divine talisman

Chapter 1258 No piece of armor left [Part 3]

Accompanied by Wang Tu's voice, a stern and icy oppressive aura suddenly filled the whole world, causing everyone nearby to back away again.

Wang Tu is a Daluo Jinxian. Once he gets angry, he will never recognize his relatives. If it is affected, he will definitely die.

Seeing this, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He helped Qi Xiaoyu up, took out a coat to wrap her slender body, then patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Wait with peace of mind, it will be over soon."

Qi Xiaoyu was stunned, looking at Chen Xi's calm and calm expression, the originally fearful and restless mood in his heart became much calmer for no reason...

"Do you want me..." Seeing this, Xuanyuan Yun couldn't help asking Chen Xi for his opinion.

Chen Xi waved his hand: "Leave it to me."

Xuanyuan Yun was stunned, and said no more, but felt a little sympathetic to that Wang Tu in his heart...

"Haha, bastard! Do you think you can still make waves today?"

Seeing Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun talking as if no one was around, Wang Tu's expression became more gloomy and cold, and he couldn't help laughing out loud again. The next moment, he teleported out of thin air, arrived in front of Chen Xi, and slapped his angry head with his palm.


The wind in the palm was overwhelming, wrapped in a ferocious black luster, it squeezed the void, it was extremely frightening.

It can also be seen from this that Wang Tu, as the top tyrant of Zuifeng Immortal City, is quite powerful.

However, in Chen Xi's eyes, all of this was like a child playing house, there was no threat at all, and he didn't see him making any moves. An invisible force field gushed out, and the last strike came first, and it was directly slammed on the ground. On the opponent's cheek.


Wang Tu's ferocious face was suddenly crushed by a huge force, his cheekbones shattered and collapsed, his teeth were splashed with blood, and his whole body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.


All the people present who witnessed this scene gasped in unison, horrified.

They didn't know that the young man in front of them was not only the No.1 freshman of Daohuang Academy, but also the No.1 in the inner court assessment. How can a Wang Tu be comparable?

No matter how strong this Wang Tu is, he is still only a tyrant in a fairy city in Misty Immortal Continent, and Chen Xi is the No.1 freshman of the No. [-] academy in the fairy world!

Comparing the two, it is like the difference between a dragon and an ant. Wang Tu is really not enough.

Before Wang Tu's figure landed on the ground, Chen Xi's figure flickered, like an arrow leaving the string, he slammed his hand out ahead of him, easily grabbed the opponent's neck, and held it in his hand like a carrot.


This time, Chen Xi slammed his fist on the opponent's cheek, causing the bridge of the opponent's nose to collapse, the entire cheek was sunken, and the plasma burst like a waterfall.


Wang Tu howled miserably, of course the sinister and domineering aura was gone, like a deformed puppet, he was smashed to the ground by this punch, and the rock collapsed, revealing a human-shaped hole.

Everyone was horrified, the hairs all over his body suddenly sprouted, and his eyes almost fell out. The ordinary and incomparable Wang Tu was beaten like... a dead dog!

Who is this young man?

How could there be such a terrifying combat power?

And that Qi Xiaoyu was even more stunned, rubbing his eyes, thinking he was dazzled...

"Aren't you going to be ruthless? Stand up!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, Chen Xi stood in the air like a god of killing, his gaze coldly looking down at Wang Tu on the ground.

"You... who are you? How did I, Wang Tu, provoke you?"

Wang Tu's face was covered with blood and flesh, and he stood up tremblingly, looking at Chen Xi in mid-air, his voice was already filled with uncontrollable fear.

At this moment, he finally understood that he had kicked the iron plate this time, and the opponent's terrifying fighting power had already made him feel a kind of deep fear and despair.


Chen Xi didn't answer, his expression was ice-cold, he pressed with one hand, and an invisible palm print suppressed it. Wang Tu was slapped on the ground again like a toad, bleeding all over his body, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

However, Wang Tu's vitality is extremely tenacious. Under such circumstances, he still didn't pass out. He just lay on the ground, coughing up blood intermittently and asked, "I... I... What's wrong? Can I die? Do you understand a little bit?"

Everyone was terrified. Seeing Wang Tu's tragic situation, their hearts jumped with fear. This young man's methods were too terrifying, and it was beyond their imagination to deal with Wang Tu effortlessly.

Facing Wang Tu's dying question, Chen Xi did not say a word. He was simmering with anger all the time. There was guilt towards Liu Jianheng and distress for Qi Xiaoyu. The anger in his heart.

However, when he saw more and more people gathered around, he finally stopped, came to Qi Xiaoyu, and said, "Let's go, take me to see my master."

Qi Xiaoyu nodded in a daze, still not recovering from the shock.

"Chen Xi, what about these people?" Xuanyuan Yun, who had been watching coldly, couldn't help asking.

Chen Xi turned his gaze to Qi Xiaoyu and asked for her opinion. This girl didn't know what kind of tragic ordeal she had encountered these days. It was also necessary for her to make a break with this matter, so as not to affect her heart in the future. .


Qi Xiaoyu is obviously too kind, so she seems a little hesitant, which also proves from the side that she is too immature and has not yet condensed a decisive heart.

