divine talisman

Chapter 1253 Whispering away [Part 1]

Come to find a draw!

Hearing such unkind words, the originally gloomy faces of many people present became even more ugly.

However, at this point, most of their attention was still attracted by the jade slip that Chen Xi handed to Zhou Zhili.

Some children vaguely guessed something, and their expressions changed slightly.

But most people were still very curious about what was recorded in that jade slip that made Chen Xi so confident that he didn't shy away from showing up here due to the tense situation.

This is a mirage jade slip.

Zhou Zhili could tell at a glance that out of his confidence in Chen Xi, he hardly hesitated, so he said in a deep voice, "Next, let's not discuss who is right and who is wrong, first take a look at this piece of jade slip, and then How about making a decision?"

Seeing the calm and calm Chen Xi, and Zhou Zhili's calm and forceful attitude, the expressions of the professors in the other colleges changed slightly, and they vaguely felt that something bad was about to appear in the situation...


Without waiting for them to agree or not, Zhou Zhili directly activated the Mirage Jade Slip, condensing a light curtain, which appeared in the air, so that everyone present could clearly see everything in the light curtain.

The light curtain changed, and the first scene was quickly condensed. It was in the passage of impermanence in the tomb of the fairy king. Chen Xi was sprinting among the undead bats alone, but he was slandered and insulted by Le Qianchuan and others from Changkong Academy. threaten.

The reason was that a disciple of the Sky Academy was killed by an undead bat, and these people all poured their anger on Chen Xi. For all of this, Chen Xi never refuted or paid any attention to it.

"Long Sky Academy is really nice!"

Seeing this, Zhou Zhili had no expression on his face, and made a cold comment.

Hearing this, the faces of Chi Lingzi and others from the Changkong Academy turned pale, and they glared at the disciples around them, as if they hated iron for being weak.

The picture changed, and the scene of Chen Xi being ambushed suddenly flashed in the light curtain. It was in front of the bronze portal in the channel of impermanence, and the one who attacked Chen Xi was the power of the black and yellow gourd sacrificed by Le Qianchuan.

With this blow, Chen Xi's whole body was smashed against the bronze door, coughing up blood from his lips, he was almost wiped out, it was extremely thrilling.

Seeing this, the expressions of Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu and other Daohuang Academy professors all darkened, their eyes were filled with coldness, and there was already a trace of chill in their breath.

"Slandering the disciples of my Daohuang Academy, but also sneak attacking and murdering them is really a good way!" Zhou Zhili commented in a deep voice, with a trace of sullen indifference in his voice.

On the other hand, Chi Lingzi and other members of Changkong Academy all looked embarrassed and uncertain.

Of course they knew why Le Qianchuan and the others hated Chen Xi so much. It was simply because of the humiliation that Yun Fusheng brought to their academy back then, but they still didn't expect that Chen Xi would record all of this!

Seeing this scene, everyone in other colleges felt more and more uneasy, worrying that some embarrassing scenes would appear in the light curtain next.

But no matter what everyone present thought, the light curtain kept changing and showing scenes, and it was impossible to stop it.

The third scene in the Mirage Jade Slips takes place in a main hall in Emperor Yu's Jiuding Palace, where the disciples from the three major colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong are besieging Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Fozi Zhenlv.

The situation is at stake!

Seeing this, the expressions of Zhou Zhili and the others became more and more gloomy. They could imagine that in the tomb of the fairy king, the children of their own academy must have experienced many dangers, but they never expected that, except for those in the tomb of the fairy king, The threats of his own children were actually attacked by other colleges!

The expressions of the professors in other colleges were all livid and stiff, no longer the aggressive look before, but wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Next, what was shown on the light curtain was the scene of Chen Xi fighting alone against the children of the three major colleges. The bloody process was shocking and attracted a lot of attention.

But all of this, compared with the previous scenes, is no longer the focus of everyone's attention.

At this point, the light curtain completely disappeared.

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely silent and suppressed.

Zhou Zhili and the others looked gloomy, and the expressions of the professors in other colleges were not much better.

"Even if the children of our academy are acting a little too aggressively, it is still a kind of confrontation and competition. There is no need to hurt them, right?"

After a while, Chi Lingzi spoke, his voice was low, and there was anger and unwillingness in his voice.

"I'm sorry, most of those people were not dead, but I couldn't hold back and killed them all."

At this moment, without waiting for Zhou Zhili and others to reply, Ji Xuanbing suddenly stepped forward, with a calm expression, and said frankly.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

The teachers in other academies naturally know who Ji Xuanbing is. The leader of the younger generation of the ancient imperial family is quite famous in the four great immortal continents. How could they not know him?

It was precisely because he knew the power represented by Ji Xuanbing's identity that it was unbelievable when he admitted that he had killed so many students from the three major academies.

"It's a pity that he shot too quickly, otherwise I wouldn't let them go so easily."

