divine talisman

Chapter 1254 Who is No. 1 [Part 2]

Regarding Zuoqiu Jun's reaction, Chen Xi didn't care at all.

Two years ago, when he first entered Daohuang Academy, he was really afraid of Zuoqiu Jun, because at that time he was only in the middle stage of Xuanxian, and the other party was already a Daluo Jinxian.

But now, he is already in the middle of Daluo, almost invincible among his peers, so he will no longer focus on Zuoqiu Jun.

If he hadn't gone out to practice with Zhou Zhili and other academy veterans this time, he would have thousands of ways to kill him, but even though he was currently restricted and couldn't do anything to Zuo Qiujun, Chen Xi was not in a hurry.

There is still a long way to go in life, and there is always a chance to kill each other.

To put it more directly, Zuoqiu Jun's existence can no longer pose any threat to Chen Xi, so he naturally doesn't care about the other party's attitude.

The next moment Chen Xi turned around and left.

Seeing Chen Xi leave, Zuoqiu Jun and the rest of the Zuoqiu clan's children looked extremely embarrassed. Two years ago, they might have no scruples to step forward to suppress Chen Xi, but now...no one dares to step forward provocative!

This means that flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year.


"Chen Xi."

However, when Chen Xi left, someone still chased him, and it was Ji Xuanbing.

Chen Xi still had a good impression of this young man from an ancient family who had shared a lot of pressure and hatred for him. When he saw him coming, he immediately stopped and said with a smile, "Brother Ji, what advice do you have?"

Ji Xuanbing smiled, and handed over a light blue book: "This is what Zhenlu asked me to give to you, and it is said to be able to repair a Buddhist treasure on your body."

Chen Xi was taken aback, the true law of the Buddha?


Ji Xuan smiled meaningfully, and said, "When he entered the second round of the academy's assessment, he once attacked you because of the Buddha treasure you carried on your body. Perhaps, he did this to express his apology to you."

Chen Xi immediately understood. Looking into the distance, he saw Zhenlu wearing a crescent-colored monk's robe standing there. When he saw himself looking over, he had a calm expression. He lowered his head and folded his hands together, then turned and walked away go.

"Then I will find a chance to thank Zhenli for her kindness."

Chen Xi smiled, and took the light blue book. He and Fozi Zhenlu didn't have any deep hatred. Now that the other party has expressed sincere apology, he naturally won't go into it further.


"It turned out to be the way to restore Shi'er's green lamp..."

In a dilapidated ancient building in Yunmeng City, Chen Xi sat cross-legged and looked at the light blue book in his hand. Inside it was a method of refining weapons recorded in ancient Buddhist texts, called "Seven Methods of Yunji", which was obscure. Xuan Ao is different from the refining methods in the Three Realms.

Because this is a method of tempering and shaping Buddha treasures, and it is a secret and untold means of refining in the Buddhist world.

According to the introduction of the "Seven Ways of Yunji", Chen Xi finally figured out that the Shi'er Blue Lantern was actually a well-known ancient Buddhist treasure in the Buddhist world, and it was refined by a great Buddha Lord in ancient times. Gong ginseng good fortune, infinite mystery.

Chen Xi still remembered that he obtained this green lantern of Shi'er from the sea of ​​bitterness in the Netherworld. That sea of ​​bitterness suppressed and buried many great figures in the ancient times, and naturally left behind many ancient treasures. This green lantern of Shi'er is one of them.

When Chen Xi harvested this treasure back then, he also obtained a volume of ancient jade slips, but what was recorded in the jade slips was the method of driving and nurturing the green lantern of Shi E, and there was no real method of restoration.

This made Chen Xi feel regretful all the time, so he could only place the green Shi'er lantern in the pagoda of the Buddha, and use the "purifying fire of Shi'er" in the lamp to conceive and raise the dilapidated pagoda of the Buddha.

"I didn't expect that there is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it. Could this be a karma that was preordained in the dark?"

The higher the level of cultivation, the more Chen Xi's mentality of looking at things becomes different from before, and he has a unique perception and understanding of secrets, numerology, astrology, and cause and effect.

It's like some things, which seem to be chaotic and have no intersection, but after careful analysis of the context, it is possible to deduce from it that it is too "coincidence".

That slight "coincidence" may be the beginning of a cause and effect.

"Owning the 'Seven Ways of Yunji' can restore the Buddha Pagoda, but unfortunately, the time is too short, and I have to leave tomorrow, so I can only wait until I return to the academy to repair these two Buddhist treasures. By then , maybe I will be able to see their true power..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and put away the light blue book in his hand.


As night fell, the central hall of Yunmeng City was brightly lit, just like daytime.

"Nine hunting targets in 310, haha, with such a record, he must be able to get a treasure from Dong Junhou."

"It's too early to say, just wait for now."

"Well, that's true, now only Chen Xi is missing."

