divine talisman

Chapter 1247 Nine States Divine Cauldron [Part 9]

Xue Lianqiong's "Royal Blood Sword" in the previous chapter should be "Hen Tian Yin", which has been revised. In addition, thank you brother "Yueyue Miqing" for your support~


Chen Xi walked so neatly that everyone couldn't react in time.

In other words, from his sudden entry into the hall, to sweeping away the disciples of the three academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, to his turning around and leaving, the whole process didn't even take a cup of tea time!

It all happened so fast it seemed unreal.

But when he saw the figure lying all over the ground, smelled the pungent smell of blood in the air, and felt the fighting wave that hadn't disappeared in the hall...

All this made Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlu clear, it was true!

Alone, Chen Xi crushed more than [-] strong men from the three major colleges, killed seven of them, and most of the others were seriously injured and dying, losing their combat effectiveness.

The most important thing is that he also took away three ancient fairy treasures from the opponent!

"This guy, did he encounter some kind of great opportunity in the battlefield of chaos? Even the Hunyuan Liangyi map fell into his hands, so he wouldn't..."

Zhao Mengli looked forward with clear eyes, but she was a little surprised and uncertain in her heart.

"He won't kill Ao Zhanbei and the others."

The Buddha's son Zhenlu suddenly spoke, concise and to the point.

"It's natural. According to my understanding of Chen Xi, it must be because Ao Zhanbei and the others have offended him that they will be robbed of the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram."

Ji Xuanbing let out a long breath of turbid air, and then his eyes turned cold, and he fell to the side like a sharp blade, where there were more than a dozen students from the three major colleges who were seriously injured and dying, struggling and groaning in pain.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Mengli was startled, vaguely guessing what Ji Xuanbing was thinking.

"Chen Xi has helped me so much, there is some hatred and pressure, and I can't let him bear it alone, so..."

In the indifferent and calm voice, Ji Xuanbing stepped forward and slapped a seriously injured and dying student from the three major colleges with his palm. Blood spattered, and the scene was extremely cruel, but Ji Xuanbing's expression did not change at all, appearing extremely ruthless.

"What are you doing! Don't you be afraid that our three colleges will seek revenge from you if you slaughter us like this?"

The children who were seriously injured and dying screamed out one by one, struggling to stand up and desperately.

It's a pity that Ji Xuanbing didn't give them any chance to escape, his figure flickered frequently, and every palm fell would definitely take a life away.

This was a naked massacre. The opponent had no power to resist. Naturally, it was impossible to encounter any fierce resistance. In almost a moment, the ground of the hall was covered with blood, and there was no one alive.

At this point, Ji Xuanbing stopped, brushed off his clothes lightly, and said, "If I can't bear this pressure, I don't deserve the surname Ji."

Zhao Mengli was stunned, and said in silence for a long time: "This matter, count me in as well."

Ji Xuanbing smiled, and glanced at Zhenlu, the son of Buddha, next to him.

This young leader of the Buddhist world who had always been quiet and reticent suddenly sighed at this moment, "As early as when I participated in the second round of assessment, I made a move to take back a Buddhist treasure from Chen Xi. He, never thought, he saved me once..."

Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli were startled, but they did not expect that there would be such a dispute between Fozi Zhenlu and Chen Xi.

"This is a volume of Buddhist scriptures. It can repair the Buddhist treasure in his hand. Please pass it to him for me. I will ask the three colleges for an explanation on today's matter."

Fozi Zhenlu took out a light blue book, handed it to Ji Xuanbing, put his palms together, uttered the Buddha's name, and turned to leave the hall.

"This guy is even more ruthless than me..."

Ji Xuanbing curled his lips. He only killed a group of dying people, but the Buddha's true law is good, and he even came to seek justice from others. He didn't seem like a compassionate Buddhist cultivator.

"Isn't everyone in the Buddhist world like this, believe in karma and want to repay, but in fact it's the same behavior as revenge for revenge, complaints and complaints." Zhao Mengli chuckled.

Immediately, she glanced at the outside of the hall, and said: "I'm afraid I can't hide this matter, there was a figure flashing past the hall just now, maybe it was someone from the three colleges of Yunlan, Daoxuan, and Fengchuan." disciple."

"It's best to know, I'll see if they dare to come and make trouble."

Ji Xuanbing put his hands behind his back and smiled proudly.



The void fluctuated, and Chen Xi's tall figure appeared out of thin air.

"Chen Xi! Let us go quickly, otherwise the teachers in the academy will find out and you will be expelled from the academy!"

"You snatched the Hunyuan Liangyi map, which has already caused a catastrophe, why don't you stop it quickly?"

Seeing Chen Xi, the eyes of Zuoqiu Jun, Ao Zhanbei and others who were imprisoned in the hall suddenly turned red, and they roared angrily.

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained expressionless, and with a flip of his palm, there were three more ancient fairy treasures, namely the Xuanhuang Gourd, the Green Dou Palace Lantern and the Seal of Hentian, floating in mid-air, overflowing with precious light.

Seeing this scene, the angry roar in the hall stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked surprised.

