divine talisman

Chapter 1262 The Arrival of the Holy Immortal [Part 1]


The three big Luo Jinxians who had been severely injured fell from midair to the ground like sandbags, filled with smoke and dust, screaming incessantly, it was difficult to get up again, it was extremely miserable.

A moment ago, they were majestic and majestic, teleporting through the void, and a moment later, they collapsed on the ground like dead dogs, screaming in pain. The comparison between the two created an unparalleled visual impact, making the audience Many of them opened their mouths wide and stood there in a daze.

It was so shocking that they couldn't believe it.

You know, these are the four great Luo Jinxians of the Immortal Lord's Mansion, which of them is not a famous big shot in Misty Immortal Continent, but now, in the blink of an eye, they are all defeated by Chen Xi alone!

"You... who are you?"

Huang Long and the others were terrified. As Da Luo Jinxian, they naturally knew very well that the young man who was able to defeat them so easily must have a very special background.

But they couldn't even think of breaking their heads, when did such a terrifying figure appear in Misty Immortal Continent!

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you...offended my master."

Chen Xi withdrew his hands, stopped in mid-air, and looked down at Huang Long and the others indifferently, but pointed at Crazy Liu not far away.


Huang Long and the others looked at Crazy Liu, seeing his ragged clothes, scarred body, haggard and miserable appearance...they suddenly became extremely ugly.

Who would have imagined that a despicable abandoner who was imprisoned here like a prisoner would have an apprentice at the level of a Da Luo Jinxian?

Not only Huang Long and the others, but even the other abandoners who hadn't escaped, were completely stunned. This was so shocking that people couldn't believe their ears.

"This...how is this possible! A man who abandoned the sky, how could he..."

Huang Long's expression was dull, his pupils dilated, and he couldn't believe it.

The same goes for others.

There is no way, the contrast is really too great. Looking at the entire fairy world, who has seen that the disciple's cultivation base and combat power are more than a step higher than the master?

This horrified gaze did not bring any sense of accomplishment to Chen Xi, on the contrary, it reminded him of Crazy Liu's tragic experience again.

Back then on the ancient battlefield, if it wasn't for saving himself, how could Crazy Liu be forcibly extradited to the fairy world by Bing Shitian's "immortal world talisman" to expose his identity as a heaven abandoner?

And if he hadn't been forcibly extradited to Immortal Realm, how could Crazy Liu have suffered such a miserable ordeal?

Now Master Liu Crazy's cultivation is indeed not as good as his own, and his status is like a prisoner. Even his situation is dark and miserable, but all this is not all because of him?

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed and guilty Chen Xi felt. In those dark eyes that were as deep as the abyss, there was already a touch of pain and... an unstoppable murderous intent.

The heavens send murderous intent, the stars move to change places, the earth sends murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land, people send murderous intent, the world is turned upside down... The immortal hair murderous intent, Vientiane sinks!

At this moment, a terrifying murderous intent shot out, covering the world, pulverizing the void, and even oppressing Huang Long and the others. Their faces turned pale and they had difficulty breathing. Every inch of their skin seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, and an indescribable feeling surged in their hearts Horror and despair.

"do not want!"

"Don't kill us, we don't know about this at all. If we knew this earlier, if we had a hundred courage, we would never dare to touch Lingshi."

"My lord, my lord, please be merciful and forgive me for waiting—"

Stimulated by this kind of death, Huang Long and the other four Da Luo Jinxians knelt down and begged for mercy, regardless of face. At this moment, they are no different from those who are timid and afraid of death.

This also verifies the sentence from the side, the more important the person is, the more afraid of death at the moment of life and death, but the small person is often willing to cut the emperor down.

Seeing this scene, Crazy Liu felt relieved, and a sneer appeared on his lips. This is Da Luo Jinxian, hehe...

"As I said, some mistakes, once committed, cannot be forgiven."

The indifferent voice was softly let out from Chen Xi's lips, but it was as if he had been sentenced to death.

The expressions of Huang Long and the others changed suddenly, and before they begged for help again, Chen Xi raised his hand, and a terrifying force emanated from his body, forcing Huang Long and the others to the point where they couldn't even make a sound.

At this moment, their expressions changed again and again, and they struggled desperately, but they were like dying drowning people, vain and powerless.


Chen Xi stretched out his palm, and the divine brilliance wrapped around his palm, like a big hand from the sky, and struck down with force.


But at this moment, there was a sudden vibration in the void, like a torn rag, a stalwart figure appeared,

He has thick brows and broad eyes, a majestic face, wearing a deep purple embroidered python robe, and when he raises his hands and feet, he has a holy aura, with an unshakable majestic aura.

Chen Xi frowned, but withdrew the force of his palm. There was no way, when the middle-aged man in the python robe appeared, he happened to stand between him, Huang Long and the others.

Most importantly, he could clearly feel that the sudden appearance of the middle-aged man in the boa robe was obviously a powerful saint, and his whole body was filled with a sacred and majestic aura.

