divine talisman

Chapter 1252 The Heart of the Great Dao [Part 2]

What is hatred?

Maybe all living beings in the world have different explanations for this, but for Chen Xi, he has been accompanied by hatred almost all the time since he practiced.

There are really too many things on his shoulders. If it were someone else, he would have been overwhelmed by such a heavy burden, or even collapsed.

But Chen Xi didn't. He has been moving forward silently and persistently. From the Great Chu Dynasty to the Xuanhuan Realm, from the Xuanhuan Realm to the Immortal Realm, only he can understand the thorns and wind and rain, the ups and downs and tribulations along the way. .

All of this is due to hatred.

Therefore, he has a profound understanding of hatred beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, he was never blinded by hatred.

If not, how could he get to where he is today?

Chen Xi was never a person who killed innocent people indiscriminately. On the contrary, he was willing to help those companions, those friends. When he saw injustice, he would not stand idly by, and he would not be soft-hearted when dealing with enemies.

He has always followed the way of heaven and abided by his heart!


In the following time, Chen Xi was like an experienced interstellar hunter, shuttling through every planet in the Nightmare Battlefield, looking for the shadow of the enemy, and then hunting down the target.

He has seen all kinds of alien races outside the territory, and found many kinds of fairy materials, rare treasures, and minerals that are only abundant outside the territory...

Similarly, he also encountered dangers and ambushes again and again, but for him now, none of them were fatal.

After all, this chaotic nightmare battlefield is a medium-sized battlefield, and most of the foreign powerhouses distributed in it are below the strength of the Daluo rank, so it is impossible to pose any threat to Chen Xi.

In short, compared with the previous encounters in the Immortal King's Tomb and the shocking changes in the Blood Ink Planet, this kind of hunting experience seems a bit dull and calm.

two months later.

Moon Spirit Star.

On the top of a lonely and steep mountain peak, the moonlight is like water, sprinkled with a piece of silvery light, the breeze is gentle, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and there are waves of low-pitched beast roars in the distance, making this place even more quiet and quiet.

Chen Xi casually sat on the side of the cliff, holding a wine gourd, looking up at the bright starry sky.

The mountain wind was blowing, the green shirt was fluttering, the long black hair was swaying freely, and the full moon above the head sprinkled the clear light, bathing his whole body in a soft luster.

Xiao Xing lazily lay beside him, licking a bone with his tongue.

"When everything is settled, I must go and see where the end of the avenue is..."

Quietly looking at the sky filled with stars, Chen Xi didn't know what to think of, and the corners of his lips curled up, and he suddenly smiled, and tilted his head to drink the wine in the pot.

Then, he stood up, raised his head to the sky and screamed——

without a big heart,

The sky has no horizon.

If you ask where your heart is,

What is the right way.

At that time riding the wind,

Octopus free travel.

Avenue invites me to raise a glass together,

I laugh at Dao Dao too affectionately!

The sound is like a clear and clear bell, piercing the sky, and the words are like thunder rolling, spreading across the entire Yueling Star in an instant, echoing in the boundless starry sky...

At this moment, all the creatures inhabiting on the Moon Spirit Star stopped their movements and listened quietly. There was no panic in their expressions, but a hint of intoxication, as if listening to the Zen music of the Great Dao.

Every word seems to be filled with the rhythm of the Dao, but if you read it carefully, you will find that it is just a very simple poem, but the voice of reciting this poem makes this poem covered with strands of Dao rhyme.

Dao has no name at all, but the strong name is Dao.

The poem has no rhyme, and the sound is combined with the way.


With a long howl, the hostility accumulated in Chen Xi's heart during the past two months of training was swept away, and his Dao heart became firmer and purer by three points.

Since he entered the Immortal World, he has been hunted down almost endlessly, entered the Dao Emperor Academy, and experienced many competitions and suppressions, until he entered this chaotic nightmare battlefield. Grinding, tasted great joy and anger, great sorrow and hatred.

All of these are accumulated in the heart, turning into a kind of experience and precipitating, and at this time, with a long cry, the accumulated experience of these days will finally be transformed and sublimated!

His heart is no longer fettered by the past.

His vision has been fixed on the top of the avenue!


Yunmeng City.

In front of the central square, the atmosphere was silent and oppressive, and the air seemed to be frozen.

The assessment of the Chaotic Nightmare Battlefield has come to an end, and many students from the seven colleges have completed the assessment and returned to the city one after another.

It stands to reason that this time was originally a moment worthy of joy and celebration, but for some reason, the faces of many old antiques present were extremely ugly.

Especially the leading instructors of the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, their faces were so gloomy that they almost dripped water.Even the professors of Yunlan, Daoxuan, and Fengchuan College all looked a little surprised.

Only Zhou Zhili and the others from the Daohuang Academy had weird expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to laugh out loud, but they couldn't bear to laugh at this time, lest it hurt other people's nerves.

The different reactions of the professors of the seven major colleges also appeared on the children of the seven major colleges, with gloomy expressions, uncertain expressions, or strange expressions.

All of this originated from one person—Chen Xi!