"You...you...you killed those college students just now?" Someone realized something and trembled.

The others were also horrified, vaguely feeling that this might be true, like those three ancient immortal treasures, all of them were treasures with extraordinary origins, and they were comparable to the Hunyuan Liangyi Tu, but now they appeared together in Chen Xi's hands , obviously snatched by him.

"So, as my fellow sects, you should feel lucky, instead of threatening me at this time, if you offend me, this fairy king's tomb may be your burial place."

Chen Xi turned his palms, and put away the three ancient fairy treasures.

The hall was completely silent, everyone pursed their lips, and there was a faint trace of deep fear in their gloomy and dignified expressions. Obviously, they were also worried that Chen Xi would kill them regardless.

"Okay, I'll ask you to leave now."

Chen Xi glanced at the completely listless crowd, no longer hesitated, swung his sleeves, wrapped them all up, and threw them out of the hall like trash.

"Remember, whoever dares to take another step, don't blame me for killing him!"

Chen Xi clapped his hands, put down an undisguised threat, then turned and returned to the main hall.

"Chen Xi, you...will die a terrible death!"

After the confinement was lifted, Zuoqiu Jun felt relaxed for a while, and couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, standing outside the hall and yelling angrily.

"You wait, leave the tomb of the fairy king, we will go to teach and teach, and announce your evil deeds to the public one by one, and I will see how you will gain a foothold in the academy in the future!"

Others also cursed.

But from the beginning to the end, no one dared to step into the hall.

Because they were really terrified of being suppressed by Chen Xi. Before Chen Xi swept them all by himself, they almost collapsed. Now, Chen Xi has killed countless other academy disciples in a short period of time. They were all taken away by him...

All of this made them have to treat Chen Xi's words with caution, not daring to take risks lightly.

In the main hall, Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to all of this and began to protect Xiao Ding.


The little cauldron was too impatient to wait, and when he used the secret technique, billions of divine brilliance wafted from the cauldron, rushing into the nine mysterious prohibitions.

this moment--

The entire fairy king's tomb suddenly trembled, as if waking up from a deep sleep of endless years!

The nine halls standing in the lake of time and space almost at the same time sounded a sound of a tripod that seemed to come from ancient times.

Thick, simple, and desolate, that kind of voice seems to be able to reach the deepest part of the soul, making people feel a sense of awe involuntarily.


In the midst of the bursts of sound, suddenly, an indescribable invisible force surged up.

At this moment, whether it was Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli and the others, or Ji Xuanbing and the others who were screaming angrily, or the students from other colleges, they all raised their heads in unison.

Then, nine ancient bronze cauldrons suddenly lifted into the sky from the nine halls, emitting an incomparably magnificent and terrifying aura that suppressed everything in the world.

Even the void seemed unable to bear the weight of the nine cauldrons, and it exploded inch by inch. Looking from afar, it was as if the entire sky suddenly collapsed!

"Kyushu Divine Cauldron!"

"This is the nine cauldrons cast by Emperor Yu of the ancient times. Before the Three Realms were opened, it suppressed the luck of Hongmeng Kyushu!"

"Sure enough, this is the true inheritance of the Immortal King's Tomb. Those old antiques are right. Emperor Yu died here in battle, and even his most famous Kyushu Divine Cauldron was left here."

Everyone was shocked, and couldn't restrain their emotions. This is the most ancient treasure, which is more than a notch better than ancient fairy treasures such as Xuanhuang Gourd.

"What are you doing in a daze, do it!"

Someone roared, awakening many people, and immediately everyone's expressions became hot and excited.


But just when they were about to make a move, there was a sudden shaking of the sky, as if the world had reversed, and the entire tomb of the fairy king began to collapse violently.

It can be clearly seen that space-time storms, space-time tides, time-space black holes, and life and death forces like vast oceans are flooding the tomb of the fairy king at the same time, constantly flowing and roaring, and the momentum is extremely shocking.

The river of fire, the bridge leading to seclusion, the lake of time and space... are all on the verge of collapse and destruction.

"What happened?"

Everyone was horrified, and the desire in their hearts was completely replaced by a great terror, and the souls of the dead burst out like falling into an ice cave.


Before they could react, they felt trembling all over, and were enveloped by an irresistible terrifying force. The next moment, their eyes went dark, and they had already lost consciousness.



In the depths of the boundary river where the three worlds and the foreign world intersect, there was a sudden astonishment, and then an incomparably terrifying will swept out, passing through numerous spaces and boundless galaxies in an instant.

"Emperor Yu Nine Cauldrons? This treasure was born..."

Immediately, an extremely dazzling and proud figure suddenly appeared in the depths of the boundary river, bathed in a terrifying divine brilliance, making the starry sky behind it eclipsed.


With a long roar, a huge black elephant reaching the sky smashed stars one after another, and rushed towards that dazzling and majestic figure.

"Hei Ren, I have something urgent to do now, I will come to kill you next time!"

Seeing this, that dazzling stalwart figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air after saying a word.


The second is later, some Calvin~

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