divine talisman

Chapter 1244 Peerless Beauty [Part 1]

Thank you brother "ychenhwang" for the reward and support~ Thank you~


In an instant, a slender figure flashed, with a peerless elegance, looking down on the world!

Although it was just a glimpse, it made Chen Xi amazed and his mind swayed. It was a transcendent aura, filled with immeasurable divine aura around her, like a divine ring, making her look sacred.

Yes, Chen Xi only saw a figure and felt an indescribable unique temperament, but he never saw its true face.

But even so, it still shocked Chen Xi's heart. At that moment, he seemed to see all kinds of great principles surrounding that slender figure, and they were paying homage to her!

What kind of momentum is this?It can be called unrivaled elegance, transcendent and unparalleled!

Immediately, Chen Xi suddenly woke up, realizing that he was in an empty hall, and besides himself and Xiao Xing, only Xiao Ding was there.

"Could it be...that figure just now is the Dharma form transformed by Xiao Ding?"

Chen Xi was taken aback by his guess. Although he had suspected that Xiao Ding might be a daughter before, it was just a random guess after all, and he never took it seriously.

But now, he was a little suspicious.

"Advanced? It's not bad, and the power of the Yin-Yang fish was not wasted."

At this time, Xiao Ding's voice suddenly sounded, and then Chen Xi saw that Xiao Ding turned into a flash of light and emerged out of thin air.

Its tripod body became more and more radiant, clear and clean, with a faint holy aura, it seemed to be more psychic and stronger than before.

Apparently, Xiao Ding had already refined that Yin-Yang Fish King, which brought great benefits to it.

However, Chen Xi didn't care to pay attention to these things. Seeing Xiao Ding appearing, he directly asked, "Senior... Just now..."

"You are blinded."

Xiao Ding interrupted without hesitation.

Chen Xi was startled, I haven't even said what I saw, how do you know that my eyes are dazzled?

"But, I can see clearly."

Chen Xi still couldn't be reconciled, and asked tentatively, "Senior, that figure shouldn't be your Dharma image, right?"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, feeling that Xiao Ding might not reply to himself. The peerless Fanghua he saw just now appeared too abruptly. If it was Xiao Ding, it would definitely not admit that he was a woman .

After all, according to Chen Xi's understanding of Xiao Ding's temperament over the years, this person is very lonely and proud in his bones. He looks down upon the heavens and the earth, and often speaks shockingly. He is like an old antique or a living fossil from the ancient times.

"You see it?"

To Chen Xi's complete surprise, Xiao Ding didn't deny it at this moment!

This made him stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, and he said after a long while: "Senior, are you really a... woman?"

"What do you think?"

Xiao Ding asked, his voice calm.

But it made Chen Xi's heart skip a beat, and he said embarrassingly, "I thought..."


Before he could finish speaking, a pair of scrolls flew out of Xiaoding and fell into Chen Xi's palm, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, this treasure is for you."

Chen Xi sighed inwardly, and changed the subject again!Xiao Ding, Xiao Ding, you must be a woman, only women like to change topics they don't like the most.

Shaking his head, he took the pair of scrolls and checked it a little, and it was the picture of Hunyuan Liangyi!

This is one of the most important treasures of Daohuang Academy, and it is no different from ancient fairy treasures such as the Xuanhuang Gourd, Qingdou Palace Lantern, Yuxue Sword, etc.

"Unexpectedly, this treasure was snatched away by the senior."

When Chen Xi thought of the expressions of Ao Zhanbei and the others when they lost this treasure, he couldn't help laughing out loud. Immediately, he felt a little uncomfortable. Such a precious treasure, they didn't use it to deal with other college students, but came to rob himself and Xiao Ding ...

"Forget it, they don't cherish this treasure, so I will keep it temporarily, and when I return to the academy, I will just hand it over to those old antiques." Chen Xi carefully put away the Hunyuan Yangyi diagram.

He didn't dare to think about it, after all, it belonged to the academy, if it belonged to Zuoqiu Jun, Ao Zhanbei and others, he would never return it.


Xiao Ding took out another thing again, but it was a pair of crystal white bones about four feet long, half as black as night, and half as white as day, filled with the aura of yin and yang.

And on top of it, there is a vision of alternating darkness and light, which is condensed by the breath of darkness and light!

Almost at a glance, Chen Xi recognized this thing, it was the bones of the Yin-Yang Fish King!

"This is the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King. It is imprinted with the complete dark and light textures of the Dao. If you use it to comprehend it, you may be able to master two more rare profound meanings of the Dao."

Xiao Ding casually pointed out, "Of course, when you have perfected these two great ways, you can condense the laws of Tai Chi. This is where the real value of this natal bone lies."

Dark, Light, Tai Chi!

This is all the profound truths of the Dao that the world dreams of!

Back then, Qing Xiuyi and Zhen Liuqing were famous all over the world for mastering the Dao of light and darkness respectively, which shocked the practice circle of the Great Chu Dynasty. Now that time has passed, such a rare Dao is actually presented in front of him like this.

At this moment, Chen Xi was also extremely shocked. He never thought that he would have so many amazing gains in such a short period of time. Even if he was allowed to leave the Immortal King's Tomb now, he would definitely not have any regrets.