The appearance of the middle-aged man in the boa robe also shocked everyone present, especially Huang Long and the others. When they saw this person appear, their originally helpless eyes suddenly burst into a blazing look.

"Master Feng!"

"Master Feng, save me!"

They shouted in ecstasy, trembling with excitement, seeing a glimmer of hope falling from the sky from the shadow of death, no one could keep calm.

Obviously, this middle-aged man in the boa robe is Feng Yanshan, the master of the Misty Immortal Continent's Immortal Mansion, an overlord of the Holy Immortal Realm.

On the other side, Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu's expressions changed suddenly, Xuanyuan Yun raised his eyebrows, but Chen Xi's expression remained calm.

However, what everyone present did not expect was that after Feng Yanshan arrived, his expression was indeed extremely gloomy, and he did not even hide his anger, like a fierce beast about to go into a rage, but his eyes fell on Huang Long and the others. on people...

What was even more unexpected was that Feng Yanshan didn't pay any attention to it, stretched out his palm, and slapped Huang Long and others hard.

Bang bang bang!

A holy immortal struck out with terrifying power. In an instant, he saw a palm print made of blazing rays of light, like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, repeatedly hitting Huanglong and the others, beating them like rolling gourds, falling on the ground again and again. Coughing up blood and screaming, the injury became more and more serious.

"Master Feng! You...you..."

"Why? Why is this?"


Huang Long and the others were completely stunned. They never expected that their lord would actually do something to them. This made the glimmer of hope that had just risen in their hearts instantly shattered. They were bewildered and desperate, and almost collapsed.

Not only them, but also Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu were stunned, almost couldn't believe their eyes, this scene was simply too absurd and bizarre!

Only Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun understood something, exchanged a glance with each other, and immediately fell silent.

After half a sound.

Huang Long and the others were beaten until they were foaming at the mouth and dying, Feng Yanshan stopped his hands in resentment, and cursed in his mouth: "A bunch of stupid people, they have eyes but no eyes, they deserve to be hacked to pieces!"

After finishing all this, he turned his head and looked at Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun, and his demeanor changed in the instant he turned around.

That cold and stern look was completely replaced by a warm and friendly smile, even with a hint of humility!

This sudden scene made Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu dumbfounded again. Is this...or the imposing and majestic fairy king just now?

"Old man Feng Yanshan, I met two young friends."

Feng Yanshan cupped his hands, his face was full of smiles, and his voice was extremely polite.

"You recognize us?"

Xuanyuan Yun frowned and opened his mouth, but then closed his mouth again, feeling that this question was a bit redundant.

"Haha, one is an excellent child of the Xuanyuan family in ancient times, and the other is the No. 1 freshman of Daohuang Academy. Although the old man has lived in Misty Immortal Continent for a long time and doesn't care about world affairs, he is very familiar with the names of these two little friends."

Sure enough, Feng Yanshan admitted this very frankly.

The ancient Xuanyuan family?

Daohuang Academy No.1?

The dying Huang Long and the others lying on the ground froze when they heard the words, their faces were ashen, and their hearts were bitter and regretful to the point where they couldn't add more regrets. Only then did they finally understand the identity of their opponents, and finally understand why they lost so badly today ...

But upon hearing this, Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu were obviously at a loss. They have been detained in this soul refining mining area and have no access to outside news. Naturally, they don't know what kind of monstrous power this ancient family Xuanyuan and Daohuang Academy represent. authority.

But although they don't know clearly, when they saw that even a fairy showed such an amicable and even humble attitude when facing Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun, they could roughly feel some of the meaning in it, and felt emotional for a moment. Besides, he couldn't help but wonder, what kind of shocking encounters did Chen Xi experience in the fairy world during these years?

Feng Yanshan was polite, but Xuanyuan Yun didn't appreciate it. He frowned and said coldly: "Hehe, how can you not care about worldly affairs, and just want to write off your responsibilities in one sentence?"

Crazy Liu was startled when he heard it, but what surprised him was that Feng Yanshan didn't care. Instead, he smiled more and more, and apologized again and again: "Xuanyuan, calm down, I'm not sincere about this matter, but I should bear it." I will not shirk my responsibility."

"Okay, you seem to be responsible, but you made a mistake. Chen Xi is not only the No. 1 freshman, he just won the No. 1 inner court assessment and became a disciple of the inner court."

Xuanyuan Yun snorted coldly, but turned his gaze to Chen Xi.

Inner Court Assessment No.1!

Feng Yanshan's heart was also shocked, and he took a deep breath. He knew what the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy meant, and Chen Xi was able to enter it as No.1, which shows how talented this child is. Heaven-defying and stunning.

And such a person is placed in Daohuang Academy, and it must be the focus of attention of those big figures who reach the sky!

"These idiots! Why did you provoke such a noble person!" At this moment, Feng Yanshan wished to slap Huanglong and those people who were afraid of death.

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