divine talisman

Chapter 1257 Golden Immortal King Tu [Part 2]

The scream was shrill, and there was a sense of stubbornness in the fear.

Chen Xi was startled, waiting for someone?

"Little bitch! Isn't it enough to deal with you these days? Somebody, beat me hard, and see if she dares to speak up!"

Seeing that the little bitch lost the chain with him at the critical moment, the middle-aged trader suddenly turned his face, flew into a rage, and cursed loudly.

Immediately, two vicious Xuanxian powerhouses stepped forward, across the iron cage, flicked the whip in their hands, and slapped the girl fiercely.


The iron whip pierced through the air, causing the air to emit a sharp crackling sound, exuding a ruthless force, if it continued, it would definitely kill the girl half to death.

At this critical juncture, Chen Xi suddenly let out a cold snort, which seemed normal, but it fell into the ears of those two profound immortals, but it was like a thunderbolt, which made them tremble all over, their qi and blood churned, and their spirits almost collapsed. The iron whip in his hand also fell softly, and this blow was also a failure.


The middle-aged merchant was extremely frightened and furious, and immediately seemed to realize something, his face suddenly changed, and there was a touch of awe in his expression, "My lord, what are you?"

The two Xuanxian powerhouses also looked at Chen Xi in amazement. They still couldn't believe it. The cold snort just now, how could they have such terrifying power? Could it be that the other party was a Da Luo Jinxian?

"Go away and stay!"

At this time, Xuanyuan Yun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stepped forward and slapped the middle-aged merchant on the face, causing the latter to howl, and the whole person flew upside down, spitting blood, in extreme embarrassment.

"Bastard, it turns out that you are looking for faults, come on, come on, catch me..."

The middle-aged trader roared ferociously, but before he could finish speaking, he felt his neck tighten, and he was lifted up, almost holding his breath.

clap clap clap...

Xuanyuan Yun's brows were filled with fear, and he slapped the opponent hard with clear and loud slaps, the whole head of the opponent was red and swollen, and he screamed like a pig being killed, which attracted the frequent attention of many passers-by nearby.

"Call again, and I'll kill you!"

Although Xuanyuan Yun was calm and low-key in the Dao Emperor Academy, in fact, as a child of the Xuanyuan family in ancient times, he was extremely proud in his bones. Now that he went out with Chen Xi, how could he take such a small businessman seriously?

That's right, in the eyes of Xuanyuan Yun and other children from ancient aristocratic families, no matter how powerful this middle-aged trader is in Drunken Wind Immortal City, he is still just a small character who can't stand on the stage.

So when he beat up the middle-aged trader, it could be said that he was unceremonious, even unreasonable. Of course, this was also because Chen Xi was here, otherwise he wouldn't bother to talk to him, so as not to get his hands dirty.

The middle-aged trader trembled in fright, shut up immediately, and just stared at Xuanyuan Yun and Chen Xi with resentment, looking ruthless as if he would want you to look after him later.

"Why, you want to do it too?"

Xuanyuan Yun turned his head abruptly, and glanced at the Xuanxian powerhouses who surrounded him. These people were all in the same group as the middle-aged trader, who had been guarding the surrounding slaves. When they saw the middle-aged trader being beaten, they immediately rushed over.

"Presumptuous! Don't you ask who we are? How dare you do it here?"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid to tell you that in this Drunken Wind Immortal City, no one dares to touch our Master Wang Tu's goods!"

"Release him quickly! Otherwise, you don't even want to leave Zuifeng Immortal City today!"

The more than twenty Xuanxian powerhouses all looked gloomy and shouted loudly, because the middle-aged merchant was still held by Xuanyuan Yun, which made them a little bit cautious, and they didn't dare to step forward to make a move.

"Brother Xuanyuan, tell them to shut up."

Chen Xi's expression was calm, and he softly opened his mouth to give an order, then he dodged and came to the platform, and with a wave of his sleeve, the iron cage where the young girl was held was turned into ashes.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Yun received Chen Xi's instruction, and immediately his expression lifted, a trace of coldness appeared on his rough and resolute face, and he suddenly said in a deep voice, "Kneel down!"

Accompanied by the sound, a terrifying coercion belonging to the Great Luojin Fairyland swept out, sweeping across the scene, only to hear a burst of thump, thump, thump, and the entire body of more than twenty Xuanxian powerhouses trembled, and they all knelt uncontrollably down!

They were angry and wanted to get up, but they couldn't struggle at all. They wanted to scream, but their throats seemed to be tightly clenched by an invisible big hand, their cheeks flushed, and they couldn't make a sound.

This is Lan Kwai Fong, and it is the busiest time of the day at this moment, with a turbulent flow of people. When seeing such a horrific scene, it immediately caused a wave of restlessness and uproar.

"Hey, isn't that Da Luo Jin Immortal Wang Tu's subordinate? This Wang Tu can control nearly half of the slave trade in Zuifeng Immortal City, and his power is so powerful that someone dares to smash his place?"

"Who are those two young men?"

"Shh, didn't you see that the young man's aura is terrifying, and he is also a Daluo realm?"