Another divine light flashed, but it was a vigorous and wanton splash of the ancient "Xian" character, sealed in a jade talisman, the handwriting was as bright red as blood, revealing the supreme power of life and death.

Xiao Ding's voice sounded: "You can keep this fairy character. After you advance to the half-step fairy king level, you can comprehend the power of life and death in it, but whether you can comprehend it or master it depends on your good luck."

At this moment, Chen Xi felt a little numb by surprise.

No way, this time I gained too much from entering the Immortal King's Tomb. First, I broke through the middle stage of Da Luo with the power of Yin-Yang Fish, and then captured the Hunyuan Liangyi Tu in my hands with the help of Xiaoding, and survived the Yin-Yang Fish King The bones of life, the immortal characters containing the power of life and death...

No matter which one it is, it can be called an unrivaled romance, but now, it is happening frequently one after another. How can all this not be exciting and surprising?

"Next, let's take away the true inheritance of this tomb..."

Xiao Ding spoke again.

Hearing this, Chen Xi was completely stunned, unexpectedly there were still surprises that hadn't been discovered...


"This is Emperor Yu's Nine Cauldrons Palace. There are nine in total. In fact, the real inheritance in it is the nine ancient bronze tripods."

"Emperor Yu? This tomb belongs to Emperor Yu of the ancient times?"

"That's right, Emperor Yu, along with Emperor Wu, Emperor Qi, Emperor Ling, and Emperor Dao, are known as the Five Emperors of the Ancient Times. They are the five existences who stood proudly on the top of the Dao in the Three Realms in the ancient times. This place is what Emperor Yu left behind when he passed away. "

"It turns out... this tomb has such a big background, no wonder, no wonder it can dig out the power of time, space and tide as a portal, and use the power of life and death to build a passage of impermanence..."

"This is very common. The three supreme laws of time, space, and life and death are the supreme means that can be mastered at the level of the Immortal King."

In the empty hall, Xiao Ding and Chen Xi released wisps of divine radiance while talking, and arranged nine mysterious restrictions around the altar.

These restrictions are like a jade tripod of light and shadow, guarding around that piece of futon, located in the nine palaces. As the small tripod is continuously improved, it emits shocking power fluctuations.

Chen Xi's thoughts were not on this, but on Xiao Ding. Until now, he had been able to confirm that Xiao Ding was not familiar with the situation of the Immortal King's tomb, which seemed very abnormal.

So he thought for a long time, and finally he couldn't hold back and asked: "Senior, are you friends with that Emperor Yu?"


Xiao Ding was startled, stopped his movements, remained silent for a long time, and then said, "No."

Before Chen Xi could ask, Xiao Ding sighed faintly, and said: "You should also know that I have a deep aversion to alien races outside the region, and I wish to slaughter them all. The reason is that the Primordial Emperor Yu... died because of them. .”

Chen Xi's heart was pounding, as if he was listening to a shocking secret that was about to be revealed.

As early as the first time he saw Xiao Ding on the Primordial Battlefield, Chen Xi knew that once Xiao Ding mentioned the news of alien races outside the territory, he would uncontrollably reveal endless hatred and hatred.

And in these years of practice, Xiao Ding helped him suppress and kill many strong alien races more than once, but he never thought that the reason why Xiao Ding hated foreign races so much was because of Emperor Yu of the Ancient Times!

"Are you wondering why I do this?"

Xiao Ding's voice became somewhat complicated and deep, "It's very simple, Emperor Yu... is my father."


Chen Xi was struck by lightning in his heart, the Primordial Emperor Yu was actually Xiao Ding's father!

This was beyond his expectation, unbelievable, but there was a voice in his heart saying that this is the most reasonable and the real truth...

"When he was building this tomb, I was by my side, and suffered irreparable damage. In the end, I could only watch him pass away and disappear into the Three Realms..."

"Later, I finally recovered a sliver of strength, disheartened, and left this place, wandering in the Three Realms, wandering aimlessly for millions of years, killing an unknown number of alien races, perhaps by coincidence, in the ancient battlefield At that time, I bumped into a strong alien race who seriously injured him back then, and then..."

"I tried my best to kill that guy in the end, and because I was too exhausted, I fell into silence until I... met you a few years ago."

Xiao Ding's deep voice floated in the empty hall, without any emotion, but with a trace of indescribable sadness.

"I was already in despair, and decided not to return to this sad place in this life, but who would have thought of God's will to trick people, the endless years have passed, and I have met you."


Chen Xi was stunned.


When Xiao Ding said this, he seemed to have adjusted his emotions, and his voice became calm, "You have the fragments of the river map, and you are the descendant of Shenyan Mountain. Even I can't see through your fate, but I can see it from you. to a glimmer of hope."


Chen Xi was taken aback again. He knew that his reaction was very inappropriate, but he couldn't suppress the various shocks in his heart, because he had received so many surprises and shocks in such a short period of time that his head felt a little nervous. Can't react.

"I have already said what I should tell you. Now, let's take action to collect the ancient bronze cauldron that bears Emperor Yu's true inheritance."

But Xiao Ding didn't mention this matter any more, a radiant brilliance suddenly surged from the body of the tripod, pouring into the nine mysterious prohibitions in the pattern of nine palaces...

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