divine talisman

Chapter 1256 Slave Trading [Part 1]

Thank you "Happy Doudian" children's shoes for your support~


Iris Immortal Island.

In the Zuoqiu clan.

In a simple and elegant courtyard, Zuo Qiukong stood silently, staring at the door that had been closed for so many years, his pair of black sword eyebrows could not help but gradually wrinkled as time passed.

In the end, the door was still closed and there was no sound. He sighed softly and was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, a voice filled with a deep majesty came from the closed door—"Kong'er, do you feel that you have done nothing wrong?"

Zuoqiu Kong's heart was shocked, he took a deep breath, lowered his head and said, "Father, don't you think... that wicked son shouldn't be killed?"


With just one title, the identity of the owner of the room was named, and he was the current Zuoqiu Clan's lord, Zuoqiu Feng!

"No wonder, Ah Xue said you were too young..."

Hearing this, Zuoqiufeng's sigh came from the room, "Your fault is not that you planned to kill that evil son this time, but that you didn't recognize the will of the old antiques in the clan."


Zuoqiu Kong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. When he saw his sister-in-law Zuoqiu Xue before, his thoughts were hit again and again. Now, even his father said he was too young. This is quite unconvinced.

"Yes, it's will!"

Zuoqiufeng's voice became serious, even stern, "Do you think Patriarch Taiwu ruined the action you planned? Wrong! It's because you didn't realize that to Patriarch Taiwu and the others, there was nothing in their eyes. Faction differences, not to mention betraying us to support your sister-in-law."

Zuo Qiukong was stunned, he vaguely understood something, but he was not sure.

"Remember, in their hearts there is only the word Zuoqiu. Other than that, even me, the patriarch, is not important, yet you actually borrowed the power of outsiders to kill Chen Xi under the eyes of Patriarch Taiwu. , this, has touched their bottom line."

Speaking of this, Zuoqiufeng was silent for a moment, and then sighed softly, "After all, in their view, the blood of my Zuoqiu clan is flowing through Chen Xi's body, and he is one of his own!"

When speaking of the word "one of my own people", there is an unavoidable hint of unspeakable hatred in the voice.

Only then did Zuoqiukong understand where he was wrong, and he couldn't help but frowned and said: "Father, so when I sent A Jun and Uncle Hong to visit Taiwu Patriarch, I was doomed to fail this operation?"

"You understand now? Patriarch Taiwu has been hiding in Daohuang Academy and doesn't care about world affairs, but even I dare not underestimate his influence in our clan. If you do this, if you push Patriarch Taiwu indirectly It's over to your sister-in-law."

Inside the door, Zuoqiufeng sighed deeply.

This made Zuoqiukong couldn't help but see a cloud of gloom on his eyebrows, and his originally calm and calm expression also became gloomy a little bit.

He never expected that he would be so wrong this time, and even, from the very beginning of his actions, he was doomed to fail...

"Go on, don't go out for a while."

"Father, when will you leave the customs and take charge of the overall situation of the family?" Zuo Qiukong couldn't help asking.

"Hurry up, just wait for... a chance to advance!"

Chance to advance!

Zuo Qiukong narrowed his eyes, bowed to the closed door, and turned to leave.


at the same time.

Douxuan Immortal City, in the teleportation array.

"Soul refining mine area? That's the place where the Immortal Mansion of Misty Immortal Continent detains the heaven abandoners from the lower realm. Chen Xi, your master is probably one..."

When she learned that Chen Xi was actually going to a place called Soul Refining Mining Area in Misty Immortal Continent, Xuanyuan Yun's eyes froze, and she was a little surprised.

Abandoning the sky refers to a kind of existence in the lower realms who do not want to ascend to the immortal realm, so they use secret techniques and forbidden methods to cover up the body of the immortal base, so as to avoid the detection of heaven.

For the Immortal World, such behavior of the Heaven Abandoner is disrespectful. Once discovered, not only will the Heaven Abandoner be forcibly extradited into the Immortal World, but also be severely punished.

And the Soul Refining Mining Area is an area in Misty Immortal Continent controlled by the Immortal Monarch's Mansion to punish those who forsaken the sky, and it is no different from a secular prison.

"Do you know the exact location of the soul refining mine?" Chen Xi asked.

Although Chen Xi didn't answer Xuanyuan Yun's question, he could vaguely judge that Chen Xi's master in the human world was probably a heaven abandoner.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart, he knew very well how miserable the fate of the Abandoned Heaven would be after being extradited to the Immortal Realm.

"It should be near Drunken Wind Immortal City."

Xuanyuan Yun replied, "But that place is hard to find. I do know some friends in Drunken Wind Immortal City, and I can inquire about it from them."

"Okay, that's the decision, but when I arrive at Drunken Wind Immortal City, I need to find someone first."

Chen Xi replied without hesitation.

"Who?" Xuanyuan Yun was startled.

"The little girl who delivered the message to me is named Qi Xiaoyu." Chen Xi replied calmly with deep eyes.