At this time, Zhao Mengli also opened her red lips lightly, and spoke indifferently, her quiet and pleasant voice contained no trace of emotion, which made many people's expressions sink.

"When I am promoted to Saint Immortal, I will visit the three colleges one by one. At that time, please give me your advice."

Almost at the same time, Zhenlu, the son of the Buddha, dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, uttered the Buddha's name and spoke calmly.

These two people, one is a descendant of the real phoenix of the Phoenix family, and the other is a leader of the younger generation of the Buddhist world, but at this time, like Ji Xuanbing, they unabashedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, which made everyone present There was another wave of ups and downs in everyone's heart.

Chen Xi was also slightly startled, and immediately understood Ji Xuanbing's intentions vaguely, and a faint smile could not help but appear on the corners of his lips.

"But no matter what, we have to return the Xuanhuang Gourd from the Sky Academy, right?" Chi Lingzi gritted his teeth, and spoke heavily, with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

This sentence seems to be no different from being soft.

No way, no matter how aggrieved Chi Lingzi felt, after seeing the mirage jade slip, he knew that this time it was their fault and he had no one to blame.

"It's very simple to ask me to return it. After I return to the academy, just show your sincerity and come to exchange." Chen Xi said without hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, everyone could hear that this was obviously an intention to ask the other party to pay a price, so that Chen Xi would "return to Zhao completely".

And the so-called "sincerity" is no different from asking all over the sky and waiting to pay back the money!

If it was normal, if a Daluo Jinxian dared to talk to him like this, a half-step fairy king like Chi Lingzi would have to slap him to death, but now, they obviously dare not do so.

There's no way, Zhou Zhili and the others are still staring at him.

Therefore, they could only endure the overwhelming anger in their hearts and accept this extremely rude condition.

"Is it... too cheap for them?" Wang Daolu suddenly frowned and asked.

"Well, I feel the same way. Our Daohuang Academy obviously suffered a lot from this experience." Zhou Zhili nodded.

As soon as these words came out, the cheeks of Chi Lingzi and the others twitched violently, too much!The guys in the Royal Academy, no matter how old or young, there is no good thing!

"Hmph! I hope you take good care of it. If you lose it, you won't be able to compensate even if you have nine lives!"

Chi Lingzi put down a harsh word, and turned around directly with the students of Changkong Academy. There was no way, he was really worried that those guys from Zhou Zhili would put forward some excessive conditions.

Seeing this, the two major colleges of Kuji and Dahuang also walked away with gloomy expressions.

As for the professors and children of the three major colleges of Yunlan, Daoxuan, and Fengchuan, they have been watching all this with cold eyes. Apart from feeling the strength of Daohuang Academy in their hearts, they can't help secretly rejoicing that they didn't provoke the thorns of these Daohuang Academy this time, otherwise I'm afraid the end will be no different from that of Changkong Academy.

After that, there was no further disturbance. Everyone left one after another and began to rest. Then, they would leave Yunmeng City tomorrow and return to their respective colleges.

But before leaving, Marquis Dong Jun ordered that a banquet be held in the Central Hall at night to celebrate the students of the various colleges who have successfully completed their experience. The three most outstanding children on the battlefield.


"Chen Xi, you did a good job!"

After everyone left one after another, Zhou Zhili praised Chen Xi with a smile. This was a rare compliment. After all, in the impression of everyone, Zhou Zhili had always been serious and unsmiling. Few people had seen him praise others with a smile.

"Senior is wrong."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, only then did he notice that apart from Zhou Zhili, Wang Daolu, and Zuoqiu Taiwu, there was no Tuoba Tianxi in the arena.

"Take a good rest and meet at the central hall at night. I am looking forward to your performance in the chaos battlefield this time."

After Zhou Zhili finished speaking, he left with Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu.

Originally, Chen Xi planned to take the opportunity to ask Zuoqiu Taiwu about some things, but seeing such a scene, he had no choice but to give up.


Suddenly, Chen Xi seemed to be aware of it, and his eyes glanced to one side, only to see Zuoqiu Jun staring at him from a distance, with no concealment of resentment and hatred in his expression.

It's not just Zuoqiu Jun, those Zuoqiu's children, including Ao Zhanbei and other old students, also look like this. This is also very normal. They were beaten up by Chen Xi in the Immortal King's Tomb, so it is impossible for them to treat Chen Xi Xi has any good feelings.

"You Zuoqiu Clan...seem to have failed again."

Seeing this, Chen Xi turned to Zuo Qiujun with a smile and said something inexplicable.

Everyone was at a loss when they heard this, but Zuoqiu Jun couldn't control his complexion to change slightly. In addition to the resentment and hatred in his eyes, there was even a hint of bewilderment in his eyes. It seemed that he didn't expect how Chen Xi could get out of the chaos safely. The battlefield returns...


The second update is around 10:[-].

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