divine talisman

Chapter 1261 This child is tricky [Part 3]

Seeing Chen Xi's behavior, the Huanglong Jinxian couldn't help but twitched his eyelids, and then his face darkened, staring at Chen Xi, and said in a deep voice: "This fellow Taoist, wantonly beating my subordinates is too much Bar?"

He also saw that Chen Xi was a great Luo Jinxian, so he didn't make trouble, otherwise, according to his temper, he wouldn't say a word at all, and directly suppressed and killed the other party.


Chen Xi still didn't look at him, the iron whip rolled up billions of afterimages in his hand, and he lashed down at an orderly speed, and there was another howl of ghosts and wolves in the field.

Seeing this, Huang Long's expression sank again, but he was a little surprised and uncertain in his heart.

As we all know, this soul refining mining area is controlled by the Immortal Monarch Mansion, which represents the dignity of the Immortal Court. In the past, who would dare to run wild?

But the young man in front of him was not only acting wild, he even didn't give him any face at all, his calm and calm attitude didn't look like a bluff at all, which made Huang Long wonder secretly, could this young man have a lot of background? ?

Thinking of this, he forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a slow voice: "Fellow Daoist, please raise your hand, I don't know what happened here, if it's the fault of my subordinates, I don't need you to speak up, Fellow Daoist, I will deal with them directly .”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the black-clothed guards who had hoped for Huanglong's help suddenly changed. Some couldn't believe that Lord Huanglong, who was omnipotent in his heart, could be so polite to a young man.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, any Da Luo Jinxian would probably give this Huanglong a face, but unfortunately, Chen Xi still ignored him.

This made Huang Long suddenly angry, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that Fellow Daoist is not going to give Huang this face today?"

"What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to talk to us about face?"

Seeing that Chen Xi remained silent, Xuanyuan Yun couldn't hold back anymore, pointed at the other person's nose and cursed: "Don't say it's you today, even if the fairy from Misty Immortal Mansion came, it would be nonsense, I advise you to hurry up Kneel down and admit your mistake, or when disaster strikes, don't blame me for not persuading you."

This call was not polite, and it fully expressed Xuanyuan Yun's pride and strength as a child of the aristocratic family.

But these words fell into the ears of Huang Long, but he almost couldn't believe his ears, the corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably, and his face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

"Arrogant child, you are courting your own death!"

The humiliation of dignity made Huanglong completely furious, and he didn't care about that anymore, he slapped Xuanyuan Yun away with his palm.


With a shake of Chen Xi's hand, an iron whip that was comparable to a fairy treasure of the Xuanling rank suddenly shattered inch by inch, turning into fine powder, and the fine powder swept away like the sharpest light in the world. Wherever it passed, those hundreds of people The black-clothed guards screaming in agony were like being burned by a raging fire, and in an instant, they were turned into piles of ashes!

With a shake of hands, all enemies are wiped out!

But at this time, Chen Xi's figure had already disappeared in place, and the next moment, he came later and stopped in front of Xuanyuan Yun, and the power of his palm sprayed out the divine brilliance, and slammed into the palm that Huanglong sent in front of him.


The divine light exploded, the golden rain flew, and immeasurable blazing light swept across the world, but Huanglong's body seemed to be hit hard by a hundred thousand mountains, and it flew backwards, smashing a long and narrow crack in the void, which was very terrifying .

With a puff, Huang Long spurted blood from his lips, and immediately looked at Chen Xi in amazement: "Who are you?"

One move was knocked back, and he suffered a lot of injuries. This is not something ordinary people can do. In the years he has traveled across Misty Immortal Continent, only the Holy Immortal Realm exists, so he can be repelled so easily.

"You've had enough nonsense."

Chen Xi finally spoke, but the tone of his voice made Huang Long's expression change again. Before he could react, Chen Xi's figure disappeared out of thin air again.

"Looking for death! This is the territory of the Xianjun Mansion. No matter how powerful you are and how powerful you are, if you offend the Xianjun Mansion, you will never be safe!" Amid the stern shouts, Huang Long dodged again and again, wanting to avoid Chen Chen. Tidal attack.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Chen Xi's ability.

At the moment when he teleported and dodged, a slender long hand reached into the void, and when it retracted again, it had tightly grasped his neck and pulled it out like a dead dog.

"Who are you!"

Huang Long's face turned red, and he struggled frequently, but it was of no avail. He could only stare at Chen Xi with a pair of horrified eyes, full of unbelievable panic.

And seeing a big Luo Jinxian being grabbed by Chen Xi like a chicken in the blink of an eye, those prisoners who hadn't escaped gasped one by one, and swallowed with difficulty.

As for Qi Xiaoyu and Crazy Liu, they had already stared blankly, shocked and speechless.

They had seen how powerful Chen Xi was before, but they never expected that Chen Xi could be so powerful, beyond all their imaginations!