Misty Immortal Continent.

In Drunken Wind Immortal City, the sun is scorching in the sky, and the sky is blue.

Lan Kwai Fong is the most prosperous street market in Zuifengxiancheng, where there are many chambers of commerce, restaurants, treasure houses, medicine shops...there are all kinds of them.

However, Lan Kwai Fong is most famous for its slave trade.

The slaves sold here are not only prisoners of war from many realms outside the territory, but also some strange races in the Three Realms, such as the mermaids from the Fusang Sea, the fungus people the size of rice grains from the Guluo Abyss, and some from Yunni The Cloud Weaving Silkworm Girl of the Ice Field... and so on and so forth.

According to rumors, in Lan Kwai Fong, you can even buy slaves from the descendants of the Dragon Realm, the Phoenix Clan, and the declining ethnic groups in ancient times. Of course, these slaves are too special to buy and sell in the open. You can only meet each other in some secret black markets.

In short, the slave trade has become synonymous with Lan Kwai Fong, attracting countless customers from other Xianzhou to buy.

At noon, it is the busiest time of the day in Lan Kwai Fong. Many vendors display their stalls on both sides of the spacious street, shouting loudly and making a lot of noise.


"Well, the trace of aura left in the jade slip should belong to that Qi Xiaoyu. I searched with the method of immortal consciousness before, and vaguely caught a trace of aura that matches this Qi Xiaoyu, and it is here."

Among the bustling crowd, Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun walked side by side.

"This is the most famous slave trading place in Misty Immortal Continent. There are many people with mixed eyes and countless races..." Xuanyuan Yun looked around and said quickly.

"follow me."

Suddenly, Chen Xi seemed to have sensed something, and before Xuanyuan Yun could finish speaking, he dragged him to the distance quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two had arrived at a rather large slave trade stall.

It is said that it is a stall, but in fact it is no different from a small square. There is a platform standing inside it, and there are thousands of huge iron cages on the platform.

Impressively imprisoning slaves of various shapes in that iron cage, there are human races and other races, which are placed here for sale like goods.

The guards of these slaves were more than [-] immortals with sturdy looks, all of whom had cultivated in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. Such a force was quite conspicuous in this drunken fairy city.

At this time, there was a middle-aged merchant in front of the platform, who was talking endlessly about selling the slave in the iron cage to passers-by, and his service attitude was quite enthusiastic.

When Chen Xi arrived here, he was locked in one of the iron cages at first sight. Inside was a ragged girl with disheveled hair and hands shackled by iron chains. It can still be seen from the figure that the girl's appearance should not be too bad.

The fact is exactly like this. Chen Xi's deep gaze directly passed through the disheveled hair, and saw the young girl's face. She saw her brows and eyes were childish, her appearance was delicate and well-behaved, and her small diamond-shaped mouth was tightly pursed, revealing a lovely and pitiful look. smell.

What made Chen Xi frown was that the girl seemed to have been severely tortured and beaten before. There were patches of bruises on her fair skin, her small face was pale, and her eyes were dazed and dull. She was imprisoned in that icy iron cage. It made his situation look extremely miserable.

"Qi Xiaoyu?"

Chen Xi couldn't help but asked, and he could feel that there was a trace of aura left in the communication jade slip, which was exactly the same as the aura on the girl in front of him.

However, the girl didn't seem to respond, she looked lifeless and walking dead.

Chen Xi frowned. Just as he was about to continue asking, the middle-aged trader hurried over and said with a smile on his face, "My lord, did you take a fancy to this slave?"

Chen Xi glanced at the other party, then nodded.

"Sir, you have good eyesight. We bought this slave at a high price. She is born as a beautiful woman, and she is still a virgin. As for other wonderful things, I have to wait for you to discover them yourself. If you like it..."

Before the middle-aged merchant could finish speaking, Chen Xi frowned and interrupted, "Tell me, what's the price?"

"My lord is indeed a cheerful person. I don't want to talk nonsense. If you take out one hundred thousand immortal stones, this slave will be yours." A treacherous look flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged trader, and he made an offer with a smile.

"One hundred thousand?"

Chen Xi glanced at the other party, and said, "I can accept this price, but let me ask you, where did you buy this girl from?"

As soon as these words came out, a look of vigilance flashed across the face of the middle-aged trader, and immediately he smiled wryly and clasped his fists: "I'm sorry, my lord, this is a rule and cannot be leaked."

"Okay, let me ask you, what's her name?"

Chen Xi frowned.

"Slave, how can you have a name? If you like it, just buy her and get one."

The middle-aged merchant smiled.

"Okay, I want it."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and waved his hands.

The middle-aged trader was overjoyed and was about to say something when he saw the girl imprisoned in the iron cage suddenly raised her head and screamed, "No, I don't agree, I can't leave here, I... have to wait for someone else! "


The second update is at 10 o'clock, the third update is around 12 o'clock, and the fourth update is early in the morning. In addition, please ask for a monthly pass~

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