divine talisman

Chapter 1260 Ruthless Whiplash [Part 2]

At the same time, the blood in Chen Xi's whole body suddenly seemed to burn, and the boiling murderous intent was like a ferocious beast unleashed, causing every inch of his body to be filled with wisps of divine brilliance.

He took a deep breath, his expression became more and more indifferent, he raised his head suddenly, his cold and deep black eyes scanned the opposite side, and he spoke slowly, his voice was low and calm, and he paused every word.

"Some mistakes, once committed, cannot be forgiven!"


The extremely suppressed murderous intent in the body suddenly swept out, cutting the air into pieces like cotton wool, shattering and spreading in all directions.

Under the impact of such horrific killing intent, the five or six black-clothed guards looked ashen, so pale that there was no trace of blood. The strength of the mysterious fairyland was as insignificant as ants in front of such a brutal murderous intent.

Their hearts sank to the bottom in an instant, and they were terrified to the extreme. Not to mention resisting, they didn't even have a trace of fighting spirit.


A guard couldn't bear the murderous intent, his soul was shattered, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his figure shook, and then he fell to the ground and died, completely devoid of life.

A strong Xuanxian was actually killed by the killing intent released by Chen Xi!


"You, you... who are you, don't you know that you will be wanted and punished by the Xianjun Mansion for trespassing on the Soul Refining Mine?"

"You...don't be arrogant, Master Huanglong will come later, I'll see you!"

This scene was like a fuse, completely driving the remaining black-clothed guards crazy, screaming in horror.The young man who came suddenly out of nowhere in front of him was too terrifying, with monstrous aura and murderous intent, it was impossible for them to resist.

They turned around and wanted to escape, but they were imprisoned by an invisible force, and they couldn't take a step at all.

Chen Xi stepped forward and snatched an iron whip from one of the black-clothed guards. With a flick of his wrist, hundreds of millions of whip shadows poured down like a violent storm, covering all the black-clothed guards.

The next moment, a tingling howl resounded one after another, and the guards were beaten to pieces, blood was flowing, there was no way to escape, no way to hide, the situation was extremely miserable.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi acted as if he had never heard of it. In his hands, an iron whip turned into a huge black dragon that filled the sky, and it whipped down viciously. However, the force was extremely measured, and it could make them feel pain to the bone, but it was not enough to kill them.

This is simply a torment!

The black-clothed guards were beaten so hoarse that their voices were hoarse, and it was really useless to scream every day, and the ground was ineffective, and it was useless to break their throats.

Later, a black-clothed guard was beaten until his mind collapsed, and he fell into a madness. He was foaming at the mouth, crying and laughing like a man with epilepsy.

Seeing those weird scenes, Xuanyuan Yun gasped and blindfolded the eyes of Qi Xiaoyu next to him, so as not to leave any bad shadow on the girl from this cruel and bloody scene.

"Please, kill me, kill me!"

"I don't want to live anymore, please, please—!"

Until later, those black-clothed guards completely collapsed, fell to their knees, and begged repeatedly, hoping that Chen Xi would stop torturing them like this, and only wanted to die.

From this, it can be seen how much pain Chen Xi's waving iron whip brought them.

Chen Xi still turned a deaf ear to all of this, his expression was indifferent, and the movements of his hands did not slow down a bit, appearing extremely ruthless.

He had never been so angry since he entered the fairy world, and all of this was thanks to the damn bastards in front of him, he would not let them die easily.


"This fellow Taoist, you have something to say. If you offend me, please give me a famous word. I will make it up to you tenfold."

In the distance, figures galloped through the air suddenly, all of them were the guards of the soul refining mine area. Seeing those companions who were tortured to the point of death, their faces turned pale, and their hearts felt chills. Dare to stand far away, dare not approach.

"Compensation? Your life will not make up for the hatred in my heart."

Chen Xi raised his head indifferently, glanced at the people in the distance, and then waved his sleeve robe, and cast the Great Imprisonment Technique, instantly imprisoning all the guards in the distance, making it difficult to break free.

puff puff...

The next moment, those guards were also screaming, and fell to the ground like dumplings in a pot, and their figures were ruthlessly enveloped by Chen Xi's black iron whip.

At this scene, some ragged prisoners in the distance were shocked again. They were dozens of Xuanxian guards, but now they were captured by Chen Xi like a vulnerable chicken and dog. It was embarrassing. I can't believe it.


The ruthless whip shadow waved, and the miserable howling sound resounded again.

This soul refining mining area is very large, and there are more than a few dozen guards guarding this place. Many of the guards have already seen that the situation is not good, and they hid in a very far distance, or simply ran away.

But whether they were hiding or running for their lives, they were all firmly imprisoned by an invisible force in the next moment, and then like sandbags, they were captured from all directions and fell in front of Chen Xi.

