divine talisman

Chapter 1246 Strong crush [Part 3]

"Kill, kill them all!"

"These disciples of the Dao Emperor Academy are really hateful. Before that Chen Xi was rampant and presumptuous, slaughtering our companions, and now he wants to snatch the opportunity we fancy. It's simply lawless!"

"Don't pay attention to the rules. There is no reason why people can't die in this chaotic nightmare battlefield. Even if we return to Yunmeng City, no one will hold us accountable."

"Don't talk nonsense, kill them first, grab the treasure and talk about it!"


In a large hall, a fierce fight is taking place.

One side is composed of students from the three major colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, and the other side is Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu.

In the current situation, Ji Xuanbing and the other three were obviously at a disadvantage, precarious, and they were suppressed to the point of defeat. On the other hand, the disciples from other colleges were pressing harder and harder, occupying an absolute advantage.

This is destined to be an unequal fight.

In terms of numbers, Ji Xuanbing and the others only had three of them, while the opponent had more than twenty people.

In terms of combat effectiveness, most of the students from other colleges are old students in their respective colleges, and they are inherently superior, and it has only been a few years for Ji Xuanbing and the others to advance to the Daluo realm.

Of course, the most significant difference is not the above two points, but the magic weapon!

The three major academies each held three ancient fairy treasures, which made Ji Xuanbing and the others restrained everywhere, not to mention counterattacks, even dodging and escaping.

In short, it seems that no matter which aspect of the comparison, this fight is doomed to end with Ji Xuanbing's failure.

"It's better, we can hand over the treasures, they are just fragments of ancient immortal treasures, it's not worth fighting so hard with them." Zhao Mengli frowned, even in a difficult situation, she still maintained a noble and aloof demeanor.


While speaking, she gritted her teeth and shot out a wisp of True Phoenix Burning Flame, defusing the crushing attack, but her face was a little pale.

"Even if we hand it over at this time, they can't let us go. After all, this is the tomb of the fairy king. If the letter is crushed, the old antiques of the academy will not be able to save us in time. How could they miss this golden opportunity to kill us? gone?"

A sneer appeared on Ji Xuanbing's lips. Like Zhao Mengli, his face was also slightly pale, and there were many scars on his body, and his gown was stained with blood.

"I only regret that Senior Yun Fusheng didn't kill them all back then!"

Zhao Mengli gritted her teeth and said something.

It is true that their opponents this time, whether it was Kuji, Dahuang Academy, or Changkong Academy, were all swept away by Yun Fusheng alone in those years, which also made the students of these three colleges always regard the students of Daohuang Academy as their enemies.

If they were in the outside world, they might not dare to fight so recklessly because of each other's identities, but it's different here, this is the tomb of the fairy king, a place of supreme opportunity.

Coupled with the friction between the two, no matter who it is, it is impossible to stop and stop this battle.

"I have a secret treasure on me, which can help us leave, but the tomb is surrounded by the power of time and space tides, once it moves, I'm afraid we will encounter some danger."

Zhenlu, the son of Buddha, who had been fighting silently, suddenly transmitted a voice.

Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli looked at each other, their hearts were like a bright mirror. As the direct heirs of the Ji family and the descendants of the real phoenix of the Phoenix clan, they naturally had the means of suppressing the bottom of the box that they did not use, but when they thought of such a bottom-pressing method They felt aggrieved and angry that they were going to waste it on these guys, and they were quite unwilling.

That's their hole card, it's not a matter of life and death, so they don't want to use it at all.

"These bastards, after I get away, I must take revenge on them one by one!" Ji Xuanbing gritted her teeth, and finally decided to sacrifice the treasure at the bottom of the box, and get out first.


But before he could move, a terrifying wave like thunder suddenly appeared in the void far away from the hall, and then a figure crushed the void and roared towards him.

Apparently, that pushed the teleportation method to the extreme, causing a terrifying explosion in the void!

This astonishing scene immediately attracted the attention of both warring parties.

But before they could react, they heard a muffled bang, bang, bang, and each figure flew upside down in all directions as if being hit hard by a mountain. Before their bodies fell to the ground, they coughed blood endlessly. Among them was the sound of bones breaking.

If you look down from the sky above the main hall, you can clearly see that the sudden figure is like a sharp cone, crushing a bloody path in the crowd of students from the three major colleges.

Wherever it passed, the figure flew upside down, blood sprayed, and the picture was overbearing and bloody, giving people an unparalleled impact on the field of vision.


"Who! Which bastard dared to attack us?"

"Bastard! Bastard!"

The screams and angry roars intertwined and filled the entire hall.

At this moment, the crowd finally saw clearly the appearance of the visitor, the handsome face, the stern figure, the dark abyss-like eyes...

It was Chen Xi!

"Chen Xi?"

Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu were all taken aback, and then they were overjoyed. They never expected that at such a critical moment, Chen Xi would appear out of nowhere and resolve their crisis of doom.

"Chen Xi! It's actually you!"

"You bastard, you came just in time, the last hatred should be settled!"

"Damn it! I was actually attacked by this guy!"

