divine talisman

Chapter 1245 Trouble Come to the Door [Part 2]

The nine mysterious prohibitions were activated, like light curtains, reflecting the scenes of palaces.

"This is the scene of Emperor Yu's Jiuding Palace. There is an ancient bronze tripod sitting in each palace. It is precisely because of this that these nine palaces can stand in the lake of time and space to this day."

Xiao Ding quickly explained, "I will use the power of restraint later to take away all the nine ancient tripods, and you will protect me at the side. Don't let me be disturbed. With my current strength, I can only This is the only chance to use this kind of restriction once!"

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he was just about to nod his head in agreement, when he glanced casually, and saw Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlv in a light curtain condensed by one of the mysterious restrictions, who were under siege and in a precarious situation!

"Senior, wait!"

Chen Xi immediately spoke, and a cold light overflowed from his black eyes.

"You want to save them? We don't have much time left!"

Xiao Ding seemed a little displeased.

"Both Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli have helped me a lot, I can't just ignore death."

Chen Xi apologized, but his expression was extremely firm.

"Go, there's only time for a cup of tea, otherwise...the inheritance of the Nine Cauldrons will never be obtained again."

Xiao Ding was silent for a moment, and finally agreed with Chen Xi's decision.

"Senior, don't worry, a cup of tea is enough to deal with those bastards!"

Seeing Xiao Ding's agreement, Chen Xi heaved a long sigh of relief, and a look of confidence and disdain appeared on his handsome face.

Before entering this hall, he was only at the beginning of Da Luo's cultivation base, but now, his cultivation base has broken through again, his combat power has transformed, and he has such a treasure as the Hunyuan Liangyi Diagram, how can he put other college students in his eyes?

You know, when he was on the bridge to the secluded, he was able to confront the children of the three major colleges alone!


"Unfortunately, before you leave, I'm afraid you have to solve some other troubles first." Just as Chen Xi was about to leave, Xiao Ding said suddenly.

Then, before his voice fell, there was a sudden burst of air breaking from the distance of the hall.

"Quick! Hurry up and search this hall, and seize the opportunity here before the others arrive!"

"Hey, there is a divine light diffused there!"

"Someone! It's him, Chen Xi?"

"This guy really isn't dead!"

Accompanied by noisy voices, a group of people came through the air and appeared in Chen Xi's field of vision. They were Zuoqiu Jun, Ao Zhanbei, and seven or eight old students from Daohuang Academy.

Seeing Chen Xi, they were all startled, but soon their eyes were attracted by that altar and the nine mysterious restrictions that were radiating divine brilliance on it.

"Could it be that this is the real inheritance of that great man?"

Someone tremblingly spoke, their eyes were burning. They searched a palace before, but they only got some small chances. They were unavoidably worried that the inheritance of the tomb owner would be taken away by others.

But now it seems that they still have a chance!

"Chen Xi, you performed well this time. Now that you return the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram to us, we will forget about the past."

"That's right, such a great opportunity belongs to our Daohuang Academy. When we look back, we will ask the academy's old antique to ask for credit for you."

When the others opened their mouths, they looked at Chen Xi with a much more relaxed expression, but beyond what they said, they seemed to have regarded everything in front of them as something in common, and wanted to share a piece of it.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Either you leave now, or I will send you away and give you three breaths to think about."

Seeing Zuoqiu Jun and the others come here by accident, all the old and new grudges in Chen Xi's heart welled up in his heart for a moment. As early as at the Bridge of Netherness, they stood by and watched, regarded themselves as outsiders, and took advantage of the fire. He wanted to snatch the Yin-Yang Yushi from Xiaoding's hand.

Until the final failure, they still chased and killed themselves all the way, but now they want to talk to themselves about letting go of the past, and they take themselves too seriously!

"What do you mean by that?"

Seeing that Chen Xi was speaking so impolitely, someone immediately frowned and scolded, "As a member of the Dao Emperor Academy, we have tolerated you enough, but you still don't know what to do. Could it be that you really plan to make us our enemy?"


Before he finished speaking, Chen Xi frowned and made his move. He had already seen that it was obviously impossible for these guys to leave obediently. In addition, he had limited time, so he had to rescue Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli within a cup of tea, and then returned to Xiao Ding's side. Time to grind their mouths with them.

So without any hesitation, he slapped the old man who was talking with his palm. The palm was so powerful that he seemed to be engulfed by a vast ocean and galloping away.

"How dare you do it! Rampant!"

The old man shouted angrily, leaped forward, rushed towards him with a punch, and shook Chen Xi hard.


There was a loud noise, and the old man staggered back, his sleeves shattered, and he coughed up blood. He had suffered severe injuries.

Everyone was shocked, and none of them expected that Chen Xi would dare to do it right away, and with one blow, he even seriously injured an old student on their side!

"You bastard! Have you forgotten that in the assessment of the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield, you are not allowed to kill each other!?" Ao Zhanbei's eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Hmph!" Chen Xi sneered, completely ignoring the other party.

call out!

