divine talisman

Chapter 1251 Half-step Immortal King Showdown [Part 1]


The moment Chen Xi rushed out of the ground from the depths of the ground, he saw a foreign strong man comparable to the Saint Immortal Rank being caught and exploded out of thin air. Blood shot out and dyed the sky red. The scene was bloody and poignant.

Then, Chen Xi saw Zuoqiu Taiwu, who was supremely mighty. The latter had flying beard and hair, his whole body's aura controlled the aura of heaven and earth, and the heavens and earth seemed to surrender before him.

At that moment, Chen Xi almost thought he saw an angry god!

But immediately, all this disappeared without a trace.

Zuoqiu Taiwu regained that sleepy breath, his old face was full of wrinkles, and the world was restored to its original state.

In the air, only wisps of bloody smell permeated the air.

"I have seen seniors."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, but a sense of vigilance rose in his heart. At this moment, he didn't care about who those powerful alien races outside the region who were killed were. All his thoughts were focused on the old man in front of him.

Long before leaving Dao Emperor Academy, Axiu had introduced this old antique of the Zuoqiu family to him. Apart from admiring Zuoqiu Taiwu in her words, she also showed great fear.

Axiu even said bluntly that even Xuanyuan Pojun, the chief instructor of the inner courtyard, once thought that he was not as good as Zuoqiu Taiwu!

If you only look at this point, Zuoqiu Taiwu is definitely an antique enough to be respected by any student of Daohuang Academy. Don't forget that his surname is Zuoqiu, and he is also a member of the Zuoqiu family, one of the seven great families in ancient times. tribe!

Chen Xi didn't dare to ignore this point, so when he saw Zuoqiu Taiwu suddenly appear on the Blood Ink Planet and then appeared in front of his eyes, he felt a bad feeling in his heart for no reason.

Compared to Chen Xi's vigilance, Zuoqiu Taiwu's expression did not change at all, his cloudy eyes were narrowed, his thin body was slightly bent, and there was not a trace of intimidating aura in his body.

Especially when his eyes fell on Chen Xi, there was no slight change, just like looking at a junior in a college, there was an elder's majesty in his calmness.

"Little guy, give me the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram."

Zuoqiu Taiwu said, the first sentence is to take away the Hunyuan Yangyi diagram!

Chen Xi's heart tightened, every inch of his skin became stiff and tense, treasure?This is an extremely bad signal!

He took a deep breath, pursed his lips and said: "Senior, I remember that this treasure is kept by Senior Tuoba Tianxi, and I will hand it back to him when the inner court assessment is over."

While speaking, he quickly searched the surroundings, only to find that the world with a radius of ten thousand miles was completely locked by an invisible and quiet terrifying air mechanism, which meant that if he wanted to escape, he would be found instantly!

Realizing this, Chen Xi's heart sank again, and a thought quickly flashed through his mind, could it be that Zuoqiu is really determined to kill himself this time?

But he is not afraid anymore, the worst result is nothing more than the deity's fall.

It's just a bit of a pity, just now on the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield, after gaining so many chances and adventures, but meeting an opponent at the level of a half-step Immortal King, it's really a blessing and a disaster, it's unpredictable.

"Tuoba Tianxi?"

Zuoqiu Taiwu took all of Chen Xi's reactions into his eyes, especially when he heard the words Tuoba Tianxi, his old face finally showed a slight change, showing a hint of irony.

Immediately, his eyes moved away from Chen Xi's body, and fell on the void on the other side, and said, "Your name has already been mentioned, little fellow, why don't you show yourself?"

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he tried his best not to look back, worried that this was Zuoqiu Taiwu's deceit.

Seeing this, the mocking look on Zuoqiu Taiwu's old face became more and more obvious, and there was a faint hint of appreciation that was fleeting.

"Brother Zuoqiu has already helped Chen Xi resolve the crisis. I planned to leave quietly, but my whereabouts were found out, so I had to show up."

However, to Chen Xi's surprise, Zuoqiu Taiwu was not cheating, and just as his voice fell, there was a gentle voice resounding from that empty void.

Then, a figure dressed in white, with gray hair and a youthful face appeared, it was Tuoba Tianxi, one of the chief instructors of the inner school of Daohuang Academy!

"Could it be that he's been hiding in the dark all this time..."

Chen Xi was startled, and he was a little confused about the situation in front of him. If two half-step Immortal Kings appeared here at the same time, it would be too false to say that they were all there to help him resolve the crisis.

"The little guy is doing well. Since you have walked out of the fairy king's tomb safely, then return the Hunyuan Yangyi map to me. Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you."

Tuoba Tianxi's voice transmission suddenly sounded next to Chen Xi's ear. He was slightly startled, and when he raised his head, he saw Tuoba Tianxi looking at him with a smile.

Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, and was about to agree, when at this moment, Zuoqiu Taiwu suddenly let out a long sigh, as if he was a bit discouraged.