But when they saw that it was Chen Xi who appeared, the reactions of the children from the three major colleges were surprisingly unanimous, and they did not hide their hatred and anger.

"Give me death!"

That Xue Lianqiong from the Kuji Academy jumped up, grasped the ancient immortal treasure Yuxue Sword, set off a surging bloody sword aura, and came towards Chen Xi's town to kill.


The blood was like a wave, flowing from ancient times, full of killing intent, dyed the void red and shattered.


Ji Xuanbing reminded him that he had suffered a lot just now under the Sword of Yuxue.

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained expressionless, but his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, he was already wrapped in the Star-Lan Immortal Sword, and slashed towards him. It was simple and straightforward, without any fancy, but it had a strong and domineering force of its own. Contemptuous of the momentum of the world.


Under the horrified gazes of everyone, the Ancient Immortal Treasure Yuxue Sword was chopped and flew upside down, and Xue Lianqiong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell to the ground violently, creating a burst of bones. Breaking sound, just listening to that sound makes people tremble and chill.

One hit, defeat!

This time, even Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu's eyes widened. They couldn't believe that the current Chen Xi had become so powerful.

"It was my fault that I failed to kill you last time, but this time it's different..."

Chen Xi opened his mouth with a calm expression, and there was a terrifying look of disdain on his handsome face.With a swish, when he was speaking, he had already teleported out of thin air, and had already arrived in front of the seriously injured Xue Lianqiong.

"what are you going to do?"

Xue Lianqiong was so startled that he struggled to get up. Chen Xi's sword just now had completely crushed his self-confidence and nearly collapsed his whole body.

It was too powerful, relying on the Ancient Immortal Treasure, he couldn't do anything to the opponent, seeing the opponent attacking again at this moment, even a touch of despair rose in his heart uncontrollably.


Out of thin air, a bronze palace lantern overflowed with streams of red flames and fire clouds.

call out!

A black-and-yellow gourd flew up, exhaling a strong black-and-yellow air.

At this moment, these two ancient immortal treasures were dispatched almost at the same time, and came to kill Chen Xi. The momentum was huge, the atmosphere of terror was pervasive, and it was extremely frightening.


Chen Xi let out a cold snort, and without moving his head, he swung a scroll with his sleeves and flew up into the air. The Hunyuan and Yangyi mingled within it, as if it wanted to encompass the whole world.

At the same time, others came in front of Xue Lianqiong, and under the fearful eyes of the other party, wiped off the other party's throat with a sword, without mercy, let alone a trace of hesitation!


A head flew up, and blood gushed out.


The Hunyuan Liangyitu clashed with the other two ancient immortal treasures, and there was a deafening roar, and the immortal glow burst into bloom.

These two actions happened almost at the same time, so that very few people saw Xue Lianqiong's fearful, desperate, hideous and unwilling expression when he was about to die...

But after all, there were still people who saw it, like Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli. When they saw Chen Xi killing Xue Lianqiong without hesitation, their hearts were shocked, and the corners of their lips twitched slightly. This guy... was far more powerful than he imagined. To kill decisively ah!


After finishing all this, Chen Xi didn't waste any time at all. Immeasurable divine radiance suddenly permeated his whole body, and he reached out his hand to grab it. The palm force was like a kunpeng swallowing water. Not only did he take away the blood-controlling sword, but also the black and yellow gourd and the blue palace lantern. It was also ruthlessly engulfed by the Hunyuan Liangyitu, and flew into Chen Xi's palm under wraps.

"you dare!"

"court death!"

In an instant, Xue Lianqiong died, and the three ancient immortal treasures were confiscated. It was as if he had suffered a blow that could not be added. The children from the three major colleges roared in fright and rushed out to kill.

They absolutely cannot tolerate the treasures of their academy being plundered, absolutely not!

It's a pity that at this time, Chen Xi, who had advanced to the middle stage of Daluo, was already a different person from before, and he had the Hunyuan Liangyi map in his hand to help him, so how could they be his opponents?


So the next moment, under Ji Xuanbing's horrified gaze, Chen Xi charged like a tiger into a flock of sheep, bringing up strings of scarlet hot blood everywhere he passed, and the screams of pain continued to resound.

It can be called crushing and invincible!

Ji Xuanbing and the others were deeply shocked by that powerful posture of looking down on Wushuang, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

No one expected that Chen Xi's combat power had reached such a level that even Da Luo's later existences were no match for him.

This is definitely a crush!

Even Ji Xuanbing and the others felt a little sympathetic to the children of the three major academies, whoever they offended, but Chen Xi, wasn't this... a death sentence?

"Everyone, I have to take a step ahead. I will trouble you to help me deal with it here. There should be no more danger."

After a while, Chen Xi withdrew his hand, and there was no longer an opponent who could stand in the field, and after he said a word, he turned around and teleported away out of thin air.

There was no way, his time was too limited, so he had to hurry back to Xiao Ding's side.


ps: Well, school starts tomorrow, are you all staying up late doing homework~ Well, I really didn’t laugh~~~See you tomorrow~

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