A golden light beam pierced through the air, and it was Zuo Qiujun who took the initiative to strike. He held a golden fairy sword in his hand, and he slashed out with a single sword, like a dazzling sun falling, shining golden light on the sky and the earth, extremely terrifying.

Chen Xi's figure flashed, teleported in front of Zuoqiu Jun out of thin air, and pressed out with a palm.


Zuoqiu Jun's expression changed. He didn't expect Chen Xi to react so quickly. He swung the immortal sword and swept it out. The golden sword light spread like a horse.

Such a blow is enough to cut across mountains and rivers.

However, Chen Xi didn't dodge or dodge, and with a bang, he shattered the golden sword energy with his palm, and then swallowed the five elements' divine brilliance in his palm, grabbing the opponent's sword blade!

"He... how could he be so strong?" Someone exclaimed.

Seeing this, the other people around were also dumbfounded. They hadn't seen each other for only a few hours, but Chen Xi's fighting power was more than twice as strong as when he was on the Bridge of Netherworld!

Zuoqiu Jun was startled at the same time, violently mobilized his immortal power, the blade of the sword glowed, and wanted to break Chen Xi's palm.

It's a pity that Chen Xi would not give him a chance to fight back, he suddenly stepped forward in the void, his right palm still grasped the sword blade, but his left palm ruthlessly imprinted on the opponent's chest.

With a bang, Zuo Qiujun's breastbone collapsed, his whole body bent into a prawn, and he flew upside down.

However, he was also extremely good, suffering such heavy injuries, he teleported halfway and was about to stabilize his body.

However, in the next moment, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he imprisoned the void with his palm, knocking Zuoqiu Jun out.


Zuoqiu Jun coughed up blood like he was insane, he could feel that Chen Xi didn't seem to care about the academy's rules at all, and wanted to kill him.


His figure disappeared out of thin air again, continuously slashing out golden sword energy, containing a sharp and unparalleled aura, as if he could be invincible.

Chen Xi stopped chasing, stood on the spot, and slapped out his hands at will, easily dispelling the streaks of golden sword energy and disappearing into the invisible.

Everyone was shocked again, it was too strong, although they stood still, they were invincible!


Chen Xi slapped out again, but this time Zuoqiu Jun couldn't block it, he was slapped so abruptly that he fell to the ground, bleeding from his head, and the bones all over his body made a sound of breaking.

But it didn't end there. The next moment, Chen Xi reached out his arm and grabbed Zuoqiu Jun in his hand, squeezing his neck.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, creepy, Zuoqiu Jun is so powerful, he is the second existence in Daohuang Academy's Da Luo Gold List, but at this moment, he is being carried there like a little chicken, unable to struggle.

This Chen Xi...how could he become so powerful in such a short period of time?

No one could have imagined it.

"Do you want to kill me? Do you know that if you kill me, you will also be expelled from the academy. There will be no academy shelter at that time. I see how long you can live!"

Zuoqiu Jun roared, with a ferocious expression on his face, but in fact he was already a bit harsh.

He knew very well that without waiting for the academy to expel Chen Xi, Chen Xi would undoubtedly die during this trip to the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield, so he really couldn't help but be afraid at this moment.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."

Chen Xi's black eyes were cold, and he stared at Zuoqiu Jun for a long time before he softly uttered a word from his lips. He almost couldn't hold back the murderous desire in his heart just now, and wanted to kill him.

But in the end, he still held back. It is true that as Zuoqiu Jun said, he now has to rely on the power of Daohuang Academy to protect himself.


Chen Xi threw the dead dog-like Zuoqiu Jun out, and then cast his cold eyes on Ao Zhanbei and the others.

"What are you...doing?" Someone asked angrily.


The corners of Chen Xi's lips curled up in a cold arc.

So the next moment, there was a sudden sound of fierce fighting and screams of pain in the hall...

It didn't last long, even for a moment, the silence in the hall had returned to the past, but on the ground, there were many figures lying here and there, no matter how hard they struggled, they could no longer stand up.

"Don't worry, I'm just imprisoning you here temporarily, and I'll let you go when I come back after saving people. After all... we are fellow disciples, aren't we?"

Chen Xi clapped his hands, chuckled lightly, and when he spoke, he turned and left the hall.

"Chen Xi, I'm not done with you!"

"I must report today's matter to the senior management of the academy!"

"Damn! Damn bastard!"

The crowd was unwilling and roared angrily, but it was of no avail. Instead, they were moaning like a group of poor people. Maybe they couldn't think of breaking their heads, and they would fall into such a situation.

Actually, Chen Xi was already kind enough, if it was the past, none of them would survive!


"I can't kill you guys, but I can kill the bastards from other colleges..."

Walking out of the main hall, Chen Xi took a deep breath, a strong murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he remembered all kinds of encounters in the tunnel of impermanence and the bridge to the secluded.


After identifying the direction, Chen Xi didn't waste any time, his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.


ps: A new chapter will be added around 11:[-].

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