divine talisman

Chapter 1249 Bloodline God Fat [Part 1]

Xiao Ding rejected Chen Xi's request without hesitation: "Aren't you worried that your aura will leak and cause others to covet it?"

Then, Chen Xi immediately shut up.

There were two Immortal King Realm beings leaving just now, and he didn't want to see a large group of terrifying powerhouses approaching after hearing the news. After all, the Kyushu Divine Cauldron is a treasure, and if it reveals a little bit of breath, it may cause a huge catastrophe. Woe.

Xiao Ding appropriately comforted Chen Xi: "When I leave this battlefield, I will probably be able to completely refine the Jiu Ding, and it won't be too late to hand it over to you for enlightenment."

Chen Xi nodded.

This trip to the fairy king's tomb can be said to be a lot of gains, such as the fairy character that contains the power of life and death, the natal bone of the yin and yang fish king that contains the law of Taiji, the divine cauldron of Kyushu... Even the cultivation base is a coincidence. breakthrough.

And if the three ancient fairy treasures of Xuanhuang Gourd, Hentian Seal, and Qingdou Palace Lantern are added, such a harvest is even enough to make those old antiques in the fairy world covet.

Of course, Chen Xi was still unable to confirm whether he could keep these three ancient fairy treasures. After all, these were the important treasures of the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong. Now that they fell into his hands, they would definitely not let it go.

However, Chen Xi also won't hand it back to the other party easily, everything depends on whether the other party can show enough "sincerity".

"Next, you have to be careful. I collected Jiuding before, and it was too expensive. I need to meditate for a while." Xiaoding said, and fell into silence.

Seeing this, Chen Xi took a deep breath, discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and glanced around, his figure flashed, and disappeared in place out of thin air.

The birth of the Nine Cauldrons and the destruction of the Immortal King's tomb caused too much commotion. Before that, the will of the two Immortal Kings was shrouded. I am afraid that more powerful people will come after hearing the news. Under such circumstances, the barbarian star has become extremely unsafe now.

Therefore, Chen Xi planned to leave this land of right and wrong immediately.

"I hunted and killed nine high-level alien beast powerhouses before, and captured fourteen targets from Zuo Qiujun and the others... In other words, there are still 77 hunting targets left..."

"No, one hundred hunting targets can only be regarded as basically meeting the assessment criteria. If you want to enter the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land in the academy, you must be among the top five in the inner court assessment."

"Fortunately, there are still more than two months before the end of the assessment period, enough time for me to hunt the target..."

While thinking about it, Chen Xi's figure flickered in the void again and again, and within a few breaths, he had already rushed out of the Great Man Star.

"According to the information I got from the disciples of Yunlan Academy, it seems that there is a team of more than 30 Da Luo-level foreign races on the blood ink planet... Now that I have advanced to the Da Luo middle-level, I can go to experience it. "

Chen Xi took out the jade slip of the map, and quickly found the location of the Blood Ink Star. Without any further hesitation, he immediately used the method of teleportation, and left in a flash.


Blood ink star.

On this planet, no matter the mountains, rivers and lakes, or even the sky and the air, they are all red and bloody, filled with a strong bloody aura, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

If it was an ordinary person who arrived here, he would be easily eroded by blood evil, and thus become irritable and bloodthirsty, and might even go crazy.

But all of this obviously cannot help the existence of the Da Luo level.


There was a ripple-like fluctuation in the void, and Chen Xi's figure floated out of thin air on a vast and boundless blood-colored wasteland.

At the same time, a terrifying and strong sense of immortality swept away in all directions centered on Chen Xi, and searched the entire Blood Ink Star in just a few breaths.


In a bloody desert, there are strangely shaped weathered rocks, and at this time, around the rocks, there are figures standing among them.

Some of them are shaped like big trees, covered with cane-like arms;

Some are covered with fine scales, have an indigo complexion, and have a pair of golden wings;

Some even look like a huge bloody meat ball, with copper bell-like eyes inlaid on the meat ball, without limbs, bouncing around on the ground, which looks extremely funny.

... Their appearances were weird and different, but their auras were all extremely overbearing, and they were immediately aware of it the moment Chen Xi's immortal consciousness swept over.

"Huh? Who is it?"

"It must be a native of the Three Realms!"

"Hmph, it's just in time. I haven't played with a woman in the Three Realms for a long time. I hope this time it's a beautiful woman with a lot of water, hahaha."

"Calm down! Our task is to excavate the blood-patterned fat here, no one is allowed to leave here without my order!"

An indigo-skinned, scale-covered man with a pair of golden wings on his back frowned and shouted sharply.

The restlessness in the audience disappeared immediately and became silent.

This is their leader, named Lan Qi, who is a strong man in the Rimbaud world outside the territory. His strength is comparable to that of Da Luo's later existence. His wrist is iron and blood, and he is the most ruthless.

"Commander Lan Qi, the blood-stained fat is formed by the blood of the gods sprinkled by the ancient gods when they fought here. Now it has been eroded for countless years, and it has become very rare. It is not easy to dig a large amount of it. what."

