zixiao Sword Formation, slaying demons and gods, extremely powerful.


A messenger talisman turned into a flash of white light and flew into a palace on the mountainside of Lingxiao Peak.


On the futon, a handsome young man opened his eyes and raised his hand to grab the messenger talisman.

"Chan'er, that Chen Xi has now appeared in Longyuan City... Quickly capture his younger brother Chen Hao, no matter what method is used, he must be taken to my Su family's prison before dawn." A voice full of majesty As soon as it was sent out, the communication talisman instantly turned into fly ash.

"Hearing father's voice, it seems extremely urgent, that's all, I'll go to Longming Peak right away." The handsome young man stood up, pondered for a moment, and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Su Chan, why did you go out in the middle of the night with the intent to kill?" At this moment, a rough and piercing voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Su Chan paused, turned around quickly, and said respectfully: "Return to Master, there is an urgent message from the disciple's family, asking the disciple to..." He stopped talking.

"Forget it, I won't ask you any more as a teacher. Remember, as a disciple of Liuyun Sword Sect, even if you suffer and hate deeply, don't cause murder in the sect, otherwise I will never forgive you. Jianzong...do as you please." The rough and harsh voice sounded again.

"Yes, Master." Su Chan took a deep breath, bowed in salute, then turned around, walked out of the hall, turned into a rainbow light, and flew away to a very far distance.

"Huh? Going to Longming Peak? It's the place where the disciples of the sect are punished for exile." Not long after Su Chan left, a tall and slender figure suddenly appeared outside the hall, his eyes were like lightning, looking far away on that mountain.

This man is eight feet tall, with white hair falling down his back like a waterfall, his eyes like knives, his face like a chiseled axe, with a murderous luster, his whole body is like a sword full of murderous aura, its sharpness is shocking, it is precisely because of killing The Nirvana Realm Sword Cultivator who is well-known in the entire southern border practice world——Lingdu Patriarch!

"No! I always feel a little abnormal, what exactly is it?" Patriarch Lingdu put his hands behind his back, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

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