Then, his stooped and skinny waist straightened abruptly, a majestic and terrifying aura permeated the air, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, there were billions of frightening cold lights, which were breathtaking.

In an instant, he seemed to have become another person!

"Tuoba Tianxi, if you leave now, I will pretend that what happened today never happened." Zuoqiu Taiwu said, his voice was like thunder, and there was a chilling air of killing.

Chen Xi's expression changed suddenly, and his heart was pounding. At this moment, he discovered that all his strength was restrained by a terrifying aura. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless!

This is the first time he has encountered such a thing after he has cultivated to the Da Luo level, and he can indirectly judge from this that the will lock that belongs to the half-step fairy king level is terrifying!

"Quickly, give me the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram, otherwise you and I may be in danger!"

In the ear, Tuoba Tianxi's voice came again, showing a sense of anxiety and solemnity. Obviously, Zuoqiu Taiwu also brought great pressure to Tuoba Tianxi.

"Want to give it a go with the Hunyuan Liangyi diagram?"

Zuoqiu Taiwu's eyes were like lightning, and he seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, "As a professor of the academy, I advise you not to make mistakes."

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on Chen Xi, already showing a complicated look, and said, "Let's watch a good show with peace of mind, don't be blinded by hatred."


As soon as the voice fell, Zuoqiu Taiwu suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment he was in front of Tuoba Tianxi, and he slapped him.

This palm seems to protrude from the ancient times, engulfing the power of the supreme avenue, simple and simple, without a trace of fireworks, but it goes forward indomitably, as if it wants to break all the shackles in front of it!

At this moment, Chen Xi only felt a stabbing pain in front of his eyes, a roar in his ears, and his entire body was under an irresistible pressure, and he was about to collapse, like a straw in a stormy sea, he could neither see nor hear anything. ... completely lost all perception.

And this is just a ray of energy that overflowed during the battle at the half-step Immortal King level. If it was specifically aimed at him, Chen Xi would have suspected that he would have died in an instant!


There was another surge of terrifying power, and Chen Xi felt his eyes go dark, and he completely lost consciousness.



After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi heard a burst of weeping and complaining wind, and then, countless images suddenly flashed in his consciousness...

Almost instantly, he sat up abruptly, scanning his surroundings vigilantly.

The night was like ink, the blood-colored sand and dust glowed with a strange luster under the silver starlight, and the whimpering night wind blew, like a ghost crying.

Obviously, this place is still in the Scarlet Desert.

"I didn't die..."

Chen Xi hurriedly checked the items on his body, and found that none of them were missing. This made him feel relieved. Thinking of the scene before he lost consciousness, he couldn't help being a little dazed. In the duel, who will win?

"you're awake."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded.

It was only then that Chen Xi noticed that on a low rock thousands of meters away from him, there was a skinny and hunched figure sitting cross-legged, and it was impossible to perceive his existence with only his sense of immortality.

Zuoqiu Taiwu!

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, but his face remained calm. He stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen you, senior."

"Tuoba Tianxi was instigated by others, and now he has apologized and left. From now on...he will no longer be able to threaten you." Zuoqiu Taiwu stood up and walked with his hands behind his back.

Under the night, the wrinkles on his cheeks became deeper and deeper, like a secular old man in his dying years, people worried that a gust of wind would kill him.

But Chen Xi knew very well that this was a half-step immortal king who had lived in seclusion in the Dao Emperor Academy for an unknown number of years, not to mention a gust of wind, even if the sky fell, he wouldn't be able to hurt him.

But right away, Chen Xi didn't care to pay attention to these, he was already shocked by the meaning revealed in Zuoqiu Taiwu's words, could it be that Tuoba Tianxi was really going to deal with him this time?

"You did a good job, you didn't hand over the Hunyuan Liangyi map to Tuoba Tianxi, otherwise I would have a little difficulty in taking him down."

Zuoqiu Taiwu came in front of Chen Xi, stared at Chen Xi with cloudy eyes for a long time, and finally only said, "Hatred sometimes blinds the eyes and makes people dull. I only hope that you will gradually understand all of this in the future."

After all, he turned and drifted away.


Chen Xi shouted loudly, but there was no trace of Zuoqiu Taiwu anymore, only the sobbing wind resounded.

For a moment, Chen Xi was completely stunned.

He vaguely understood something, but he couldn't be sure, but in short, this bizarre encounter made him feel that Zuoqiu Taiwu had no malice towards him.

He even helped himself resolve a catastrophe!

"Could it be that Tuoba Tianxi...is the method Zuoqiu Clan prepared to kill himself? Half-step Immortal King, they really think highly of themselves..."

While muttering to himself, Chen Xi's expression became calmer and indifferent little by little, and a coldness rose in his pair of deep black eyes.

"Hatred can cover my eyes, but it can't cover my heart. Some hatred is destined to be paid in blood, isn't it..."


ps: The monthly ticket dropped 20 at once, wipe away my tears~··~

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