"More than that, the blood-patterned fat contains a trace of the will of the gods, like a psychic. Even if you dig out its hiding place, if you don't pay attention, you will be escaped by it, which is the most difficult thing to deal with."

"Commander Lan Qi, we have all spent half a year here, and we only managed to dig out three pieces of blood-stained fat the size of a thumb. If this continues, we will not be able to fulfill the will of the Sacred Emperor Ziqing at all."

Mentioning the blood-patterned god fat, those strong foreign races frowned immediately, complaining and complaining, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the execution of such a task.

"Hmph, if the blood-patterned fat can be obtained easily, is it still necessary for us to make a move?"

Lan Qi was displeased and scolded loudly.

The others curled their lips, not daring to say any more.


Blood streaked fat?

In the void far away, Chen Xi's figure was hiding in it, and he heard the conversation of Lan Qi and the others clearly, especially when he learned that these alien powerhouses from outside the territory actually came to dig out the blood-striped god fat, He couldn't help being slightly surprised.

As early as when he was in Daohuang Academy, when he was looking through the classics in the library, he had also seen the introduction of "Blood-patterned God Fat". A trace of original will can not only be used as a rare alchemy material, but most importantly, this treasure is simply a supreme treasure for the gods and demons.

Washing the body with the blood fat of the gods can make the physical body undergo an amazing transformation, which can accommodate a breath of divinity. It is called the "body of the gods". Once tempered successfully, the physical body is almost immortal and extremely terrifying.

Of course, this is just one of the most well-known magical functions of Xuewen Shenfa.

"If the second avatar is allowed to use the blood fat of the gods to cultivate the Nine Cauldrons of God, the speed of advancement may not be as difficult as it is now, right?"

Chen Xi thought of his second clone, thoughtful.

The second avatar practiced the Divine Nine-Ding Body, and had been progressing slowly. Although the body training had already advanced to the Xuanxian Consummation Realm, the Divine Nine-Ding Body was still stuck in the first level until now.

Before, Xiao Ding also promised that as long as he wanted, he would give advice on the cultivation of his second avatar, but after all, advice is just advice, and if there is no external aid, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Commander Lan Qi, hurry up! Another piece of blood-patterned fat has been unearthed!"

Suddenly, a shout of surprise resounded, which caught Chen Xi's attention.

In the barren blood-colored desert, a blood-red dazzling blood crystal flew into the air, releasing a terrifying force of blood energy, which actually dyed the whole world in deep red.

At this time, there was an alien race covered with rattan arms, waving countless rattans, entangled the blood crystal tightly, but the power of the blood crystal was extremely terrifying, and dragged the alien race in the void. Flying around, faintly about to escape from its control.

"Quick! Catch it together, don't let it escape!"

Lan Qi shouted loudly, extremely excited.

Before his voice fell, other powerful alien races from outside the region had already dispatched one after another, flashing out of nowhere, sealing that dazzling bright red blood crystal from all directions.


The next moment, all kinds of terrorist attacks poured down on the bright red blood crystal like a torrential rain, submerging the entire world, and the momentum was astonishing.

"Have you caught it?"

"Who got it?"

"Bastard! If you dare to hide it privately, once I find out, I will kill your family!"

Half a minute later, the smoke and dust dispersed, but the excitement in the expressions of Lan Qi and the others gradually disappeared, and they looked at each other, replaced by a gloomy look of surprise.

Especially Lan Qi, who glanced fiercely at the others, as if he wanted to choose someone and devour them.

The reason is very simple, they dispatched together, but the blood-patterned fat disappeared out of thin air!

"Commander, look over there!"

Someone glanced inadvertently, and suddenly felt a figure flashing like a glimpse, and disappeared into the void, but in that void, there was a smear of bright red blood, thus revealing his whereabouts.

"Bastard! How dare you steal our treasure!"

"Hey, isn't that guy the native of the Three Realms we perceived just now?"

"Kill! Whoever he is, kill and regain the blood-patterned god crystal first!"

A group of foreign powerhouses roared, with ferocious expressions, violent and bloodthirsty, the next moment, more than thirty of them were dispatched at the same time, teleported out of thin air, and rushed towards that side.

The one who snatched away the blood-streaked fat was naturally Chen Xi.

But what he didn't expect was that the trace of the will of the gods contained in the blood-stained fat was extremely tenacious. In order to suppress and erase this trace of the will of the gods, he was forced to expose his whereabouts.

Of course, Chen Xi had no intention of running away.

"Wait first!"

Seeing those foreign races whose strength was comparable to that of the Daluo rank rushing towards him like a swarm, Chen Xi immediately said, "Before the battle, can I ask a question first?"

"Say! Before I die, I will grant you one wish!" Lan Qi waved his hand, and everyone suddenly stopped walking, blocking all the escape routes for Chen Xi, and then looked at him with a cruel sneer.

"Among you, who is the strongest at digging out the blood-patterned god crystal?"

Chen Xi asked directly.

Lan Qi and the others were stunned for a moment, what kind of bullshit question is this?

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