"Excessive! Really excessive! This is the battlefield of the Three Realms and the extraterritorial. They were supposed to fight against each other and kill the strong outside the region together, but now, that kid named Chen Xi is killing me and many other children. Such a despicable and cruel act , is simply outrageous!"

All of a sudden, a teacher from Changkong Academy couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and yelled out loudly. His Taoist name is Chi Lingzi, and he has the hottest temper.

It's not his fault that he got angry, this time in the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield, he was the one who lost the most among the students of Changkong Academy, 50 people went, but only [-] people returned.

"In my opinion, this son has no doubts about those alien races. He is ruthless and unscrupulous. This time, we will definitely not spare him!"

A professor at the Blight Academy also snorted coldly, his voice almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Why, are you Daohuang Academy not planning to express your opinion until now? Are you still planning to cover up this little devil who kills without batting an eye?"

Seeing that at this time, Zhou Zhili and the others acted like nothing had happened, shut up and kept silent, that Chi Lingzi became even more enraged, and sternly accused him.

The professors and students of other colleges also glared at them.

"Everyone, calm down. Since it is an assessment, there will inevitably be confrontations and casualties. What's more, this is in the battlefield of chaos and nightmares. It is inevitable... well, there will be some accidents."

Seeing this, Dong Junhou, the great figure in the fairy court who sits in Yunmeng City, immediately came forward to smooth things over, but inside and outside the words, he was slightly partial to Daohuang Academy.

This made the professors and students in other colleges more dissatisfied and angry.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this for now, this son not only killed people, but also robbed the black and yellow gourd, which is the most important treasure of my college. There must be an explanation for this, right?"

Chi Lingzi gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face.

"There is also the Hate Sky Seal of my Kuji Academy!"

"My Qingdou Palace Lantern of the Great Wilderness Academy!"

Chi Lingzi's words, as soon as these words came out, immediately resonated with the other two major academies, especially when these two treasures were mentioned, those professors almost ran away with hatred and burst into anger.

This time, even Dong Junhou could only smile wryly, and sigh in his heart. He never thought that when he entered Daohuang Academy, he thought that Yun Fusheng was the first-class madman in the world. How could he ever think that this Chen Xi is even stronger than Yun Fusheng back then? Crazy three points, all the murders and treasures have been done to the other three colleges...

At this time, Zhou Zhili was no longer silent, coughed dryly, and shrugged helplessly, "I also understand the feelings of fellow Taoists, but this is an assessment, and there is no rule that does not allow it."


Chi Lingzi cursed so loudly that he almost spat on Zhou Zhili's face, "You can kill people and seize treasures without rules? It's just unreasonable!"

"Hmph, this old man doesn't care what the rules are, if we don't hand over Chen Xi this time, we won't agree!" The professors from other colleges also spoke up one after another.

This time, Zhou Zhili seemed to be irritated, his face darkened, his eyes coldly glanced at the professors of the other colleges, and said: "As far as I know, with Chen Xi's temperament, if the children of your college didn't provoke him, But nothing like this will ever happen.”

"Brother Zhou, you don't need to explain too much. If you are inferior to others, you still find fault. You deserve to be slaughtered!" Wang Daolu interrupted coldly, and dropped a sentence full of disdain.

These words immediately hurt the hearts of many students from other colleges, making their eyes want to breathe fire.

"So, you don't plan to hand over?"

Chi Lingzi took a deep breath, and said word by word, the expression between his brows was determined to kill, which was tantamount to an ultimatum.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense.

Dong Junhou frowned, but was stopped by Zhou Zhili with a wave of his hand. He stretched a long waist, and then a smile suddenly appeared on his unsmiling cheeks, and he said leisurely: "It's been many years, and I haven't exchanged ideas with you. , if I can stand today, I will settle a regret in my heart."

The implication is, either fight or shut up, anyway we will not hand over Chen Xi, the words seem to be peaceful, but in fact they imply extremely strong.

So far, the atmosphere in the arena has become extremely chilling and tense, and the battle is imminent.

"Seniors, take your time!"

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice resounded through the air. Accompanied by the voice, a tall and handsome figure appeared out of thin air. His face was clear and handsome, and his black eyes were as deep as the starry sky. It was Chen Xi.

Seeing Chen Xi, everyone in the arena became agitated, especially the teachers and children of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong Academy, who made no secret of their hatred and murderous intentions, ready to move.

Zhou Zhili and the others frowned, but they didn't say much. They were confident that they could still control the situation, and they would naturally be able to protect Chen Xi's security.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi came straight to Zhou Zhili as if nothing had happened, and handed over a jade slip: "Senior, everything happened is recorded in the jade slip, so that everyone can see who is right at a glance. What's wrong, it's not that I, Chen Xi, are ruthless, it's that they... came to the door looking for it."


ps: In the previous chapters, I wrote some questions about who has the strongest mining technology, and someone actually told me, you are wrong, goldfish, and Chen Xi should be the spiritual chef of the New Oriental Chef School... What he said makes sense, I I'm speechless...

In addition, a simple poem in this chapter was written by me, and Daoist Benji also wrote a better one. I will post about the work later, and interested children's shoes can give me some pointers.

Finally, ask for the monthly ticket ~ there are 21 monthly tickets, and there will be more changes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

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