Only Xuanyuan Yun felt normal. Chen Xi was the No.1 freshman of the Dao Emperor Academy, and even beat the top existences of the Seven Great Academies in the Primordial Battlefield. He passed the inner court assessment as No.1. Although that Huanglong can dominate this Misty Immortal Continent, but in front of Chen Xi, it is really not enough.

Even Xuanyuan Yun thought that if he had to make a move, although he couldn't do it as easily as Chen Xi, it would be enough to kill him in a short time.

This is the background of the students of Daohuang Academy. When they were in the academy, because there were too many geniuses and powerhouses, they could not show their sharpness, but in the outside world, they definitely existed like little monsters one by one.


Chen Xi smashed the opponent to the ground like he was throwing rubbish, then looked down and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, but you will definitely die today. I can give you a chance and call all your helpers."

After that, he stopped talking.

"This guy really went crazy today..." Xuanyuan Yun clicked his tongue secretly, he had never seen such a crazy side of Chen Xi.

When the people nearby heard Chen Xi's words, their hearts were even more shocked. Who is this young man? Is it true that he is not afraid of the power of the Immortal Lord's Mansion?

Only Liu Jianheng showed worry. Although he had already learned from Xuanyuan Yun that Chen Xi was not afraid of the Immortal Lord's Mansion, at this moment, he still couldn't help worrying that Huang Long would take the opportunity to call the Immortal Lord to take action, and that would be troublesome. .

However, he didn't open his mouth to try to persuade him. He believed that his apprentice was definitely not the kind of person who would ignore everything when he was passionate.

"Okay! That's what you said!"

That Huanglong crawled up from the ground with a disheveled face. He originally thought that he was going to die, but he never thought that Chen Xi would make such a condition. He was so excited for a moment, so he dared not hesitate, and immediately cast a secret method to seek help from outside.

When he was doing all this, he was still a little uneasy, worried that Chen Xi would turn his back on what he said, but until the end, Chen Xi didn't make any moves, which made him secretly relieved, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could this young man really? Not afraid of the power of Xianjun Mansion?

No matter how surprised Huang Long was, Chen Xi stood quietly in midair without saying a word.

At this moment, time seemed to become extremely slow, and for Huang Long, it became a kind of torment. Every second seemed like years, and he was always worried that Chen Xi would suddenly attack him.

In this extremely depressed state of mind, after a cup of tea, Huang Long finally waited for a helper!


Accompanied by violent void fluctuations, three figures filled with golden light emerged out of thin air. They were three Da Luo Jinxians. As soon as they appeared, the terrifying coercion enveloped the whole world.

"Brother Nan Zhen, Zhou Heng, and Wan Kun, save me quickly!"

Seeing this, Huang Long couldn't hold back his excitement any longer, and shouted, obviously, these three people were also the strongest in the Immortal Monarch's Mansion.

"How could this be?"

"Damn! Someone actually made trouble on the territory under our Xianjun Mansion?"

The three big Luo Jinxians glanced at the messy environment around them, and immediately understood everything, and the next moment they all cast their gazes coldly at Chen Xi.

But Chen Xi frowned, glanced at Huang Long indifferently, and said calmly, "Only three helpers? If that's the case, then you won't be able to survive the next moment."

"Presumptuous, Hugh is rampant!"

A big Luo Jinxian with a beard and hair like a lion's mane shouted loudly, holding a purple fairy knife the size of a door panel, and slashed at Chen Xi.


The purple sword light is like a rewinding waterfall, piercing the sky, filled with violent Da Luo law, and its momentum is horrifying.


But regarding this, Chen Xi just casually stretched out two fingers, stabbed lightly, and smashed the opponent's sword into powder. Putting his two fingers together, even the opponent's purple immortal sword that was slashing down was caught in an instant, and he couldn't advance an inch!

"This child is tricky, let's do it together!"

The incomparably mighty Da Luo Jinxian's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he let out a sharp and long roar, and exerted all his strength, intending to break Chen Xi's fingers with force.


Chen Xi didn't give him a chance, and lightly tapped and flicked the opponent's blade with his fingers.

Immediately, a terrifying force rushed into the opponent's body along the back of the knife, shaking the opponent's whole body, as if being hit hard by a giant hammer in the hands of a god, the purple fairy knife flew away, and his whole body was even more violent. With a mouthful of blood, his breath was weak, and his body was thrown into the air like a sandbag.


At this moment, the other three Da Luo Jinxians, including Huang Long, also charged forward, displaying all their cultivation bases, attacking like a stormy sea, ruthless, ruthless, and terrifying.

Normally, three Da Luo Jinxians were dispatched, enough to crush any Da Luo Jinxian, but the target they chose this time was a mistake, and their attack was destined to be wrong.


They only felt that Chen Xi was gone in a blink of an eye. Before they could react, each of them felt an incomparably horrific force hitting their bodies, as if they were being crushed and trampled by a group of runaway horses. I don't know how many roots were broken, and blood spurted out all over their bodies. The pain was so painful that they couldn't help screaming.

And all of this ended in less than a breath!


ps: The third change is over, ask for a monthly pass~

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