divine talisman

Chapter 1250 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas [Part 2]

For these powerful alien races outside the region, Chen Xi's question was obviously too abrupt, and he even meant to tease them.

What is the mining method and who is the strongest?

This guy is obviously a loser!

Especially at this moment when he was about to fight, he didn't care about his own life and death, but he raised such a thoughtless question, it was really hard not to be angry.

"How dare you joke with us at this time, kill! Kill this damn native!"

Lan Qi flew into a rage, pointed at Chen Xi and yelled loudly.


The other powerful outsiders were also angry and rushed out.

All of a sudden, all kinds of terrifying and fierce attacks rose into the sky, roaring like thunder, and filled with various blazing lights, drowning the world.


The void exploded, and the blood-colored sand sea raged violently in a radius of ten thousand miles. The rocks were smashed to pieces, and they were completely plunged into chaos.

But to the astonishment of Lan Qi and the others, Chen Xi was actually lost in that battle. In other words, as early as the moment they took action, they could no longer lock Chen Xi in their minds.

When masters compete, they always seize the opportunity with immortal knowledge and will. In an instant, it is possible to reverse the situation and decide a winner.

And when the trace of the enemy cannot be locked, the consequences can be imagined.


The next moment, a figure suddenly flashed out of thin air, flashing again and again, and every time it flashed, there must be a strong alien from outside the territory who was killed, either pierced through the throat, or his head was chopped off, or he was cut in two directly...

All of this happened so quickly, among the more than [-] foreign powerhouses outside the territory of Da Luo present, only Lan Qi was left alive.

He seemed to be stunned by the weird and terrifying scene in front of him, standing there stiffly, like a puppet without a soul.

Too fast, too scary!

Lan Qi thought he was dreaming, and couldn't believe that a native of the Three Realms at the level of a Da Luo Jinxian could explode with such unfathomable combat power, and that kind of killing method was simply a matter of life and death!

"No, it's not true... When did the natives of the Three Realms become so powerful, it's impossible..." Lan Qi murmured, but he couldn't help trembling all over his body, and his ghosts froze.

Because at this time, he suddenly saw the figure of Chen Xi standing a foot in front of him.

"Don't kill me, I know who has the strongest digging method!" Lan Qi jumped up in fright and yelled again and again.

Chen Xi smiled: "I don't want to know now, hand over the blood-patterned fat in your hand, and I can make you die more quickly."

The handsome face and peaceful smile fell into Lan Qi's eyes, but that smile was even more chilling than the most terrifying demon in Rimbaud's world.

"Don't force people too much!" Lan Qi roared, "The blood-patterned fat is designated by our clan's holy emperor Zi Qing, and I will give it to you. Do you dare to take it?"

Chen Xi was stunned: "Why wouldn't I dare to take it?"


Lan Qi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this guy in front of him was an aborigine from the Three Realms. Didn't he know that he took the treasure of the Holy Emperor from outside the territory, and he didn't even know how to die?

If you were any normal native, you should at least think twice when encountering such a threat, right?But this guy's reaction was so understated...God!What kind of freak is this!

Lan Qi was about to go crazy. Fear, anger, panic, and bewilderment were intertwined in his heart. For a moment, he stared straight at Chen Xi like a fool, and was unable to speak.

Chen Xi also felt that the reaction of this guy in front of him was too weird. When he was about to die, he actually stood there dumbfounded like a heartless person. This kind of opponent was very rare.

However, if it is rare, it is rare, Chen Xi will not feel any compassion, so he just let the other party go.

"Haha, you want to kill me? Impossible, I would rather die by my own hands than let you natives of the Three Realms desecrate my body!"

"Just wait, when the Three Realms are in chaos, you natives of the Three Realms must all die!"

Suddenly, Lan Qi roared, and there was no longer any look of fear and bewilderment, and there was only a kind of fanatical piety to the bone, and a kind of extreme hatred for the Three Realms!

When he was speaking, a blue flame suddenly burned all over his body, and in an instant, it was incinerated into a piece of ashes and disappeared without a trace.

Die without hesitation!

This sentence seemed weird, but Chen Xi couldn't find another word to describe this scene.

"Hatred... really can't be resolved..."

Thinking of Lan Qi's fanatical expression before he died, and the deep-rooted hatred in his eyes, Chen Xi felt a little heavy in his heart for no reason, and couldn't help but sigh lightly.

The hatred between the Three Realms and the Outer Worlds has lasted since ancient times, and it is indeed impossible to resolve it. Perhaps there is only a war of blood and fire. Only when one of them is completely destroyed can this kind of hatred be completely eliminated.

In the past, Chen Xi didn't have a deep understanding of this, but Lan Qi's death inadvertently touched a chord in his heart, and made him have a deeper understanding of this hatred accumulated over countless years.


After a while, taking a deep breath, Chen Xi discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to clean the battlefield, finally clearing out four pieces of blood-stained fat the size of a thumb.

