divine talisman

Chapter 1248 The Battle of Immortal Kings [Part 2]

The boundary river between the Three Realms and the extraterrestrial world is vast and boundless, like a cosmic galaxy stretching endlessly.


But that dazzling and proud figure traveled through the void in just a flash, and came to the chaotic nightmare battlefield in just an instant!

Then, the Great Man star appeared in his field of vision.

At this moment, that huge and barbaric star seemed to be burning, and it was steaming with endless flames. It can be clearly seen that the power of time and space is wrapped around the planet, whistling and galloping, like a whirlpool, pulling other nearby planets, faintly A space-time black hole is about to form.

Space-time black holes are the most terrifying disaster in the universe. Once they appear, they are enough to swallow everything nearby, including planets!

But right now, around the Daman star, the power of time and space roars. If it condenses into a space-time black hole, all nearby planets including the Daman star will be swallowed up.


However, this scene didn't happen. Just when the black hole was about to form, a grand and ancient wave rushed from the Daman star.

Then, the phantoms of the nine ancient cauldrons appeared above the starry sky, sitting around the Daman star, and almost instantly suppressed the power of time and space in the nearby starry sky, falling into a stagnant state.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that the planets are held by an invisible big hand, stopping the cycle, which is extremely shocking.

"Sure enough, it is the Divine Cauldron of Nine Provinces cast by Emperor Yu... Maybe this is also my chance?"

That dazzling and proud figure stood upright in the void, like a burning divine flame, brighter than the stars, more dazzling than the sun and the moon, brilliant and unstoppable.

"Sorry, this opportunity has long been doomed."

At this moment, a gentle and clear voice sounded, and suddenly, a young man with a high crown and ancient clothes and a refined demeanor appeared out of thin air.

He has an ordinary appearance, but a pair of eyes are as deep and bright as stars, and the corners of his lips are smiling. There is no divine brilliance covering his whole body, but he stands in front of that dazzling and proud figure, but he does not lose any momentum.

"The third son of Shenyan Mountain, Li Fuyao?"

The dazzling and tall figure spoke in surprise, and when he spoke, his whole body shone with radiance, revealing his true face. This was actually a thin man with sword-like temple hair, wide eyebrows, and a black crane cloak.

His complexion is fair and crystal clear, his eyes are narrow and long like blades, and there is a bone flying sword earring as thin as a needle hanging on his left ear, which adds a strange and cold aura to him.

"Fellow Daoist Shi Yu really has good eyesight, that's exactly what I'm doing."

Li Fuyao smiled freely, with a gentle and humble demeanor, which made people feel good.

"You recognize me?"

The man in the black crane cloak named Shi Yu raised his eyebrows, his blade-like pupils were as bright as electricity, extremely frightening.

"How could Shi Yu, the great disciple of Nuwa Daoist Palace and Guardian Daoist, be an unknown person?"

Li Fuyao said with a smile.

"Since you know it's me, why do you want to block my chance?"

Shi Yu's eyes narrowed, like opening and closing sharp blades, exuding a murderous aura that reached people's hearts.

"To be honest, although you have the word Yu in your name, Brother Shi, you have no causal relationship with the Divine Cauldron of Nine Provinces, because that treasure has already been obtained by my junior brother."

Li Fuyao turned his head, looked at Damanxing in the distance, and said with a gentle smile, "If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have seen this scene, would you?"

Shi Yu frowned, put his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "But after all, I noticed it. If so, it means that this thing must be related to me."

Li Fuyao was dumb, shook his head and said: "You are wrong, if it is not because of you, I would not have appeared here, there is no such thing as a cycle of cause and effect, everything today is already destined to belong to the treasure."

"I don't think so. The so-called ten thousand ways of fighting for the front, this opportunity is also a thing of the great way. Naturally, we have to fight for the final cause and effect. What does Brother Li think?"

Shi Yu's temperament changed suddenly, his whole body was filled with divine radiance, and there were waves of terrifying avenue fluctuations, which made the surrounding space imprisoned and time froze!

If someone is here, they will definitely find that in this starry sky, time and space seem to be locked, without the passage of time and traces of space changes.

Even, if an ordinary person can stand in it at this time, his lifespan will not decrease even if countless years have passed in the outside world!

Seeing this, Li Fuyao's expression was as gentle as before, he looked at Shi Yu secretively, and said: "I heard that Nuwa Taoist Palace has an additional female disciple, and Brother Shi, you have an additional junior sister?"

Shi Yu frowned: "So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

"She has a karmic relationship with my junior brother, but it's a pity that it was covered up by heavenly secrets, and you probably didn't see it."

Li Fuyao said with a smile, "I suggest that Brother Shi better go back to the sect first, and ask whether this opportunity can be won, of course, if Brother Shi insists on doing it, then Li can only accompany him to the end. "

Shi Yu frowned, glanced at Li Fuyao, and his expression became more and more indifferent: "I heard that among the thirteen disciples of Shenyan Mountain, your third son, Li Fuyao, is the one who likes to play tricks the most. Now it seems that it is true."