But it was also because of this that Chen Xi felt more and more fond of her. In this world, kind people always appear so weak and powerless, but it is also because of this that they are respected more and more.

Because it is their kindness that makes people feel that the world is not so ugly and dark.

"I'll help you decide."

Xuanyuan Yun couldn't hold back for a long time, seeing that Qi Xiaoyu couldn't make a decision, he immediately jumped out and smashed Wang Tu's head with a slap, as casually as smashing a watermelon.

Afterwards, his figure flickered again and again, like a cloud in the wind, he killed the middle-aged trader, including the more than twenty Xuanxianjing subordinates, leaving no one alive.

After finishing all this, Xuanyuan Yun let out a long breath of foul air, and said with a smile: "I've had enough of these bastards, and killing them now, my thoughts really have a lot of insight."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding audience couldn't help but tremble. How sacred are these two young people? How can killing people be as easy as drinking water and eating...

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't say anything, just nodded to Xuanyuan Yun, then turned around and left with Qi Xiaoyu.

He couldn't wait any longer, and desperately wanted to see Liu Jianheng.


As soon as Chen Xi and the others left, the whole of Lan Kwai Fong erupted into a commotion, and horrified discussions arose.

"Oh my god, Wang Tu was killed in the street!"

"Who are those two young men? Could it be the children of Misty Immortal Mountain? No, the disciples of Misty Misty Mountain would not have killed Wang Tu so ruthlessly."

"Hmph, this is called retribution, the cycle of karma, repeated trials and tribulations, you must know that there are gods who stand tall and do evil, and there will be no good rewards in the end!"


"Soul refining mine?"

"Well, Uncle Liu has been imprisoned there since he was extradited to the Immortal Realm. Originally, according to the criminal laws of the Immortal Court, Uncle Liu could leave in just ten years, but the Huanglong Jinxian in the Soul Refining Mine has been detaining Liu. Uncle, not only did he not let him leave, he often tortured him until he was almost exhausted."

Outside Drunken Wind Immortal City, Chen Xi brought Qi Xiaoyu to fly in mid-air while asking for news about his master Liu Jianheng.

"Then who is Huanglong Jinxian?"

When he heard that Liu Jianheng had suffered so many hardships after entering the fairy world, Chen Xi's heart became more and more angry, but his expression became more and more calm and indifferent.

"He is a subordinate of the Immortal Mansion in Misty Immortal Continent, and is responsible for controlling the Soul Refining Mining Area."

Speaking of this, Qi Xiaoyu seemed to think of something, but she was not sure, so she hesitated for a long time before saying, "I heard... that Huanglong Jinxian seems to have something to do with Misty Immortal Mountain, and the reason why Uncle Liu was persecuted like this is because of that Instigated by Misty Immortal Mountain."

Misty fairy mountain!

Hearing this name, Chen Xi recalled too many past events in an instant. As early as when he was in Xuanhuanyu Jiuhua Sword Sect, he knew very well that the power of Jiuhua Sword Sect in the fairy world has suffered from the cooperation of many hostile forces. Strike, and finally wiped out.

And this misty fairy mountain is one of the hostile forces!

The reason why it is so clear is naturally because of one person——Qiu Yunsheng. This person went down to the realm and planned to take away the sword of Dao under the 99th floor of the Jiuhua Sword School's sword cave, but in the end he was killed by Qing Xiuyi. Captured in one fell swoop, forcing him to work for himself.

It's just that Chen Xi hadn't been in touch with this person since he arrived in the fairyland. If he hadn't come to this Misty Immortal Continent this time, and Qi Xiaoyu had mentioned the name of Misty Immortal Mountain, he wouldn't have thought of this guy.

"So that's the case, Misty Immortal Mountain ordered that Huanglong Jinxian to attack the master, I'm afraid it has a lot to do with his identity of the Jiuhua Sword Sect..."

Chen Xi's eyes were dark, and he vaguely guessed something.

"Brother Chen Xi, the soul refining mine is just ahead." Qi Xiaoyu suddenly pointed to the distance and said.


Chen Xi woke up from his contemplation, and when he looked up, he saw that in that extremely far away place, there was a stretch of rolling mountains. The mountains were majestic, as if they were boundless.

"That's right, according to the information I got, that's where the soul-refining mining area under the jurisdiction of Xianjun Mansion is located."

Xuanyuan Yun on the side also said, "What are you going to do? Are you going to charge over there directly, or wait for the opportunity to rescue your master first?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully sizing up the vast mountain range in the distance, and said after a while: "Will there be any trouble if you kill the people in the Immortal Monarch's Mansion?"

Xuanyuan Yun immediately laughed out loud when he heard the words: "If it were someone else, it would naturally cause a catastrophe, but if we do it, even if the fairy king of Misty Immortal Continent comes, he would not dare to criticize us."

"That's good."

Chen Xi nodded, and in his eyes looking into the distance, there was a faint icy murderous intent that flashed away.


ps: This chapter was written in a state of drunkenness. If there are any mistakes, I will edit them tomorrow. In addition, the fourth update promised today will be added tomorrow. Sorry everyone, it is my fault that the status is wrong today~

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