This treasure is astonishingly bloody, bright red and translucent, like the brightest red diamond in time, just holding it in the hand, there is a rush of bloody blood, it is not bloody, but like little suns, making people feel dizzy all over A burst of warmth and comfort.

Carefully putting away these trophies, Chen Xi opened his eyes of divine truth, and began to investigate the area that Lan Qi and the others had dug.

Xuewen Shenzhi is a good treasure, so naturally the more the better.

Since Lan Qi and the others excavated a lot of blood-patterned fat here, there must still be buried here, but it has not been discovered yet.


There is a deep black light flowing between the eyebrows and vertical eyes, as if you can see through the glitz and glamour, and have a panoramic view of the essence of everything.

"Huh? Sure enough, there are quite a few..."

After a while, a hint of excitement appeared on the corners of Chen Xi's lips.

In his field of vision, in the depths of the bloody desert, there is a natural and obscure bloody fluctuation, which is like a ban, making the ground extremely solidified, and even hindering the detection of immortal consciousness.

But all of this could not be concealed from Chen Xi's eyes of divine truth. At this moment, he could clearly see that beneath the depths of the underground, deep in the obscure blood-color fluctuations, there were dazzling, blood-red, incomparably blazing halos buried one after another. In the strata, there are really blood-streaked fats!


Chen Xi's eyes lit up, "On this blood-ink planet, there must have been ancient gods who fought here back then, throwing their heads and spilling blood, otherwise it would be impossible to condense so many blood-striped gods."

Thinking of this in his heart, Chen Xi flipped his palm, and there was an extra square and simple big seal, and he smashed it fiercely towards the ground.

Ancient Immortal Treasure - Hate the Sky Seal!


Immortal light exploded, hatred was overwhelming, just one blow forced the ground into a bottomless hole and abyss, and the ground with a radius of thousands of miles was shaken so that the sky was filled with dust.

If the old antiques of the Kuji Academy saw their own academy's town house treasure being used in this way, they would probably vomit blood out of anger.

Chen Xi obviously didn't care about ruining the use of the ancient immortal treasure, so he put away the seal of hatred, and sacrificed the black and yellow gourd, jumped on the gourd, and rushed into the depths of the ground with a swish.



Not long after Chen Xi left, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and three or four figures appeared.

That was a strong man of a foreign race outside the territory. The only difference was that the aura around them was higher than that of Lan Qi and others, enough to be comparable to the strong saints in the Three Realms!

"Lan Qi and the others are dead!"

"The murderer just left and entered the depths of the ground!"

"Don't chase! The blood in the depths of the ground is too thick and dangerous. We just wait here."

"Hateful! How dare you spoil the good deeds of Lord Ziqing Sacred Emperor. When the natives of the Three Realms come out, I will have to skin him!"

These foreign races from outside the territory communicated with their thoughts, and their expressions were extremely sinister, making no secret of their murderous intentions.

Time passed by every minute and every second, after a full incense stick.

A wave of breath suddenly came from the depths of the ground, and it was flying towards the ground at a terrifying speed.

This scene was immediately noticed by the several strong outsiders whose strength was comparable to that of the Holy Immortal Realm. Immediately, all of them gathered their breath and were ready to go, like the most experienced hunters, waiting for the moment when the prey took the bait, and killed them in one fell swoop. sack.

"Everyone, the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield does not allow your level to appear."

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded. Accompanied by the voice, a figure appeared out of thin air. He was dressed in a gray robe, as thin as sticks, with wrinkles on his cheeks criss-crossing like ravines, his eyes sunken and narrowed, and he seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping. Zuoqiu Taiwu, chief instructor of the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy!


The few powerful alien races outside the territory were shocked, and they did not care to hold back their breath, and locked their eyes on Tuoba Tianxi.


It's a pity that Zuoqiu Taiwu didn't say much anymore, and acted directly, looking extremely strong, with just a wave of his sleeve, the whole world seemed to collapse, blocked by a terrifying invisible force.

Then, he stepped forward, with long gray hair fluttering, raised his hand to grab it lightly, and with a bang, a foreigner from the outside world, who was comparable to the holy fairyland, was caught and exploded from the air, turning into flesh and blood!

With an understatement, an existence comparable to the Holy Fairyland was obliterated!

This is the half-step Immortal King, although he cannot compare with the real Immortal King, but he is enough to look down upon any Saint Immortal in the world!

"Damn it, it's a half-step fairy king, we've been ambushed, escape!"

The other powerful alien races outside the territory were frightened and terrified, and they turned around and left without hesitation.

"It's rare to make a shot once, and let you escape, wouldn't it appear that I am too incompetent? Let's stay!"

In the indifferent voice, Zuoqiu Taiwu's clothes fluttered, his body's aura stirred up all directions, his old and generous palm waved, every time he took a shot, there must be a foreign strong man from outside the territory who was shot into pieces, died violently on the spot, and couldn't escape even teleportation Such an attack!


ps: The state of the past two days has been extremely bad, and the code words are also stumbling... Wipe away tears~ Don't worry, everyone, I will try my best to adjust the state, more and more~

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