In almost a short breath, there were already hundreds of guards in black, and they all rolled down on the flat ground in front of Chen Xi in a state of embarrassment. The scene was extremely shocking.

On the other side, Crazy Liu has long been stunned. How many years have passed since he hadn't seen him? The little guy who was only in Nirvana back then has grown to such a degree?

It was like an unbelievable miracle, and even Crazy Liu couldn't calm down for a long time.

The disciple who was brought into the Jiuhua Sword Sect by himself has now grown to such an extent that his strength has even surpassed him by an unknown amount, but Crazy Liu did not feel lost in his heart. Filled with excitement and joy.

Yes, Chen Xi has such strength, he is even happier than Chen Xi.

"Happy! Good fight!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of applause from a distance. It was a prisoner in the Soul Refining Mine. After witnessing everything in front of him, he finally couldn't hold back his excitement at this moment and shouted loudly.

"Fight well! These god-killing lackeys of Xianjun's mansion have tortured and killed many abandoned heavens who were punished here in these years. In their eyes, we are inferior to pigs and dogs. No matter how much we are sent, insulted and whipped And the dignity of being a fairy?"

"Happy! Senior's act of righteousness today has made us see hope again. If we are sent out in the future, we will definitely go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate!"

Following the sound of cheers, there were a lot of shouts around again, all of which came from the prisoners of the Abandoned Heaven who were detained here.

Their expressions were excited, excited, resentful, and some even had moist eye sockets. It can be seen that in this soul refining mine, they also suffered unimaginable pain, otherwise they would never be so excited at this moment.

However, amidst all the excited shouts, there was an abrupt voice: "Senior, you'd better hurry up and leave, if you wait for that Huanglong Jinxian to come, I'm afraid the consequences will be bad."

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a basin of cold water was poured on the heads of those prisoners, and their excitement and excitement were instantly swept away, and they became startled and uncertain.

Even, quite a few of them gritted their teeth, turned around and ran away.

It's not their fault, if they don't take this opportunity to leave, when the Huanglong Jinxian arrives, there will be no chance to escape.

"Haha, if you want to escape, don't think about it!"

"You damn things, when Lord Huanglong comes, none of you will escape! I will tear you to pieces!"

And seeing this scene, among the black-clothed guards who were whipped by Chen Xi, there were some who endured the severe pain and roared with resentment.

This action made the sky-abandoners in the distance even more suspicious, and they turned their heads and fled away without caring to watch. It can also be seen from this how much they are afraid of that Huanglong Jinxian.

Similarly, they were also a little unsure that Chen Xi might be the opponent of the Huanglong Jinxian. After all, in their cognition, this Huanglong Jinxian was a strong man under the command of the Immortal Monarch's Mansion in Misty Immortal Continent, an existence at the level of the Daluo Jinxian , to them, it is like a towering mountain that is difficult to culvert.

Facing all of this, Chen Xi remained calm, but the strength of the iron whip in his hand was getting stronger little by little, causing the black-clothed guards who were shouting loudly to scream miserably, unable to utter a complete word.

But Chen Xi didn't care, but Crazy Liu was a little worried. He couldn't help but want to talk to Chen Xi, but Xuanyuan Yun stopped him and said with a smile, "Don't worry, even if the immortal king comes, he won't dare to intervene in this matter." thing."

Crazy Liu was startled, Xianjun?Don't dare to intervene in this matter?After entering the Immortal Realm, what kind of encounters did my disciple have that even the Immortal Lord is not afraid of?

Ever since he was forcibly extradited to the Immortal Realm, he has been imprisoned in this soul refining mining area, and he has no access to any outside news at all. Naturally, it is impossible to know that the current Chen Xi is no longer Wuxia Amon.


Before Crazy Liu came back to his senses, he felt a thunder-like vibration in the distant void, and the next moment, a blazing golden light burst out, reflecting the sky and the earth.

In this radiant golden glow, a majestic young man in gilded soft armor and a bright yellow crown stepped out of the void.

He was entwined with the Law of the Great Luo, and as soon as he appeared, a terrifying aura belonging to the Great Luo Realm swept over, causing a burst of exclamation from the audience.

"Master Huanglong!"

"Master Huanglong, you are finally here!"

"My lord, someone broke into my soul-refining mining area privately, rampantly, with cruel methods, you have to make the decision for us."

Seeing this person, all the black-clothed guards who had been whipped beyond human shape all cried out in grief, and some even wept with joy, as if they were ecstatic that they had finally waited for their savior.

But the next moment, their voices were replaced by a clear and loud whipping sound, and then, the mournful howl resounded again.

Yes, from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi ignored the so-called Huanglong Jinxian, and still focused on whipping these black-clothed guards.

That look of being as if no one else was there was particularly dazzling.


ps: The third is more likely to be after midnight.

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