"Depending on the situation, Wang Tu has provoked a ruthless character this time."

"Hmph, I said long ago that it's not that I won't report. The time has not yet come. That Wang Tu has bullied men and women for many years. I don't know how many innocent people have been kidnapped and sold as slaves. Now he has finally suffered retribution. God open his eyes! .”

Regarding all these discussions, Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to them, he just stared at the girl in front of him, and said, "Are you Qi Xiaoyu?"

The girl was obviously in a state of fright, her small face was pale, she trembled all over when she heard the words, she shook her head repeatedly, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

Chen Xi frowned, took out the jade slip of communication, and said, "Then do you recognize this jade slip?"

When he spoke, there was already a touch of gentle power in his voice, like a warm spring, pouring into the girl's body, soothing her frightened soul.

Soothed by this kind of power, the girl's mood obviously tended to be quiet, but when her eyes fell on the jade slip in Chen Xi's palm, her eyes immediately opened wide, showing an unspeakable excitement.

Seeing this, Chen Xi had roughly confirmed that this girl must be that Qi Xiaoyu.

This also made him secretly relieved, according to the jade slip, Qi Xiaoyu obviously knew the situation of his master Liu Jianheng very well, if he found her, he would not worry about finding Liu Jianheng's whereabouts.

"You...you...are Uncle Liu's apprentice?" Qi Xiaoyu whispered, a little apprehensive and timid, but more excited and surprised.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of painful experience such an innocent girl has experienced during the days when she was reduced to a slave and imprisoned in this iron cage, to become so panicked and restless.

Chen Xi nodded, then frowned and said, "Since you are Qi Xiaoyu, why didn't you answer me just now?"

Hearing this, Qi Xiaoyu seemed to recall some bad memories, her whole body shivered, but in the end she still gritted her teeth and said: "I...I didn't dare to admit it before, they...they always test me like this, as long as I speak , they will...will..."

At the end of the talk, she hugged her knees, lowered her head and began to sob, with a terrified and helpless look of pain.

Although the words were vague, Chen Xi still understood that those slave traders must be worried that she would be rescued, so they often pretended to be strangers and called her name to test her. As long as she dared to respond, she would definitely be beaten severely.

The purpose of doing this is also easy to guess. During the transaction, if Qi Xiaoyu is discovered by her relatives and friends, as long as she does not admit it, no one can take her away. For those slave traders, this can also avoid a lot of trouble.

"These bastards are really damned..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a cold look appeared in his eyes. He originally hated this kind of slave trade, but seeing Qi Xiaoyu suffer so many misfortunes at this moment, he couldn't restrain a murderous desire in his heart.

It is true that the slave trade has long been commonplace in the fairy world, and Chen Xi is powerless to stop it, but now that such a thing is happening beside him, how can he stand idly by?

What's more, if it wasn't for Qi Xiaoyu's message, he wouldn't even know the whereabouts of Crazy Liu. Even if it was out of gratitude, he couldn't ignore what happened today!

"You...you hurry up, Wang Tu is the tyrant of Zuifeng Immortal City, he is extremely arrogant and ruthless, he...if he comes, you will definitely not be able to escape."

Suddenly, Qi Xiaoyu raised her head and said, actually wanting to persuade Chen Xi to leave, her expression was firm, and there was a faint flash of firmness in her eyes, "As long as, as long as you can rescue Uncle Liu, I... even if I'm sold, I won't... …it does not matter!"

Chen Xi was immediately moved, and a complex emotion welled up in his heart. After he came to the fairy world, he was hunted down almost all the time, so that he was unable to inquire about the news of his master Liu Jianheng. Feel quite guilty.

Seeing that this young girl is in a dangerous situation now, yet she still thinks of her master Liu Jianheng at all times, comparing the two makes Chen Xi feel even more uncomfortable.

"I'd like to see who the hell is, who dares to smash Wang Tu's place. If you don't give me an explanation today, don't blame Wang for being ruthless!"

At this moment, a cold and hoarse voice suddenly resounded in the field. Accompanied by the voice, the void not far away suddenly rolled, revealing a burly middle-aged man.

He was dressed in a black robe, with a bald head, long and narrow eyes, and a dark purple color on his lips, giving off a vicious, domineering, ruthless aura.

This person is Wang Tu, a famous Daluo Jinxian in Drunken Wind Immortal City, with arrogance and arrogance, it can be said that everyone knows him.

Seeing him appear, everyone in the nearby streets showed a touch of fear, and they dodged and retreated endlessly, leaving a huge open space between the venues.

Only Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun were standing in the open space, they were quite conspicuous. Of course, there were also the middle-aged businessman and the kneeling figure among them.

"Hehe, that's great! Not only is it smashing my Wang Tu's place, but also making my subordinates kneel down, it really is a good way!"

That Wang Tu's eyes swept across the audience, and when he saw those subordinates who were kneeling down, his face suddenly became cold and gloomy, and finally his eyes fell on Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun.


ps: I just had a sudden situation, I drank some wine, I will do the third update now, if I can't hold on, I will make up the fourth update tomorrow~ I feel dizzy and uncomfortable~

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