divine talisman

Chapter 1259 Meeting Master and Apprentice [Part 1]

Soul Refining Mine.

Lines of ragged figures, like prisoners, shuttled between the densely packed dark mines. When they moved a little slowly, they would be mercilessly whipped by the iron whips in the hands of the nearby guards.


Every time the iron whip is whipped, there will be a piercing sound of flesh and blood, and then there will be one after another of painful moans, and a burst of rampant laughter.

All kinds of sounds are mixed together, filling the air all the time, rendering this mining area like a cruel purgatory.

Things like this happen almost every day, and no one will sympathize with it, because those prisoners are all abandoners from the lower realm.

In the lower world, the Heaven Abandoner might have a high status, enough for every sect to enshrine them as antiques, but in this fairyland soul refining mine, the situation is no different from that of the most humble prisoner.

Because as far as the fairy world is concerned, those who abandon the sky have desecrated the laws of the fairy world and must suffer immortal punishment!


At this time, in front of a dilapidated and dirty stone house in the Soul Refining Mine.

"You guys... actually sold Xiaoyu!"

A skinny old man was furious, and his hoarse voice seemed to be squeezed out of his shriveled chest, revealing an incomparable resentment and pain.

And his weather-beaten, black and chapped cheeks were even more distorted and hideous, his eyes were bloodshot, his gray and disheveled beard and hair were trembling, and he looked like he had fallen into madness.

In front of him, there were five or six guards in black, all standing with folded arms, sneering and disdainfully looking at the furious skinny old man, as if looking down on a ridiculous ant.

"Of course it will be sold. That little girl is still young, and she can still sell it for a high price. If she grows up a bit, she will lose her unique girlish flavor."

A black-clothed guard stroked his chin and giggled strangely, with an obscene glint in his eyes, "It's just a pity, in order to get a high price, we didn't get to taste that little girl."

As soon as these words came out, the other guards all laughed strangely, and their fierce faces were full of jokes.

"You...you are no better than animals!" Hearing this, the old man became more and more annoyed, trembling with anger, roared violently, and rushed forward to fight the opponent desperately.


The guard at the head shot immediately, and an iron whip smashed down through the air, causing the thin old man's body to fly upside down like cotton wool, and hit a rock wall, spitting out blood with a puff, and his gray hair became more and more disheveled. .

"Bah! What, it's been so many years, haven't you recognized your situation? Remember! This is not a lower realm where you can dominate, it's a fairy world! And you're just a prisoner now!"

The leading guard took a mouthful of thick phlegm, and his expression became more and more disdainful.

The old man prostrated on the ground, his angry body trembling, and his hoarse voice was full of incomparable anger, "I, Liu Jianheng, have served ten years in prison and could have left, but you have ignored the laws of the Immortal Court and detained me for a long time. Are you not afraid of being punished by God?" !"

"God damn it?"

When the guards heard the words, they all burst out laughing as if hearing a ridiculous joke.

"You are a person who abandons the sky, and you are also worthy of talking to us about the punishment of the sky?"

"You should be clear about why I have detained you until now. If you agree to Master Huanglong's conditions and explain everything you know, we will let you go now. Otherwise, we will not sell you next time." A righteous girl is so simple..."

"How? Have you thought about it clearly?"

A group of guards spoke and looked at the seriously injured old man on the ground with a sneer, as if staring at a dying bedbug.

"wishful thinking!"

The old man raised his head with difficulty, his thin cheeks were stained with blood, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Old man, your mouth is really hard, you really want to drink a toast without eating a fine! Hit me, hit me hard!"

The head guard's expression sank, and he waved his hand and ordered.


The next moment, dense iron whips sounded, and they all lashed at the old man, making him roll all over the ground, unable to avoid the shadows of the heavy whips, his ragged clothes were torn, revealing a bloody Welt.

When some prisoners nearby saw this scene, they all trembled and showed sympathy.

In their memory, this abandoned man named Liu Crazy has been subjected to such beatings almost every day since he was captured. It has been an unknown number of years, and he is still alive today. miraculously.

Of course, no one wants this kind of miracle anymore, because it is too painful, if it is anyone, I am afraid that I can't bear it and choose to commit suicide.

"You...you...all will die!!"

Crazy Liu's unwilling and angry roar came from the sound of crackling whip shadows piercing the air.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. In this soul-refining mining area, we will only live longer and longer, and you... If you keep being so stubborn, you don't have much time to live."

Those guards laughed wildly and unscrupulously. In this soul refining mining area, they don't have to hide anything at all, because they are the masters here. When the sky is falling, Master Huanglong is also carrying it. Who can do anything to them?