Li Fuyao didn't take any offense at all, and still looked at the other party with a smile: "So, brother Shi is planning to fight me?"

"Of course... no more fights."

Shi Yu suddenly withdrew his aura and sighed: "If you and I fight, it will be difficult to tell the winner for a while. If this happens, the chance will be lost. What's the use of fighting?"

Li Fuyao cupped his hands with a smile and said: "Thank you, Brother Shi, for making it happen."

As he said that, he suddenly turned his head, looked into the depths of the boundary river, and said, "In order to repay brother Shi's kindness, let me help you deal with that beast."

Before the voice fell, the other person disappeared out of thin air, which can be said to be unpredictable and unpredictable.


Shi Yu was taken aback. At first he wanted to say, don't worry about me taking away the Kyushu Divine Cauldron now, but in the end, he swallowed the second half of the sentence, sighed angrily, and stomped his feet. Disappeared.

"Li Fuyao, stop for me, who asked you to help the other party, the Black Blade Saint Emperor?"

In the depths of the Boundary River, a displeased cold snort resounded, like thunder, shaking the nearby stars trembling.



Not long after Li Fuyao and Shi Yu left, figures appeared out of thin air at the place where they were standing, among them were Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu, Tuoba Tianxi, Zuoqiu Taiwu, as well as teachers from the other six colleges.

Among them, there is even Dong Junhou, a great figure who sits in Xianting in Yunmeng City.

They, the great figures from the various colleges, are all here at this moment!

"Who were those two just now?"

"It should not be any one of the four great immortal kings. Their aura is completely different from the four great immortal kings, but they are equally powerful."

"In that case...they shouldn't be descendants of Shenyan Mountain?"

"It may also be a person from Nuwa Dao Palace."

"Not necessarily, there are also immortal kings sitting in the Dragon Realm and the Buddha Realm."

"No matter what, those two must be at the level of Immortal Kings, even..."

A group of big figures communicated with each other in their minds, and their expressions were extremely dignified, showing a faint sense of fear and awe, and they dared not speak out about some obscure guesses.

"The Divine Cauldron of Kyushu was born, how could they turn around and leave in front of such ancient treasures?"

Someone frowned and asked.

"Who knows, you see, at this time, the Divine Cauldron of Nine Provinces has been taken away, and I don't know which academy's children are so lucky."

Dong Junhou stared at Damanxing in the distance, and said with emotion.

At this moment, Da Man Xing has already recovered as before, without the phantoms of the nine ancient cauldrons, and without the power of time and space roaring all over the sky, it seems that everything has returned to the calmness of the past.

"It's a pity indeed. We didn't dare to get close to that barbarian star with the presence of those two big figures before, otherwise..."

Some people sighed, feeling sorry for missing a great opportunity.

"Haha, it means that this chance has nothing to do with us old people, maybe only those young people can let it reappear its former glory?"

Dong Junhou laughed boldly, but seemed quite open-minded, "Let's go, this assessment is not over yet, we must not affect the fairness of the assessment."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe and left out of thin air.

Seeing this, other college dignitaries could only shake their heads and leave one after another.


Big star.

In a barren canyon.

Chen Xi looked at the far distance with lingering fear in his heart, and he could clearly see that the space-time tidal portal leading to the tomb of the fairy king had already collapsed and dispersed, leaving only a shocking black void fracture zone.

A place where the bones of the mighty who lasted for countless years was annihilated like this?

Chen Xi recalled the previous scene, and his mood was still unable to calm down for a long time.

In that palace, when Xiao Ding used secret techniques to activate the nine mysterious prohibitions, causing the nine ancient great tripods to emerge, he, like the other disciples, was engulfed by an irresistible force, and then his eyes went dark. Just lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he had been moved to this barren canyon.

Looking at the distance at this time, thinking of all the adventures in the fairy king's tomb, with Chen Xi's calmness, he couldn't help feeling unreal, like a dream.

"It seems that the tomb of the fairy king has indeed disappeared, and it will never appear in the world again..."

After taking a few deep breaths, Chen Xi completely regained his composure.

"Just now, the will of two immortal kings once shrouded this planet."

Suddenly, Xiao Ding opened his mouth and said something that shocked Chen Xi.

Fairy King!

Still two!

This made Chen Xi startled and hurriedly asked: "Senior, the nine great cauldrons have not been taken away, have they?"

"Of course not."

There was a hint of arrogance in Xiao Ding's voice, "Without the secret method I inherited, who can take away the Kyushu Divine Cauldron? In the ancient Hongmeng period, these nine great cauldrons were suppressed in different regions of the world, and no one was seen. I can take it away."

Hearing this, Chen Xi heaved a long sigh of relief, his whole body felt relaxed, there was no way, the existence of the Immortal King Realm was too terrifying, just a title was enough to make people despair.

"Senior, can I have a look at the Divine Cauldron of Nine Provinces?" In the next moment, Chen Xi's eyes showed a smoldering look, and he asked quite expectantly.


ps: Calvin had a splitting headache, but he finally got this chapter done. See you tomorrow, and we will try to get all the updates done before the end of this week~

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