"The three immortal treasures, one of the Taiwu rank and two of the Zhouguang rank, are roughly separated now. Shen Moli of Yunlan College has the most, with 310 nine hunting targets, followed by the true law of the Buddha. There are three hundred and seven, and the last one is Zhao Mengli, and three are 290. If there is no accident, these three fairy treasures must belong to the three of them."

"However, we will have to wait for Chen Xi from the Dao Emperor Academy to arrive before we can tell the result. After all, that little guy's fighting power is extraordinary."

"Old man, this time Shen Moli of your Yunlan Academy can perform so well. This is really beyond our expectations. His future achievements will be limitless."

"Haha, luck, just luck."

"Don't deny that luck is also a kind of strength. Some young people are amazingly talented, but their fate is lacking, their luck is extremely bad, and they die young in the end. It is a pity."

When Chen Xi arrived at the central hall, he heard a burst of noise coming from the hall, and the atmosphere seemed quite lively.

"Shen Moli?"

Chen Xi was startled, he was very unfamiliar with this name.

"Hey, that little guy is here."

"Quick, let him take out the Purple Ribbon Star of your Taoist Academy and see how many targets he has hunted and killed."

"Yes, yes, I am very curious about his performance in the Chaos Nightmare Battlefield."

When they saw Chen Xi's figure appearing outside the main hall, many people present all focused their eyes on Chen Xi.

The difference from before was that Chen Xi no longer felt much about this kind of attention. He didn't enjoy it, and he didn't feel uncomfortable either.

Under this kind of attention, he walked into the main hall, came to Zhou Zhili and others to salute one by one, and then took a seat on the side seat.

Looking from his angle, he could clearly see the center of the hall, on the case in front of Dong Junhou, there were three immortal treasures overflowing with precious light.

They are a Taiwu rank fairy treasure - the Falling Soul Bell, which is located in the center of the case, about palm height, and the whole body is black, with faint strands of frightening black awns emerging.

The other two Zhouguang-rank fairy treasures are the Yaoguang treasure streamer and the Sushui fairy knife, both of which are filled with fairy clouds, exuding aura of auspiciousness, and are extremely extraordinary. They are obviously fine treasures of the Zhouguang rank.

At the same time, Chen Xi also noticed that the three major academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong did not participate in the banquet held by Marquis Dong Jun this time.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, during the day, the three colleges have lost all face, so how can they be in the mood to participate in this kind of banquet.

"Huh? That guy is probably Shen Moli..."

Chen Xi keenly noticed that at the seat of the Yunlan Academy, there was a thin young man in purple who was looking at him. He had broad brows, deep eye sockets, and an extremely strong aura around him. At least he already possessed Da Luo's late stage cultivation.

Shen Moli's reason for Chen Xi's confrontation was very simple. The other party looked at him differently from other people's eyes. There was a faint hint of provocation, not to mention hostility. Obviously, the other party was obviously dissatisfied with him. as a goal.

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing in his heart, it's a good thing to challenge himself as a target, but he was worried that the other party would not be able to bear the heavy blow after failing that kind of challenge.

"Chen Xi, hand over your Purple Ribbon Star to me for a look."

At this time, Zhou Zhili on one side spoke.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi immediately took out the Purple Ribbon Star and handed it over.

Seeing this scene, the voices in the hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes were staring in this direction, with a faint sense of urgency in their eyes.

At this moment, Zhou Zhili couldn't help feeling a little nervous. In the past, the disciples of the Daohuang Academy had competed with the other six colleges more than once, and each had a win or loss, but the Daohuang Academy had the most chances of winning.

But all this is different from the past. Shen Moli appeared out of nowhere from Yunlan Academy, and actually hunted and killed more than [-] outsiders of the Daluo rank during the three-month training, and crushed the real Buddha in one fell swoop. Lu, Ji Xuanbing, and Zhao Mengli.

If it wasn't for Shen Moli, there would be no doubt at all, the top three positions would definitely be taken by Daohuang Academy, but it's a pity that this Shen Moli appeared.

If this young man is allowed to win the top spot, even if two of the Daohuang Academy have two of them rank among the top three in the joint training of the seven academies, it will not be any honor after all.

Fortunately, all of this is not over yet, because Chen Xi is still there.

"This kid can often do things that ordinary people can't imagine. This time, don't lose the chain..."

Zhou Zhili murmured in his heart, took a deep breath, and stared at the Star with Purple Ribbon. When he saw the number in the record column, his face froze, and the corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably. He was stunned there, not speaking for a long time.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall became more and more itchy. Does this expression mean that the grades are extremely poor, or is it good?

"Brother Zhou, what's the grade? Everyone is waiting. If the grade is slightly lower, I mean, if this is the case, then...don't read it."

Wang Daolu couldn't help saying something in a low voice.

"See for yourself." Zhou Zhili took a few deep breaths and handed over the Purple Ribbon Star.

So the next moment, everyone clearly saw that the corners of Wang Daolu's lips twitched uncontrollably, his hands trembled, and he almost threw the Purple Ribbon Star on the ground...


ps: The third update is around 1 o'clock in the morning.

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