Seeing this, the old man seemed to have fallen into silence, and even though thousands of whips were whipping him, he gritted his teeth and did not say a word. Only in his bloodshot eyes, there was a touch of despair and death surging.

In my mind, scenes in the human world flashed in a trance, including the brothers of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, the apprentices I accepted at Xihua Peak, and the one who I brought back to the Jiuhua Sword Sect from the ancient battlefield. young people……

"Die or die, even if I know the whereabouts of the Dao'er sword, why would I tell you idiots? It's just implicating that girl Xiaoyu...I, I can't be reconciled..."

Crazy Liu felt a deep sense of misery in his heart, but the despair in his eyes became more and more intense. Immediately, he yelled suddenly, his blood-soaked body struggled to stand up, and he slapped himself Slap the head away!

He actually wanted to commit suicide!

Perhaps, he has had enough, tired, desperate...

But at this moment, suddenly——

An incomparably terrifying coercion suddenly enveloped down like a storm, covering the sky and the sun, making the sun and the moon dim. The terrifying momentum made the heaven, earth and void scream like they were about to shatter and collapse.

At this moment, it seems that the sky is about to collapse, the earth is about to sink, and everything is in a kind of trembling!

At this moment, those guards who were laughing wildly were stiff, their eyes were wide open, their expressions were full of shock and panic, and the waving iron whips in their hands hung down like dead snakes.

At this moment, the entire Soul Refining Mining Area was plunged into a great terror, as if the doomsday had come, whether it was the fierce guards or the hard-fated prisoners, they all trembled, and the bone-chilling chill rushed through their bodies, like falling into an ice cave .

At this moment, Crazy Liu, who was covered in scars and soaked in blood and wanted to commit suicide, felt a warm current rushing through his body, repairing his damaged body and smoothing his desperate and helpless soul...

In a daze, he saw a tall and handsome figure appearing in front of his eyes, that handsome face, straight spine like a gun, and indifferent demeanor, all made him so familiar.

Immediately, he couldn't help laughing at himself, how could this be that little guy?I'm hallucinating again...


A deep voice resounded in his ears, making Crazy Liu froze, as if struck by lightning, his eyes suddenly opened, and he stared blankly in front of him.

Yes, that familiar figure is right in front of my eyes, it is not illusory!

"Xi'er! It really is you, little guy..."

Crazy Liu's voice was hoarse, and because of the heavy injury, it was so difficult for him to say every word, but on his withered and blood-stained cheeks, there was a smile of great joy and joy.

The person in front of him was none other than Chen Xi.

Looking at the crooked, thin, blood-soaked old man with scars all over his body, looking at his ragged and dirty clothes, his gray and disheveled hair, and his almost exhausted breath...

Chen Xi suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

That kind of pain was mixed with annoyance, remorse, guilt, anger... It was like a torrent of raging hot molten lava, pouring over every inch of Chen Xi's skin, about to burn him!


At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't hold back any longer, his long black hair flew upwards, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar. The sound was like rolling thunder, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, filled with an indescribable grief and anger, which changed the color of the world!


The terrifying sound wave turned into an invisible storm, and spread out with Chen Xi as the center. Wherever it passed, rocks crumbled, mountains collapsed, and the ground cracked. Almost nothing could withstand this terrifying sound.

Even the guards and prisoners in the soul-refining mine area felt as if they had been hit hard at this moment, their Qi and blood rolled, their seven orifices bleed, and they fell to the ground screaming miserably.

In the arena, only Crazy Liu and Xuanyuan Yun and Qi Xiaoyu standing on one side were not injured.

But when they saw Chen Xi crying out in grief and indignation, both Xuanyuan Yun and Qi Xiaoyu were terrified, and their hearts were indescribably shocked.

Especially for Xuanyuan Yun, it was the first time he had seen Chen Xi so out of control and so angry, and this also made him deeply understand how important the weight of Crazy Liu is in Chen Xi's heart!

After a moment.

The terrifying sound wave surging between the heaven and the earth gradually faded away, and everything returned to calm, but the entire Soul Refining Mine was in a mess, with shocking cracks and scars everywhere, as if it had been severely trampled once by a big hand.

On the other hand, Chen Xi's expression had become completely indifferent, except for those eyes, which were so cold and cruel, as if they didn't have any trace of emotion anymore.

"Master, you were the one who took me from the ancient battlefield to the Xuanhuan Realm. Today, let me take you out of this filthy place."

Chen Xi didn't look at Crazy Liu, because he was worried that he would lose control again, so his eyes fell on the black-clothed guards in front of him, calm and indifferent.


ps: The second update is around 10:[-].

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